Cricut stickers| How to make stickers with Cricut Print Then Cut 2024| Beginner sticker tutorial

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hi and welcome to help me make it my name is Maria and today's tutorial is going to be all about stickers and how to create them in cricet design space so if you're having trouble or if You' never tried stickers before I hope you enjoyed this video let's get into it the printer that we're going to be using today is an Epson Eco tank ET 2850 I use this because I can go for long periods of time without having to refill that tank and let me tell you something cartridges were just killing my budget so once again think about it get yourself an Epson e tank you won't regret it the paper that I'm going to be using is made by AA paper group it is vinyl sticker paper for inkjet printers and it happens to be matte I've tried other sticker paper and this Nothing Compares honestly for me and my eco tank nothing compares to it I know that some people like to use glossy unfortunately I have never had any good experience with glossy paper so I just stick with my mat now I did get this on Amazon for about 50 bucks for 100 sheets works out to about 50 cents a sheet it's kind of really cost effective the lemonade that we're going to be using today comes from blutter I got it on Amazon for about 10 bucks it is glitter and let me like just this is really pretty It makes your stickers look really great let's get something with a little bit of color on here I mean it is amazing and like I don't really have good light in this office but this is really pretty like it's great try it out for the next portion of this video we're going to need to use Cricket design space if you need some time to set up your computer turn on your design space please do so now pause the video and come back when you're ready for everyone else let's get started Mother's Day is coming up as you can see on the screen so we're going to do some Mother's Day stickers okay um let's see you know what I think they really have some cute designs here on um the screen so we're going to go ahead and just select some of these images and then we're going I'm going to show you how to look for images shortly okay so here we have I like this one I think yep I added it to Canvas if you're not sure it should show up down here all right we're going to add this one I think that one is super pretty super mom because you have to be with these kids right all right let's see all right so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you now how you can go ahead and search for images that you may want this is a beginner video so if you know how to do this you can always fast forward if not I'll make it short and sweet okay so we're going to do Mom we're gon to type in mom and then we'll hit enter now that should bring up your screen where we show you all of your images and some projects that you can create but what we're going to need is right over here we're going to click on view all and that should bring up all of the designs that are loaded into design space so I'm going to grab a few more to set up on our canvas so let's grab that one let's let's do this one let's look for a couple more and then I'm going to look for some more off of screen and you guys can do the same all right so maybe we'll grab like one or two more let's see what we can see quickly while we're scrolling through because I want to give you guys some time too you know I want you to be able to go through design space because there are some really awesome stickers in here I I no joke I really like this mama mama mama one I think that's cute oh let's see here what else can we pick again you know I pay for Access because I think it's really good um it gives me a whole bunch of projects now gives me a whole bunch of projects that I can work on I can save if you haven't done it think about it try it out ask some other creators they might tell you the same that I'm saying cricet design space might be something that you want to look into all right so I'm going to just go ahead and get these onto the canvas I think that one like these that we have up this is funny I'm going to grab that one all right so we're going to go ahead and we're going to add this to Canvas so as you can see there are some items that are already pre-loaded those were the ones that we picked from the first uh like title screen all right so your images will come up in this Bunch so since we have them all bunched together let's go ahead and resize them all right that way they're more manageable on your screen and they're not huge and taking up like a tremendous amount of space so you do that by clicking in here and I don't think my number is lock is on nope it wasn't all right so I typed in three and it brought everything down so we're going to work with the ones that are on the screen already and all you're going to want to do is you're going to want to grab your image or your design and you're going to want to bring it down to about a two or a three that way it's manageable again it's preference you can put it really like a two it's really your preference on what you want and how much space you have on your screen okay so I'm going to show you one more time how to resize one of these okay so we're going to go and grab this image right here we're going to come right up in here and we're just going to type in let's say two that wasn't much of much of anything so we're going to come back in here we're going to 2.5 all right so you can go ahead and do the rest of them off a screen and I'm going to do the same what you can do is again if you need to pause these like pause this video please do so so that way you can follow along okay all right see you in the next part so now that You' got your images all set up on your screen screen screen all set up on your screen