How to Transform Anything | Darren Stott | 11 AM Service

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love for us and that while we were still yet despicable depraved sinners okay christ died for us let's pray father it is such an honor and it is so humbling that we can stay with confidence that we are sons and daughters of the most high god and we give you so much thanks and praise for your incredible mercy and that you died for us you saved us you saved us from us you saved us from our ancestry and you tied us into your holy righteous bloodline we are grateful we are thankful we thank you for this gift of life we thank you that we get to be here today we thank you that we get to be here together jesus we give you this time holy spirit we just pray that you do what you what you do here in this passage and that you would pour the father's love into our hearts even as we study your word i pray that when we leave here today we leave changed all of us we would leave change and that we'd have our own epiphany moment today yeah god you are good and you're doing a good thing in us and you're doing some good stuff with us and through us and we're so honored that we get to do cool stuff with you god you're our dad we are your children and we are eternally grateful in jesus name amen amen amen amen okay let's go back to the text therefore since we have been justified by face okay therefore since we have peace with god therefore since we have access by faith into this grace we have we have we have what does that mean it means we are we is i am just declare i am when whenever you're gonna look at your own transformation story you gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta know who you are you gotta know what you what god has done you gotta know where you is and this is what paul says hey therefore let me remind you this is where you're at you've been justified by faith you have peace with god okay so just to close me right now i am you you are you are because you've been through some process you've been through some transformation okay i am i am i am just declare i am justified i have peace with god i have access into this grace i rejoice in this hope he says even when suffering comes i can i can rejoice this is actually what he's saying that no matter what satan tries to throw at you okay that no matter what he tries to throw at you it just becomes an incubator for rejoicing and that when whenever the enemy comes after you and you handle it with rejoicing what happens is is that the attack of the enemy comes underneath the grace of god and it creates a glory dynamic by which the kingdom gets to get carved within your own soul and you experience the fruit of which we call maturity how many of you you're maturing how many you don't even really recognize yourself anymore like like like you look in the mirror i've been i've been through this process i don't know when this when this actually happened but but i would say that i am i am i am it praise the lord praise the lord i'm not who i used to be but you know what paul does how many you know sometimes sometimes little things pop up and and they remind us of all who we used to be and this is what paul says he goes this is who you is but you haven't always been this way and verse six he was like hey you remember remember you remember you remember who you used to be you remember remember remember the rage remember the anger remember the temper tantrums do you remember verse six for a while we were still weak do you remember when you were unrighteous do you remember what it was like do you remember when i was he says you is but you was do you remember the i was before you were justified before you had peace with god before you had access before you had grace before you had hope of the glory of god before you knew about this thing called rejoicing the enemy is attacking me yeah yes awesome why because god's carving something deep inside of me do you remember before all of that do you remember when you was when you was you were weak you were unrighteous there wasn't a lot of access and you had these usual suspects you had these villains that were coming after you before jesus you tried to be your own jesus before a savior you had to try to be your own savior back back in the i was so what paul does is he contrasts i was with the i am with your past with your present and this is what we're going to do right now i'm going to remind you of who you used to be i'm going to remind you of those spirits that used to come at you in the past why because if we can't talk about if we can't contrast who we used to be versus who we are and what used to come after us um if we're not careful we'll realize that those spirits that used to come after us in the past okay we might take on their character and nature into our present day identity and so because of this um we're gonna look at some of the usual suspects that used to come after us back when we are we're our own salvation project back when we used to try to transform ourselves because this is what paul's saying he's saying hey your transformation was made perfect because you went to a perfect savior jesus christ and if your transformation hasn't yet been made perfect because you've been trying to save yourself this is the part of the message where i point you to jesus the christ the holy and anointed one i am here today not