Critical Race Theory & The Good News | Darren Stott | Seattle Revival Center | 6 PM

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[Music] [Music] so this is in the passion translation it's pretty powerful so it says hallelujah praise the lord it's time to sing to god a brand new song so that all his people or his holy people will hear how wonderful he is may israel be enthused with joy because of him and may the sons of zion that's us pour out their joyful praise to their king break forth let's stand break forth with dancing make music and sing god's praises with rhythm of drums yes for he enjoys his faithful lovers he adorns the humble with his beauty beauty and he loves to give them victory yes lord his godly lovers triumph in the glory of god and their joyful praise will rise even while others sleep even while others sleep i love it god's high and holy praises fill their mouths there it is his praise fills our mouth for their shouted praises are their weapons of war these warring weapons will bring vengeance on the nations and every resistant power to bind kings with chains and rulers with iron shackles praise-filled warriors will enforce the judgment decree against their enemies this is the honor he gives to all his godly lovers hallelujah and praise the lord so let's worship him today let our mouth be filled with his praise father we give you honor and glory god and we say yes lord let us lord our be a warring weapon let our voice be a weapon of warfare for you god and lord that our praise-filled warriors will enforce your word and the judgment that you want to bring lord the justice that you want to bring so we thank you father we give you praise and glory in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] step out of the grave [Music] break into the wild and don't be afraid [Music] i'll run into odd open spaces [Music] is where the spirit of the lord is [Music] so proud step out of the grave [Music] break into the wild and don't be afraid [Music] dance like the weight has been lifted [Music] is [Music] [Music] freedom [Music] bring all of your scars [Music] [Music] [Applause] open spaces braces oh [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] freedom [Music] jesus [Music] hearts awakens [Music] oh we declare change [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] freedom in this place [Applause] [Music] i'm in this place [Applause] [Music] prophecy [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus jesus is freedom in this place [Music] is breaking down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the spirit's breaking down [Music] freedom [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] so eyes [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus sing his name jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus oh there's cheeks falling right now in the day of jesus of jesus the shades falling right now in the name of jesus jesus [Music] oh depression is leaving as the joy of the lord fills this place depression is leaving it's the joy of the lord there's freedom in this place [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] turned into there's no one [Music] like you into the darkness we rise [Music] is [Music] god you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and if our god is for us then who could ever stop us [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] we live to love jesus [Music] my god how great you are how great how great you are [Music] how great of [Music] i'll yours you up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] the heavens are telling me telling the earth [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] rising and falling [Music] [Music] how great how great [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] singing are [Applause] how great you are [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] grace [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great are you [Music] from [Music] [Music] all the earth will shout your praise our hearts will cry these will say oh our hearts will cry his vote [Applause] [Music] [Applause] these [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] and gravy to be praised [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh king jesus [Music] oh lord strong and mighty all he'll keep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] love [Music] jesus oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus oh my god the world [Music] [Music] [Applause] let us [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] we is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he is holy holy holy he's mighty holy [Music] he's king of kings oh he's the righteous one holy he's our mighty warrior [Music] he's the all-consuming fire oh oh lee he's lord of lords [Music] we ascend we ascend we ascend we come up to the mountain we come up to the mountain of our king and we stand before him because he is righteous and he has made us righteous lord you are god your most high the god most high the god of all every other god we declare you lord of lords and king of kings in this place lord of lords and king of kings in this nation lord we say you are higher high above and your kingdom lives forever your kingdom will never end your kingdom will never end yours is the kingdom yours is the power yours is the glory we give you honor and praise we exalt your name jesus jesus you are the righteous one we love you lord we love you lord wow jesus jesus jesus his name is holy his name is holy [Music] we are hidden in him we are hidden in him jesus wow thank you jesus and we don't want this to stop jesus oh god you're so good you are so good wow we are a people that are called by his name we are a people that are called by his name and we are hidden in him we are in the name of jesus and he is in us if we could only just get a glimpse just get a glimpse of really who we are in christ and who he is in us that we need that glimpse we need to understand who we are and who is inside of us jesus we love you we love you so much god wow thank you lord [Music] jesus it's just like there's a dance up here it's just a wooing of the spirit he wants to dance with you he wants to woo you just that intimate face to face with him that's what he's calling us into he's calling us up he's saying come up and see see what i want to do see what i want to do in the earth and it's that intimate face to face cheek to cheek yeah jesus jesus oh [Music] you're calling us up [Music] you're calling us up to see god yeah jesus [Music] make a joyful noise oh you're calling us up oh god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus you were king you were lord of lords yes god we love you we love you jesus wow he's wooing us into that place he's just wooing us thank you lord that scripture came to me while we were worshiping in in proverbs 21 where it says a warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases breakthrough bringing down the strongholds of the mighty when we ascend and see and declare what we're seeing we're bringing down those strongholds we're bringing down strongholds of the mighty those who are high and lifted up that their thoughts they think they have higher thoughts than god but they don't so they start falling down they fall to pieces wow thank you lord jesus so i don't even really want to leave this place but jesus we need to move on god is so good while we're here let's prepare our offering before the lord and let's just bring an offering to him an offering of thanksgiving an offering of worship so as you prepare i'm just going to pray over the offering you can text to give online at 425-441-3403 or you can give on our app src app where you can give in to the golden bowls like i said this morning we're going into rosh hashanah which is which starts tomorrow night it's the jewish new year and they would bring a great offering before the lord because it's a time of harvest it was a time of harvest so let's just bring a wave offering before the lord so father we thank you lord that we are in you jesus and you are in us and lord we thank you that you say that we shall lack nothing lord that you give us more than enough that you provide all of our needs according to your riches in glory lord and so father tonight we prepare our offering and we bring it to you with thanksgiving lord of the harvest to come the harvests of the past and lord we just want to thank you we want to thank you lord in jesus name amen wow let's thank the worship team that was so good you guys wow okay there i can see thank you lord well i just want to welcome you tonight my name is patty richardson i'm one of the elders here is anybody it's their first time here raise your hand hi we have a gift for you our awakening team has gifts so if you're first time anybody else another one over there anybody else first time oh right here welcome welcome well we just want to welcome you guys so awesome to have you in the house thank you lord anybody else nope okay so we're going to take two minutes are we going to time you and just go around and greet somebody that you wouldn't you that you don't know just say hi to somebody welcome them into the house welcome them and make a new friend so i'll give you two minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so awesome what a good it's just like i mean this is like family reunion right we just get to visit our family this is awesome so bless you guys so we have a announcement video that we can run [Music] hey everyone this is your look at the latest happening here at src we are really excited for this fall because we're about to reboot our ladies teatox men's breakfast and we're also going to be hosting a special welcome lunch for all of our newcomers here at src so ladies make sure you have the date saved for saturday september 11th uh our ladies tea talks is going to be every second saturday of the month starting with that one coming up and then our men's breakfast is going to be every third saturday of the month and so the first one is going to be on september 18th so yeah so ladies meet