so you can begin the sticker making process and you got them all nice and neat notice that I left a little space here that's because if I click on offset um you will if you have your design back here you won't be able to see it so I try to do this just for camera I always messed this up but I want to try to teach you guys the right way so you don't get frustrated like I do okay so as you can see the blue line that is around our design is going to be the size of our offset for me that's a really large size the size that I use in my store um my Etsy Shop is going to be at a 0.080 all right then you're going go ahead and you're going to click apply lately I've had to click apply twice and then it brings up the offset all right so as you can see it got really blacked out so we're going to go ahead and we you know what just for giggies for giggles I'm going to go ahead and Contour out any holes so if you see here on this screen anything that's like highlighted dark this is going to be holes like all of these tiny little things right here would have been holes that it would have cut out on your design sometimes it's okay for the most part because I make my stickers anywhere from size 1.5 in to 3 in the smaller the sticker it will ruin the Integrity of it so I always hide all Contours okay once you do that go ahead and hit the X and I don't know why it didn't work let's hide all Contours again there you go okay so again this is Cricut it's design space it's design spacing up this point let's go ahead and change the color and I'm going through this relatively quickly but I'm going to show you again and um with the next sticker I just want to show you the process and how really simple it is before I get into the nitty-gritty with you okay all right so now this is the offset that you have if you see it has like these cute little ridges on it should be good so what I'm going to do is left click to highlight both click on group click on flatten and now this sticker is done all right let's move on to the next one and I'm going to show you what I did step by step so you want to grab your design you're going to want to come up here to where it says offset you're going to click on that it should have this number still 0.080 that will give you your offset then you're going to go ahead and click apply see how that worked one two three sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so if it's not working for you and that menu is still showing up please go ahead and press apply one more time so as you can see down here Contour is not highlighted which means this background is going to be one solid piece they won't they shouldn't be any holes but again design space okay now we are going to change the background of this to a white color all right and you do so by having all right so you let's say you have your offset selected you just come up here to where it shows operation you're going to click on the Square right here it would have been black okay so you're going to come up here to this Square you're going to come down to this corner right here you're going to select white we will be making another video like I will be making another video which will show you how to do other stickers uh show you like this right here the advanced stuff but for right now this is really just a basic tutorial to help you learn how to make stickers from point A to B from beginning to end okay so now that we have that selected we can go ahead and bring our design over and as you can see it doesn't it's not lined up that's perfectly fine don't worry about it you're going to again left click and drag that would highlight both of both of the items both your design and your offset okay then you come up here to where it says align and then you just want to click on Center and that automatically centered Your Design onto your offset now once again you're going to left click and drag you're going to come up here to where it shows you group you're going to group it and you're going to flatten it so your second sticker is done all right I'm going to show you one that's a little bit more complicated we're going to go ahead and grab this one right here okay so again you would click on offset so far Cricket is behaving itself and it's saving our preset but if it doesn't and I can see this one's going to be a real pain I don't think we're going to use this one and I'll show you why okay so we're going to go ahead and we're going to click apply all right so we're going to click on Contour then it will get rid of hide all Contours and it will get rid of all of these holes but you see this right here and these marks this up here this is going to have some deep cuts and the smaller the sticker the worse it's going to look in my opinion all right so what I'm going to do with this design is I'm actually going to delete it all right and the reason being is because again in the next video I'm going to go over how you can fix that for this one I just really want you guys to get the contouring down without any problems okay so let's grab this one this one should be fine I believe I've done this one all right so once again you grab your design make sure it's highlighted it should be in a box offset 0.080 click apply once that's done you come down here to where it says Contour you click on it you hide all your Contours now you have a full offset in the back you come up here to where it shows operation you click on white drag left click and drag Down group flatten and your sticker is done all right I'm going to work on the rest of these stickers off of camera if you need more time once again just pause the video and come back when you're done so let's move on to the next step okay so now that we have all of our offsets on our stickers what we're going to want to do is we're going to resize them just so that we are able to fit them on