because i'm good enough i'm smart enough and dog gonna people like me i am here because of jesus the christ because he is a sufficient savior okay but let's go now but back in the days of the old days when all this old stuff used to come after you and so um because okay uh because you were weak because you were unrighteous because you were uh uh ungodly um you had and because you were a kid a caterpillar there were these there were these villains and these these villains would come and in the form of condemnation anxiety uh compromise uh striving uh or orphan thinking and that whole time when you said i was you were just saying i am the way that i am this is who i am i'm a caterpillar i haven't experienced my transformation yet this is the way it is this is the way it's always going to be and so because of that you had the villains of of condemnation okay and and condemnation comes as an internal voice you never actually hear no no you hear this voice um inside of you and and and and you feel the frustration because you know you need to change you know there's things that aren't right and and um and you know that that people are judging you et cetera et cetera et cetera and so you got this internal voice this is what it says i try and i try and i try and i keep failing i am a failure and at a certain point this spirit of condemnation comes to say man forget it it's not worth it just give up just quit that's that spirit of condemnation i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying to be a good christian i'm trying to be a good employee i'm i'm trying to be a good wife i'm i'm trying to be a good parent but i keep i keep i'm keep failing and because i'm failing i'm a failure and so i i need to quit i need to give up i'm a failure i am the way that i am i'm a failure because i've failed and every time i try i failed and i failed a lot just this last week just today just in the last 30 minutes i didn't even know it was possible to fail during worship but i failed like five times during worship that's how big of a i'm the biggest failure in the room forget it i'm done give up give up give up the spirit of condom the spirit of condemnation just says nobody likes you you're not measuring it just quit just give up give up give up and people people in the world they're hearing this all the time people in the church are hearing this all the time and what we need to realize is that this is a voice this is the voice from the past and this is not a good motivating voice you partner with his voice you're not going to transform anything why because you're going to get so excited at church service i'm going to turn it i'm i'm going to transform everything and then you're going to run out on monday you're going to fall right onto your face and say i failed i'm a failure i quit i give up or in the past you got super excited about something and you failed so you called yourself a failure you quit you gave up and you said i'm never going to take a risk ever again because last time i took a risk i failed making me a failure i suck i hate myself thank god that's who you was all right and what about anxiety okay anxiety this uh uh what is it what is anxiety what's anxiety is this place we're living outside of the conscious awareness of the peace of god the shalom of heaven this is what the enemy comes to do he says look at that reality look at this circumstance look at this fact because of this fact you should be afraid you can't really trust anyone you can't really trust anything you can't really trust people and my lord there's a lot of people in this room and even though they're all looking at darren they keep glancing at me i don't like this place i don't like this room i don't like these people i am freaking out right now i just want to get out of here what does the anxiety do it comes to say you are safest when you're by yourself you're safest when you are alone you can't ultimately really trust anybody they are they're all out to get you okay so protect yourself go into survival mode go and go go into that place and that is that spirit of of of of anxiety do you remember those days that's who i that's who i was that's not who i am why because paul said we already see it right here that we have peace with god through our lord jesus i mean this the hebrews would call this shalom which shalom is a verb by the way do you know that peace is actually a verb it means to drive out any agencies that would bring anxiety or anarchy yeah or chaos thank you sandy the peace of god the shalom of god it's a verb it means to drive out the spirit of anxiety just say this right now anxiety you ain't me you a demon you're not of the holy spirit anxiety i renounce you can't be friends anymore now i want you to do deliverance on yourself come out right now out right now out and up out and up out and up and to the pit in jesus name how about this sucker another another predator of caterpillars that predator from your past compromise how does how does the dynamics of compromise work i've worked hard this is the internal voice that we hear i've worked hard i've tried i've tried i'm doing a good job but they don't see it they're not going to reward me no one's going gonna reward me so i'll reward myself i'll reward myself in a way that i know isn't good for me it's not good for my relationships it's not good for my health but i will i will do