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and dudes we're back with another among us this time the imposter can go invisible just like me to women what that's not something to brag about of course it's normal among us the imposter can go invisible for 10 seconds kill someone and then take off running and dudes do me a favor for the like button down below the video is actually invisible if you can find it you gotta hit it hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy the video everybody you sure all right boys let's do this all right so welcome back to a manga modded um let me do some tests while i'm talking i'm an idiot wait i don't have any tasks over here no i do not guys again real quick among us here's the idea we are crew members and our goal is to get all our tasks done if that top bar gets filled we win there's one imposter the imposter has an additional ability there's only one killer he has a low kill cooldown and as you can read by the title the ability is interesting every 30 seconds the killer can go invisible and while he's invisible they can vent they can kill other players and stay invisible run away and blame other people that are standing around the dead body when it dropped stick around till i'm until i do it you know we're going to dab on dads and also like i say in these modded videos this mod was made by okay all right this mod was made by king be right back i thought this was a 500 iq play um i'm down at the bottom of cafeteria and the door keeps opening and closing nobody there oh and i thought it was a ghost because the ghosts trigger it ago somebody but there's no ghost that means the killer was in cafeteria did anybody see anybody in cafeteria i was up top i saw nobody i did go down and then i went back up the cuff i saw cindy at the top yeah i was at the top of the loaf uh i actually haven't seen henry at all this round it could be him okay okay okay i got i got a proposition i'm gonna propose to someone i'm going to propose to somebody here don't propose why are you guys voting before i've ever propositioned something because we're skipping no one's dead there's not even anywhere no you're the one throwing shade when you were probably invisible opening doors why would i call them what because you're trying to throw us why did everybody vote for everybody buddy what is wrong with you that was pretty good what is it fifth sixth seventh imposters all right boys let's do this so like i said this mod was made by king he's got a lot of ideas for mods um here's the deal if you guys are first of all enjoying these among us mods and ideas hit the like button down below oh gosh [Music] that's a lot of wells if i shut my mouth you guys won't know where the body is yes where is it all right give it a dollar okay so for that dollar it is in trouble admin okay okay okay can i say something can i say something i would like that yeah gold yo wanted to vote henry look who's dead he's actually trying to unjam my almond milk from the vending machine almond milk there's no such thing as almond milk in this world it got stuck no no no i was trying to heal yeah i was trying to have a vending machine wicked was there you don't do that i don't want otters yeah i got left cafeteria i just stole it i did not i went down to do asteroids yeah i stayed in canada so henry and i left together and at the fork together you killed him okay i went left to reactor and he went up towards admin who went up it was just us too so whoever was behind us is fess up mess up show me your replay file no no no no because in the beginning i didn't leave right off the bit i went right to uh i mean everybody could have been in the water i did a water thingy with rage and you you disappeared really fast did anybody see gold i bet i'm suss of gold i'm watching gold like the back of my toenails what do you mean yeah not gold i'm sure [Music] weirding me out all right i'm weird everybody out there all right all right so again like i said hit the like button if you're enjoying these mods also hit uh not hit yeah i hit the subscribe button listen i need more subscribers so i can feel my hamster uh let us know like i've been saying other mod ideas that you guys have in the comments we're looking for more ideas uh we got a lot to come but uh you know if you guys got any ideas let us know we might send you a chicken nugget sandwich i'm sorry ignore things that i say i am a somebody's gonna be a big reactor am i dead i am currently getting okay i have so many tasks up here dead body dead body somebody vented no dead body up at the laboratory i was just about to call it dead body sizzle's up at laboratory all right ian i have a question for you okay what's your question all right so you were up there in the plant area with us right up in the plant area uh up at the top by um by electrical yeah an admin i don't remember seeing you guys up there you you did the wires right next to me right oh yeah i did i did i did i did it next in the hallway in the hallway yeah what about it i thought you walked into a room and then i went up there and you weren't in there did you go into a room no i went up to i went which room were you talking about um i appreciate it was the plant room up top no i don't think i went up there i went to the hallway and did the the wires and then ran back down to the reactor okay so you went