our template now our template's not something that we have to download it is right here in Cricut design space so I'm just going to go over how to resize them really quickly and then I'll show you that next portion of the video so here we have this sticker let's get this to about a two this one is at a two already in height let's get this one at a two now I will tell you I've been making stickers for a very long time and like a 2.5 in sticker is really big a 3in sticker is about the size of your palm if you have like average size hands a 3-in sticker would be about the size of your palm so that's a really big sticker um and my store and my Etsy Shop I actually sell stickers from 1.5 inch to 3 in um we do have custom sizes where you can do it up to 6 in up to and more but for this tutorial I'm just going to do a few um and I wanted to show you the difference between something in height like this one where it's height is at 2 inch and its width is at one and then you have something like this one here which you would need to pretty basically change by the width so the width would be at 2 in and if you see it kind of matches up in size as our other Mother's Day sticker okay so you kind of going to you're kind of going to want them to you like okay let me see I can put this you're going to want to learn a difference between a sticker that's height and with like a circle really doesn't matter as you can see it's two and two but something like this would probably as you can see here it would go by width so I would want to change this one down to a two so see it's basically the same size as your other stickers okay so just keep that in mind once again something like this you're going to want to bring it down to a 2 in so you would just double click in here type in two oh okay that's perfect that that happened so if something like that were to happen while you're doing your stickers just quickly hit the undo button and there you are and try to remember to click it in the center and not on the side like me so it doesn't get all squishy okay okay so I'm going to resize the rest of these and then we're going to move into the next portion of the video all right so you can do so off I'm going to do so off screen and then you can do the same thing again don't forget to pause your video okay so now let's talk about this template that I'm using all right it's no secret if you've seen some videos and whatnot you'll probably see the same technique and the reason being is because it actually works all right so you're going to go ahead and you're going to click on shapes ah you're going to click on Square that's going to bring your square up to your screen now I'm going to show you how to resize it don't worry it's really simple it's I'm going to help you get through this all right we're going to make these stickers and man they're going to be awesome all right so we've got the sticker we got the sticker we got the square we got the stickers over here so we do got the stickers technically all right so we got our Square now we're going to resize it the width you're going to come up here to where it says size the width is going to be 6.82 and then you're just going to hit enter now if it's going to do what it did last time I'm gonna have to do this twice but you know Cricket crickets so it's be it be cricketing so it's this is going to happen all right there you go all right oh the things we do for love right all right so we've got this this way now we are going to hit this button right here which is our lock proportions and the reason why we want to click on that is because as you can see it's going to change itself just like the square did at its 2.2 it's going to be the same thing because it's going to be all the same size on each side so we are going to click up here we're going to double click in there or however you'd like to remove those numbers and you're going to type in 9.3 too now if you're having any difficulty with this please make sure that this button as you see here is unlocked if it's not you're going to have an issue okay so once you type in 9.32 you're going to want to hit enter now this is going to pull up your template you don't got to worry about locking it or anything like that if you're worried that you might change it okay then at that point lock it all right if that makes you more comfortable listen you like it I love it okay now here we have our template now the problem is if I try to grab any of my stickers they be behind my template super simple and easy so you're going to highlight your Square by simply clicking on it you're going to come up here to where it says arrange and you're going to go ahead and send it to back and what that's going to do you ready voila so that's going to take your template and push it all the way way back in order so that basically just puts it to the bottom okay and now you're able to move your stickers so if you size your stickers to where you want them or if you need more time again pause this video that way you can follow along okay if not we're going to keep on pushing because we want to make these stickers already we've been trying and we've been looking at YouTube and we cannot figure it out but we finally found Maria and helped me make it and now we're going to make these stickers and they're going to look awesome okay all right so now we click on this sticker right here and we just trying to line it up as best as we can to the edges okay now you grab your next one and you just do the same thing now one of the things that I want you to remember I do not want you to put them like this because then this sticker will print on top of this one so just keep in mind even this right here I would not put that that close I would be too afraid that I damage my stickers and every single sticker is money to me so it's really important and I mean