this because because it's because in the moment it will feel good i deserve this so i'm going to compromise so we make what my wife calls an unwise choice was that a wise choice no we make an unwise choice because it's our way of bringing gratification in that moment but without realizing it we're actually willfully surrendering ourself to a spirit that now has a flesh hook that now has a trigger point and because of that these trigger points can begin to be activated through sights and smells and whenever you feel like you nailed it now you have to reward yourself again or even when you fail well now i'm a failure i've been working so hard i just failed drastically but i don't want to beat myself up even though that i am so i am actually i want to feel good about myself so i will reward myself even in my badness and compromise even in my sinfulness so you do good you compromise you do evil you compromise either way you got this silly guy pushing on you so just declare this with me compromise you're a spirit you're not for me i renounce you you're not my friend you offer momentary pleasure but you cost me my identity that's who i was that's not who i am compromise come out and up right now into the pit out and up to the pit right now to the pit right now in jesus name in jesus name what about this place of orphan thinking this place where you always felt like the outsider people would take you to church but you always felt like it was the like some sort of like members only self-righteous club where everybody's pretending to have their act together do you remember those days you go to church and you have all these people grinning at you from ear to ear and we all know that the people that grin from ear to ear are self-righteous hypocritical shipwrecks at best they are a total train wreck and they put on that perma-grin to fake everybody out but let's just admit it that smile's not faking anyone out and so um all christians are hypocrites all pastors all pastors like who am i talking about why am i such an expert in this area how do i how does he know so much i was the king of orphan thinking you know especially being in this place you know being raised here being raised in the camp in the castle being a prince in this house and then all of a sudden um leaving the castle and no longer being a prince in the house and then having to do this thing called i don't have heard about this church shopping and this is before amazon now you know okay so um we go from church to church and man my heart was just uh uh self-righteous and i would just judge everybody and what was the problem was the problem the church was the problem denominations was the problem pastors was the problem pastors the problem was i had taken on an orphan disposition an orphan spirit and what's an orphan spirit it means i i'm on the outside everybody else is on the inside and i'm jealous and i'm angry and i remember the old days when i was a son in the house and now i'm illegitimate and all the prophetic words they meant nothing and i got all these promises from god and they meant nothing what is it what is that place is that place of orphan thinking an orphan thinking brings us in a place where y'all are just idiots i don't need you i don't want you so i'll do life on my own and i will show you all i will prove myself i will work hard and i will come into a place where where you will regret pushing me away when you were not the one that pushed me away i pushed you away because of the disposition of my own heart expected rejection because i was rejected in the past i will never i will never be rejected again so i'll just i'll do your part for you i will i will reject you now so that you can't reject me later yeah that's who i was that's not who i am okay so then we come into this place where paul says hey this is who you are now i am this isn't who you were so that what happened you're this beautiful you're this beautiful reality but every now and then the the old stuff the old spirits the old roosters the old the old birds of prey they come and and and sometimes i don't know about you but i find myself a new creation reality but hearing the old voices getting crazy driven trying to prove something right like like like like like a weird angst from my orphan disposition that's trying to pop its head back up and this is what paul's talking about and paul actually gives us this incredible golden key here in this text hey this is who you are hallelujah this is who you was okay and and and what's the golden key well i brought it with me the golden key is a story called the pow pow fish now some of you are judging me and you're like this guy's dumb like you need you need to open up your heart real quick okay because because i'm telling you god is in this all right so like just just be a little more childlike it's the only way into the kingdom of heaven is like a child so if you're too old for this moment you're too old you need to get young here we go you ready deep in the water where the fish hang out lives a glum gloomy swimmer with an ever present pout i'm a pulp pelt fish with a pulp pelt face so i spread the dreary wearies all over the place [Music] how many you know some christians that are like a pout pout fish don't raise your hand okay along comes a clam with a wide winning grin and a pearl of advice for her pal to take in hey mr fish with your crosstown