Creepy Stories | True Creepy Stories Collection

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so to start i visited the abandoned belchertown state school in m.a twice once in the summer of 2015 and another time in the winter of 2016. i was with one friend the first time and to the second time for privacy's sake i'm going to call my first friend m and the second j so it was the first major abandoned complex that i'd ever been initial impressions of the campus were exceedingly creepy and that the physical state of the buildings were visually disturbing didn't help that was to be expected i suppose but then things got weak now i'm not someone who inherently leans towards paranormal explanations and i consider myself to be a pretty sound person of logic i suppose but there were feelings associated with belchertown that's just forever stuck with me and my friends things that have certainly affected my life the last few years as well the first of which occurred in a dormitory the first building that i went into with them in 2015. the door was open so we just kind of trek through the brush and made our way into the building inside was pitch dark in the middle of the afternoon and as soon as we stepped in we heard the flutter of dozens of bats above us which was quite a frightening experience at the time at one point i was standing in front of the main doorway taking photos and mem told me that he saw something walk in front of it from the outside intercepting the sunlight naturally i assumed that this was an animal albeit completely silent that is until em told me that it looked like the black silhouette of a person walking swiftly right in front of the entrance i figured that he was being paranoid but needless to say we left the building pretty quick the next instance happened in what i'm going to call the epicenter something was wrong with the whole campus for sure but something was very seriously wrong with the auditorium building specifically the basement so we approached it from the side walking up to a kicked out basement window i attempted to take some photos on my phone of the exterior window every photo that i talked pointed in this direction showed up in my camera roll as just a complete black image and no information just black this happened several times as well and at some point m who was using an early 1990s canon slr film camera was not able to take a photo his focus hunted and did not work even on manual and then the camera just refused to even shut it now we were getting a little bit spooked i'll admit when suddenly a freezer level burst of cold air came rushing out of the buildings and stood the hair on our bodies right up we immediately left the area too because the feeling was truly uncomfortable later though we ended up in that very basement of the auditorium but it wasn't until our second trip that things started to get a lot more disturbing so i was in that basement with m j when jay walked into a pitch dark basketball court with his flashlight and just kind of froze in his tracks he just kind of stopped his sentence short then slowly backed out of the room and he wouldn't tell us what was the matter we brushed it off but it wouldn't be until later when he told us what had actually happened he explained that he believes that he had seen a black figure crouching in the far corner of the basketball courts up on those decaying wooden walkways he said the figure stood upright then stretched into the darkness faster than a person could as though it just kind of stood up and stretched into the black at the same time anyway we spent some more time in that basement before we truly got the feeling the terrible terrible feeling and it was a feeling that something was definitely there i'm always afraid to say this part due to people judging my credibility but i'm sure that it wasn't you and i mean i say this in the sense that we all had that feeling that we were being watched or perhaps even hunted by something that was just truly evil we couldn't see or hear it but you could just feel it like a weight that wanted to drive you insane now i know a lot of terrible things happen to belcher town and i've been to a lot of creepy places since but this takes the cake as the sun began to go down that day we all felt that feeling amplified it embodied the whole campus at one point and it felt really hostile driving back that day was the first time that i realized the feeling was back that it had in some way shape or form followed me in the weeks following i'd experience the feeling on and off and in the months following i would go through one of the hardest periods of my life whether or not it was actually related to that place i obviously can't say but at times it felt as though i was barely holding onto my sanity just like whatever was in that basement wanted me my friends and i all reported similar emotional problems around this time and we later decided to unofficially establish that there was a disturbance from that place which had followed us all in different ways over the next few years we would meet others who engaged in urban exploration and some who had also been to belchertown and they all confirmed the same thing something was up with that auditorium basement so i was a housekeeper for beach rentals for a short time up and down the coast some houses were brand new and massive others were original homes from the first settlers that have been able to stay in the family i felt little things working in some of these homes for sure just gut feelings that i'm being watched or that i'm not alone in the home but i'm always able to dismiss it and laugh the fear of nothing ever happened to me to make me think that there was anything actually there but then i was tasked to clean this older house two stories right on the beach right after walking inside i heard a shuffle from the back bedroom i yelled out who i wasn't all that the housekeeping bits but nobody answered which is expected since no one is supposed to be there when i get there but occasionally another housekeeper will stop by to help out one night i checked around quickly and i discovered that i was alone so i just got started on my tasks now the way the house is set up is the bottom floor is the three bedrooms and a bathroom all side by side and small if you were in the bathroom you would look down the very short hall into the end bedroom with the other two bedrooms lining the hallway the front door and the stairs on the top floor are parallel with the bathroom that kind of like an l-shape i'm just explaining the layout so you can picture this a little better since i'm not about to go back there to get a photo so i started downstairs in the bedrooms pulling all the sheets to wash kept feeling like someone was in the house with me but again i just brushed it off i would keep looking over my shoulder behind me without thinking about it and a bit of my stomach just grew and grew i'm really good about staying logical and kind of laughing at my fear but this this was really bad i just felt truly scared for once and nothing had given me a reason to the closer that i got to the end bedroom though the lump in my throat would grow so i just kind of left it alone and decided that i would tackle it once i was done upstairs with the kitchen and the living room and the bathroom once i got upstairs i felt a lot better but i always kept skirting over to the stairs i could have sworn though that somebody was standing at the bottom like it was unable to come up just waiting i say this because every time that i would glance over the slightest shadow would move as if the top of the head was peaking up into view being upstairs though i was able to calm myself down and put on some music and get to clean once i was done i was able to go downstairs again confidently but once i got to the bottom i was attacked by just complete fear i was frozen my eyes wide walking slowly and doing my tasks quickly and quietly always looking around i eventually went into the back bedroom and i walked around the side of the bed so i could keep my eyes on the door i pulled sheets and pillowcases but i was getting slower and slower at it my anxiety was leaving my fingers tight and shaky then a breeze flew into the room but only underneath the bed the cold and rushed my feet and then it remained extremely cold on just one of my ankles it was like something was grabbing my leg but made out of cold air and i didn't know what to do but shuffle sideways away from the bed in a frozen side step then i just darted upstairs and i sat outside the upper porch shaking until i calmed myself down i was forcing myself to make up any logical excuse for that because i truly didn't want ghosts to be real and me to have to deal with this right now i was so scared though that i was ready to walk out of that house and call my work but i knew that that would fire me and i really needed the money so i calmed down and i focused on finishing the upstairs i went into the bathroom and noticed that there was a painting in there realizing that there was no artwork in the entire house except for this piece it was of two women hanging out of windows dressed in old-timey clothes i think the 1700s and everything was painted black except for them in the windows and looking closer at their faces i saw contempt one girl was looking away with anger the other was staring right at me with a smile and just evil eyes is the only way i can describe it and then i noticed that everywhere i moved in the bathroom her eyes followed me i tried to clean the mirror and i couldn't stop staring back through it at the painting behind me my gut told me to just get the hell out of that bathroom and so in the end i did i couldn't even bring myself to even look at the closed door of the bathroom it made me so scared and this fear that i'm describing it was unlike any other feeling that i've ever had it was being forced on me all my senses just painfully active my body was screaming at me to kick rocks but i had to finish at least bare minimum and i still had to make the beds and vacuum the floor and i truly couldn't lose this job and i mean how would i explain that i didn't finish because i was spooked no one would believe me so i'm running downstairs rapid making the beds and finishing up i go into the bathroom to wipe off the mirror and i look into it and i see the doorway behind me into the end bedroom and i swear to you that there was a figure just standing there made completely of shadow everything radiating off this figure was just making my skin crawl too the hair was standing up on the back of my neck and i even started to cry without realizing it i blinked after what felt like forever just staring at it and as soon as i did it was gone i whipped around to face whatever it was but i didn't see anything i stayed into the bedroom from the bathroom for a few seconds contemplating making a dash for the door when i saw the vacuum still plugged in there and i couldn't leave all my tools behind all i had to do was grab it and load it up and everything else was taken care of though so i started to yell to ghana bravery it made me feel a little better just a lot of mock confidence like oh yeah you little [ __ ] and stuff like that as i'm marching in and wrapping the cord up i'm looking down clicking the little back side of the plugin part onto the wire when i suddenly see in my upper peripheral someone in front of me in between the bedroom and the bathroom i was so taken aback by this that i instantly looked up and right at a woman staring back at me she was just standing there in a nightgown like dress and she was just staring at me my body started vibrating with adrenaline heart pounding fear locking my bones i literally couldn't comprehend what the hell i was looking at but her eyes were just evil and as she wanted to hurt me i think and this thing was standing between me and my exit out of there i looked back down at the vacuum cleaner with a quick thought of chucking it at her when she just disappeared i didn't wait i took that chance to sprint out the door and when i did i found that it wouldn't open i'm shaking the doorknob at this point and i'm trying to scream for help but my throat is making whispers i'm unlocking and re-locking kicking and it's just not budging i dared upstairs and clutched the couch staring wide-eyed at the stairs literally in front of my eye she comes up to the halfway mark staring at me just looking pissed she's dipping in and out of vision like her body is made of different thickness of smoke or something her face is fading a little and then her body but she kind of just stayed there i truly didn't know what else to do but run for the porch next to me hang off the balcony and drop the seven ish feet down and when i landed i looked up at the front door and it was cracked open just partially like it was inviting me back inside i walked down the street a bit called my boyfriend to come and get me and i just cried when he got there i explained everything and i think that he wanted to believe me but like how i am everything can be met with logical answers i calmed down quickly with him there and we just went home i ended up quitting shortly after due to poor hours but i ended up telling my manager while i was still there that i would not work for that house again and she said that i wasn't the only one to complain about feeling creeped out in that house i didn't tell her what i saw because well i didn't want her to think that i was crazy and it made me wonder who else cleaned it and saw something that didn't say anything besides feeling creeped out i do still have nightmare sometimes about that painting i mean why was it the only one and who made it how old was it i hate seeing their dead stare in my dreams and it's been a year since then i can promise you guys too that i have never felt fear like this i still can't explain everything that happened that day about a year ago i was in a very dark place spiritually and emotion i really prayed and i had so many insecurities worries and problems in my life that it was a struggle to just get by day by day it was at this period in my life that i started to wake up to these black figures in my room almost every night i can't remember when it started but i remember the worst nights to this day usually they show up either beside or at the end of my bed sinister and black of the black i never had sleep paralysis and there was never anything in my room that could look like these things yet i still saw them it got so bad in fact that i had to sleep with a flashlight next to my bed because the only way to get rid of them was to quickly shine my torch at them when i woke up now usually i would wake up to one in my room which would freak me out on its own but one night i woke up and saw three of them all surrounding my bed all the same height and all facing straight towards me not moving or talking just kind of watching me now all of this can be explained rationally right over active imagination or just being half asleep well i have two reasons why i think these things are very much real so i woke up one night seeing a smaller one like a child at the end of my bed and for some reason i wasn't scared i think it was because i was still waking up but i've never spoken to these things ever but on that night i did i just said i can see you while looking towards it and the creepiest thing happened it started moving towards my desk and literally stood behind my desk as if it was trying to hide and my other reason is earlier this year some missionaries came to our place for dinner and i asked them to bless the house and our family and after that i never saw one in my room again many can call this coincidence i know but i don't think it was i think those things were very real and something got rid of i don't tell anyone in my family because i think that would be creeped out to say the least and i don't want to scare them plus i'm not so sure that anyone is going to believe i was 16 at the time and i was dealing with some shady characters for shady reasons that i won't go into i had two friends though that i was very close with at the time who were basically my guides to the street because up until then i was pretty much a sheltered kid but one night we were at a club having drinks and dancing great nights went well ended up getting familiar with this boy around my age he was 18 a med student hot as hell and i just couldn't resist i was pretty drunk whilst making this decision and i was separated at the time from our designated driver i clearly said yes like the horny [ __ ] that i was and a few moments later i ended up in his car doing some stuff while he drove me back to his place we pulled up to a house which in a better state i would have recognized as being a red flag house two stories decrepit catwalk built into the side of a hill i look like 200 plus years old you get it spooky looking he turns off the car and tells me to wait there while he heads in to clean up and get ready i