it's it's money to you too you you pay a lot of money for these these crafting supplies so you want to make sure that you give yourself enough space um of all the videos I've seen I've never heard anybody say that I could be wrong I don't know maybe I did not watch the right person however I did not get that information so please remember that keep these separated as much as you can all right so we're going to go ahead and we're just going to do a few more together and then I'll finish the rest off of screen just to save us time okay so you go ahead and do that now let's say you have a sticker like this we know that can fit over here on this side but we've got to move it okay so let's change the position so you want to make sure that you have your sticker highlighted and then you're going to want to just twist it and how you do that is not this if you see the arrows that's not good if you see the arrows bendy like like a corner like you see on the screen that's what we're going to want and then you're just going to turn it and hopefully this doesn't lock on me and Cricket is cricketing okay so here we are you turn it sideways and then you just grab it and you bring it in here and as you can see that's like a a little too big because of the flower so let's see if we can take this one and put it in there if not we'll resize it cuz I think this one yeah this one's too big anyway so we're going to put this out a two okay now you still have a little itty bit of room we can organize this a little bit better and there you go so now you have your first row of stickers on your project okay now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to keep on doing this off of screen so again if you're going to need time to get the rest of your stickers on your template please go ahead and pause it this is the time to do that so you're not like wait a minute you're going to just pause it just pause it okay all right so we'll be back with the next portion of the video okay so now that we set up all of our stickers on our template is now ready to get it ready for prints it's time to get it ready all right so what we're going to do is we're going to either separate our square if we have room or if you're a little bit nervous about that you can always come over to the layers panel and look for where it says square and go ahead and hit that eyeball and it would automatically hide it okay now the next thing we're going to do is left click and drag so that we can highlight all of the stickers that we have on our screen okay after we do that we're going to go ahead and click on group and then we're going to click on flatten again sometimes you know it may take a little bit longer for this to happen it may be a little bit glitchy but just give it some time and it'll definitely happen so once we have this portion we're ready to go ahead and make so if you're ready go ahead and click on that button right there let's click on make okay so you've hit that make button and it's going to bring you up to this next screen right here this sometimes can take some time don't worry about it it should load up everything on your canvas into to the print screen all right so once you see those words it's pretty basically all set sometimes this gets a little Jared up just get it a minute give it a minute just so that the computer can load up your items in your design space all right so now that we're here don't ever worry about mirror we're going to go ahead and click continue once we hit continue it'll bring us to this next screen it'll show us our Cricut Machine cutter and then we're going to go ahead and hit send to printer once we do that this next screen will pop up this is your print setup you do want to be sure that your printer that you're selecting is the one that you're printing from if not it's going to print on something else I've done it a a ton of times where it printed to my MIM bun and the moment that I loaded my MIM bun or turned it on my stickers popped out all right so it's on the Epson ET 28 now we're gonna leave the bleed on bleed has nothing to do with this I'll go into a separate video about that but we can leave our bleed on um we're going to go ahead and use system dialogue and click on print it should take a little bit of time and then you should have a screen load up over here if you don't see it please try to minimize your screen over here your design space because sometimes this pops up behind all right let's move on to the next step piece I wanted to show you is right here it's still highlighted on my Min bun okay I wanted to choose my Epson so I'm going to go ahead and click on that when I'm done with doing that I'm going to click on preferences this will bring up the screen that will show you where what how to like to choose your paper size to choose your paper type your quality things like that and how many copies more or less okay so document size should always be 8X 5 by 11 for the sticker paper that I showed you earlier orientation will always be portrait paper type is presentation paper mat quality let's go ahead and put that on high if you're using a printer like an ECOT tank if you're using cartridges I would leave it on standard okay cuz you're going to waste a lot of ink doing this now once that's done we're going to go ahead and click okay again make sure that this says Epson and we're going to go ahead and click print and next step is showing you these beautiful stickers let's go oo we're almost done these look great oh my goodness and now we are all done these look so awesome all right so for the next portion of this video we're going to need a few tools because we're going to be cutting our laminate one of them is going to be an X-Acto Knife a Breer a ruler or a paper cutter first we are going to go ahead and make the marks that we need on our laminate so we're going to