us downstairs in the fellowship hall and men as well when it's time for men's breakfast and then also for our welcome lunch we want to invite everyone who is new to src this is just a really great opportunity to get plugged in meet our leaders get your questions answered and also just have a really great time of fellowship over a tasty lunch and that's going to be happening on september 26th just following our second service so yeah this is a really great way to get started in the journey of getting plugged in here into community at our church [Music] [Music] hey src pastor corey here i am here with jenny mccoy jenny thanks for being here today you guys we are so excited as connect groups are getting up and going it is time to reengage yes it is hey the the purpose the vision of the church is to awaken people to their identity and destiny in jesus christ jenny what does that mean to you in context of connect groups yes i'm excited for connect groups because we get to connect with each other and the lord at the same time and then as we're awakened in him we can show the earth a greater expression of jesus christ it is so fun to see people coming together encouraging one another building each other up you guys we have connect groups monday through friday we even have one on saturday guys and then sunday of course we're all gathering so check out src find a day that works out for you and sign up today today today come on we have so much that's going to be happening launching into the fall you're not going to want to miss any of it so be sure to tune in to our website or visit our website at to learn more about what's happening this fall at src so part of that was that there was going to be a lady's tea and i sorry to say that we're gonna put it off for one month till october 9th so just so that anybody here that's looking for the ladies tea we are going to just postpone it for one month anyways so i just wanted to say the last this last the series anyways if i can spit it out um a pastor's darren's has just been amazing it's been like thought-provoking it's just stirring us to really think and it's it's really hitting us right where we're at in this nation right now and so it's so it's so awesome i've just i've been so blessed and not that he's just bringing you know what the problem is but he's saying what the good news is which is so good i mean we want to hear good news we want to hear you know what lord what are you seeing in this so i just want to just thank pastor darren for doing this it's just been so amazing so tonight yeah no further waiting we have another video that we're going to run and we're just are you ready for marx believed that the primary mechanism of power and society marx believed that the primary mechanism of power in society was the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat the solution to this conflict according to marx was revolution he believed the proletariat would eventually gain consciousness of its plight seize the means of production and usher in a new socialist society [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] marxist scholars of the era calling themselves critical theorists simply updated their theory of the revolution over the course of the decade the critical theorists gradually abandoned the old economic dialectic of bourgeoisie and proletariat and replaced it with a new racial dialectic of white and black this provided the ideological basis for the radical movements of the era including the communist party usa the black panthers the black liberation army and the weather underground [Music] some people are predicting the possibility of a race war it's not a problem in alabama alone it's a world problem wherever you have two races live is there an answer yes there is an answer the answer is in the cross of jesus christ and there is a possibility of spiritual brotherhood in christ alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] you heard about critical race theory critical race theory critical race theory the teaching of critical race theory how would you define critical race testing curriculum for students as young as four years old where they are teaching them this ideology [Music] critical race theory is anti-meritocratic it believes that merit is racist we're teaching children to hate others because of their skin color [Music] each week it never gets any easier i always think okay well we did that topic and uh and that's good we got that behind us and now we'll just move on um to to the next topic and then uh we begin our study um usually i begin study on tuesday this week i i began my deep dive uh on monday of course gathering information uh over the last few weeks since we put out a um an ask and ask was to our src'ers we're going to do a topical series on sunday nights and we want for you to submit the topics that you want for us to address on sunday nights so that's what you guys did um you submitted a a whole whole bunch of various topics and um uh and i i and then you voted on them and i was sitting down with our with our team and i read over the topics and i said well it looks like here's our series uh week one on august 15th we'll talk about hybrid creatures week two the government in education uh week three gender identity week four critical race theory week five r the rise of socialism week six government control and week seven aliens and ufos most pastors if you ask them to do a series on that they would just quit because no amount of money would be worth taking on those topics um and so i uh so i quit i'm just kidding i didn't quit i we we're we're we're here i will say i knew that some of the topics were going to be uh heavier than than other than other topics and um uh but certainly i thought we'll start off with a fun one like hybrid beings um that won't be that heavy and then uh i then i remember sitting at over at the coffee shop over there at uh daybreak cafe uh diving into my study and immediately my stomach just began to hurt and i just began to think oh yeah i can't even describe how i felt i felt i felt sick i felt gross i thought oh my gosh there's so much going on here i thought this was just going to be a a goofy nephilim sermon um and then that thing ended up going viral people again sharing it and i began getting um you know katie souza said to me the other day well so now you're preaching on nephilim huh i said yeah you know because it was only katie souza that would that would preach on that that her and paul keith davis actually by the way uh don't tell anybody katie's gonna be here in november with dr miles and so that'll be that'll be really good um but we've been diving into this and certainly there was a gravity this week diving into uh critical race theory a lot's going on um we're seeing a lot of uh of of of of um pushing of ideologies and agendas and and and actually a push back um even in our country it was in the headlines this last week of a principal um that was fired uh because he was pushing critical race theory in the school district their um parents are beginning to protest parents are be are becoming active activated activated activist activation book of acts anyways this word act keeps keeps coming up a lot i kind of think that if things are going to change in our nation the church is going to have to learn to act again me and the church is going to have to get activated and actually one of the things that that that i'm really encouraged by is we are seeing the activation of the church in america in the way that we're not seeing in canada we need to be praying for the church in canada because there's some goofy stuff happening there and we're not seeing the resistance coming there from the bride of christ okay there's some goofy stuff happening in australia right now but people are are speaking up and they're standing up and they're they're getting arrested for it you know um we've got this thing that they don't have in canada that they don't have in australia it's called freedom of speech and that's partly of what we're talking about tonight is is this incredible place where i stand tonight grateful to call myself an american knowing that we are truly in the land of the free and the home of the brave that we do have rights and we have the right to speak up and we have the right to push back and that is happening and we are seeing that in in the headlines and so tonight we're going to talk about a problem okay um but it's complicated um it's complicated because um we we've committed uh some some some travesties within our we've committed some great injustices um within our within our country um we've done some things that have been horribly wrong and i'm i'm not even talking about a hundred years ago i'm talking in in in our in our own lifetime i'm talking about um uh uh things like like just it just last year things that happened um in our in our in our country and and it's difficult it's really difficult 2020 was such such a tricky we're talking about things right now that i've had no grid for we're talking about things right now that have actually been in the works underneath the soil for the last 20 30 40 years but are but ideologies that are manifesting now with such militancy and i feel i feel i don't feel like i was equipped i don't feel like bible school really equipped me for uh for for this time you know i i i don't know what you we're talking about we're we're talking about these words that this time last year i didn't even know existed um and it's not new that there's been things that have been um uh this stuff has been taking place this stuff has been um uh uh in the works you know for for for a long long time when it comes to critical race theory um it it is it is incredible incredibly tricky because on one hand i feel like i feel like a a spoiled little white boy getting up here being like they're calling me a racist and that ain't right you know uh uh uh i feel like i don't i don't deserve like do i really get to speak into it like like do i really get to talk about that because there's this pressure of of of of you know you are you are the