agreed and he bolted inside i was waiting for what for like an hour and a half i think and eventually i got tired of waiting got out and i started heading up the hill to the wind inside i could hear all kinds of clattering and glass being moved as well there's several animals now i was still expecting certain things to happen that night so i figured a little peep through the window wouldn't hurt but instead of naked pecs and body oil i saw him moving a bunch of old bottles and a hand cart into another room down the hall i got curious and my state was beginning to improve so i ran around the house to the other window and there i saw hundreds of those same jar sitting on shelves and piled up on the floor with a closer look the jars looked like they all had what appeared to be animal parts and maybe even fetuses inside which somehow made sense to me considering that he said something about wanting to be a vet at some point i now realize that i was rationalizing all of this under a horny and drunk state which may have gotten me killed in the end had i not been so nosy anyway he was coming back so i dashed back to the car and waited i'm acting more drunk than i was at this point he ushered me out of the car and we started making out right there then he started moving me toward the house at this point i was beginning to get creeped out from the previous information that i'd now begun to process but he just kept physically pushing me towards the house and i pretended to stumble and push back at it but he just grabbed me by my shoulders and kept pushing me harder and i was sober enough to be scared though but we got inside and the first thing that i noticed was just the smell of the house like heavy heavy chemicals and actual [ __ ] he again told me to wait there in the foyer but this time it was much more forceful he booked it around a corner and as soon as he did i got a glimpse of his kitchen through the living room shut up and there was blood and tarps everywhere with fur and feathers lying around too and at this i immediately unbolted the door slipped out and knocked a pile of timber in front to bar it shut before taking off faster than i've ever run in my entire life i never want to really know what he was doing in there but thinking about the possibilities sure makes me sick to my stomach i've never gone out like that since then and i don't plan on doing it ever again so i was about 13 at the time that this happened it was coming up for my mum's birthday and i had no idea what to get her so i called my aunt for help we agreed to meet in town on saturday afternoon after my piano lesson so we wouldn't have to rush i went to my piano lesson as usual dropped my books back at the house and went to the bus stop to get the bus into town as i was waiting a taxi pulled up and the driver rolled down the window and called out hey are you going to so and so i'll give you a lift without moving closer to the taxi i replied that i couldn't afford a taxi and plus the bus would be there in a minute it was as usual running late the taxi driver became insistent though that i get into his taxi and that he wouldn't charge me to go to town i stood my ground refusing to get in but his tone became more aggressive as he demanded that i get into his taxi over the next minute or so someone else arrived at the bus stop and the taxi driver sped off swearing at me for not getting into the taxi i told my aunt what happened when i met her in town and she asked if i had his license number so she could report the incident i explained that i didn't want to move closer to the taxi to get the number and that at first i thought that he was just looking for a fare my own is pretty sure that if i got into that taxi that i wouldn't have been dropped off into town but taken somewhere else and she told me that next time this happens to tell them to get lost or i'll scream and if they approach to try and run for a large chunk of my childhood my dad and my stepmom lived in this house that was built in the 50s and made me fear the night time every week and it's i had to stay most nights that i stayed there i would wake up at some point in the night and hear either symphonic orchestral music coming from downstairs or what kind of sounded like monks chanting it scared me so badly that i couldn't even get up to go and wake my dad i just kind of laid there paralyzed with feet one day though when i was a teenager my stepmom briefly and casually told me that she can see spirits she and my dad are incredibly religious so that's not necessarily something she likes to talk about she doesn't want to see them and unfortunately for her she's a realtor so she sees them frequently as i'm sure you can imagine anyway she tells me that she often sees the spirit of an old man and a little boy but not necessarily together in our house but there are many other little things that happen in that house as well like i remember my eyes very level-headed being afraid of our dining room and or dining room table for some reason that she never disclosed i remember one day that my dad came downstairs and found a little pile of dirt in front of the door to the laundry room in the closet and no idea how it got there we also had adt and our alarm system would sometimes go off in the middle of the night with no explanation now one day my stepmom is home alone in the office which is in the back of the house on the first floor and always gave everyone the creeps she hears a noise coming from the living room there were three dvd stacks on top of each other on the top of the tv and the dvd stack that was in the middle was laying in the middle of the room and it hit the force so hard that the flap in the middle that holds the discs had been broken out of the case one day my dad is home alone and leaves to go run a quick errand he's gone for maybe 20 minutes and when he comes back there are loads of flies just surrounding the inside of the window in the garage that definitely weren't there before one night i woke up and heard what sounded like a small bouncy ball being gently tossed down the stairs i went back to sleep that night and i never mentioned it but several weeks later my best friend josie is spending the night and we're sleeping down in the less used living room big house and she wakes me up and tells me that she heard what sounded like a bouncy ball being bounced in the fight i'm sure that there's more that i can't remember but all of it as you can imagine has really creeped me out this happened about a year and a half ago and it was around two or three a.m in the houston area one of the top cities for sex trafficking on a week night my friend and i were driving around and we stopped at a walgreens for something that's i can't remember only i got out of the car to go into the store and i saw a white van just sitting outside at the time i didn't think anything this so after i make my purchase i walk back to my friend's car and we leave as we were driving off the lot though she comments that her tire air pressure light had come on and so we needed to stop to put some air in it for whatever reason we stopped at the most sketchy or secluded gas station to air up at and it was closed as what the dumbest decision ever i know but we both got out of the car to narrow it up and about a minute passes before i just started feeling this rush of intuition screaming at me that it was time to leave following my instinct i tell my friend that her and i should leave because i wasn't having a very good feeling about something she agrees and puts away the air pump and i kid you not as she's putting the hose up that same white van from walgreens zoomed up to us in that gas station it all happened so fast but i was screaming at my friend to rush into the car and dip it out of there as we hopped into the car the vandals slid open so fast and these huge men were coming out of it thank god that we were in the car in time because if we would have waited just a mere 30 seconds more chances are i wouldn't be typing this we spent out of the gas station and of course the van started following us until eventually we lost i have many theories about this situation but one of them is that they could have been sex traffickers and they spotted me at the walgreens as an easy target i'm a noticeably feminine gay man and decided to hunt me down and my friend too who is actually a girl regardless though one thing is certain i know that their intentions were not good at all be careful out there hey when i was younger the show ghost hunters was a new thing me and my friend used to hang out around the local ice rink and flag stuff az and call out spirits for fun the first night was something that i'll never forget the first night we saw a soda can get lifted and suspended in air for a second and then dropped there's a shed next to the ice rink with a garage door there and something was banging on the door and the lights came on inside the only way to get in was the side door or the garage door and neither had been open we started telling some other people about it and next thing you know people would come around the woods buffalo park next to the rink just to call that spirits but we've seen full body apparitions with red eyes three people also a little girl turn into a wolf and run off into pitch black darkness at the same time and we had several people with us when we saw yellow darting eyes and heard a drum approach us and at the very end it was like somebody banged a drum right in front of us and everybody just ran in fear some wild stuff for sure hard to get others to believe my stories i know so i hardly tell them but i know the truth and my friends know the truth as well but anyways years later i went through a religious phase and became christian after straightening my life out and while praying in my living room one day my bedroom was tossed around i heard my name being called by what sounded like a chorus i had some sort of a demonic hiss in my ear that i could feel the breath of after i prayed for god to help me with my strange encounters and it stopped after that and didn't resume until another two years later so i was with my girlfriend at the time asleep in my room when i woke up laying on my side and i saw what looked like black stripes of cloth that had a smoky texture to them above my girlfriend half awake i reached over to her and shook her and then i rolled over to see what looks like the grim reaper on my ceiling it was a hooded large figure that was pitch black smokey texture but you could see the outline of its body like um's head and torso its robes were moving like they were alive it's really hard to explain but i felt that every part of this thing was somehow alive like some sort of energy that you can sense they'd lean down like it was trying to get a better look at me and at that point i lost it my body automatically started to scream on its own louder than i've ever screened before and i couldn't stop it the feeling of fear that i felt that day was the most surreal feeling that's i could never explain it was just truly horrific and dreadful the feeling that i had my girlfriend woke up amongst my screams and she saw it as well then completely shut down crying and hiding under a blanket while i shouted go away just uncontrollably it was like my brain knew what to do but my body went into action yelling and i just watched and eventually i ended up passing out i think from fear the passing out was unusual though because i've been on a plane that had an engine failure and almost crashed into trees and the fear that i felt from that were thinking that i was certainly going to die was still not even close to the feeling of fear that this thing gave me it was like my soul was afraid of it or something not just my body and mine after that encounter we had a door pop open on its own after waking up at 3 am and that was the end of it for quite a long time fast forward to now i live in an apartment with my daughter and her mother we've not had much unusual stuff happen during the time that we've been together now the only strange thing that we have had happen was we both woke up at 1 20 a.m when my girlfriend was pregnant and her water broke minutes after that one i think was probably just a strange coincidence but it's probably worth mentioning but the other night i woke up and saw a dark figure rising out of the space between a closet and doorway thinking that i was just half awake and still dreaming kind of i just shrugged it off as just that the following day my girlfriend and me are home and we start hearing some serious banging at the bathroom door while in the living room watching tv i rush to see why my girlfriend is making so much noise and we meet in the hallway she was frustrated asking why i would scare her like that i told her that i just got enough to see what the noise was too and she gave me a frightened look and just told me that she didn't believe me and we got into a short argument about it but the next night i'm awake in bed next to her and we're both at my phones when we hear what sounds like someone going through our kitchen drawers the sound of silverware rustling around and the wooden drawers sliding open was enough to make me get up and grab my mossberg and my girlfriend to phone the police i turn my tack light on and investigate for potential intruders and when i hit the kitchen it's clear but the kitchen drawers are opened which is really weird i switched that light on and the living room light on too and there's nothing i checked my daughter's playroom in the bathroom and more clear i realize no windows have been opened and the front door is still locked and not messed with i tell my girlfriend to tell the dispatcher that there was no break-in they tell her and they still want to send an officer out to follow up but we decline and let the woman on the phone know that we'll call if need we make sure the house is clear one last time talking about what happened and eventually we go to sleep just this morning i woke up with my girlfriend and we start our day as usual heading into the kitchen to get our daughter's breakfast started and now everything is open drawers are capped it's and nothing is thrown out nothing is taken or destroyed we both know that something just isn't right and we're looking into what we can do my girlfriend found a shop that sells crystals and all that other crap and we get something called hollywood and candles we're told to burn the candles while burning the hollywood and say a prayer while walking room to room with the burning hollywood and as far as this moment goes i haven't seen or heard anything but i'm 100 sure that something has attached itself to me at some point all i'm hoping is that this is the end and that finally i've gotten rid of it look at a busy company in orlando right in the heart of idrive if you're not familiar with this area it's short for international drive which is short for tourist central this meant that i tended to work a lot of nights which my husband was never fond of a couple of my co-workers had some weird experiences in our parking lot so we always left after 10 p.m with another person so we had someone when we walked to our car and us females definitely made sure to do so as well now there's not in particular i closed the store at around 1 30 in the morning and was walking to my car waving good night to a co-worker with one hand and already dialing my husband's number in the up though we lived only about 25 minutes away from my job we both liked to call one another when we were leaving wherever we were so we could let the other one know of an expected arrival plus on nights that i closed it was kind of nice to fill him in on the night's adventures and current gossip this is also a good time to mention too that i lived in a not so great part of orland when i moved there for school we moved into one of the cheapest apartments that we could find which incidentally meant moving into the ghetto i didn't mind it much overall our neighbours were nice and the apartment was affordable for the time being but anyway as i but anyway as i continued my drive home i became occupied with complaining about my long shift and how i'll not be home until about at least 2 am and i turned into the usual side street that connected two state roads and right at the end of this road was my complex this road usually only lasted about eight minutes and it ran through a rundown neighborhood but i always got a bit of uh excitement turning down because it was my last turn meaning that i was almost home so i'm driving down this windy empty road when out of the corner of my eye i noticed movement of another car as i mentioned before this road ran straight through a neighborhood which also held an endless amount of side roads on it that led to loops and circles that were littered with houses it's very dark only that by headlights and the dim street lights as well but i could see a van heading my way out of one of the side streets not even 15 feet in front