go ahead and place our sticker paper down and it's springtime this happens a lot so don't worry about this okay I'm going to show you a workaround so you are going to go ahead and grab a pen I'm going to grab my favorite pen don't know what that is okay so we're going to go ahead and line up our Linate within the registration marks as you see here all right so we're going to take our and we are going to make a mark almost imitating where that registration line would be as you can see okay then we're going to go ahead and we're going to do the same thing on the opposite side on the bottom okay doesn't have to be perfect just has to be more or less where they are now as you can see this came out of the printer Ink's nice and dry let's go ahead and take our stickers and put them in a safe location let's put up our pen okay so first we're going to use our paper cutter all right let me go ahead all right so we've got our paper cutter here and we are going to cut the long way actually cuz you know backwards all right so we are going to go ahead and line up let me see if you guys can see all right so as you can see right here I'm going to go ahead and line that up you see like the little string that's in there we're going to line that up make sure everything's straight make sure we pull our laminate down and then we're just going to push down cut up and I just make sure I go like once or twice to be sure that it's cut all the way through now once that's cut all the way through we're going to move on to the other step so we're just going to take this let me sit down really quickly all right so I have this here this is a fiskers self-healing mat this will really help you out um if you don't have like a self-healing mat just try to make sure that you can get this like as straight as possible like line it up against a ruler all right if you have one of these just line this up really quickly with one of like the lines the grid lines on your fiskers mat okay just make sure it's straight all the way across okay let's pull this up now you're going to take your ruler and you're just going to line your ruler up with this grid line with that one okay and just make sure that everything is straight okay go ahead safety first let's pull that off all right so then you're just going to make sure that your ruler is straight and you're applying pressure and then you're just going to take the tip of the exacto knife and just cut and I usually try to go through twice I don't know why this is shaking hold on all right you try to go through twice so that way you're able to get a clean cut all right now safety first let's put this up make sure we don't hurt ourselves okay so now as you can see your laminate should fit within your registration lines if it's not perfect that's perfect that's that's fine don't don't worry about it it just really has to read like the outer portions of it see so even if you don't apply it on correctly it's okay don't worry about it it should pick up the registration lines as long as some of it is visible all right let's move on to the next portion okay so now we're going to get our laminate on our sticker sheet so I have a tool like this you can use like a pin pen or there are some other hacks I can put together and make some short videos and teach you how to make a pin pen but this right here I got this from the dollar store I got like two of them for about $125 so we want to move our sticker paper out of the way again you don't want to make a hole in it and then you're going to go ahead and just use your point to gently lift up your laminate okay now there's tons of ways of doing this I've seen people do it from one side to the other this is just the way I do it this is what's made it easier for me so I go ahead and very gently just make sure that I fold this back okay I bring my sticker paper back down on my table make sure that everything is clean and out of the way and it on a flat as flat surface as you can get okay you're going to need a squeegee something like this or a store card if you don't have one I tend not to like to use a ruler or anything abrasive because it will scratch your lamin it okay all right so let me make sure this is in frame I'm going to stand up really quickly all right so as you can see here I will kind of tilt this a little bit and try to get that within the registration lines and lift up a little bit and that will give like you see how that's now on there all right so it's kind of like working with vinyl all right you're going to want to lay it down slowly as not to get bubbles so now you've got this port this portion of your laminate on your sticker paper without any bubbles okay now sometimes you'll get bubbles anyway no matter how especially like if your room is humid as you can see here it's getting a little bit warmer so the paper's starting to curl up all right so what you're going to do is you're going to grab this portion of your squeegee and you're just going to go ahead and get it as close to the paper as you can now I'm going to try to go sideways so you guys can see it okay let's do this let me see how I can get it all right so you're just going to follow through with like a simple motion just slowly okay now I'm going to try to go this way so it makes it a little bit easier for the camera to pick it up and you just want to gently push okay if you start to feel like a side is not going down just go slow all right once you get better at doing this you can just just put it just like that but for right now just go slow so now as you can see you're going to have some really pretty stickers once they cut out now this is a Breer I got this on Amazon for like $6.99 since we're not using a laminator what we're going to do is just gently well I wouldn't say gently apply pressure and roll if you don't have a brayer believe it or not you can use