problem right like like like you are a white evangelical male you know i th that is that's how the media uh refers to me i remember one reporter she goes okay so you are a white evangelical male pastor and i was like well i'm i'm white and i'm and i tried to explain her about the whole evangelical thing and i could tell she didn't really care and at the end of the day it was like no no no you are a white evangelical pastor like you are you are the enemy and i'm like well you're a white female anyways um and so it's it's it's it's incredibly it's incredibly tricky and um uh and and and just just just right off the bat it is interesting that when you read the book of revelation above the throne you actually see a um a rainbow yeah and yeah and why do you see that because a rainbow is god's covenant promise to humanity that he would never destroy the world again because of their depravity this is a covenant promise of his love and yet it's made up of all these different colors and what is interesting is our god is a multi-faceted god our god is a radically diverse god in fact i think a lot of us are going to be offended when we go to heaven and we realize that the songs aren't in english we think that our that our god speaks in king james english we're going to go through and he'll say yea thou you know that this might be offensive but christianity is not an american religion it wasn't composed in america no that's mormonism [Applause] christianity is is from the east from the middle east and actually when you when you begin to look at um uh first century christianity what you have is all kinds of races you see you're there in the middle east you've got the mediterranean culture you've got the italian culture you've got you've got the greeks um you've got african influence and so you've got a blending of all different kinds of skin colors and so back in the first century in in biotech you don't actually see a lot written up about race and judgment on skin tone and the reason why is because that construct didn't yet exist that way of thinking didn't didn't yet exist now there still were um biases and there still was prejudice but it was based more on tribal prejudice and uh and more based off of political prejudice and you see the various you know division is a part of the human disposition it is a part of the effect of the curse okay but then actually what you begin to see is you begin to see racism begin to get a birth more uh far far far later on the whole thing of skin color through the europeans and through the um uh uh uh the justifying of slavery based off of of skin color and this is what we know that that division um uh breaks the heart of god and we know that the lord's prayer is not um i got this from pastor sandy the lord's prayer is not our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name that's him teaching us how to pray so then how does jesus pray you got to go to john chapter 17. and in john chapter 17 we actually get a very provocative look at how jesus prays a very vulnerable look at how jesus christ and how does jesus pray hey dad you know how you i and spirit are one you know how we are one my prayer is that they the church would be one just as we are one and jesus goes into this big big big prayer the lord's prayer is actually a prayer for unity for god's people unity in the church unity in the body of christ and so when we judge people based off of the color of their skin okay when we begin to enter into that that is a violation of the lord's prayer it is a violation of the heart of our father and racism okay breaks the heart of god i believe that racism is antichrist okay yeah so as we get going what we're actually going to see is a response to racism within our country that actually has very little to do with racism i actually feel like racism is actually being exploited as the reason for rolling out an ideology within our country so i wanted to say all of this right up front first we're going to pray and then we're actually going to dive into what is what is being called critical race theory or crt we're going to do a bit of a deep dive as we've been doing on sunday nights um but before we do that we're gonna seek the lord's heart for our country for our own hearts that we would be one and i pray that there'd be just one person in this room that actually gets revelation on how we can begin to dismantle hatred in our country and how we can begin to see reconciliation come in the church because i do not believe that crt or blm is the answer to um to some fundamental uh depravity within our country okay but i do believe that jesus christ is the hope of glory and that the gospel provides answers to racism without any political motivation at all and i believe that we can i believe that as we begin to do stuff as we as we begin to move we can begin to do things with an integrity that would not be possible within any other mountain within society so what i'm saying is we better pray father we seek your heart for tonight i thank you for each and every person here each and every person here is so radically precious lordy thank you so much for our country we've made a lot of mistakes as a country hey but we don't we are careful to not throw stones tonight because we've made a lot of mistakes individually and what we know is that when we come to the cross the cross demands that we all fall to our knees with humility and with honesty because we are all in need of a great savior lord as we talk about a problem tonight we ask that the problem would not dwarf your glory we pray lord that as we talk about a problem tonight our hearts would be enlightened to a phenomenal opportunity in our generation and lord we pray that even as we talk about this tonight that we would talk about with enough honor that we'd actually sow a seed tonight in the spirit because lord we know that you have planted seattle revival center to be a church for all nations to be a house of reconciliation to be a house of honor to be a house where where it's the blending of tribes unto the glory of god so lord we pray lord that we would have a conversation it'd be real it'd be honest it'd be candid it'd be uncomfortable but lord we pray that when it's all said and done we would leave here with great great great faith knowing our god is up to something in the bride of christ we give you this time lord i ask you to be holy and sacred in jesus name amen and nate i'm just going to turn me up a little bit and i'm just going to get i'm just gonna chill out a little bit more here awesome all right when president trump was in office he outlawed federal funding of critical race theory so that tax dollars could not be used to to bring out an ideology in public places what happened was the day that uh president biden was installed on the very first day he reinstituted re reinstated all the public funding for these programs so immediately in 20 at the uh uh immediately in 2021 we began to see all kinds of things beginning to take place again we'll cover a bunch of things that have taken place just in the last year we see the fbi running mandatory weekly struggle sessions on intersectionality and we'll define that here in a second in the name of diversity and anti-racism we see the department of homeland security was telling white employees that they were committing micro inequities and had also been socialized into oppressor roles we see in the treasury department held a training session where they told staff members that virtually all white people contribute to racism and that they must convert everyone in the federal government to the ideology of racism we see in the sandia national laboratories which designs america's nuclear arsenal they sent white male executives to a mandatory three-day re-education camp where they were told that white male culture was similar to the kkk and white supremacists and mass killings the executives were then forced to renounce their white male privilege and write letters of apology to fictitious women and people of color we also saw recently in cupertino california an elementary school forced first graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their power and privilege in springfield missouri a middle school forced teachers to locate themselves on an oppression matrix based on the idea that straight white english-speaking christian males are members of the oppressor class and must atone for their privilege and convert and and and must atone for their male privilege and covert white supremacy in philadelphia an elementary school forced fifth graders to celebrate black communism and to simulate a black power rally to free 1960s radical angela davis from prison where she had once been held on charges of murder at the end of the unit the teacher led the 10 and 11 year olds into school auditorium to simulate a black power rally to free angela davis from prison where she once had been held on charges of murder the student chanted that all the students chanted black power free angela in seattle the school district told white teachers that they are guilty of spirit murder against black children it must bankrupt their privilege and acknowledgement of their thieved inheritance when it comes to critical race theory this is made in the usa and although its ideas have been used outside of the u.s for some time its wine skin is carved out by us history crt is a body of legal scholarship and academ and academic movement of the us civil rights scholars and activists who seek to critically examine the intersection of race and u.s law and to challenge mainstream american liberal approaches to racial justice crt examines social cultural and legal issues primarily as they relate to racism in the u.s when you hear the words critical theory last week we talked about critical gender theory what critical theory is is it is a revolutionary and critical examination of u.s culture and it comes to essentially say that when it comes to gender that gender is a construct of americanism that needs to be revolted against and it demands revolution so that's what we looked at last week that