of me and this next part happens so fast that i had no idea how to react i see shadows inside the van in the passenger in the driver's seat then suddenly there's a man hanging out of the passenger side window with a pistol he fires off multiple shots straight at a corner house directly next to me at this point my heart drops and all i can say is holy crap my husband is still on the phone with me and actually heard the gunshots too he becomes frantic asking what happened and if i'm okay and all i can mutter is i just saw a drive-by as i passed by the house where the shooting happened the driver of the van peels out and onto the road that i'm driving on and flies right up behind me at this point my heart is racing the attackers are right behind me the only vehicle on the road and the only witness to their crime i tell my husband that they're behind me and he quickly talks me down and tries to calm me but my eyes can't stop shifting between my rear view mirror and the road in front of me the man behind me is swerving back and forth on the road falling a few feet behind me and then back up at the bumper again i say out loud that i don't know what to do and my husband tells me that if they continue to follow me to go to our local police station then suddenly out of nowhere the driver whips it to the left and down a road deeper into the neighborhood leaving me alone on the road wants me i was home within minutes and my husband was just as shaken up as me saying that he can still hear those gunshots from the other end of the phone waiting for what felt like an eternity for me to say something and tell him what happened i saw the police there the next morning when i went to work but i never found out how bad or just how fatal the shooting was i have since moved from that neighborhood and will hopefully never have to witness a drive by eight minutes from my home again so uh this happened like literally about five minutes ago and i'm still outside of my pg's because well i'm just too scared to go back in the house i live in an old house and i've been here about two years i think and since i moved in loads of stuff has happened to myself my o-h and other people who have visited or stayed open things like being touched footsteps things moving falling over lights turning on and off shadows and voices so many things that have made me want to move out but i'm just flat broke and i just can't afford it and anyway there's nobody but me in the house and i'm just hanging up some washing in the utility room i pick up the laundry basket to hang the socks up and get about halfway through the kitchen and there's this noise behind me in the utility room i don't know how to describe it other than a a deep growling scream kind of thing whatever it was it was strange and loud and i've never in my life heard anything like it i wish that i could explain it better but i just don't know how it was just a weird and scary noise i just kind of froze like a decor in headlights and spun around and stared at the door and walked backwards until i backed into my front door and ran out into the garden and now i'm sat here half ashamed for running away and terrified of what the hell i'm dealing with in my house and i'm horribly aware that i'm alone in here for another eight hours i think that i'm gonna have to go and investigate now that i can remember how to breathe again wish me luck i've had plenty of paranormal experiences in my life but none weren't all too terrifying though at the time they seemed like it but one event has really stuck with me more than any other so as a kid i didn't have many friends and tended to hang out with my cousins more than anyone else who were always spending the night at my house we'd watch movies and eat snacks and eventually all pass out in the living this happened when i was about eight years old i was asleep on one of the couches my youngest cousin was on the floor beside the other two were across the room and i woke up in the middle of the night due to my nearest cousin coughing it was more like he was choking even and my rolled over and turned to look down at him when i saw something in the dark at first i thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me but staring for a few moments i clearly could begin making out a shape from the hallway light this thing or whatever it was looked skeletal skinny and was wearing not quite a cloak but more like a hooded shawl and it looked very very old it looked like it would disintegrate if i even touched it and it was kneeling over my cousin as he continued choking as if very interested in him and then it saw me the figure immediately backed off and standing up it must have been nearly eight feet tall at least because it practically reached the ceiling it slowly backed away into the dining room and my cousin stopped coffee i sat there huddled up in my covers feeling like i was being watched for the rest of the night and stayed that way until the dawn when the sunlight came in and i knew for sure that this thing was gone i never felt safe in the house after that and more things happened there for sure but that was by far the most terrifying everyone i've told it to has written it off as you probably were just dreaming or you just think you saw something but i was wide awake and i know what i saw i just really have no idea what it was [Music] so this experience took place in nepal in june and it's going to be a bit of a long one so strap here i traveled there with just six other students who were all girls from my college to do a volunteer internship there just outside the main city of kathmandu we were all 20 and 21 years old the whole trip was six weeks i think but we were done with the internship after five so we planned to just go do whatever we wanted for the last week we ended up taking a seven hour bus ride to pokhara which is one of the most touristy cities in the country a lot of the himalayan tracks people do start from there and it's a popular paragliding location too the nice area of the city where travelers stay is called lake sliders there's a huge lake there we were staying in this area in a decent quality hotel for six nights for only the equivalent of 50 us dollars for the record too this is overall a very safe country although very poor and not once besides this experience did i ever feel unsafe just about everybody is incredibly friendly in fact violent crime rates are also significantly lower than the us and guns aren't really a thing there for anyone that's not police anyways one night we're all at this place that had live music where we're all just kind of chilling having a bunch of drinks and smoking some stuff and when we leave there i'm like 4 10 drunk we start talking to some guy about 40 years old on the sidewalk and we're smoking some sigs with him but i don't remember what we were talking about it's about 9 pm at this point and the girls all decide to take a quick taxi ride back to the hotel and call it a night i decide that i'm going to keep staying out for a bit though was some of the nights before i had a lot of fun solo bar hopping and just talking to both locals and other travelers from all over the world on the street i would often just find myself in like 30 minute conversations with random local dudes and felt really comfortable being out on my own so i continued to talk to this guy his accent was hard to understand and didn't speak the best english but we were still able to communicate fairly well i didn't care if i had to ask him to repeat stuff and other times i just pretend that i understood what he said he starts asking what kind of drugs i do and although i occasionally smoke weed i'll admit i didn't want any so i just tell him that's my only drink so he's like oh follow me and we can get some beers we go over to a nearby small convenience store we each buy a tall boy of pretty heavy beer and then go back on the street chilling he keeps asking me if i need anything and is like you want girls and does this little air hum thing and made it clear that he meant like prostitutes we're both laughing though and i'm like nah i'm not into that so we just walked down this path by the lake drinking and chatting the path was fairly populated and he wasn't an intimidating guy by any means he's like five foot four and i'm not a lot taller but yeah he wasn't a scary guy at this point i'm moderately drunk and just seeing what type of adventure i can get into and we end up taking a cab a pretty short distance to his home so now it's a poor area but it's not that sketchy but it is where the story gets a little bit weird so we're walking up this path now and he wants me to follow him down to this one more sketchy path and i don't really get what he's saying but i tell him not we go into his place which was literally just a super small rectangular room with a few beds and not a whole lot else there's three people already in there as well one of them is his brother that looks a bit younger than him one is his mother that is like a sweet 60 year old lady she didn't speak english at all but she was friendly and smiling and definitely thought that it was funny that her sons were chilling with an american the other person is some guy sleeping just right in the middle of the floor or nothing and it was hard to tell but he didn't really look related to them he still had darker tennis skin but was much lighter than them i thought that this was a little weird too but it seemed normal to them so i didn't pay much attention to it so i'm just kind of sitting on the edge of the bed smoking cigs with them talking about just random stuff his brother seemed like he had something slightly wrong with him as he was kind of cross-eyed and looked like he was looking straight through me when talk yeah i took a selfie with them smoking a cig as i would do this sometimes with random locals because it was funny and they start asking me to drink this stuff in a jug or something it's hard to remember what it looked like they were saying that it was liquor from this one nearby mountain but i was skeptical so i was like no you drink and he said something about how he doesn't drink liquor anymore after the earthquake or something then his brother is like watch and starts drinking it but i was trying to see if he was just pretending to drink it and i really couldn't tell i still had a bit of my beer left though and i told them that i'm just good with that so the guy is like just have a little and pause a small amount into my care i was still pretty relaxed but they could sense that i was kind of skeptical and one of them asks me why i'm afraid but he says it like afraid in his accent so i just play dumb laughing and i'm just like i don't know what afraid is at this point i tell them that i've got to go back to my hotel and me and the original guy leave and get into a taxi and might tell them where to go i still got this beer in my hand by the way but i didn't drink it anymore but kept holding it throughout just so that he wouldn't bother me about it i still knew the general area that i was in as i got a pretty good sense of direction and this cab takes a left when it should have been right i tell them that it's the wrong way but the original guy insists that it's the right way i'm like whatever maybe it's quicker right but also a part of me was kind of thinking as we start going deeper into the city that something just wasn't right eventually we do end up on the main lakeside strip but we're going way down it's a lot further than my hotel is i tell him but he just didn't seem to care and was saying to relax and that we're gonna go sightseeing or something like that which didn't make any sense because it's night time they start playing justin bieber thinking that i'd like it but i'm still back low-key kind of pissed now i'm sitting there like well if something bad is going to happen i just kind of ruined the trip for everyone and i didn't have any phone plan and could only contact people if i had wi-fi we get past the end of the lakeside strip which is the farthest that i'd been previously on other days the road then curves around the lake and turns into a dirt road heading outside of the city and there's not many buildings past there we drive down this for like five more minutes and then stop in the road and we get out there's finally a bunch of some buildings a bit ahead but not that many again the guy starts walking towards those saying to follow him and at this point i'm like nah i'm gonna walk back over to the taxi telling the driver that i didn't ask to be over here the guy realizes i wasn't following him and walks back over to the car and starts talking to the guy in nepali for a minute well i'm just kind of standing here they say that they'll take me back for what is the equivalent to 15 i'm pissed and i'm arguing with them to bring me back for free i tell them that i'd rather walk back instead of paying that and i start going i knew pretty much where i was but it would have taken a little over an hour to walk back to the hotel he tells me no that it's too far and after more arguing i get them to agree to five dollars they eventually drive me back to the hotel thank god and when i'm paying i give him the five dollars but he was like i thought it was 15. i was like we agreed on the lower price so i give him the five and i get out but the original guy gets out with me and wants to go into the hotel because he says that he needs water it's about midnight now the lobby is basically outdoors and i point him to the water jug and i was able to go upstairs to my room without him following me i ended up throwing up once i got back partially from being a little drunk still and partially from being freaked out by wondering where that guy was actually taking me it's something that i'm probably going to wonder about for the rest of my life too i mean there is a small chance that the dude could have led me to some fun stuff but he just progressively gave me a more and more sketchy vibe as the night went on and i trusted my gut feel i still don't know if the taxi driver and the guy knew each other or not i could have got robbed or kidnapped or something else and maybe the guy on the floor had been drugged by the drink and they wanted to give me it but who knows i also just could have been apparent overall i don't necessarily regret it because i played my cards right i do stupid stuff when i'm drinking sometimes and it's good that i stopped when i did the whole trip was awesome though and you're safe as long as you don't do stupid stuff like i did it's one of the coolest countries and i do hope to go back someday but i'm curious what do you guys think would have happened if i would have kept following this guy live in a very small quiet street in the mountains but not many people know that my street exists and it's actually quite hard to find i work from home so i'm home all day and the only other person at home in my street would be my next door neighbor who was in his 70s i'm actually very close to him as well he's quite vigilant about the goings on in our street he often sits on his windowsill outside his house just enjoying the fresh air and watching the birds their houses are all joined together very closely and they're small so we can always hear if someone is knocking at somebody else's door so this particular day i was sitting in my living room working on my laptop and i heard a man screaming on the top of his lungs like something or someone was chasing him he started banging on my door and shouting frantically let me in it was so loud and aggressive in fact that it felt like my house was shaking it sounded exactly like my fiance too which really spooked me but my dogs were snarling and growling with their heckles raised and they'd never be like that about my fiance i got up and looked through the people in the front door and strangely i couldn't see anymore neither could i see anyone out of my windows front side or back i phoned my fiancee and he said stay inside and ring bernard my next-door neighbor so i phoned him and told him what had just happened and asked if he'd heard it and he was really confused he said that he was out in the street at the time feeding the birds and he didn't hear or see anything it really shook me up though because the whole thing just felt so real i could feel the house shaking it i could see my dogs reacting i was absolutely terrified and to this day i have no idea what happened and maybe i never will this happened last year and it still gives me the creeps even thinking about it i was leaving work and was on my way to my friend's house my work is on the literal edge of town it's pretty rural and gets really dead at night my friends live even further from my work remember i guess you consider to be the country area and the roads get more and more desolate the closer you get to the house and i clocked out of work one day and went to my car and called my friend to talk to her on the phone about something while i drove to her in her boyfriend's