frown don't you think it's time to turn it upside down says the fish to his friend nice thought miss clam i hear what you're saying but it's just the way i am it's just the way i am i'm a pout pout fish with a pal pal face and i spread the dreary wearies all over the place [Music] comes a jellyfish he floats through the ocean his tentacles all trailing in a gentle locomotion hey mr fish with your daily scaly scowl i wish you wouldn't greet us with a grimace and a growl says the fish to his friend mr jelly i agree i'd like to be more friendly but it isn't up to me i'm a pout pout fish with a pout pout face so i spread the dreary wearies all over the place [Music] along comes a squid quite a slender squiggly sight she is squirmy she is squelchy she's slightly impolite hey mr fish you klydoscope of mope how about a smile a little joy a little hope says the fish to his friend miss squid i would try but i haven't any choice take a look and you'll see why i'm a pout pout fish with the pow pelt face so i spread the dreary wearies all over the place along comes an octopus with eight great arms covered on the underside with tiny sucker charms hey mr fish let me tell it to you straight you're a hockey bulky sulking with an unattractive trait says the fish to his friend mr ate my chum with a mouth like mine i'm destined to be glum i am a pout pout fish with a pout pout face and so i spread the dreary wearies all over the place [Music] now along comes a fish and a silent silver shimmer the gang has never seen before the bright and brilliant swimmer she approaches mr fish but instead of saying hey she plants a kiss upon his face and then she swims away mr fish is most astounded mr fish is aghast he is stone-faced like a statue and then he blinks at last my friends says mr fish i should have known it all along i thought that i was pouty but it turns out i was wrong i'm a kiss kiss fish with a kiss kiss face for spreading cheery cheeries all over the place now i hold my little girl victoria took me a sec to remember her name [Applause] look i got a lot of them and i got a puppy and sometimes i confuse mariah with victoria so this is the part where i'm holding victoria so i'll smooch and i'll smooch and he's and he's kissing all the animals that were that were that were telling him that he needs to change and a smooch with a jellyfish and a smooch with the clam and then we usually skip this last page because it's really like provocative but like the girlfish shows up and a sm mooch and then if you turn it on the back it says sometimes a kiss is all it takes to turn things around verse 5 and hope does not put us to shame because god's love has been poured into our hearts through the holy spirit who was given to us verse 8 but god shows his love for us that while we were still yet sinners christ died for us how do we transform anything by taking the power of god's love and redirecting it at that source of frustration holding it in our hearts and redirecting the fountain of god's love from his heart into our hearts and then towards that fabric that has been torn towards that area of injustice we pour the fountain of god's heart and love into that area and transformation occurs in any area where we need transformation it is an opportunity for us to begin to love and to begin to release the love of god into that area as a church we cannot partner with a spirit of condemnation forget you you should be ashamed of yourself how do you know condemnation the word shame is always being used shame shame shame this is what we need to do we need to remove the shame off of our children remove the shame off of our marriage remove the shame off of our finances shame is not a motivator it's a destructor we got to say we're not going to partner with anxiety we're going to partner with peace we're not going to partner with compromise what's compromise the end justifies the means get the picture of transformation and do whatever it takes you can hurt people you can take advantage of people you can you can act like the old new in order to get an outcome that you deserve no it's not for us striving work work work i'll prove it i'll try harder i'll try harder i'll blow out my adrenal glands i'll destroy every relationship that i know because i will i will prove to everybody that i'm a winner not a loser and there's not a darn thing anyone can do about it and breaking off this orphan thinking thinking that we're outsiders what do we do we can transform anything when we realize how deeply loved and valuable we are you see part of the disservice that's happened within the church is that people are actually afraid to love anything that's not god so what do you have you have you have christians this this happens all the time they wake up you know and they go to the mirror and they see themself and they say something cruel against their own bodies because they don't like what they think they immediately partner with with criticism and accusation cursing their own bodies why because you have many many christians that hate their own physical body and they've actually word cursed their physical body what am i saying pastor dude what i'm saying is you've been given this gift from god do you know what the you know what your your body is for for hosting your spirit you know your body is for it's for hosting the spirit of the lord on the earth you should love it you