gender is a construct of americanism and it goes all the way back to the founding fathers and the puritans and the only way that this can be addressed we can't just add something on we actually have to go back and we actually have to fundamentally dismantle everything from the very beginning so critical isn't just that you have a critical eye on things even though it is it means to essentially criticize everything but it means that the critical approach to this theory re-examining everything within our country demands revolt so you have critical gender theory that we looked at last week which was the fruit of post-modernism which we learned is really the result of absolute and total absurdity it's hard to find any sort of scientific explanation for critical gender theory everything always comes back to experience that you define who you are based off of experience okay and we can't just point our finger at the critical gender community for that because i know a lot of christians that do the same thing they make up ridiculously stupid doctrines based off of ridiculously crazy um experiences that they had okay um which are either too much pizza or they're just making it up but it's important that we recognize that truth has to frame out our beliefs say amen so when it comes to gender science and biology is very important now critical race theory um uh was not the result of post-modernism no critical race theory is the result of legal scholars and academics um very influential smart and brilliant people that began to put together their critical analysis of american culture before post-modernism which means that there is a foundation to it it means that it does make sense it means that there are parts of it that are that are beneficial and helpful i will also say that anti-racism uh uh uh curriculums are good and we do not want to have races in our institutions and there are anti-racism curriculums that are not grounded in crt and i've been a part of anti-racism trainings that were incredibly enlightening and in the same way that we're diving into a deep dive of crt you can dive into a deep dive of what has happened within our country and it's helpful and if you're white you should do it you should go through it we have this incredible thing called black history month you know and i love it because my kids will do these projects and they'll do these studies and they'll and they will dive into these incredible leaders within the within the within the black community and it's always eye-opening it's always humbling it's always an opportunity uh for for me to examine my own heart and and more importantly ask the holy spirit to come and to examine our hearts now when it comes to critical race theory in the mid-1970s uh in the writings of several american legal scholars including derrick bell now derek bell was a full professor at harvard university again a very smart guy only problem is really you know he hated white people in fact he actually he's on record with an interview on pbs and he says i live to harass white people um you know and some white people deserve to be harassed amen okay don't don't answer that don't answer that derek bell was the founder uh really a lot of people seeing his praises when it comes to crt along many people began to add to his writings alan freeman kimberly crenshaw cheryl harris charles lawrence iii patricia j williams and it began to emerge as a movement in the by the 1980s reworking theories of critical legal studies with a more focus on the more focus on race the basic doctrine of crt includes that racism and contrasting social outcomes are the result of complex changing and often subtle social and institutional dynamics rather than explicit intentional prejudices in individuals crt scholars view race and white supremacy as intersex intersectional social construct which serves to uphold the interest of white people at the expense of mars marginalized communities in the field of legal study crt emphasizes that that formally colorblind laws can still have racial discriminary outcomes a key concept is intersection intersection sorry i'll get it intersectionality which emphasizes that race can intersect with other identities such as gender and class to produce complex combinations of power and advantage here's what that means at the end of the day it's not necessarily just about your skin color but everything needs to be considered and there's even various models where you could put together a gender race american case type system where people can begin being put into various categories that could affect everything of course from the the jobs that you can get um to the communities that you can live in to the um to the places where you where you work okay now when it comes to critical race theory um oftentimes people say that it is connected somehow to marxism when it comes to marxism uh understanding a brief history of marxism will do that i will say that we are actually going to be studying uh next sunday night the rise in socialism in our country okay and basically a socialist agenda uh within our within our come within our country now marxism has three phases and the goal of marxism is noble the goal of marxism is to create basically heaven on earth you know a utopia where everything is the way it ought to be shalom okay and so hey that's noble that's great the problem is is the vehicle by which we get there is not is not good at all and we haven't actually seen a society successfully achieve utopia but in the pursuit of trying to achieve utopia we have seen several nations go through incredible human atrocities so when it comes to marxism 101 all right stay with me here don't get bored here we go the first phase is a revolution must take place hence the word critical a revolution must take place in order to overthrow the existing government marx emphasized the need for total destruction of the existing system in order to move on to phase two i will say on this note that um you know when we went into chop um it was a a fairly chaotic environment um when we were there you know and you've heard the stories before but you know uh you know people getting really really high and then um and then grabbing weapons and you know not not everybody but the particular night the very first night that we got there there were a lot of people that were probably way too high to actually have a weapon um uh you know and and it was somewhat some of these guys are really talented and that like one guy was on one of them unicycle motorized unicycle things um and and he had like an ar-15 and like a baseball bat and like i was you got to be pretty talented to do that but you know when all things were said and done when we were there there there wasn't um when we went in uh we had a lot of favor uh we we connected there and it was and we saw jesus do some really cool stuff they were tired they were they were worn out and what you saw there when we were there in chop which was the capitol hill organized protest was a was a strong marxist kind of kind of ideology okay but it didn't have what they had in um uh at this time when we were there which was at the very very end what they had going on in portland you see when we went to portland you had antifa um that was that was uh in operation alongside of of blm okay and it's what's interesting about antifa is that they subscribe to more of a leonist form of of of communism and and it leads to anarchy um either way there is this this demand from both two different ideologies but they both agree that a revolution must take place in order to overthrow the existing government and the in not just the government but really all of these structures that were created by races so because these structures were created by racists the whole thing is flawed the whole thing has to be uh overthrown we and then rebuilt in order for us to come into utopia this was the belief of karl marx phase two a dictator or an elite leader or leaders must gain absolute control and during this phase the new government exerts absolute control over common citizens their personal choices including their education their religion their employment uh and even marriage you can see this in in in in many countries uh collectivization of property and wealth must also take place in phase three achievement of utopia okay and this phase has never actually been detained uh because it requires that all non-communists first be murdered in order for the communist party to achieve supreme equality in a marxist utopia everyone would happily share their property and wealth and free restrictions that class-based systems require and the government would control all means of production so that one class system would remain constant with no possibility of any middle class citizens rising to the top marx also detailed the 10 essential tenets of communism that include the following a central banking system government controlled education government controlled labor government ownership of transportation and communication vehicles government ownership of agricultural means and factories total abolition of private property i'll i'll hit pause there on the very first week when we did hybrid theories we talked about the global forum for the future of humanity and the video that they rolled out last year where they are sharing their vision for the future of the of the global human experiment and this is one of the the things that they said is that in the future you will own nothing and you'll be happy so it all ties back into the original communist manifesto uh property rights of confiscation confiscation uh heavy income tax karl marx believed that the more money you made there should be a sliding scale so that not everybody pays a certain percentage um where it's where it's even and it's fair that the more money you make the scale should slide so you pay more on on income tax in order to kind of try to get you so that there's there's no one that's really super rich will will penalize you if you're blessed or creative or innovative will penalize you to get you so no matter how successful