house i looked both ways before i exited the parking lot but there was absolutely nobody else on the road that i could see which was a pretty good distance i made it a mile or so down the road when i see headlights behind me and coming up fast it was a full-size pickup truck that had been lifted and he got so close to my car that all i could see out of my back window was the chevy badge on his grill i thought that he wanted to pass me so i waved out the window for him to pass using the suicide lane since the road was only two lanes there but instead he started laying on his hall mind you i'm not a slowpoke driver i was already doing 55 and a 45 so it's not like i was inconveniencing him with my speed or anything i tell my friend what's happening and she tells me to just keep going and that he'll probably leave me alone eventually but he stays glued behind me for at least another mile or so occasionally honking some eventually he started turning his brights on for a few seconds and then he started slowing down until we were a couple hundred feet apart and then he would floor it up to fly up behind me really fast like he was feigning rear-ending me i'm getting more sketched out at this point and my friend is trying to calm me down and telling me to just keep driving i'm really scared though that he's going to hit me and i wanted to get away but there was no businesses open that lady this far out of the city in fact there wasn't really any places to be open anymore just fields and some houses every now and then i decided to floor it and try to outrun him figuring my corolla might not be a formula one car but surely as hell it's a lot quicker than an old pickup truck and i could get some distance i got up to 85 and keep an eye on him and he didn't seem to be trying to catch up i felt a little safer and assumed that he'd given up so i dropped back down to like 60 and informed my friend that it worked but he was done i still had tunnel vision from the adrenaline and i didn't realize though that he was flying up behind me again until he was barreling towards me doing probably 85 or 90. i realized that he wasn't going to slow down so i braced myself for the impact and told my friend that he was about to rear-end me but instead he cut around me missing my car just by a few inches and flew in front of me he cut right in front of my car and slammed on his brakes trying to get me to rear end him instead i was able to stop in time and he started slowly continuing forward he repeatedly stopped in the road for a few miles almost like he was baiting me to pass him my friend told me that her boyfriend was on the phone with the police and was keeping them updated and for me to stay on the phone with her as long as i could after a while i could see my friend's street sign and she kept assuring me that her and her boyfriend were outside waiting for me to pull in and that the cops were on their way she also told me to pull into the driveway and stay in the car until they were sure that he was gone he made what should have been a 10 second drive to the street a painstaking process because he kept stopping in front of me and the next part was my fault because i instinctively turned on my blinker which let him know that i was about to turn onto the road and so he immediately whipped up the curb to cut in front of me again my friend's house is on the corner so her and her boyfriend were able to see everything now but i had a bit of a ways to go before i actually got into a driveway the truck stayed put in the middle of the road this time and he wasn't moving so i tried to go around here as soon as i started to pass him he flawed it and cut to the left nearly hitting my front end and blocking the road completely i was feeling braver now though i knew help was in the way and my friends were there so i laid on my horn yelled some choice words and told him to move his arms my friend and her boyfriend had gotten to the edge of the property where we were by then and i guess the driver took notice of them and slowly started moving out of my way i pulled into a driveway as fast as i could and i looked at the review mirror to see him slowly driving up to a driveway where he stopped i couldn't see his facial features because it was so dark and he was kind of far away too but i could tell that he was staring at me the whole time my friends had got into my car just as he got to the driveway and i watched my friend approach the truck i heard her say you need to leave now the cops are on their way and they stared at each other for a few seconds before he slowly just continued off her neighborhood is a giant loop and he never exited so we felt adventurous and sneaked around the block in search of where he went while we waited on the cops we found the truck parked at a house and returned just as the police arrived we told the cops where the truck was and the officer returned informing us that there was no answer at the door and he must have left her boyfriend who had lived there forever nor his mother recognized the truck or the man and if i recall his mother even knew the people who lived in that house the truck was parked at and as far as i'm aware he was never seen again now because i'm a very small female who was alone at almost midnight we all assumed that he watched me leave work and was trying to bully me into wrecking my car so that i would pull over and he could potentially abduct me or something we think that once he realized the cops were involved he parked the truck in someone's otherwise empty driveway and likely left it there to hide in a nearby field until the cops left the area i bought a house that was built in 1880 when i had it inspected the inspector said that there had been a fire at some point probably a long time ago because there were signs on the bricks of the fireplace in the attic so we moved in first night there woke up to children screaming out of my sleep i didn't think much of it because i was in bed so maybe a dream right but fast forward to another two months later four of my friends and i were in the dining room and my bedroom smoke detector goes off i run up the stairs and it stops this happens three times and finally i creep up the stairs and take off the ceiling and pull the batteries out everyone was really weirded out by this that strange electrical stuff keeps happening lights on tv on stuff like that then about a month later i was in bed in the middle of the night and the smoke detector in the basement started going off but there was definitely no smoke and at this point i must admit that i was a little bit scared i wanted to do research on the house but come to find out that the town's historical records were burned in a fire but my last straw was falling asleep and my dog waking me up barking at the wall and the old door handle that you have to click in clicked open and the door slowly opened by itself it's been 10 years and i want to reach out to the new owners to see if they're experiencing the same things that i did because i'm pretty confident that that house is haunted i'm honestly still shook up so sorry if this is just kind of all over the place and i'm really not sure where to start in fact so that doesn't help i guess that's uh i'll just say everything meaning that this might be pretty long so when i was a child i absolutely believed in ghosts and the idea of them actually fascinated me but as i got older seeing shows on tv or videos on the internet that were clearly fake or extremely suspicious at least turned me into a non-believer or at most very skeptical now i'm 21 and just moved out of my uncle's place into my own apartment it's a very old building a hundred plus years old it's a pretty large house that's been turned into a fourplex it even has a historical building plaque outside on it though i'm having trouble finding any of the info on it three of the four apartments were just remodeled this year the one that wasn't hasn't been because it was occupied at the time at the moment it's just me and him in the building and i'm on the top floor on one side and he's on the other side ground floor i've been here for almost a week now of course i've heard your generic old building noises like creaks and snaps from the cooling and falling temperatures that sort of thing there was a couple of times in the first two days that i could have sworn that i saw movement at the corner of my eye but i didn't think much of it i mean all seemed fairly well until the night before last so i was in bed watching youtube on my phone lying down not quite on my back not quite on my side holding up my phone kind of my arms eventually got tired though and as i was sitting behind my phone on my bed i swear to you that from behind where i was just holding up my phone a very very faint shadowy head or face was there and quickly ducked out of view now i realize that that sounds absolutely terrifying but i was really tired and was just staring directly in the bright screen of my phone and what i saw was very very faint so i figured if i had actually saw something it must have been just a minor hallucination or a trick of the eye or something i slept well and got up and went to work came home and relaxed for a few hours in a very good mood took a shower got into bed fell asleep between 2 or 2 30 in the morning and i woke up at some point between 3 30 and 4. it's usual for me to wake up many times in a night i tend to lie on my right side and i stretched a bit and i just lie there for about five or ten minutes at this point i'm absolutely wide awake the night is still on silent and i get to the point where it's time to flip over and as i do the unthinkable happens because as clear as day from the side that i'm flipping over to not any more than seven feet away from me a female voice at normal conversation volume says something in my absolute shock and disbelief i didn't fully catch what she said i'm pretty sure it was three syllables or words the first of which i'm fairly certain was he's at this point obviously i'm horrified and just start shaking sweating and on the verge of crying because this voice was incredibly clear and felt real and that i can tell you with absolute certainty that she must have been in her mid-20s and that it originated from five five and a half feet from the floor also in all honesty it didn't feel like what she said was actually directed at me i couldn't tell you why but it just really seemed to me like she was answering somebody else's question about me or perhaps it wasn't about me at all i don't know once i got my courage back though i tried as hard as i possibly could to recreate what i heard i thought that my bed had just made a noise that my brain had somehow recognized as female human speech but i could not for the life of me get my bed to make a noise that sounded even remotely similar to it let alone even close to as loud as she spoke i've also had sleep paralysis many times and i can assure you that this was not it like i said i was completely 100 awake also i didn't think about it at first but the side of the room the voice came from was the same side of the room that i thought that i may have seen that slight shadowy head figure the night before i'm i'm still in shock and i'm not sure if i'm crazy or what the heck's going all i know for sure is that i have never ever had anything like that happen in my life before if you've listened this far then i applaud you and very much appreciate it too and if you've ever experienced something like this then i would love to hear about it i want to know that i'm just not going insane also my mum gave me a voice recorder and i don't know how long it can record at a time but i might just see if i can have it record is asleep all night if anything comes back be sure to let you guys know [Music] the story took place over the last three months having ended less than a month ago in the final two weeks things took a dramatic turn that's i'm still trying to fully process so three months ago my roommate chloe and i moved into a perfect apartment in a six-unit building on a street that we immediately fell in love with chloe and i are both in our early twenties who moved from a small town to a major city in the last five years so we felt like real adults living in this space within the first couple of weeks we began to suspect that we were in close proximity of an ongoing domestic dispute between the tenants in the unit upstairs at this time we hadn't seen or met them so really had no idea the context of the relationship a man's loud angry ranting with no shortage of aggressively insulting comments responded by inaudible mumbles prompted us to think that a woman may be in a potentially violent environment chloe and i decided that we would try to listen in case things ever escalated too far and maybe try to offer the woman help in the meantime oh that is if we actually ever met over the next six weeks we continued to hear him but we hadn't seen anyone and there were no real developments when he was really loud but we had tried to record him on our phones and one sunday afternoon i was home alone just cleaning my kitchen which was at the back of our unit and the man upstairs was having a very loud and long rant but for the first time i heard a clear response i could make out a woman's voice telling him to shut up leave her alone in an almost annoyed rather than fearful tone he didn't appreciate that and began yelling at her which eventually led him to banging something against his floor eventually he did one so hard that my kitchen lights began to flicker and i could see debris falling from the ceiling this definitely freaked me out and i called my boyfriend tet when ted answered i whispered into the phone don't say anything just listen the man upstairs continued to yell but it wasn't until there was another bang that ted could hear i said into the phone that's my upstairs neighbor he's been going on like this for a long time i've been trying to record some of it but here is where the story really takes a turn considering how clearly that we could hear him upstairs it makes sense that he could make out what was being said below him all six units were connected by a stairway outside at the back of the building and i heard very loud steps running down next thing i know there are three heavy wraps on my back door and angry so you can record my conversations but you can't answer the door i was instantly paralyzed and worried that he would come by the open window where i was standing after about 20 seconds i heard the steps return upstairs and that familiar voice call up no one's hung i collected myself from the shock and the fear of what just happened and left my apartment to make some calls i decided to phone my landlord first as he seemed like he would actually want to know if we were having issues with another tenant and i was very confused about what was actually happening i told him the chronology of the event since moving in and he provided me with some very interesting information the tenants above us were a mother and a son rita and ivan ivan is 36 and he and his mother had been living in the building for 10 years during that time ivan had never had a job and in the last couple of years had caused some problems for the landlord specifically him and the previous tenants of our units who had moved out over a year ago at butthead several times which was why the landlord had decided not to mention anything to us he knew that i haven't had issues and assumed that it was an isolated or contained issue but the last thing the landlord told me was that while the previous tenant was in our units i haven't had approached him accusing her of installing something in his wall to listen to it maybe i'm dense but this didn't really set off immediate alarms something more serious was going on with ivan for sure though of that i was pretty confident but i was still believing that the woman's voice that i heard belonged to someone in danger so i called the city non-emergency police line who sent a car over to make sure that she was safe she was and then they promptly left after our call the landlord began to build a case to evict my upstairs neighbors on the grounds that they were impeding another tenant's ability to enjoy their space things upstairs had been mostly quiet for two days until i was in touch with the landlord again over the phone he provided me with more information specifically that he believed when fiverr was ranting it was towards the previous occupant of our unit rather than rita this obviously seemed odd to me but we were still trying to piece everything together so we had to keep an open mind the landlord also reiterated the landlord also reiterated how ivan had really changed in the past couple of years and had caused problems before his reasoning for not giving us a heads up before moving in was that since the last tenant had moved out he'd just been quiet and kept to himself the days after this call the ranting started up again and as we waited