down okay i all right it just might be me i thought he ran up and did that brew still there i might be there ambrew i am on question yes why would i start this conversation pretty much calling myself out that i found the body that's just what was the body it was in laboratory right next to the top part laboratory and the 100 100 here's what happened i saw sigils go that way and then as i was going to the decontamination area it was already like flaring up before i got in there so somebody was in there and then but nobody was in that area so they vented out i mean and the next venting place was in lights so did anybody see anybody come out of lights before the alarm was called wait was it lights where's lights lights are top left top left where you turn on the lights that was that was before i won't i i did one last somebody but i don't know who it was they did it yeah yeah it might have been you they did a task like whilst i was going down the corridor gold hey what's up i'm watching here try to get nothing my health is out of the venue don't have a beverage that's all i want he's been trying to do that beverage for five years i am on the goal i i am very sus of gold i'm pretty sure it's gold he's been trying to do that beverage for so long bridge rage please don't kill me raise i have a family i have kids what did he just fat he just fancied i saw him vent so i saw him vent no the body was like like top right of reactor no there was nothing in the hallway you shut up together there was somebody else that was you low you just vented right in front of me low so i was doing it no rage i think is 100 i didn't see any posture he did it right in front of me two rounds right so then for self report is that we're here what here's what i'm thinking uh there have been zero sabotages called right that's true that's true so which means it's probably like a newer player to the game last round during our meeting loaf asked where's lights newer players [Music] i play the game a lot i just do not play this map i think it's i think it's either gold or amber now i don't think it's ambree i mean we bought it out i'll take yeah wait have we voted anybody out no not yet you are a genius how did you know that oh my god i love you i just love you i don't know 1000 iq holy crap i go up to reactor i'm the only one in there and then all of a sudden loaf pops up next to me all right well i'm dead everybody shut up shut your mouths right now boys i'm the imposter how this imposting how this imposting works right i can sabotage i can also vent you guys know that i can kill people i can also go invisible by pressing my f key whenever i go invisible i will have like an outline of me right i mean act like i'm doing this task we're gonna look at everything admin to an admin crans here react to reactor cafeteria everybody's everywhere else all right i gotta go i gotta go use my invis use my invis i'm invisible look look look watch this watch this watch this watch this go out i'm invisible i'm invisible i killed him while i was invisible and god what are these guys doing what are they doing what are they even doing a bunch of idiots okay okay okay so the kill cool down since this 1v9 is 10 seconds for all of us but the the invis cooldown is like 30 seconds okay [Music] oh the water can room with the watering can wait oh water oh that is that store okay that's next to the cafeteria right oh i'm sorry i died okay i have a very important question all right all right all ready do we have any information oh my god yes yes yes yes okay question what were you idiots doing in the y huh you guys were like moonwalking you all were being a bunch of idiots so i joined you obviously but yeah wait did you see anything you saw special later i got another all right i'm such a wicked because he saw the killer guaranteed yeah and he's not even reporting it [Music] deport him okay i can tell everybody this it is not go natural because i was with him i'm gonna have to go on a killings pretty soon i'm gonna have to go on a killing spree soon do this one do this one no i was there the entire time i can't confirm i can't confirm in was with gold no the only thing that i saw the only thing that i saw i was doing the thingy it was gold gold fell over dead and then i saw signals sigils i obsess of you but remember the killer can also go invisible and kill who found the last body i don't know it was wicked it was wicked yeah it was wicked and we were all we were all memen up top so i am i am kind but at the same time he was there he could have appeared there after i was doing the the vending machine visible at any point correct but i walked up from the bottom i wasn't even at the body that's where i'm standing on top of each other that's what i'm saying i was doing the vending machine when the vending machine popped out i had a report button and then you were standing there i was way too far away to have stabbed him how do i know that i was looking at the vending machine if the killer can go invisible i'd have just gotten invisible after i killed him or maybe your invisibility wore out we can skip we can skip we can start it's a wonky one so maybe we would like to vote on this sigils i'm watching you you watch me deal i'm watching you you watching you know what i'm watching where was the body i'm currently watching football okay the body was near the