you are uh you can't really ultimately succeed financially we'll just keep you humble there elimination of rights of inheritance karl marx did not believe in inheritance and also regional planning marxism is a political program it was built on the theory of class conflict marx believed that the primary characteristics of individual societies was the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers the solution to that imbalance according to marx was revolution and this is what we keep hearing over and over and over last year and this year the only thing that will fix our our country is a massive revolution and the overthrowing of everything that has been established the workers would eventually gain consciousness of their plight seize means of productions overthrow the capitalist class and usher in a new socialist society by the mid 1960s marxist intellectuals in the west to begin to acknowledge many of the failures because people were saying what was happening everywhere you know from the soviet union to china to cambodia uh to cuba they were seeing all of these images on the news media began to do something very for the very first time media began to connect nations all of a sudden it really became a small world after all and america is looking at the soviet union and china and they're thinking man that's not good like that's not cool we don't want to be like like that and so because of these failures in these marxist countries um uh basically a new strategy began to get rolled out americans in particular never developed a sense of consciousness or class division most americans believed in the american dream the idea that they could transcend their origins through education hard work work and good citizenship marxist scholars in the west simply adapted their revolutionary theory to the social and racial unrest of the 1960s abandoning mark's economic dialect of capitalists and workers they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of dispossessed based on racial and ethnic uh categories critical race theory is an academic discipline that gained momentum in the 90s thanks to post-modernism it was built on intellectual framework of identity based marxism relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals over the last 10 years it has increasingly become the default ideology of public institutions it has been injected into government agencies public school systems teacher training programs corporate human resource departments in the form of diversity training programs human resource modules public policy frameworks and sk in school curriculums one of the word the words that keeps coming up is um is the word equity equity not to be confused with the american principle of equality but the distinction is vast and important indeed the principle proclaimed in the uh of equality in the declaration of independence defended in the civil war and codified in the law with the 14th and 15th amendments and the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965 is rejected by critical race theorists to them equality represents mere non-discrimination and provides a camouflage for white supremacy patriarchy and oppression in contrast to equality equity is defined and promoted by biracial by critical race theorists little more than a reformulated marxism in the name of equity ucla law professor cheryl harris has proposed the suspending of private property rights seizing land and wealth and redistributing them along racial lines critical race theorist ibrahim x kennedy who directs the center for anti-racist research at boston university has proposed the creation of a federal department of anti-ra of anti-racism the department would be independent meaning that there wouldn't be any sort of accountability to any other branches of government and would have power to nullify veto or abolish any law at any level of government and curtail the speech of a political leader and others who are deemed insufficiently anti-racist one particular result of the creation of such a department would be the overthrow of capitalism since according to candy in order to be truly anti-racist you also have to be truly anti-capitalist in other words identity is the means and marxism is the end an equity-based form of government would mean the end of not only private property but also of individual rights equality under the law federalism and freedom of speech these would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth group based rights active discrimination and omnipotent bureaucratic authority historically the accusation of anti-americanism has been overused but in this case it's not a matter of of interpretation critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the constitution when it comes to even the the the black lives matter organization blm was founded in 2013 by three ladies who boldly declared they are radical marxist alicia garza patrice colors and opal tometi colors and gaza and and i listened to the interviews on this i actually declared we are trained marxists um he said i have trained i have trained and uh i i have trained and studies mao and marx and lennon uh here we go okay yeah we this is this is from uh the quotes here on the screen here we actually do have this is speaking of blm an ideological frame says black lives matter founder patrice colors of herself and co-founder alicia garza myself and alicia in particular are trained organizers we are trained marxists we are super versed on sort of ideological theories in april of 2018 in the interview patrice added i went through a year-long organizing program at the national school for strategic organizing nsso and it was led by the labor community strategic center we spent the year reading anything from marx to lenin to mao learning all types of global critical theory and all about different campaigns across the world patrice colors has also been an open book when it comes to her life and her beliefs in fact in 2017 she wrote a book called when they call you a terrorist a black lives matter memoir which includes a forward by america's most uh famous female marx marxist angela davis a mentor and inspiration angela davis was the communist party vice president nominee in 1980 in 1984 and colors says angela davis is my mentor even before the forward from comrade angela colors begins with marxism the lead quote on the dedication page is from asada shakur who is asada shakur she is a convicted cop killer she's on the fbi's most wanted list and is most likely believed to be hiding in cuba blm what do they support the top priority is abolishing and defunding police departments in every community in the country you know some people say well why can't we say all lives matter because all lives don't matter to blm jewish lives don't matter blm has gone a record many times in being anti-semitic and anti-israel the wide-ranging new platform of coalition growing out of black lives matter movement includes harsh criticism of israel which it describes describes as an apartheid state that claims it perpetu uh uh perpetrates genocide against the palestinian people endorsing the boycott divestment and sanctions campaigns they even had on their on their website that blm exists to destroy the nuclear family but that didn't go over very well so they took it down crt in action so now and we've got uh and you can find just the big thing right now is how do we get critical race theory into the next generation because every ideology is having the same conversation how do we get our values into the next generation every ideology including ours every agenda they're trying to do the same thing how do we roll out our agenda into the next generation how do we train them up to roll it into the next generation which is why uh the church of jesus christ has to wake up and realize that adults are not the heroes our children are the heroes yeah there's a there's a heart right now for the passion of the next generation so we see this right now um uh uh multi-million dollar campaigns being rolled out everywhere um and this is the one from nickelodeon you know typically if you want to teach you know i'm working on a curriculum for our children in our children's church curriculum and the big thing is you got to keep it simple you know simple is is um is important it's memorable you know this is this is what was rolled out um to nickelodeon this will be simple this every kid will be able to remember this 25 25 steps uh including number six acknowledge your own racism and racial bias because you live in a racist society you hold racist ideas and beliefs you cannot choose not to be privileged the more aware you are the ways in which your ideas and behaviors are shaped by race the more effective you'll be at reducing harm believe that black people and people of color when they say that something is racist do not doubt it and of course do not punish people or harm them number eight honor and respect black spaces and spaces of color uh uh number nine take up less space um i've been trying to teach my kids number nine for a long long long time um take up less space for whatever reason uh my kids uh they they have a a hostile takeover strategy of our home their their stuff is just completely all all over the house but i do want to say this um there's also some really really good stuff on here uh take on issues of racial injustice as your own speak up learn learn to listen keep learning about race and racism let me say there's some really good things um the thing that i find really really harmful are uh our these little white kids that are uh going around uh sobbing hysterically uh because they had no idea that they were racist in white supremacy yeah and so um my children are are not racist in white supremacists i am not a racist i am not a white supremacist i'm not a heroin addict okay uh i'm not addicted to pornography okay i'm not a homosexual i'm really convinced of all of those things i dig my wife okay it does no good to take on the track record of humanity or your skin color and to say that that is your reality and that that is who you are and that