for an update on the eviction process that friday we received confirmation that rita and ivan had been searched with their first warning of eviction so we expected to hear some action and sure enough that night while i was in bed i heard ivan's voice from above say shush i'm trying to listen at this point i'm definitely concerned but really had no idea where this was going and just how quickly the next evening chloe called me while i was at work to tell me that she thought that she heard a knock at our back door i told her that i wouldn't be home for a couple of hours but if she was concerned i could leave early or she could call the non-emergency line chloe told me that she was going to see if anything happened and that she would be okay around 10 pm i came home and by midnight i was on the phone with non-emergency myself because ivan had come downstairs to my back window where i was standing asking us to leave him alone because we were harassing him chloe and i had been in our kitchen talking about our days having agreed that we were going to try and live our lives despite the situation at one point the subject of upstairs briefly came up and the next thing that i knew the man that i had only ever physically seen once with long dark greasy hair and a look of just emptiness in his eyes was standing at my back window next to where i was sitting my immediate response was to pull out my phone and start recording him yeah you can record me he said can you leave me alone you and your friends harass my home every day this got my adrenaline going and suddenly i heard myself call back bye i called the police and we waited for them to arrive when he went back upstairs though he started ranting to read her and said some very weird and unsettling things he said that we were sexually harassing him and that us the landlord and previous tenant were all associated he then mentioned the bat that we had beside our back door which he wouldn't have been able to see at the window therefore had to have listened to us mention it he also knew my name having only ever seen me once the police arrived though and essentially told us that there was nothing that they could do surprise surprise right they knocked on ivan and rita's door but no one answered and they just stayed silent the officers advised us to go to the station the following day and have a specific officer assigned to check in on us and kind of monitor everything they left and i called my boyfriend to come and stay over for the night in the hour after the police left ivan ranted sporadically repeating much of the same things that we had been hearing in the past week ted came over and he heard for himself what was going on and agreed that it was very unsettling banging came from upstairs and ted said that he was going to go back out for a smoke and that if ivan came outside to call 9-1-1 ted had injured his back the previous week and was concerned ivan was going to try and come downstairs again so he brought the baseball back with him minutes later ivan had come outside and was standing at the top of the stairs yelling that he was going to knock us out he started coming down the stairs when ted picked up the bat telling ivan to stay upstairs i called 9-1-1 and our downstairs neighbor came outside to help us having heard commotion the police arrived and i experienced some of the saddest minutes of my life because for starters when the police went upstairs this time rita answered and completely defended her son the woman that we had initially been concerned was at the receiving end of domestic abuse told the officers that we were not leaving her son alone and that he had almost been attacked by my boyfriend the police said that there was nothing that they could do and left us for what felt like bait in order for our concerns to be taken seriously they left and we heard ivan amp up again this time saying that he was going to kill those [ __ ] downstairs so we just packed up and we left for the night each staying with a friend i must admit that that was a tough night as we both came to realize that this apartment that we had thought was so perfect had a very fatal floor and we had no idea how this was going to end but we met up the following day and after encouragement from our families we went to the police station needing real help with a potentially dangerous situation it was eventually arranged that charges were to be placed on ivan for uttering death threats chloe and i each gave a testimony and the officers told us that they'd be going to the apartment to arrest him they advised us not to stay there for the night if possible in case he refused to be taken by them as this could escalate things without a warrant though the police had no way of forcing ivan to go with them but i had a feeling that he would since i had heard him at one point mention that he was the one protecting their home sure enough when the police came to the building while we were packing overnight bags ivan let them take him away despite his mother's protest which included accusing us of lying and threatening them we packed up our things though and watched him get taken away and we left never spending another night at that apartment since all of this there have been a few updates though first of all we moved and the landlord was very generous in his reimbursement to us having known that i haven't had issues and that he greatly underestimated them aside from not wanting to be sued i really believe the landlord to be a good guy who just made a judgment call that was completely wrong we've received a few updates on legal proceedings both from the charges that were pressed and landlord's eviction process of rita and i ivan was released the following day on bail with a number of conditions and we're waiting for a court date i guess the landlord is also waiting for a court date having filed all the pre-required documents the final piece to this complete bizarre sequence of events though was the facebook profile that we found having looked him up on kind of a win ivan hadn't posted in three years which lined up with the timeline when the landlord said that he began causing problems but he had some really unsettling posts that we provided to the police in addition to a frequent mention of a relationship that he was in he has dozens of posts about this person with no response including likes on any of this it's just strictly post made to an anonymous person who had no interactions nor did anyone else having researched what i believe ivan is suffering from i'm curious if this relationship ever existed in the first place or if it was just another delusion of his in the end we obviously got out okay which is great but things definitely could have gone just a whole worse so i was 12 and was staying at home babysitting my younger brother seven i say babysitting but it was more like i had an excuse to sit downstairs and play my gamecube uninterrupted on the family tv while i let my brother stay up late playing on a ds in his bedroom both my parents were working with my dad away for most of the week in finland and my mother working in town on a few social inclusion youth work projects but anyway i'm happily downstairs just playing away metroid prime 2. i was completely addicted to the metroid games back then when i hear a love it wasn't like some sort of sinister or villainous laugh or some kid giggling it literally sounded like a man who had just met his boss after a meeting giving a kind of forced trying to be nice but i don't think you're funny love this sounded like it came initially from the corridor just adjacent to the lounge and initially when i heard it i just sort of shrugged it off and continued playing the game but my brother elliot then wanders down the stairs with being the older and clearly mad with power i pause the game turn around and tell him that he's supposed to be staying silent in his bedroom and playing his ds so that way if her mum comes home she won't know that he's up and i won't get chewed out for letting him stay up past his bedtime ellie is confused though and says that he's had headphones in man came down to ask if the laugh had come from the tv as it was clearly loud enough to make him stop what he was doing and at that point you hear the exact same life again pretty much identical to the first so there we are not knowing what to do we're weirded out but at this stage not terrified per se being the elder brother and realizing elliot was beginning to freak out though i figured now is the time to start establishing what the hell is going on because at this point i can't fully discern where this noise is actually coming from as it seems to be kind of all around us but surely it's just coming from like a household electronic or something the first thing i do is turn off the tv volume and we hurt the laugh again there's a cabinet in the house dining room that has some cheap dumb pound store i guess dollar store for the americans halloween crap in it like those plushy heads that's when you hit them they have pre-recorded sounds one is a vampire which i know for a fact has a cheesy laugh we find it try it completely different noise which is distorted and crackly anyway and of course we then hear the laugh again elliott now is not the only one panicking because i am too my dad had an office with the family pc so next i go in there to see if it's the computer computer is on but the only set of speakers in the room are off no other television sets and elliot's ds has been switched off and we still hear the exact same laughs seemingly around us again and again and again it's random intervals early it's now crying and i'm shaking neither of us know what the hell is happening the practical part of my brain that was saying this has to be a speaker has accepted now that something weird is going on i rack my brain for anything that would make sense in this scenario and then it hits me our grandfather had died about six months prior to this night my dad well not religious had been brought up in an extremely religious irish catholic family so he kept a little laminated cards from funerals on the same cabinet in the dining room i don't know if that's weird or not but hey that's what it is he had almost like a little shrine i guess you could call it but one of his mother one of his best friend and one in more recent times one of his father our grandfather so there i am talking to this piece of lamented card asking granddad are you there can you give us a sign that kind of crap there was no immediate response but still the same laugh maybe a minute late by this point we're completely freaking out so we go to the kitchen and we get a knife in hindsight no i have no idea what good a knife would have done against a seemingly incorporeal laugh but i mean what the hell else am i supposed to do my brother's balling his eyes out and i'm way out of my depth and we go to the stairs and we start moving up trying desperately to figure out if someone was in the house or if the sound is coming from a room or anything really but still the same damn laugh not coming from anywhere in particular just all around erupts again by this point we're out on the front porch in the middle of november freaking our minds out with a kitchen knife in here our house was at the end of the street so no nobody approached us before you ask we were out there for a bit to calm down but obviously freezing so we went back the inside that we did right on cue we get that same laugh again to be quite frank we were just done there's tears panicking and we were just both done then mum finally gets home she walks through the door to see the scene of her two sons shaking and crying and trying desperately to explain to her what's happened to our credit we did try and we did a pretty good job but the moment we did she pretty quickly dismissed the entire thing there was no more laugh too no more feeling of being watched or like there was a presence and it was just over and done with just like that and it hasn't happened since then now a lot of years have passed and this would have been back in 2004 and 2005. i'm now 28 and elliot is 23 to give you a bit of an idea but about a year ago i came down from where i'm currently living with my fiance to give a carers talk at a local college that i did some work at my mother and stepfather were out of town and it was just me and elliot but my father has since sadly passed away i gave the talk met my best friend's son for the first time and asked if he'd be my best man then met with my brother back at the same home that we grown up in where he was house city we were chilling and making some dinner and possibly abusing the liquor cabinets i'll admit that but we get talking and the subject of that night comes up i wanted elliot to relay it to me to kind of see if things added up and sure enough he gives me the same story after not talking about it for well over a decade beat for beat i asked him since then if he'd ever heard the laugh again too which he said no but on nights where he and his friends had slept over and cramped out downstairs they had had the exact same feeling of someone just being there and on multiple occasions even saw black shapes right outside the glass adjacent to the front door i obviously can't attest to this myself but i did share the original experience with my brother so i see no reason to really doubt it strangely though this wasn't an old house it was newly built along with the rest of the street in 1990 to the best of my knowledge it wasn't built on some ancient battleground or halloween grave or some ancestral thing there were no mishaps during the construction of the place or anything like that either i mean literally nothing's happened here and nothing really happened after that other than what my brother told me years to come so i don't have an explanation for any of this other than what happened just happened anyway i apologize if this has been a bit long but i just wanted to get it off my chest my story starts a few weeks back i'm not exactly a light sleeper but i've always seem to wake easily when my so-called security has been breached as my friends like to say i.e bedroom door opens sounds outside of my room or even in the house all my spidey senses go off that something just isn't right about four weeks ago i was jolted awake around 4 45 in the morning to something either being thrown at the end of my bed or someone kicking it and then shortly thereafter my phone fell off my bed now i sleep alone in the middle of a king-sized bed that i normally fall asleep to watching something on my phone so there is no way that it just happened to fall off the side but it was a weird one off so i just dismissed it as not a big deal but earlier this week i woke up at about 2 15 in the morning i tossed and turned being unable to fall back to sleep or get comfortable i turned onto my left side and tried to count sheep and then i feel something coming up from behind me with me being on my left side my back faces a wall to the back of my room so i knew that it wasn't a person and in a moment my ear starts to just burn red hot i start to hear almost what i would say is radio static and voices talking voices were clear and speaking in english but i couldn't make out what they were saying the sound seems to be swaying back and forth over my ear after a few gut-wrenching moments i feel the edge of my bed dipped down very near my face repeatedly as if someone is pulling it down with two fingers i kept my eyes shut and tried my best to control my breathing for what seemed like ages i couldn't keep it regular though and had to breathe rather hard and then it just stopped and i know this is going to sound weird but i felt like i could feel it walk away out of my room i laid there for what seemed like about an hour utterly petrified i didn't even dare open my eyes with some sort of a lineup i called out for siri silly i know but it was the only thing that i could think of and i opened my eyes and nothing i turned my bedroom light on and proceeded into the bathroom to vomit my brains out because of how scared i was and i slept with my bedroom light on for the rest of the night since that night i've slept with my closet light on i've woken up once more this week to the end of my bed being hit or moved again but it was very light that time i'm hoping that it may just be my mother coming home for the holidays as this year is the first full year that she's been gone but nothing like this has ever happened i live in a fairly new house too which is strange only one previous family who owned it so i have no idea what's going on have any of you had anything similar happen to yourselves or are you able to shine some light on my experience for context i'm a girl and i was about 23 years old when this event took place at the time i used to work at a high-end retirement community as a concierge for the front desk i had the 3 pm to 11 pm shift and my duties among others included answering all the incoming phone