Creo Advanced tutorial: How to create Swept Blend

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[Music] my folks in today video tutorial I'm going to show you how to create a sweater blend feature we would like to start with sketch so select the sketch feature and select the sketch plane in the sketch you can create the base shape for the sweep feature so you can turn to to TD and create for example spline yep so I'd like to create a spline like this and then I'd like to create the dimension for the spline so you can really easy specify that you would like to be perpendicular to this bottom surface or reference then specify under the dimensions or at sign line in the line if you would like to add has to be tangent so if you sell a right mouse button the system will look the tangency yep automatically is tangent base it on that curve we would like to create our slappable and feature so if I will come from okay I can select the slab blend and the system will select for me the selected sketch you can choose where we do like to start for example I'd like to start from this point and in the section option you can choose two options if you would like to create a sketch it on the fly sketch at section or you will create couple of sketches first and then you will select select sections so from this example I like to use the sketch at section the first section what will be created I will use the sketch function and for example rectangle area you can see here that system will create a start point here and be careful if you will create another one the start point will be oriented on the same side and same orientation if you come from okay you create first section and then I'd like to continue so you can really easily insert the new section and system would like to jump to end but I don't want to jump at the end I'd like to create some datum point here yeah so select and create a time point specify the value if you would like to create on the in the middle or you would like to specify definite by real number and real offsets yep so for more information how to work with data feature check my previous tutorial if you confirm middle button the system automatically add this point as section location so if I will confirm sketch the system jump in the intersection on the line on the point and over here I will create again the second shape so you can see here that right now is necessary to specify dimension come from ok and you can see it you can really easy continue so it's up to you if you would like to continue at the end or you would like to add some another driving point so for example I will create another driving point on the straight line and somewhere come from ok or middle button and right now in the section I'd like to create another section and I will create again some rectangle if you don't want to use the rectangle here for example you would like to use the circle create a circle and then use the divide option how the work we divide again check my previous tutorial how to work with sketch wait creo parametric okay so come from okay and right now you can see it looks good and every section includes four points what the question will be if I will create end and at the end we will create a sketch and over there for example I'd like to create only lines yep so one two three lines what does it mean the system will jump from this point over here and over here and over there what will be done with this point you can check in right mouse button if it is possible to specify option burned vertex and the system will create something like double point so right now big point will be connected here over here will be defined in here and this point will be connected here and last point again connected here if you would like to change the orientation of the start point select the point right mouse button and choose the start point system will move the start point new position come from okay right now you can see that our new slab blend feature is almost done I like to only explain to you what does it mean if you would like to work with tangency for example on the start I'd like to go not free but at a start I'd like this from drop-down menu select the normal and the system will go normal from the sketch plane and again on the end you can specify for example normal and you can see that system change it if you would like to change some shape or time engines select the section where the one for example section two and you can jump to sketch and you can change the value and come from okay and you have a totally new shape another question will be if you would like to work with solid model or surface model so you can really easy jump to surface model or specify as solid with thin feature yeah so specify the value and come from okay I hope did you like this nice quick example how to create a bland feature and how to modify the necessary information for this video stay tuned bye bye
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 65,195
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Keywords: creo, tutorial, video, how to create swept blend, swept blend, sweptblend, proe, howto, how_to, creotutorial, proetutorial, creo tutorial, proe tutorial, how to edit, Swept Blend, swept blend creo, creo tutorial for beginners, creo tips and tricks, creo for beginners, 4kside creo tutorial, 4kside, vladimir palffy, creo modeling tutorial, 3D basic modeling, creo basic modeling, 3D modeling, creo tutorial for mechanical engineering, Creo Advanced tutorial, how to
Id: yerRkZ8yIpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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