you need to write out some sort of fictitious apology letter to somebody that doesn't even exist thinking that that's going to fix the problem within our country all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god all are in need of a savior and when it comes to this really really big problem we've got this solution that is being said is the only way what we can all agree on is that humanity needs a big solution humanity needs a big savior and what i hope we will all agree on is that we cannot subscribe to a theory that says the only way to make america uh uh safe is to overthrow every single structure to literally i'll watch one video this last week that said um uh uh the guy was explaining how banking is racist how uh uh government is racist how the factories and institutions are racist that big corporate america is racist you know corporate america is is one of the enemies one of the outspoken enemies of of blm and yet corporate america are the very ones that are that are funding blm so like silly bill gates he's the stinking enemy of blm and a lot of things and but he's the one that's funding them right and so when it comes to this a particular conversation we have to all agree that anarchy and insurrection is not the solution in order to bring heaven to earth do we all agree on that the anarchy and insurrection okay that is not how we are active as the church of jesus christ and we cannot be a part of a system that says the end justifies the means if we're a part of a system that says it's okay for me to sin a little bit right now because if i sin a little bit right now it's going to bring forth a righteous outcome sin never brings forth a righteous outcome so i want you i want you to i want you to open up your bibles to philippians 3 and we're going to look at verses 12 to 13. and we're going to look at some good news here okay philippians chapter 3 verses 12 and 13. chapter 3 verse 12 not that i've already obtained this or am already perfect this is the apostle paul that's what he says i still got some issues anyone i still got some issues not that our country has obtained this or is already perfect our country still has some issues and some of these issues are really big issues and when it comes to some of these you know some of the stuff that we saw even this last year i mean with you know we've just seen some things and somebody needs to speak up somebody needs to do something somebody needs to say something right and the church just i mean when it comes to race it's not just race the church hasn't spoke up on anything especially race the church hasn't spoke up on anything you know and that's what made last year so tricky when when do i speak up when do i say something do i say something don't i say the wrong thing you know last year was it was so so so so true with everything that happened was just the travesty that happened there with with george floyd you know and i just remember good friends of mine good friends of mine of color and feeling an awkwardness and just being around uh my friends of color and being like do i say anything if i say anything does that make me weird is is do i can i love you right now if i hug you are you gonna feel like i'm just trying to make up for for something you know and and i know it felt the same way i had these conversations with my friends of color um during last year but it just felt like why why does it feel like i'm the enemy right now why does it feel like you're you're you're the enemy right now and uh and listen there's a lot of areas of imperfection and how do we deal with these areas of imperfection how do we deal with these areas of of of of of of of injustice how do you do deal with these how many you you've got areas of injustice within your own past within what maybe you're you're being raised but something happened to you and it was and it was tragic and and you're just like man how do i process how do i process through that like and and now it's no longer about race it's about every human being that's it's about every created child of god how many of you there was a trespass that was against you and i know that some are greater than others and i know that that the racial conversation goes back generations you know and justified trespasses within your ancestor and man that goes deep and i have no idea and i can't pretend for a second but if if you have been a victim of some sort of trespass where somebody has hurt you deeply would you just raise your hand really high and keep it up don't lie i know we're at church but don't lie we're in your past you've been you you were hurt go and keep it up put it down everybody that's never experienced hurt within your past go and put your hand up [Laughter] pastor gail i've never been hurt by anyone how many of you you dealt with that hurt in an unhealthy way where's your hand good i thought it may just be me how many you got like super just super angry and just and just and you just let your anger get the you don't you don't have to keep raising your hand but god bless you for your honesty you didn't know what to do you felt you felt powerless you just felt like man just like such a victim of this thing and where did that anger where did that anger take you did it lead to a righteous end how many of you and don't raise your hand but you were incredibly broken and that brokenness led to bitterness and was that was that bitterness helpful or was it or was it hurtful i'm i'm speaking to every person here in this room right now every single person in this room right now we have been on the other side of the effects of sin and if we're honest every single person in this room has hurt somebody else every single person in this room has lied to somebody every single person in this room did something out of our own selfishness and not from a place of of selflessness this is what paul says not that i've already obtained this or i'm already perfect but i press on will you just declare this i press on to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own brothers i do not consider that i have made it my own but one thing i do forgetting what lays behind and straining forward to what lies ahead is what this way says one thing i do one thing i've been committed to is that i have consciously decided to make a commitment to let go of the past in order to begin engaging with the future i've made a resolve i've made a commitment to burn all the plots for my revenge and instead instead engage with the grace of god so that the future can be unlocked and that the restoration scroll of the lord can be enrolled i make a decision meaning that i am activating my will and i'm saying to this pain pain tonight i'm letting go of you to the people that have hurt me i forgive you and i release you this is paul paul says we need to acknowledge where we're really at he goes not that i've already obtained this not that i'm perfect i've got a long ways to go but i've decided i'm going to press on i'm going to make it my own because christ jesus has made me his own paul says i know where i'm at i know i haven't arrived yet i'm not perfect but i'm not content in my imperfection this is what he says i am being perfected it's okay to not be okay we can't get around what we're not willing to address and this is what religion says when you're when when you get hurt when you've been victimized religion says you need to stuff it you need to get over it just get over it right this is what the world says vent it tell everyone get on facebook every night and just spew it so religion says get over it stuff it be like jesus be tough grow up be a man the world says vent it and this is what paul says acknowledge it but don't empower it to control you or to define you these issues these hurts these kinds of things we acknowledge them and if we are the perpetrators of them we take responsibility and we repent for them but we don't let these things define who we are there's only one biblical way to forget what lies behind and this is what we as a church need to begin to model this is what christians people that aren't saved people that aren't in the world and people are like destroy everything but they don't know jesus then what do you expect maybe if you don't know jesus if you don't have christ jesus as your hope of glory then maybe you're looking for a savior you're looking for an answer and so if everything just looks jacked then yeah destroy everything but if jesus is your savior then truly the destruction of everything can't be can't be the answer for those that are in christ for those that are here tonight and you i and you identify as a as a christian there's only one biblical way for us to get untethered from the past and that's through forgiveness forgiveness unlocks the future and unforgiveness locks us to the pain of the past forgiveness unlocks your destiny but unforgiveness will shackle you to every pain and disappointment of the past some of us we haven't advanced at all in the last 15 years why because we are still chained to the incident that happened 15 years ago but it can get unlocked tonight when you say i am resolved not that i've already arrived but i acknowledge where i am at and tonight i declare i forgive i release dr charles rayson uh he's the associate professor of psychiat of psych psychiatric studies at emory university school of medicine he's also a uh a mental health expert doctor does a bunch of stuff on cnn uh and this is a quote from him bitterness is a nasty solvent that erodes every good thing that could preach bitterness is a nasty solvent that erodes every good thing the data that negative mental states cause heart problems is just stupendous the data is just as established as smoking and the size of the effect is the same here's what dr charles rayson says you want to have a healthy heart you want to be healthy the number one killer in america heart sickness where is this coming from for a lot of us our inability to forgive this place where i love jesus i love jesus i love jesus but we are con perpetually being haunted by the past and unable to escape it in hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 it says says this hebrews 12 15 says see to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of god and that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble and by it many become defiled a bitter root judgment is really really interesting what it is is it's an expectation that sabotages our destiny it sabotages relationships it sabotages our future and here's how it works something happens to you in the past and you allow for a bitter root okay it's like like you know so if you want to know your fruit you have to look at your root and when you allow bitterness to be in your root that is going to frame out your fruit practically what does that look like okay that looks like your own dad was physically abusive just used to beat you up was very cruel it was very painful used to just trash you and then one night you say i swear to god i will never be like my old man i will never be like my dad and you make a vow that comes from this place of deep bitterness within your roots and skip a beat you can see sociologists will confirm this time and time again of generational patterns of physical abuse sexual abuse and from people that said i swear i will never be that person i will never be that person when bitterness gets into your root it will frame out the trajectory of your future and your fruit so then what do we do as believers we have to begin to inspect our heart we have to begin to ask just like david did holy spirit come and search me come and know me come and create a clean heart within me so that when there is accusation that is not fair that that that that darren you are a racist that is an accusation okay um uh uh uh and accusation is uh as a spirit okay um and uh and this whole thing of uh perpetual criticism and putting on lenses by which you criticize everything in society and everything that's white that's spiritual but it can be dismantled and how how do we dismantle it through love through the love of the father why because i know what i'm talking about right now and if you're here this morning we talked about it even even this morning the kindness of god is what brings people to repentance i was once bitter and vindictive and i was justified in all my thoughts and all my angst that i had against the church that i had against pastors that had against all these things and the lord in his cleverness and in his sneakiness subverted i was you know it's funny you know critical theory i was like the chief of critical theorist i could sit you down and and i could probably talk you out of christianity talk you right out if you sat down with me there's there's a possibility i could i could talk you out of ever going to church again because i i had a good case i had a good case for why churches suck all of them and then one day got dismantled how did it get dismantled pastor gail invited me to come meet with her i did not want to meet with her i told my mom i do not want to meet with her i'm not going to meet with her she's going to try to get me back at that church i'm not going back to that church i am done with the church i am done i am ah yeah but i've always respected her and so i sat down with her and what did she do she began to apologize for things that she hadn't even done she began to apologize for things that she hadn't even what did she do she humbled herself you know so here's here's the problem i don't like what's happening in our schools i don't like what's happening in our workplaces you know it's a little bit funny to think that there's these fortune 500 executives you know that are you know doing some of the goofy things that they're doing it's not funny i mean it's not right okay and you see the stuff that's taking place and you're like oh my goodness is this is this really is this really happening okay um but there i was in in in in fashion girl's office and when she did she humbled herself she said will you forgive me i said pastor you didn't do anything wrong but i felt like i needed to just be nice okay and so i didn't even i didn't even mean it but you know what i did i mean i think i don't even know okay but i said i forgive you and guess what happened the lord tricked me this wasn't matrices not being manipulative at all she was not being she was sincerely sorry i said gail you didn't do anything wrong she said somebody needs to stay in the gap and you guys sometimes somebody needs to stay in the gap sometimes somebody needs to stand in the gap sometimes a priest needs to stand in the gap she apologized for things that she did not even do not because it was part of a script but because the holy spirit told her to passionate gayle doesn't go around doing that to everybody hey i wanted to apologize nah she doesn't do it there's a lot of things that pastor gayle will not apologize for she does not care about offending people at all pastor gayle does not care she's just gonna tell you like it is but she's obedient to the spirit and she's being obedient i said okay fine i forgive you and when i said i forgive you without even realizing it my heart opened my heart opened and all of a sudden i was open i was i didn't even realize it wouldn't mean my heart open well skip a b i was on a hunting trip and i had a dream that i was back here and the lord used that dream to put a desire i woke up from the dream i was i was singing this song that i'd never heard before i was singing this spiritual kind of song i was leading worship all this kind of looking for the dream for the very first time i actually wanted to come back i wanted to come back why because i got tricked into forgiving not that i've already arrived i've got a lot of issues but this this is one thing that i've learned this is one thing that i'm really committed to do i made up my mind to press on to push forward i've made up my mind to keep moving forward and the only way i can do that is to forget all that lays behind can i be honest with you this last week i was i was rocking my baby and all of a sudden some thoughts began to come up about some of the stuff that happened in the past with our family some things started coming to mind about some pastors that did some very not cool things some not cool thing this is the kind of stuff that i'll never be able to speak of and all these memories started just coming right started coming up and and you know when i sat there and you know what anger did not fill my heart hatred did not fill my heart i could process through the pain of the past and yet there wasn't any poison in it why because that is the power of god's transformational grace [Applause] the lord's going to use us the lord is going to use you look at the person actually say the lord's going to use you to be an ambassador of reconciliation to be a minister of healing to be a herald of hope you want to know the danger of watching fox news non-stop newsmax all this stuff watching it non-stop there's a spirit in it there's a spirit in it and you know what will happen if you're not careful your spirit will begin to tether with that spirit and you'll get a militant thing that thinks that you're justified to attack flesh and blood when we're not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principles and powers you don't know what the lord spoke to me i'll tell you so the lord spoke to me he said i don't really care for systems much he said i don't really care for theories but i really really love people you all know what's worse than crt cwp critical white people what's worse than critical race theory critical white people got one person in agreement what does that mean this thing it's a trick it's it's a trick it's a trap it's a trap for the church this is not the night where we say yeah we're going to take a stand we're gonna we're gonna go oh this is this is no we get all get our milk and angst on like yeah let's just let's destroy everything wait what does that sound like let's fight everybody wait the danger of of of of of of all of this it's all these information wars all of this stuff is that all of a sudden we begin partnering with the very same spirit how many how many times have you seen in the church people railing against a religious spirit but what have they done they have begun to partner with an anti-religious religious spirit so the religious people are attacking all the people that are uh anti-religious and then the anti-religious people begin attacking the religious people and it's the same spirit it's the same demon and this is the same thing that that that the enemy wants to do here critical race theory and so let's be critical of them let's be critical of the gen let's be critical okay let's put on our our accusation lenses so everything we look at we're bringing accusation accusation critique critique and then where does that lead everything must be destroyed why because that's a spirit it's not of the holy spirit and it's not of a spirit that comes to bring life and life abundantly it's the spirit that comes to bring destruction and it tricks us into thinking destruction will lead to utopia but that's not the holy spirit that's a demonic spirit we're not allowed to partner with that spirit so what do we do we train up our kids we show them american history we show them the good the bad and the ugly we don't try to censor the past in the same way that we don't try to censor our own paths from our children and what do we teach our kids all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and we're all in need of a savior and this is what we say you know in the in the in the bible we don't rip out the people in the bible that had big major sin issues [Music] in the same way we don't tear down monuments in our country from people that had some pretty big major issues [Music] what's honor honors the ability to celebrate somebody for who they are without stumbling over who they aren't if you can't honor the founding fathers you won't be able to honor your own father honor your father and your mother that's how life will go well for you but you don't know my dad you don't know my mom my mom she allowed him to do that [Music] it's not easy but this is a supernatural key that pain does not give us permission to dishonor people within the past but we seek god's heart for who they were without stumbling over who they were dad you had a lot of issues but i honor you i forgive you and i release you of all judgment because i do not want any bitterness in my roots bringing out fruit i thought the problem was crt no the problem is sin and humanity the problem is those own things that we're filling in our own heart and that's why i wanted to conclude tonight for us our seers to say we're making up our mind well listen we can't we can't change we can't change people that are in that place and in that time that are fighting but we can invite holy spirit to come and change us in fact the only person that you have permission to control is yourself [Music] jesus only needed 12 people to change the world [Music] how many people do we have here tonight declare this with me i will not partner with the spirit of this world for i'm not of this world i'm a part of my father's kingdom so jesus let your kingdom come let your will be done through me let me release forgiveness let me be an ambassador of reconciliation father you know okay i'll just tell you i know it's late and we all want to go home make nachos but i'll just tell you a real quick story just a couple months ago the church flew me out to spokane it was a last minute thing i said can you come over and say absolutely so they flew me over it's like two weeks notice and this is this is recent went to that went to that meeting i asked the lord what am i supposed to speak on he didn't tell me that happens that happens sometimes i get all the way there i go into the meeting what am i supposed to speak on i have no idea the pastor says to me well you know what you're going to bring tonight i said nope i get up i got the microphone i still don't know what i'm going to preach on no notes so all of a sudden the lord was like tell your testimony and he was like and tell it not the fast version tell it i'm going to tell it it was a lot more like he was he he was like go there go there like go into the pain of your past like go there okay the lord gave me permission to take an entire room into the pain of my past and i went there i told all about pastor gayle repenting to me that whole thing i'll tell you all about how i for forgive and awesome and then we went on with rest night and healings broke out we saw some people get healed of some stuff and it was really cool lots of people get saved it's really really good all of a sudden i was going to leave and a young man came up to me he said your story is my story exactly i was raised in the church i was i was going to bible school to become a pastor and then he told me what had happened to him he denied the faith he walked away from lord and he hadn't been in a church service in over 10 years that was the first night that he had been in a church service in over 10 years and i told the story what happened to him you know i know what i said to him i'm a pastor i want to repent for what happened to you and i began to go through the whole thing would you forgive me for how your heart was hurt will you forgive me for how you were betrayed well you forgive me because a lot of big promises were made but they were not kept you were used will you forgive me i'm sorry and he did the whole thing he heard my testimony he says but you're not the one i said no i know but will you forgive me he says yes i for and all of a sudden he began to go through deliverance he began to get set free guess what i just talked to his pastor this week his pastor just conducted his marriage young guy just got married he's walking in purity he's walking in sobriety which he hadn't been doing up to that of that night radically set free why because the power of forgiveness reconciliation and repentance and repentance do it again lord do it again lord do it again lord next time somebody comes at you with accusation you want to defend yourself you want to fight you want to go all ten kinds of tucker on them put away the guns and ask how would jesus respond and don't follow a script or a formula from tonight you hear from the lord and know that you can dismantle accusation with humility and with honor and if we as the church of jesus christ can learn to be humble and honoring and if we can begin to listen to the holy spirit we can transform this whole thing and i can tell you this america does not have to be destroyed in order to bring it into a better place let's stand let's stand listen [Music] father i pray lord let me be a vehicle of honor and not dishonor i pray at the end of my life that people wouldn't say about me he was so bold and he just took on everybody he didn't care he didn't fear anything but i pray at the end of my life people would say darren was a really kind man he was kind to his family he was kind to his church he was fair he was honest and he had the love of god in his heart [Music] father would you examine any any sort of way that we've been unintentionally partnering with the spirit of this world thinking that that's going to make a difference father we repent for self-defense trying to defend ourselves [Music] we just say jesus you can be our defense you can be you can be our advocate [Music] jesus we thank you that you're such a kind savior you're such a restorative savior you're such a redemptive savior father we ask lord for your blueprint for reconciliation for the church lord we ask for your blueprint for racial reconciliation for the church and lord we ask that the weirdness of this world would not make us weird in the church lord we pray lord that despite all the narratives that are taking place that we truly would be colorblind we'd be like just like they were in the first century church where color wasn't even an issue that we can love each other respect each other and honor each other and promote each other and connect each other to really really cool people in the kingdom and that lord that the thing that would make us the most satisfied is to see other brothers and sisters within the body of christ and entering into places of great success lord that we wouldn't have a jealous spirit lord but lord that we'd have a spirit of honor and a spirit of celebration lord lord i ask lord that see our bible center we'd have such a culture of celebration that we would celebrate each other we would promote each other we would connect each other we would lift each other up and that we would not tear each other down lord we pray lord that we would instill these values of honor and forgiveness and and honesty within our own children that we don't have to hide things from them we don't have to censor conversations we can have difficult conversations but we can point to the redemptive and restorative grace of our lord jesus christ [Music] father we thank you that you have answers for humanity lord and that you have answers for this country and lord we do pray lord for a third great awakening for the united states of america that from the church of jesus christ would come a would come a sound and a frequency that reeks of the gospel that would have no political agenda behind it but the only agenda would be to grow heaven on earth the only agenda would be to see sons and daughters awaken to the reality that they have a good good father who loves them oh so very much so lord we thank you father for the opportunity to be in seattle washington [Music] we thank you for the opportunity to be in washington state we thank you lord for the opportunity to be in the pacific northwest and we thank you lord for your lenses and your perspective to pick up on what you're doing and we say lord and you we trust and you we live and you we move and you we have our being and lord we are honored to be alive for such a time as this we thank you for what you're doing in the education system we thank you lord for the teachers that we've been in conversation with we thank you for the the blueprints that you've been downloading not just into src but even into this even into this region i was just contacted this last week from an organization with all kinds of funding and all kinds of things they want to sit down and have a big round table to discuss the church and education here in this in this area guys i am telling you god is doing something so big it's going to be so disruptive it's going to be so redemptive it's going to be through the church of jesus christ [Applause] listen if you need prayer for anything we'd love to pray for you we'd love to stand with you if you need a pastor to repent to you pastor gayle will be up here [Laughter] otherwise thank you for being a part of tonight this is the last thing i want to ask for if you've got feedback from me if you can bring greater perspective into what i've spoken to tonight i would love to hear it from you i honor you i honor your perspective i know in part and i am not an expert when it comes to these matters but i am a student and if there's something that you can that you can send to me maybe don't share it with me tonight because i'm already a little overwhelmed it's been a big week but just shoot me off an email uh let me know what you think let me know how you feel and let me know how we can be a better church and uh and a better team when it comes to really honoring people of color and even honoring people who don't really have a lot of color yeah all right that's me awesome love you guys god bless thanks [Music] you
Channel: SRC LIVE
Views: 250
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Seattle Revival Center, Bethel Church, bob jones, Bobby Conner, Charlie Shamp, Patricia King, Darren Stott, Faith, Bethel, Bill Johnson, Bethel Redding, Elisabeth Cooper, SOZO, SOZO Belfair, Tom Cornell, Pastor Tom Cornell, Judah Smith, SRC, BSSM, Pursuit NW, Pursuit Northwest, New Poets of Immortality, Psalms, Sean Feaucht
Id: OuVLnWbXIv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 43sec (8443 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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