vending machine i was doing the vending machine i finished it and then report button sizzles what's that there was like five of them that is exactly what happened if you're 300 iq'ing me i will find you i'm one iq that's really all right boys that was so close hopefully i can hopefully i can pin this off i need to keep sigils alive this entire time he is 100 my alibi that was actually good i alified myself and then i kept him in the game okay i just gotta be smart here you gotta be smart gotta be smart act like i'm doing this i need to find a good hiding spot and then i need to go invisible i need to go invisible i need to kill the lights go invisible and then get a kill kill the lights lights are down lights are down lights are down go invisible i'm invisible kill ambrew run off scissors is on the body sizzles is on the body sigils is on the body he's gonna get blamed for this yeah where did you go what do you mean i'm in uh reactor where was the body at hold on hold on and i were in a reactor and we were both doing simon i finished simon i don't see koran anywhere because i was on it first so i leave and there's a dead body at the entrance to reactor and he's not in there so the dead body was by reactor here's another thing here's the thing uh i was standing on top of the body as i was about to report it here's the thing you you are painting this picture no no no yeah yeah i know why you're saying that okay because here's what happened four of us left reactive together and then we split off into pairs of two right i went with rage and you stood on it yeah because the lights were off and i was trying to see who was around i was waiting to see if you're invisible it's like whoever invisibility would wear off why why are you saying you're invisible are you calling me you are literally the one that appeared after a vending machine trick and then you're just a dead body shows up right there you also just said that for you left with four people those four people were you raged [Music] very you know what we were i think we were all in reactor but sigils is saying i left with him okay henry you did i saw you you guys are getting played what do you mean you saw me when you were invisible and you killed the guy i have got to keep sigils alive what is henry doing henry what are you doing and i give up on henry i don't understand henry anymore all right we got a little bit dudes i don't think i'm winning this one i gotta start go i gotta start popping up let's kill the lights kill the lights kill the lights kill the lights this is gonna be so tough i don't know how i'm gonna do it okay okay let's go invisible why is my invisible not working my invisible isn't working no [Music] i just want to visible um you press the button okay i'm not sure if what i saw was correct wait sigils just died but i'm pretty sure it's just occurring i wasn't inventing wait how did you see first of all hey before you explain yourself what the heck were you doing hugging the wall oh i was just i was just making sure that you know it's been sneaking hiding against the wall are you done with your tasks and i just mean around no i was just taking a nice little show no lights went off let's turn off you're getting missing okay lights went off so i went to go check uh but i got that too late lights already got turned back on but craig was in the room just okay just standing there and then he went to go stand over the vent and i can't remember if he vented or not but i could have sworn i saw him then like right why would i because i know where sigils died i'm standing right on the vent and it's like well it was just died in cafeteria though unless you vented there wait how do you know sigils died in cafeteria because i saw him down there last um where i last saw him oh but right so you saw him down there that means you were running away from the body keep it keep in mind on this map all vents connect yeah just saw sigils that means he had the opportunity to kill him because i literally crossed past rage as i was entering his first question as i was actually in the cafeteria to press the button i crossed by rage and if he said that he's the only person in cafeteria i wouldn't i won't no i saw i said so henry we gotta we gotta stick to your plan henry do you think karan vented or not i mean he was standing right there he might not have i might have been like i don't i was i think it must karan koran koran it's not me boys they're almost done let's do reactive let's do reactor let's do reactor then i'll sit here i'm gonna go and vis i'm gonna go and visit in a second i went invis i went in there's nobody sees me i'm gonna kill the bad guy they don't know i'm back here where's the bat guy at oh they're all in there no okay here's what i'm gonna do they're right there can they see me oh no the tests are almost done this is the hardest ten day dude 9v1 i just gotta start killing i just gotta start killing i have no dang it dude i told you jesse why did you come up to the vending machine because he could have vented all right 1v9 is so difficult holy crap guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch the next video i swear i'm not this bad all the time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,093,273
Rating: 4.9523754 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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