should love all of it what would happen if we learned to fall in love with our lungs what would happen if we learned to fall in love with our liver what would happen if we learned to fall in love with our spleen honestly i have no idea because i don't know what a spleen does religion says you can't love your car that's just a that's just a material thing that's why you keep crashing it because there's dishonor in your heart is it a sin to love your car no why your car is a vehicle it's a cart that transports a holy temple that's pretty darn cool what would happen if you began to honor your vehicle what would this what if you fell in love with your home it would transform whatever you love it will begin to transform this is this is the golden key for transformation is a kiss releasing the heart of god releasing the love of god you're like it's that easy no it's that hard why because there's nothing that's more work than love love requires so much requires time patience confrontation honesty it requires money now i know that the bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil that's talking about that mammon that place where and how do you know that you're engaging with the spirit of mammon what it is is it's not just that i love money it's actually the fear of lack so compromise comes in and you do stupid ridiculous stuff because greed will always make you stupid and ridiculous greedy people are the most stupid people on the earth because they'll compromise everything they'll marriage their own families everything they'll compromise their own integrity there's nothing more dumb than that but what would happen if the church began to honor finance it would increase it would transform what would happen if you began to release the love of god into your finances what would happen if you began to just what would happen if you began ignoring your bank accounts because they make you scared and what would happen if you began to worship the lord over your bank accounts asking the father's heart they would begin it would begin to multiply it is impossible for you to redirect the love of god into something and not experience transformation what would happen if we begin to pray dangerous prayers because you can't just love something i've tried one of the most dangerous prayers that i ever prayed was father give me your heart for people and the reason why i prayed that's because i didn't have it so i prayed that prayer and whoops i ended up here as a pastor at seattle center so what would happen if we said father give me your heart for seattle and we began to see seattle through the father's eyes what would happen if we said father give me your heart for my spouse father give me your heart for seattle revival sinner father give me your heart for your kingdom father give me your heart for my home father give me your heart for my children father give me your heart for media father give me your heart for education father give me your heart for people who are attracted to people of the same sex father give me your heart for people of color father give me your heart for people who are lacking color if we started praying prayers like this we would start seeing transformation everywhere why because we would be no longer praying selfish prayers where we are the center of everything we pray for we would now be praying selfless prayers where the love of god will begin to show up and transform everything am i the only one feeling convicted right now how many of you want to see transformation the love of god is the key the love of god is the key and this is what paul says you're here because you are loved you didn't deserve to be loved there was nothing actually lovable about you you were a wreck at best but somebody loved you who was that somebody the creator the i am the ancient of days the self-existent one the eternal one the burning one he so loved you in your sinfulness in your depravity and all of your stuff we hide our stuff pretty well don't we because we live our lives in such a way to hopefully not be rejected by people but he who sees all who knows all he who we can't hide a thing from thinks that we are irresistible and he says you don't have to pretend anymore you don't have to try to cover your nakedness and your sin with fig leaves you are loved you are you are irresistible and if you will let me love you i will fill your heart with my love and if you take my love and host my love and redirect my love i can redeem and restore anything because that's the power of my love if he can change a pout pout fish into a kiss kiss fish he can transform seattle he can transform our nation he can transform our own hearts he can transform our own families he can transform anything let's stand [Music] let's go and put up our hands that we turn ourselves into big cups you need a bigger cup bigger cup bigger cup bigger cup bigger cup bigger cup holy spirit and in your word it says that what you do is you fill our hearts with the love of the father so holy spirit would you come now and fill our hearts with the love of the father we give to you our angst our striving our orphaned spirit we give to you the hurt from the past we give to your unforgiveness we give to you our compromise and sin we give these things we release them we surrender now and we say you have complete permission to come and fill us with your love come holy spirit come