Creepy Stranger Calls 7-Eleven Workers at 4AM - Ownage Pranks

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oh nothing yo what's up me how you doing another night yeah another nightmare what can you do I feel your name in it after the same way I was actually just I want to reach out and see nah I'm feeling kind of real down and lonely tonight Mel's wondering you know if I came through the 7-eleven if we could just sit down and have a cup of coffee together can't do it I got too much work you got November sounds empty right now like what are we just talking like you know I'm saying like just kind of you know just chop it up a little bit you know see what Serbs see how you doing good to know each other y'all see I have a new heart to her I got stuff to work on but what if I help you mean what if I I'll help you start something on a young male customer to work I know but I'm real good at carrying boxes man Lissie I'll kill you all the boxes if you let me get like one squirt of a salami right quick like a small one I'm sure there's nothing I could do everyone listen man I'll do whatever you want for like a Snickers hello 7-eleven yo brother any chance you change your mind man like I just I really want to hang out what you meant I gotta come I think we really have a living I know I don't why I gotta go do me like there tell them yo what's up brother how you doing man all right everything is good yeah unlike Timmy I like that positivity do you are you hanging in there today a lot yeah yeah yes I was wondering man I'm actually like real lonely and sad tonight I was wondering you know if I came into the 7-eleven Africa you know just stand around and have a cup of coffee something like there your tree you're saying I know but why not no more Darby ice no mil I mean like we're just gonna like talk chop it up may become like friends y'all saying like talk about life talk about the earl's Yonsei and talk about life you know damn man you fascist [ __ ] over there man like meat meat meat meat meat meat scandal with the quickness on you speaking of you and your Wayne Tony on my brother mayor how you doing I'm good I'm good James yeah are you feeling tonight what's poppin chilling out till now was going on cool but I like that man yo real quick you know I was just curious man I know it's late at night stuff I was feeling kind of like no leaning down right now so I was just wondering like you know if I came through right you don't like have a cup of coffee and like you know talk about my problems uh not ain't my type of thing man I don't really rap like that yeah I feel you member I'll hear you out afterwards to missus like I'll show you some love to my brother is this all good man I ain't real talkative like that like that was shared issues laughter I feel you member all I need is someone to listen y'all since unlike you just gotta stand in like nah guy like he's gonna like pretend like you give a [ __ ] you're saying yeah I got work to do okay I can't do that but oh come on I just walked by me yeah you you look man free right now I know I got work to do like for real no lie hey but hey oh but real talk if I if I help you stock stock the back room in the meantime like you know like you know we'll be mad a fishing you're saying like no I can't do that can how you working you ain't on the clock I got you if I come in there and do some work for you down the throw me like a king size Snickers or something like there I can't do that either oh you killing me darling you just straight shutting me down barrel barrel barrel back-to-back y'all Sam can throw me a bow okay man I got work yet and you are where if I come in there like and use a slipper machine like a drink and final you let me get a look a little sip I can't do that man hey Dawg you ain't let me alone I just work here I know but it's like 4/20 right now how about we have some 420 420 Yonsei help today move along smoothly would you think about there oh damn I detailed oh I'm coming through right now man I mean I'm getting ready to listen real good I am I'm a beating a newbie all right brother yeah hey how you doing there today man how are you I'm good thank you for asking I'm really happy to hear y'all say o real quick dude I'm saying just more than I'm feeling real down in the press you know my boo boo Bertha just walked out on me I would love the opinion of another woman if I would be okay if I came in there told you a little bit about my problems you have a good night did that that doesn't help me at all you heartless monster what do you want it I want your opinion y'all saying I need your help you know what my girl just walked out on me she said that I'm not being him real man and she needs somebody who's gonna take take take care of her y'all share I'll tell you what if you we want to know what to do with the church and ask the pastor what to do I'm not a pastor nobody told he told me how tonight he told me call somebody you trust me big I trust you hello huh what why you gotta do that baby you can't just hear me out I'm a human being just like you John says like we all have like feelings and needs and designers I trust you you know I come in there like every day Ock day um you gonna hang up hard like there [Music]
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 1,221,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, prank, comedy, improv, voice acting, 7-eleven, late night, tyrone, prank calls, relationships, relationship help, slurpee
Id: -BYc0FYFblQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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