calls from current residents their family members and people interested in moving into the place on a typical night the residents were done with dinner and other activities by about 9 pm almost all of them went in their apartments by that time turning in for the night night of the incident was typically quiet i was reading a book at the desk and waiting for the 11 pm concierge to arrive it must have been around 10 pm when the phone started ringing the caller id just said unknown and this happened sometimes so there wasn't a red flag or anything i answered with the standard greeting hello this is so and so thank you for calling how may i assist you the caller was a man had a mature sounding voice i'd say he must have been middle-aged and he said hi i'm calling for my mother i'm interested in seeing your place and getting information i proceeded to tell him the few selling points as i was allowed to share the level of care independent living assisted living memory care the included meals transportation activities nursing stuff available 24 7 etc at first he wasn't pleasant but somehow the conversation just took a weird turn he said something along the lines of i took my mother to get a pedicure done today do you like having pedicures perplexed i responded that i did and that we also had an in-house salon that offered pedicures and other services attempting to steer the conversation back on track he continued and she's right here wiggling her feet in her sandals here listen then came a sound of something wet and kind of squeaky like when you go to the beach and your feet are wet and you put on rubber flip-flops quite honestly i didn't know what to respond with the man said did you hear that she's so cute with her toes painted red in her little sandals i was a bit disturbed and i wanted the call to end but sometimes calls are just randomly recorded and i didn't want to get in trouble for hanging up on a prospective sale so i continued on the phone and offered the phone number to the marketing department asking him to call during business hours eventually i was able to hang up the 11 pm concierge arrived and we had to laugh about the whole conversation i went home and returned back to work the next day that night it's around 10 p.m again came the call from the same guy and this time he said hi i have more questions about your community i asked if he had called marketing earlier and he said no and that he preferred to talk to me since i was so pleasant i still didn't want to hang up for fear of getting in trouble and they were very strict about the marketing calls he then started talking again about pedicures and the same squeaky sound coming through the phone but in the background this time he asks what color are your toes painted and i lost it i just hung up on him and that was that two seconds later though the phone rings again unknown caller and saying i answered an on the off chance that it was another unknown caller boy was i naive it was pedicure guy and he was angry he started screaming that he would call the director in the morning and have a talk with him about my inappropriate behavior i lied and said go ahead you know the calls are recorded don't you so the director will be able to review the call himself it was silent for two seconds and then i heard the click he hung up the following night he called again and i answered of course and he apologized for yelling said that he was still interested in bringing his mother to look at the place and ask for the number to the marketing again i gave it to him and that was that the following night i was off but when i returned back to work two nights later the receptionist that i was relieving gave me the messages from an unknown caller apparently he had called a couple of times over the weekend at 10pm and asked to speak with me only he asked when my shifts were and insisted that he only wanted to talk to me since i was so pleasant i was pretty spooked at this point so i went to the director's office and explained what was happening we tried to listen to the recording of the calls but as it turns out the machine automatically did not record calls from unknown numbers from that point on for about a month i was terrified that the unknown caller would show up at my workplace he could easily google the address and he already knew most of my schedule of course i didn't take calls from unknown callers anymore with the okay from the director at that point and apparently he called one night that i was off and was transferred to the director's cell phone per his request i don't know the details of the conversation the director wouldn't tell me but i do know that unknown caller stopped calling all together after that point and so whoever he was i just hope that he stays away from that place so for context my house is in a small town with multiple large forests it's not unusual to see strange things happening around here such as drug addicts and other people in the forest my bedroom is on the bottom floor of the house facing the forest with only a small fence blocking off the forest it sounds bad but honestly it's pretty safe really trust me so last night i was unable to sleep it was 2 am and i was playing persona 5. a brilliant game by the way but my room was pitch black apart from the screen silent apart from the game when suddenly i hear scratching at my window i was freaked out at first but realized it must be my neighbor's cat damien odd name and sure enough damian is at my window but he's strangely silent unlike usual he kept scratching and scratching for 30 seconds at least i was concerned but i just kind of ignored him i turned around and went back to playing my game and that was when i felt just this overwhelming fear and cold aura which i still can't explain similar to when someone is behind you and you can feel them being there like the sixth sense or something i looked into the mirror in my room because it's kind of just a habit to do that when i'm anxious and damien was now gone from the window i looked back at my screen and not even 20 seconds passed when i hear a faint meow but not a meow as in the noise but as if someone had actually said it in a high voice i looked back out the window and damian was back and he stared at me and then smiled kind of just like a human would i was really weirded out by this and so i shut my blinds and turned off my ps4 and i just hit in my bed i was up for hours just kind of thinking about the event before i finally fell asleep when i woke up i kind of forgot about it and when i did recall it all i thought was wow what a weird dream but then just five minutes before i actually started writing this i spotted a small bird in my gut i thought that it was cute and i looked at it and that's when i noticed damien's footprints exactly where he sat last night i freaked out at this and i decided to share this because well it's the only comfort that i have at the moment i'm always up late and i've never hallucinated before so i don't know what it was i don't have a tendency to imagine such horrifying things either and it was just truly a traumatic experience for me i can't explain what happens and why it even happened but i think i'll be sleeping with my blind shirt when i started seventh grade i started hanging out with the meanest kids in school all my childhood friends changed when we entered middle school the cliques began to form and suddenly the kids that i knew since kindergarten didn't want to be my friend any so i took up with the bad kids there was a whole clan of them and half of them were fam the ones that were related or lived in what we called a hollow though i now call it the rattlesnake down when or if i drive past it just not to be trusted and if you're from a small rural area you know what i'm talking about these kids were ranging in age from 9 to 12th grade but they were always in trouble getting suspended getting detention defying authority and they just look like a bunch of pucks i'd always been a good kid but a lot of things changed in this era for me my mom actually married a human-shaped leech around the same time who was both verbally and emotionally abusive to me my brother and sister were estranged by that point because i've said leech my mum didn't ever seem to have time for me and my problems anymore she was always a single parent up until this point in my life but honestly not a good one so taking up with a bunch of angry kids made me feel better and soon i started doing some really bad things too one of the holler kids in this family was my age though and she and i became best frenemies so to escape my reality i tried to spend as much time at her house as well as i possibly could i hated it though because those people live like animals but it was better than going home as a side note too there are other terrifying experiences from this same time period like the time her grandmother held me hostage for three days when i was about 13 but my digress her older cousins specifically the one we called p-bob would often bounce around the halter from house to house probably out of border p-bob was about 17 or maybe even 18 at the time and it seemed that once he had found out that i was spending a lot of time at her house he came around more and more i can recall one specific time too when i first realized that i was afraid of this guy frenemy and i were camping in the yard our camping trip basically consisted of us setting up an old worn out tent off to the side of their dustball property taking a radio and some off-brand pop and staying in the tent until it got too cold at around three or four am it sucked a bit because she left me out there by myself that night but that's neither here or there but probably at around 10 or 11 that night i think p bob and another cousin snuck up on our tent and scared us pee bob was a big boy too he was fat but he also lifted weights and i remember he had a head just like a ball and he always had the most condescending look on his face some of the other boys all of which were older were actually really nice and i really considered them my friends spoiler though they weren't really my friends but we'll get to that p-bob however was just always a look he was never not a smartass unless he was raging about something sometimes when i'd be at my friend's house i could hear him in his mom's house next door screaming his guts out at her he had a little sister too he was unabashedly abusive of i even once saw him slap her no holds barred like it was a full-on hard slap and she was probably eight or nine maybe younger he was also allegedly sexually abusive of her but that's not my story to tell i just remember being afraid to get out of the tent that night while people was there but like that old thing was really going to protect me anyway but he was being sexually derogative if there's such a thing he was badgering me but doing it in a way that made it come across as just him kind of being comedic he said something to me about going to another one of his cousin's house and having sex with me on a kitchen counter though his version of this statement was far more colorful and terrifying i had no idea how to react if i'm being honest so i caught an attitude with him and started trying to berate him right back even going so far as to threaten it i was completely full of crap but i was an angry kid and had no idea how else to handle this situation but to skip ahead there were dozens of other awful encounters with him over the next year or so he grabbed me one day at school and tried to throw me down a flight of concrete stairs all the while trying to sneak a feel of various parts of my body when i said something about it to frenemy she just belittled me and told me that i was [ __ ] and that he was only being funny she was a very cruel and hateful person and i mean they all were really here by eighth grade though these friends had really changed me as a person and not for the better through me peabort was introduced to a girl whom i frequently argued and spatted with named lorelei she was a cocky transfer from the hood in ohio and she and i hated each other immediately so we fought often but never physical long story short she met people because of one of her arguments then the two of them started dating toward the end of the school year they broke up and i was oblivious to this as the only conversations i ever had with this girl were limited to giving a [ __ ] and her giving it right back until one day she made a comment about me causing her and pbob to break up now i most certainly had nothing to do with that but i felt that she was an imbecile so i just kind of laughed it off the end of the school day came and we all loaded on the bus by this point i had made a new friend who was also friends with the bad hollow kids tasha when she was coming to my house for the weekend we sat down near the back of the bus and we waited to leave when i noticed pbob got on the bus and he immediately locked eyes with me and commenced giving me the dirtiest look that's i've ever seen if looks could kill right he sat down in the seat behind me and tasha the bus finally took off and we made it out to route 7 and almost to dr branch's road so about three to five miles before he really started just badgering i don't remember everything that he said but for many years i did in fact for years following this event i'd hear his words on a loop and experience the attack just over and over in my mind it's it's taken a long time to stop thinking about it so honestly i'm glad that i don't remember it all anymore but he was saying a lot of horrific stuff and i mean awful stuff to me a sick stuff like threats and whatnot and i was terrified but i was more so humiliated he also said something about me breaking him and laura lie up and i called him a player and i had never heard that word before that day but all my kid friends were laughing at me tasha was too this was one of the few times in my life where i truly lost my ability to speak so i sat there without saying a word and just occasionally glanced at him to gouge the emotion on his face he had now switched seats and was across from us and we were about another six miles from the drop-off when he leaned over to tasha and told her to move back to another seat which she did without hesitation and he jumped into the seat with me he continued attacking me so i put my face against the bus window and tried to scoot as far to the corner as i could and i guess that's my refusal to pay attention to him could be what escalated the situation but the next thing i know he's got my head in a vice grip within his arms and he's simultaneously strangling me and crushing my face keep in mind i was an eighth grader this guy was supposed to have graduated like a year or two prior so legally he was an adult the school bus driver did nothing to stop pbob to which he would later defend by saying that us kids on the back were always doing that kind of stuff and he didn't think that it was anything out of the ordinary i uh i hesitate to even tell you too that's my bus driver was also the father of two of the hollow kid boys and the freaking sheriff of our town as well eventually but anyway so there i am unable to breathe or scream but still trying i slapped punched clawed but he just kept squeezing my head it felt as if my cheekbones were collapsing and i don't remember how long this went on because things got blurry after this even if it was still fresh in my mind days later not sure if i remember everything i do remember though that he eventually let go of me and then hit me a few times and then tried to strangle me and i remember at some point seeing everyone my friends just laughing at me but like i said it's a bit blurry the next thing i remember after that was standing by the front seats of the bus waiting for it to come to a complete stop and trying with everything in me to hold back my tears when i got off the bus i ran straight into the house and to the bathroom to hide i didn't want my mum to see me and i needed a moment to just kind of gather myself but the tears were pouring by then and i just couldn't make them stop my face looked bad but it got worse over the next few days as bruises tend to get darker as they heal when i didn't come out of the bathroom for a while my mum came to the door and asked what was going on a tasha who was standing outside the door i believe in an attempt to draw my mum's attention and force me to tell started crying and spilling the beans and yeah i'm rolling my eyes on that one too still to this day my mum forced me to come out of the bathroom my screaming stepdad got involved and the police were called and i had to pose for what felt like an eternity of police evidence photos my face looked like it had been put in a washing machine with a bunch of sneakers and my throat was bruised and i was scratched up a little i was just a complete mess if i'm being honest so there's actually a little bit more to this story but i'm gonna stop there because i've