Crewmate SNIPER ROLE in Among Us

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and of course we're back with among us this time with another roll the sniper roll one crew member gets a sniper if they die they drop the sniper and another crew member can pick it up can they pick off the imposters and dudes test your sniping skills down below the video if you see the like button try to snipe it just hit the like button hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy and you just admitted your love for me listen you little sniper looking freak i'm the sniper i'm the sniper i'm the sniper i'm the sniper oh i'm a sniper on the sniper on the side so boys they have an accident in a sniper into the game literally who's got this don't show yourself you're the sniper because the killer will target you then there is walking back to him i guess they have literally added this don't let me talk to him here we come home here i got a cast down here i gotta test down here over here over here okay hey here's the deal listen guys if you guys are still enjoying these among us mods hit the like button down below and we tell them hit the like button if you're enjoying this vlog also let us know other mods you want us to make down in the comments sub made this one this one's okay henry henry i got a task over here i know i've got a test over here too oh hey i'm gonna go over here hey guys hey what's up what you guys thinking [Music] about oh guys jerome has the sniper how do i shoot you right click whatever what are you what's your information i was in the uh the navigation area with clove and sigils i left and as i was going down yes you ran by me sunday and henry and guess who is this and guess what i was doing uploaded weapons what are you talking about guys listen if you think ambrose lying hit that like button all right i'm literally watching you like a peeled banana eat eyeballs okay jerome if you have the gun show us he has the gun he has the gun i told you oh he's shot oh he's shooting you can hear the gunshots across the map is he gonna kill is he gonna kill henry henry you are a monster henry you hear him shooting can we no and we is so bad at this i need a better imposter friend dude that oh who's pink is that henry so there's a dead body here i think is that henry is that henry wait what happened jerome i can't aim okay okay okay guys guys guys guys guys we don't vote on seven jerome jerome jerome okay jerome if you are sure it's henry we don't vote use your power of the sniper i can't i'm a bad shot guys i have information what's your information ian where did you go when me and you were running down after jerome initially pulled out the gun in cafeteria i went to the med place and then i went to look at cam's oh so you went left can anyone say that they saw him i was with jerome as his hunting dog yes and it was henry he he did it okay okay has something out for me he's chasing me down with god use the power of the sniper jerome use the power skip everybody snipe skip everybody skip everybody slug he's a slug skip skip don't report that don't report that don't hold it heart yeah oh my god did you just shoot me randomly i went to double tap i went to shoot him again that was the dumbest thing i've ever seen in my life i am crying somebody call 9-1-1 i took a dump on the dance floor [Music] what's in pasta what is in pasta look i have a gun i have ammo oh this is sick okay so i just muted so i have the sniper check this out check this out check this out so i don't even care about my tasks i'm just gonna look at the cam i wanna see if i can see anything happen and of course biffle's dancing and of course amber's dancing what is wrong with them go do something with your life oh no i gotta go i put i brought the gun out okay has anybody died yet though oh wait comms went down i can't see anything i didn't know that happened oh no sigils sigils the comms are down can you help me oh i forgot comms are down we can't talk to each other okay okay dude i got so scared i was looking at the camera can i trust you are you going to kill me no do you have med bay yes actually i don't okay okay can i trust you okay follow me oh dead body oh god there was a body where did you find that body if you were with henry yes i was i was with henry okay it was navigation i fixed i fixed up communications and then we went out to navigation to do tasks and there was a dead body on the floor okay so if it was on the that other side i was on cams and sigils was on upper engine so we can clear each other at least for one kill so do we have any information do we have anything what's your information looks like a carrot you were at camp so you're clear for this one i already said that what loaf uh what color does the like button go if you press it oh you're saying blue is that what you mean no no no [Music] sisters you know what you know what you know what i want to do you know what i want to do crank it out of here i will kill you sigils you have med bay right oh no nice i already got basically you hear it yeah i'm faking it oh i hear it why are you clear i need to go look at cam's okay i know sigils is clear and apparently biffle's clear that's good intel to have okay let's go back to cam see if i can find anybody there so just like i can trust you i can trust you yeah yeah i mean look at me look at me look at me let me say nothing say nothing say nothing say nothing that was an admin jerome you were in the the med bay with us right yeah so we left med bay me sigils and ambree were on the left side of the map okay jerome was with me and who else was in med bay biffle in chat and chad chatted it wasn't me so no no no chad was chad was in med bay yeah i was there and chad both scanned so leaving navigation can't he vent from there okay okay i am not suss of sigils chad ambroux those are the three i'm not suspicious you were in there too i was fixing shields and crown was heading up towards navigation yeah yeah yeah that's what i saw so henry or karen no i i did the uh the navigation yeah yeah henry low for karen both as well okay you know what i'm skipping for now i'm skipping for now i'm watching all of you accept you how is it not a self-report what true because he was in no he was in with medbay with us and he could have killed us easily no he wouldn't have killed you together [Music] [Laughter] okay i'm gonna go back over here just muted i'm just gonna toggle on and off camera let's see if i can catch actually i have 30 seconds because their kill cooldown is down hi amber are you dabbing are you currently dabbing amber are you dabbing right now no i missed the last one you are a fart dude oh perfect you are a fart dude literally a fart okay let's go get back in the camps community okay let's get back again okay i'm locked in here okay there's loaf i'm south of loaf koran and there's a dead body at navigation there's a dead body at navigation wait [Music] oh there's a dead body in there oh wait somebody died right next to me chat chat chat look look look you know it's not me you saw me walk in right i saw you walk in i saw you walk in okay should we report oh no there's a dead body at navigation no okay i was initially suss of koran henry and loaf well i know i know i know that ian was on cams for like all of that round so it can't be ian if you know when i left reactor chad you can clear me i i think yeah wait i don't like wait it's like looping through my head wait wait what happened i can't guess the body was that navigation what there may have been a body on we found another body but i can hard clear sunday i can hardly where is the other body we're not saying nothing we're not saying nothing saying nothing say nothing say no we're seeing this yeah it was ice cream i have my sus now what it's loaf right i don't know where this is wait no i'm the last how was it so we know where people are i know i have my sus i have myself [Music] death near navigation oh no the lights are down oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no we gotta get the lights up then i gotta get a kill we have like 10 seconds left there's a 30 second cooldown get the lights up get the lights up get the lights open with the lights okay okay okay no i was i didn't click any of it gran hello i was right i knew it he ran away from the dead body he ran away from the dead body i knew it that's why i was all like i can hard clear it okay okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go go okay okay boys all in a single file line everybody follow me this is a hostage situation everybody follow me nah don't make any choices don't make any sudden movements don't make any sudden movements i want everybody in the line i want everybody in the line so here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do i i am gonna 200 iq this okay i'm gonna 200 iq this after we meet up i want all three of you in the exact same spot okay you'll see why what what's going on what is going on everybody hit skip vote i am resetting the kill timer oh that's so small line up in the exact same spots boys i have whittled it down with my whittlers i have whittled it down everybody in the exact same spots i am not suss of chad in the slightest i'm a little bit suss of loaf and henry [Music] chad chad we need to stick together so we report it and then in the teleport yeah he's reported reporting we waited we waited we win we win okay chad skip vote let me take him out [Music] i literally hit headshots that's all i do is hit headshots that's all i do is hit headshot [Music] oh my gosh dude that is intense guys hit the like button if you haven't enjoyed this hit the subscribe button for new rounds here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you dudes next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,969,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vmoqRAj1uXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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