fill us right now with your love we don't want to love from our love we want to love from your love some of us our love tanks ran out years ago and we need to be refueled we've been running on empty for a long long long time and we're here because we're thirsty come and fill us lord come and fill us come and fill us frustration you're not a good motivator you're not of the holy spirit you just drive us harder into making stupid choices so frustration we say you are not of the holy spirit we repent for being your friend we renounce you right now we say come out and up to the pit in jesus name busyness you're not our friend we know that the father's not too busy to spend time with us and yet many of us are too busy to spend time with our own kids so busyness we say you've cost us love equity in our homes and you're driving us bats and you're not producing good fruit so busyness you're not of the holy spirit we renounce you right now in jesus name and we declare we will no longer partner with the spirit of anxiousness because it brings us a sense of importance we declare we are not busy we got a lot going on absolutely but we declare we have the ability to carve out time for our spouse for our children for the lord and for the people that we love and we care about so we break off we break off this pressure to have to do do do do do do do do do we we we we we we we break that off right now and we say busyness come out and up into the pit right now in jesus name and and we don't give people permission to frame that over our lives okay and now we just say holy spirit come and fill us spirit of wisdom calm right now yep spirit of wisdom counsel power and might come right now come right now lord fill us with such wisdom lord i pray that you give us the wisdom of solomon give us the wisdom of solomon give us the wisdom of solomon yes lord give us lord i declare transformation transformation over soul body spirit soul body spirit we release the love of god into our soul into our body into our spirit we release the love of god into our emotions we release the love of god into our brain into the cells of our brain we release the love of god into our triggers right now in jesus name we release the love of god into our ancestry right now we thank you for the love of god flowing within the virtue of the blood of jesus we thank you father we eat of your body we dink of your blood father we thank you lord we partner with that covenant communion right now where we partner with our union right now and we declare we have the mind of christ we declare we'll know what we need to do we'll know when we need to do it we will know how to apply ourselves and we will not allow for yesterday's thoughts of pattern that would pressure us to live in a certain kind of way to dictate to us how we are going to live we declare the peace of god will rule over our thoughts we declare the shalom of heaven will be the atmosphere by which we govern we declare that we will hover in the madness but we will not flirt with her that we will be in the darkness but we will not be of it and in that place in the same way that our father conducted his business in genesis chapter one we will not compromise with those existing agencies but we will show up and we will speak up and we will declare let there be light and in that moment of manifestation a contrasting reality will be carved out from a company of kings and priests who release the word of the lord in that time and in that place a people without guile a people that are not partnering with the frequency of the world and those things that drive them to perform we declare that we will stand up in that place of union and participation and we say we will do nothing unless we are doing it with our king knowing that he is choosing to do nothing on the earth unless it's in participation with his bride hand in hand bridegroom and bride we say lord let your kingdom come let your will be done not through employees but through lovers through lovers we give you our hearts we give you this time we give you this space we give you this coming week we give you tonight we give you monday morning we sanctify it we we we declare it as holy and we thank you lord for your spirit that will bring glorious momentum where the problems will solve themselves in jesus name hallelujah amen amen amen we're going to need it we're going to need some new keys just got quiet if you need prayer for anything our ministry teams will will pray for you if you need love this morning they'll love love on you you are so loved you are so gorgeous we believe in you we're cheering you on some of you will see it tonight others of you will see you next week but i know that stuff's going to change the earth will be better because of your involvement and contribution this week go and release the good news of jesus christ god bless [Music] you
Channel: SRC LIVE
Views: 119
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Seattle Revival Center, Bethel Church, bob jones, Bobby Conner, Charlie Shamp, Patricia King, Darren Stott, Faith, Bethel, Bill Johnson, Bethel Redding, Elisabeth Cooper, SOZO, SOZO Belfair, Tom Cornell, Pastor Tom Cornell, Judah Smith, SRC, BSSM, Pursuit NW, Pursuit Northwest, New Poets of Immortality, Psalms, Sean Feaucht
Id: dBkL0fCN2IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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