taken up enough of your time p-bob went to jail over this by the way but i actually had no idea that he did until i was in my early mid-twenties i also never rode the school bus again for the rest of my years at that school and i rarely ever saw pbob in the years after high school until he sent me a friend request on facebook in 2017. i've had a lot of strange jobs but one of the most interesting was working for a tax company based out of texas i lived in kentucky in my home state at the time but because this company contracted our jobs remotely i was able to make a very good living for performing tasks which were generally very simple i had a work partner but not all the time and our duty was to travel all over the eastern and central part of the state county courthouse pva offices you might not have those but it's a small town thing and research delinquent property taxes but we were then required to compile a list of properties who had delinquent taxes and submitted to our boss she was our primary contact in texas this part is important too because it was the only reason that we would sometimes have to deal with hostile people the company would then buy the taxes if the property tickled their fancy and a letter was issued to the owner of the property stating that they had a certain amount of time to repay the amount i'm not sure what would happen after that since that part wasn't my job but i do know that people immediately assumed because of a lack of knowledge or understanding of the laws but this company was going to take their property and throw them out into the streets before the company bought the taxes however they would send us a backup list of the ones that they were interested in and we would then go out to the locations photograph the property and then submit all the photos to our texas contacts and this is where things got interesting honestly it was like the property owners just had some kind of a psychic intuition about us they had no idea who we were or when we were coming since we worked almost on our own schedule they didn't know what kind of color of car that we would be in but yet somehow they would frequently burst out of their front doors as we pulled up to shoot photos of the location it's made for some interesting and often frightening confrontations after getting comfortable with the job though i even came up with a convincing story to tell angry property owners when they chased us down with their car i tell them that we're from the county property valuation administration we're just updating our property files and needed a current photo this would often de-escalate the situation and they'd apologize for threatening our lives and sometimes running us off the road to make us pull over i have a lot of storage from this job but here is the best so we were deep in the hills of eastern kentucky one day searching desperately for a single wide trailer from our list we found a hollow matching our directions this is a way before the gps days we had to use real candy maps and all that stuff and we took a chance as we drove up the holla houses began to spread out farther and farther and soon we were totally isolated nothing but trees in a narrow gravel road when suddenly we spotted the trailer it didn't look anything like it did in the pva picture time had obviously taken a real toll on this place some of you might not understand this depending on where you're from but around my home state mine grows very accustomed to the look and the feel of a potential location for drug manufacturing i know that might not make heaps of sense but trust me we knew immediately that this place was a prime location for a meth lab we didn't spot the trailer until we had driven a little ways past it so we didn't get a great photo on the way in and as usual we decided to drive on by turn around and get the shot on the way back apparently though somebody saw us on the way in this was a very rural road and not even a road at this point if i'm being honest since it had turned to gravel a mile or two back in fact i basically had to turn the car by pulling up into an embankment and doing what felt like a 32 point turn to keep from going into a ditch while i was turning though my buddy said hey look i looked and three people were walking out of the woods onto the road just people no big deal i had the car straightened out of the road at this point and then i noticed that they had weapons a young nasty looking fellow was holding a baseball bat of all things a nasty looking older fellow had a shovel both were shirtless and then there was a screaming girl something clicked in my head and on the drive in when my partner snapped the photo i heard a girl screaming it was an angry screen but i couldn't make out what was said i didn't even know where it came from and i certainly didn't think the screen was directed at us but apparently it was these people were now walking with intention toward my stopped car and i kept thinking is this really about to happen and what exactly is happening even my partner was freaking out a little and convinced me that they were going to attack us it's hard to explain what is going through your head at this point because i couldn't really believe what i was actually seeing and in the end the only thing that i could think was hit him with the car just like in grand theft auto otherwise you're about to die they were screaming and shaking their weapons and closing in and i was quickly running out of time i rev the tiny engine in my red pontiac grand prix hoping to scare them and then i let off the gas i plowed toward them with the fury of all six cylinders or four however many there are i don't remember luckily for them they jumped out of the way last minute as i grazed by them throwing gravel and dirt just everywhere once we were a safe distance i slowed down and i looked back luckily they were gone unluckily we were once again too far from the trailer to get a good vote i explained this to my boss when i emailed her my day's collection of property photos and she seemed to understand and after that i kept a loaded 45 in my glove box and felt significantly more confident while doing my job i actually quit a couple of years later though because it was just way too dangerous even if i was packing heat i work as a nurse in a psychiatric unit which is conveniently tucked away from the back of an old hospital i'm on night shift at the moment and most of the night is spent just trying to convince manic patients to return to their bed we were having a strangely quiet night the staff usually sit in the corridor of the intersection between the male and the female sides of the ward we can hear everything that's going on better from there and into being quicker if needs be there's also a shower room located just to the left of where we sit it has a toilet and a short wall partition separating the shower in the far corner of the room and as we were sitting there the door to the shower room just slowly crept out no big deal though we got up close it again and went on with the night but then it happened again about an hour later and again and but we didn't think too much about it after closing the door a second time though we soon heard the sound of running water or something i got up to check and found the tap and the shower room was running and i thought it must have been faulty but when i tried to turn it off it spun easily and stopped running water feeling uh a little bit freaked out now i checked around the partition to the shower in case a patient was somehow hiding there but when i did there was no one when i turned to walk back out i felt a sudden chill on the back of my neck and heard her sound like gas hissing behind me i glanced back around and checked the shower which seemed to work fine and just assumed that there was trapped air or something the next night we were sitting in the same place and again it was an unusually quiet night until around 2am when we heard a massive bang and then a dull thud as if something had hit against a wall and then slid to the floor the noise seemed to be quite close and we hurriedly looked through each dormitory and individual patient room as well expecting that one of the patients had fallen but everyone was still sound asleep apart from one patient who told us that she had trouble sleeping the last few nights and asked to watch some television in the sitting room we continued with our search but couldn't seem to find anything to explain the sound and sat back down in the corridor where we started to talk about ghosts and joking about being haunted the patient who couldn't sleep asked if she could smoke in the toilet we occasionally let people do this during the night as we weren't allowed to let them out of the unit after 10 pm and trying to tell an avid smoker that they can't have a cigarette is a sure way to start a fight that'll cause everyone to be woken up so we said that she could have a quick one in the shower room before going back to bed and she asked for one of us to come with her when we asked why she explained because that room freaks me out there are spirits in there that are trying to come through the mirrors now we had heard stuff like this from patients on a regular basis so we didn't think too much of it offered her some reassurance and i agreed to come into the bathroom with her while we were in there she talked about seeing the ghost of a man in her room which kept her up at night she then stopped talking abruptly and looked confused before going over to peer around the partition and i asked what was wrong and she shushed me and asked in a kind of a whisper if i heard what she heard i admitted that i couldn't hear anything again it's a common occurrence for people to talk about auditory hallucinations on our ward but i asked her what she heard she said that she thought that she heard a dripping sound but there was no water running and when she checked behind the partition she heard a hissing sound i suggested that she finish a cigarette and get back to bed and she asked for some medication to calm her down and then said man i hate that bathroom the door opens and closes itself you know after she went back to bed i was telling the other staff about this and we were joking about how much of a freaky coincidence it all was and we're all still discussing it when day staff came in when when the first nurse arrived she came over to ask how the shift was and we kind of asked her if she believed in ghosts in a jokey kind of way she said that she didn't but she said that she had bad memories of the ward that sometimes freaked her out she told us that the worst thing she ever saw was 20 years ago when she was doing the hourly checks on the ward once and just to check on each patient every hour to check that they're okay she couldn't find one of the patients and went into the shower room because she could hear water running in there she checked around the partition and she found the guy lying dead in a pool of blood in the shout he had unfortunately hacked himself to death with two blades and obviously very unwell men the nurse told us that ever since that happened to a few times she's gone into the shower room and felt a sudden rush of cold air as if someone was trying to run past i uh i might have to start looking for a new job so i was around 10 or 11 years old when this happened old enough to stay home alone but not old enough to recognize some of the red flags i attended a camp over the summer the typical age of three routine my house hits close to the end of my street which forms are you as well but for some reason the bus driver would never drop me off at my house i would always get dropped off at the end of my street where i would total myself along back home but both my parents worked late hours and sometimes not getting home until 8 pm and it would be very expensive to hire a babysitter for 4-5 hours a day 5 days a week so starting sixth grade when the bus dropped me off at home i would just be by myself i'd do the usual middle school routine play games online and watch some tv and occasionally my neighbor's cat would come into my backyard and i would feed and pet her as a way to get outside the only computer in the house was in my dad's workroom which has a window overlooking the deck and a window overlooking the side of the house we have large bay windows in the living room dining room in the kitchen of my house and since we sit on a hill you can pretty much see the entire backyard from a nice vantage point so most days when i get home i'd toss off my backpack and go right to that room and you could see me walk from my front door and pop up by the computer from the outside unfortunately this would lead to something that i had forgotten about up until now so when i got off the bus i did as expected go into my dad's work room and play the computer games and about 30 minutes into this i can hear faint meowing coming from outside the window i pause the game and look outside thinking that maybe my neighbor's cat had wandered over but there was nothing i just sat back down and resumed playing only to hear the meowing again it was quiet but noticeable and so i checked the other window nothing again this routine happened for a good ten minutes and eventually i got frustrated and went into the living room to watch some tv but not even two minutes later meowing came from the window that i was sitting right beside now i was confused and honestly a little creeped out as well so i shut the blinds and kept trying to watch tv the meows continued but only when they came from the window right behind me did i jump and leave the living room officially skied i went into my bedroom where the blinds were down but still cracked for some sunlight i tried to read a book only to hear a meow come from outside of my bedroom window this was enough to make me call my dad concerned that maybe the cat was hurt but i couldn't see it to be sure he said that he would have a neighbor come to check it out and call me back later 10 minutes go by and i get a call from my dad saying that he was coming home from work there was nothing urgent in his voice just that his job had gotten cancelled and he would come home early i didn't think anything of it and when he got home i realized that the cat noises had stopped fast forward to the present and i actually asked my dad about the strange incident thinking that it was funny that the cat had followed me around like that what he told me next made my blood run cold so after i called him the neighbor did indeed come to check out the house what he found were large footprints leading in circles all around the house clustered close to the wall so that even if i looked outside i wouldn't see anything which means that someone had been stalking me through my house seeing where i was through the windows and making cat noises to try to get me to come outside they must have known that i was home alone since it was easy to see me walk by myself down the street and let myself in like that my neighbor immediately called my dad and searched the property but didn't find anyone the police were never called since there was nothing but footprints had led off into the woods and got lost and i never saw anyone i but my dad stayed home with me for the rest of the week it sickens me though to know that there are people who would use these tactics to try and lure kids out of their homes and from there do whatever they wanted to do this happened around 9 years ago when i was 11. there was a girl at school called amy who didn't have many friends she was very quiet and honestly i thought that she was a bit strange but i felt like it would be a nice thing to befriend we got talking and she actually turned out to be really nice and we became best friends rather quickly it got to the point where i spent pretty much every weekend at a house and then we would walk to school together as well even at my age i knew that there was something weird about her dad though kevin he was very interested in me it seemed and always tried to play fight and stuff which is weird in itself whenever he was around i also felt weird he was a short fat man with great white hair always had a weird smirk on his face and really wide eyes it started off with stealing bits of my food when i wasn't looking and then laughing and making sure to put his arms around my shoulders to apologize he'd always be wherever we were upstairs downstairs or garden and he just kind of always lurked about there was a day too where amy's nan was visiting amy's mother's mum and kevin kissed her name on the mouth hello which was weird then it turned into the creepiest and sloppiest french kiss that i'd ever seen everyone except me and amy found it funny she put on a smile when her family looked over but i was horrified maybe i shouldn't have gone back i know but i felt like i had to for amy's sake after that there was a day where we were playing in a room and kevin came in and started an argument over nothing it got