a rolling pin just make sure that your rolling pin doesn't have like any sharp edges or anything which it shouldn't but you know just in case all right so I just roll over it to give the laminate a better adhesion now in my next video that I'm going to be doing I am going to be using a laminator and I've got a really awesome trick that I kind of learned and in that next video I should showing you that so if you don't have a laminator you may want to check out one on Amazon if you plan on making stickers for a business it will help you out tremendously all right so now we are ready to move on to putting our stickers on our mat so go ahead and grab your mats okay so for me blue mates are the way to go I use my blue mat for my vinyl I use it for my card stock I use it for my stickers you know I I there's not much I can say about it it's just really honestly a preference it is a light grip okay now what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go ahead and line up your stickers as best as you can with the mat all right so you want to make sure that this is straight you want to make sure that all of this lines up as best as you can press it down gently okay then you're going to go ahead and grab your Breer once again or your rolling pin if you don't have either one just make sure that you just like really press it down okay just I wouldn't suggest using one of these or a ruler either way cuz it will really scratch your laminate okay so go back on here we're going to make sure this has a good adhesion let's get it loaded in our mat all right so what I normally do when I'm going to load my mat is I'm sure to go in by one corner and then the other and just add a little bit of pressure just so I know that it's lined up with the rollers on both sides and I do have it bent up okay then I go ahead and click on the load button or feed okay I can let go of my mat at this point then I'm going to get that flashing Cricut light and I'm going to go ahead and hit that button all right so while that's cutting I'll go ahead and let it do it on the screen what you'll see is it'll say scanning and it's going to scan all of your registration marks now once it's done scanning your registration marks it will begin to cut so we'll allow it to do that give it some time and I'll be right back okay so once your stickers have finished cutting one of the first things that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to grab your tool and you're going to want to lift up to be sure that your stickers have cut all the way through now I have run it for a second um and how I did that is I did not eject my mat once it finished cutting I went ahead and I pressed the Cricut butt button again and let it run itself through um but we see that these stickers have cut all the way through so we're going to go ahead and eject the mat at this time all right so these are your stickers they're looking really good let's go ahead and peel off the backing okay so for this portion of the video it is time to get our stickers off of the mat so let's go ahead and do that um so one of the first ways that I normally do it is I peel it off this way but if your mat is really sticky you can feel free to bend it a bit and just pull off okay but let's go ahead and keep on peeling and sometimes some sticker paper will stay behind and that's fine just grab one of your tools and just lift up all right so now it's time to grab our stickers and pull them off of the mat so I just simply bend my mat gently as you can see and remove the stickers from the mat so I'm going to go ahead and take care of the rest of them and we'll get into the next portion of the video now as you can see we have some really awesome Mother's Day stickers and this is with that awesome laminate that I showed you earlier this is just really really beautiful these are holographic stickers now I'm going have you take a look at one more all right so there is some more that I wanted to go over now if you take a look at these two stickers let's try to get them into frame all right if you take a look at these two stickers you're going to see that this sticker right here is perfect and this one has a hole now I did that on purpose I wanted to show you guys what happens when you don't Contour out your stickers as you can see once again you see the holes okay so you would have like a really tiny pin hole and then this hole here now if you had to choose between this sticker on this side and this one which one would you think is a better sticker in my opinion it would be this side because it doesn't have any of these unsightly holes and I do see this often with a lot of people making stickers and that's just because they forgot to do the uh Contour when they were setting up the offset so once again making sure that you click on Contour when you're setting up your offset to get rid of any holes will make a huge difference in your stickers okay we did it you did it so hopefully your stickers should be centered and perfect if they're not you may want to calibrate your machine I will be releasing one of those videos so go ahead like And subscribe that way if you feel that I helped you you can go ahead and watch some of my other videos now the next video that's going to be coming out is going to be a more advanced sticker class where it takes your ordinary stickers it just gives them a little bit more of a oomph makes them stand out more so to speak so again if you haven't already go ahead like And subscribe thank you for watching help me make it bye
Channel: Help me make it
Views: 892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cricut hacks, Cricut tutorials, perfect stickers, stickers with Cricut, Cricut Print Then Cut, How to make stickers
Id: a-hm8k8FeVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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