Crispy Chinese Lemon Chicken - Make It At Home

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hi everyone my name is Kim and I'm the happiest cook today we are checking out the food scene in Seattle Washington did you know that in Seattle there are some amazing Chinese restaurants we have a lot of Chinese food today we are making one of my favorite dishes Chinese crispy lemon chicken from scratch it's super easy it really isn't that difficult and I have all my things ready [Music] [Applause] do you have yours okay like I always say let's get cooking hi here we are at the counter ready to roll so I have my chicken all done it is a boneless skinless thigh that I chunked to Pieces about that big okay this is one egg our soy sauce and our vinegar and I've whisked it up and what we're going to do is we're going to pour this over the chicken Stir It Up then we're going to cover it with a piece of Saran Wrap and we're just going to let it sit for 20 minutes okay and I'll be back in 20 minutes our chicken has been marinating what we're going to do now is we're going to scoop out the chicken and we are going to put it directly onto our cornstarch and stir this up as our chicken is cooked we're going to be putting it on this tray which is just a cookie sheet with paper towels pretty simple um you don't want to pile your chicken on you want to do it in a single layer because you don't want it to steam cook you want it to get crispy I am going to drop a green onion in the oil and when the green onions starts dancing it means my oil is ready [Music] stop it [Music] boom [Music] our pan is hot this is our garlic and our Ginger and we're just going to put that in for about a 30 seconds not long at all right then we are going to add our chicken broth our lemon our sugar our soy sauce and our honey and what we're gonna do is cook that until the sugar is all dissolved the white sugar that we put in and you can see it still it's sitting in the bottom it's about a minute or two okay then we're going to take our cornstarch and two tablespoons of water we're gonna mix that up until the cornstarch is all dissolved like that looks like milk then we're going to bring this back up so that it's on a simmer and we're going to slowly add the cornstarch water mixture to our liquid and you'll notice the color changes I don't know if you can see it but it's kind of a glossy Brown now the cornstarch gives it that glossy look instead of like if you were to use flour and water to thicken it and this is what you want tell you the thickness you want so you want it to be kind of almost the thickness of like syrup that you're going to put on your pancakes that's about the thickness you want so this is all ready so I'm going to grab our chicken all right and we're going to put our chicken no escapees into our sauce scabies and toss it all in there and I'll be back in just a few minutes and let you see it all finished up all right our chicken is completely finished so here is what it came out this is what it looks like taste even better and the way we serve it in my house two scoops of rice some chicken and in my house we do it with chapsticks all right Sam let's see well if there was such thing as smell-o-vision um this is really amazing really good um I'm lucky I live here huh so I am all done in Seattle so uh it was fun next week we are taking our tour to Denver Colorado oh my gosh I have some amazing recipes you're going to be so shocked because they're very different and um really good so if you enjoyed this stent through watching me cook and did you learn something then please hit subscribe we really appreciate those subscribe buttons and I will see you next week here on the happiest cook and like I always say let's get cooking and keep on cooking bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Happiest Cook
Views: 83
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lemon chicken, lemon chicken recipe, Chinese fried chicken, Chinese fried chicken recipe, Chinese lemon chicken, how to make lemon chicken, Chinese chicken, Chinese chicken recipe, recipes, lemon chicken sauce, fried chicken recipe, chicken recipes, fried chicken, Asian fried chicken, Chinese food, Chinese recipes, sesame chicken, orange chicken, sesame chicken recipe, orange chicken recipe, lemon chicken takeout, how to make Chinese fried chicken, the happiest cook
Id: x8rI45M0n08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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