heated and he grabbed a rubbish bag saying that he was going to throw all of her toys away of course an 11 year old is going to go mad if they think their dolls are being thrown away so she was hysterical we followed him downstairs where he told her that if she spoke to him like that again she would regret it it was then that he started to remove his belt i mean what the hell right she pushed me towards their front door which is just in front of the stairs so we could run out of it but she was sort of half laughing as if she was trying to convince me that it wasn't serious i could tell that it was though but i got to the door and when i turned around and waited kevin slammed it shut but not the porch door and then all i heard was amy screaming at the top of her lungs i was scared but i didn't want to leave her and so i just kind of stood there eventually i found the courage to go back in and i went upstairs to amy who was brushing her doll's hair she smiled at me but she had a tear-stained face there were no visible marks but all there was on show were her arms so he could have really hit her anywhere i then felt as if i had to protect her so i continued going there and didn't tell my mom a thing one night i woke up thirsty and we were close enough for me to just go get myself a drink so i went upstairs and kevin was laying there on the floor in the dark with nothing but tidy whities on and he just kind of weirdly stared at me it was the the creepiest thing too just the street land from outside shining through a gap in the blind lit up the room enough to see and i didn't get myself a drink i just ran back upstairs i wouldn't go there after that until i knew for sure that he wouldn't be there and i didn't sleep over anymore too anyway i was talking to amy recently and she actually opened up to me because she sent me her mental health assessment sheet and when she was 10 she woke up to kevin well you can probably guess the rest her 15 year old sister kevin isn't her sister's dad but not like that makes anything better right who was screaming for aim it also stated that he beat amy on a regular basis her most recent was two years ago he beat her up in front of a friend and her friend called the police i told her the things that i'd seen and how i knew that something just wasn't right all i know of him now is that he's in hospital suffering with copd and quite honestly i don't care we moved into a new house when i was tennis years old there was nothing special about the house but i got a room in the basement which was way bigger than my old room so i was thrilled that didn't last long because the very first night that we slept there come bedtime i headed to my room as soon as i got to the stairs i instantly regretted picking that room it was dark and secluded and it really freaked me out at night but i made my way downstairs and i climbed into bed i fell asleep and i wake up at about two or three in the morning to hear a girl sobbing it scared me pretty badly but it was coming from the side of the room the door was on so i dare not make a run for it the crying goes on for five to ten minutes and then slowly just kind of winds down i finally calm myself and eventually i go back to sleep this happens every single night for months i didn't want to tell my parents so i asked my brother to sleep in the room with me and every time that he slept in my room with me not a sound it's frustrating but it's weird enough that i finally just kind of got used to it sometimes i wouldn't even wake up but i know deep down that it was occurring while i was sleeping then a few months later i started dreaming of a girl in a wedding dress but it looks like she was in a car accident she was disfigured and scary as helter she would always be sitting holding something but in the dream i was always too scared to look this dream also kept reoccurring for quite some time until the sound and the dream were pretty much every night's events and this goes on and on and on and as time passes it bothers me less and less in one night i wake up and i hear the same sobbing i roll over and try to go back to sleep but before i can notice the cry starting to switch it slowly goes from crying to this deranged love this freaks me out badly for some reason i panic and i get up and i run towards the door even if it is towards the sound i get to the door and the sound is right next to me i don't know if the door was locked or if i was just panicked but i couldn't open it too and i started screaming and screaming at the top of my lungs i hear the footsteps of my parents running towards me i hear them running down the stairs and i'm in complete panic the door starts shaking like they're trying to open it and as this is happening i feel someone grab my arm and at that i just lose it i'm ripping at the door and trying to get it open with my parents on the other side i get it to finally open expecting my dad on the other side when i do there's nobody there the door is open though so i run upstairs screaming and crying now that i'm upstairs my parents finally hear me and they come out of their bedroom i tell them everything and they just kind of look lost but i told them right there and then that i would never go back down there again and they let me start sleeping in the living i never heard it again after that and i never really went back downstairs to months later we moved and i kind of got over it but that was definitely one of the scariest moments of all of my childhood i met carter at a convention and right off the bat you're kind of scared i heard rumors that he'd nearly been removed from the extremely liberal convention but he seemed nice enough and kind of lonely so i decided to befriend him since he insisted but then i noticed that he was always just kind of nearby when i was walking to my hotel he was there when i was eating lunch he was there when i was in my private group he landed outside the door but when i went to meetings he went to and sat beside me he usually either walked up to me and started a conversation which ended in awkward silence or just kind of stared at me from 50 yards away i couldn't believe that he was really following me so i went to my hotel disguised myself and went outside to see if he was there and he was and i mean literally lurking in the trees nearby he pressured me into giving my number so i gave him a fake one he found my professional information and begged me to look over his work which i declined he asked if i'd be at a party and i lied and said no he showed up anyway somehow he knew that i decided to go he always talked about how lonely and depressed he was too and how i was a lifeline until on my way home from the convention i had no phone service during the flight he freaked out and spammed like 49 messages until ending with okay fine i'm going to end myself now just so you're not strongly implying that it was my fault for not answering him immediately i told him to call 9-1-1 i then blocked him he contacted me through instagram hangouts email and more but i never replied in fact i mastered convention security to speak with him about his creepy behavior and i was told to just turn your phone fast forward a few months though and i get an email from james asking me to look over his work not a big deal i ran a program specifically for this sort of thing i agreed since his email was very polite and well-worded but he seemed pushy in a way that i couldn't figure out i ignored it reviewed his work and ceased communication but you can probably see where this is going right so a little while later he confessed that it was carter all along he put all the blame on me and apologized in a really horrible and kind of manipulative way begging me once again to review his work i never replied and here we are so i just got back home from an appointment in town and i can't seem to shake what i saw on the right back i was sitting in the passenger seat and it was around 8pm at this point so it was pretty dark out i live in an area with a lot of homeless people so it's not uncommon for me to pass by them roaming around at night i was just kind of staring at the windows super absent-mindedly my eyes not even fully focused on the images going by when i saw this older woman walking around by herself on the sidewalk she had headphones on over her ears and she was in dirty clothing with a bunch of blankets draped over her shoulders she was smiling and kind of pointing at something above her she was laughing too looking like she found whatever it was above her to be pretty amusing i barely registered it because i just kind of assumed that it was another homeless person on drugs seeing something that wasn't there but when i passed by out of the corner of my eye i saw something floating above her head right where she was staring and pointing up at and honestly it looked like the bottom of someone's feet it was like someone was standing right above her wearing a long and ragged cloak that's all i could make out from my view from the car window but my eyes didn't even focus on it and when i realized what i saw i searched in all the mirrors and turned around in my seat to get a better look but there was nothing there and i mean it wasn't even anything no lamppost no alliance nothing nothing that could have been mistaken for what i saw near the woman at least there was only one of those tall wooden posts for electrical lines further down the street but that was it now the only explanation that i can think of is that the power of suggestion made my eyes play tricks on me or something i'm a believer in the paranormal for sure but i'm also very skeptical when it comes to personal experiences like this because i know the mind is very good at making things up but i just keep thinking about it and i know that there was nothing else on that street i also know what i saw does anyone know what this might have been i have no idea why now out of all times that i would see something like this and why there was a woman that seemed to be able to see it too the whole situation just has me really confused so back when i was around the age of 14 i lived with my dad my two older brothers and my older sister in this small house that we used to call the greenhouse it had a fairly big backyard for our four blue nose pits to enjoy and a regular-sized front yard but a small living space inside the house although old it was a cozy place and felt quite welcoming as a whole many ways one night all of my siblings were in the boys room my brother's room and playing on their ps3 and i for some reason didn't want to be in there so i went into the living room which is right outside the boys room i say for some reason because when i was younger i was very scared of being alone in the dark so that was pretty unusual for me to do all the lights off were in the rooms and i was just kind of sitting on the couch playing with my sister's diaz i was playing a spongebob game and that was my whole source of light i'm sitting in the corner and to the left of me is my brother's room and straight in front of me is the doorway to the kitchen in the middle of playing on the ds i just pointed the screen at the doorway of the kitchen to line it up so that i could see but there was nothing it wasn't like a force or impulse that made me point the light but more of an unconscious movement after no more than 20 seconds had passed i did it again and pointed my sister's ds to the door but this time i saw her she was a young girl crawling with her hands and feet across the doorway upside down on my ceiling she had long black hair that dangled her eyes were dark red but her body was very pale and it looked as if her body glowed a bit she stopped in the middle of the doorway like a deer caught in headlights i could see her whole body and she turned her head and we made eye contact i don't know how long i stared at her emotionless but after some time i shot my hand down to hide the light and after a few seconds i pointed it back up and she was just gone i remember that i kept asking myself over and over again why didn't she scare me why didn't i feel scared when we were making eye contact it confused me a lot and after sitting there for a bit i called out for my sister to go into the kitchen and turn on the lights it confused me a lot and after sitting there for a bit i called out for my sister to go out to the kitchen and turn on the light the light switch was right under the spot the little girl was crawling around she was skeptical but went and turned it on anyways and after she did i got up to investigate but after finding nothing i confessed to what just happened i know that it was really messed up for me to send my sister in there blindly like that but i hope you can understand that i was worried afterward and needed some comfort and reassurance from the light being turned on to this day i really don't know what i saw or if it was all just in my head or what all i know is that or whatever it was this girl had an emptiness to it i don't know if she meant any harm and i never actually saw her again after that i experienced many more paranormal events but not in the greenhouse so i don't know the whole situation is a strange one for sure this happened back in the 90s when i was still in primary school so i really had no clue how much danger i was actually i would have been around 11 years old i think living in a regional city of australia and for the last year i had been having a lot of trouble at school getting bullied a bit by classmates and whatnots and felt really singled out by my teacher as well but my mum she worked around the corner from my school so when everything would get too much at school i would literally just walk out of class down the road and onto her work site it would take me about half an hour to walk there along the main road a couple of times i noticed a small white car drive past me slowly but i only noticed this because i would see the same car go up and down the street as i was walking and while i was sitting outside of my mum's work site too so after a while i started seeing this car driving up my street at home and parked along the street as well that my brother and i would ride our bikes around it i don't remember thinking that it was strange because it was a small town and it wasn't unusual to see the same cars or people it was just like oh there goes that car again my family followed a serious routine mondays were swimming and tutoring tuesdays were nipple training wednesday nipple game thursday basketball training fridays we would go and see a professional basketball or football depending on the season game saturday was my brother's basketball games and sundays were our day to go to the river with friends for swims and a barbecue lunch and that never really changed unless someone was sick so one friday night i'm dressed and ready to go watch this basketball game but i can't find my shoes i'm pretty sure that they're in the car which is in the garage under our two-story house and to get to it i have to walk down the outside steps at the front of the house which has a full view of the road i walk out the front door and at the end of our driveway is a small white car now i've never taken that much notice of the white cars up until this point and it wasn't uncommon for cars to park in this exact spot for our neighbors but i just for some reason got a sinking feeling in my stomach when i looked at it i kept walking down the stairs and as i go closer to the bottom the driver's side door opens and a man gets out quickly i keep walking towards the garage and he starts moving towards our driveway here and that was the point when something inside me just told me to scream for my parents and run and lock myself in the car i did exactly that and this guy who was halfway up my driveway at this point turned around and ran back to his car and just drove off by the time my parents came out there was no evidence that this had actually happened and of course they didn't believe a week later though there was a notice in our school newsletter about a man in a white car attempting to abduct another child from my school on the same night my parents were very shaken by this and took me seriously after reading that i don't think that he was ever caught but it definitely taught me to listen to my intuition and take notice of my surroundings from that point on so this was a hike up to hafter we had a campground about and 20 minutes drive away from the trailhead and the group was composed of me 18 year old male my uncle 32 year old male and my uncle's friend d there were two girls two with us but they aren't really relevant to the story so my uncle and his friend are both christians so there were no substances consumed that would induce the feelings that's what i'll be talking about but we get to our campsite too and we set up camp and go to sleep after eating we plan to wake up at four and start hiking by 4 30 here but for some reason i just randomly wake up at 3 30 in the morning like completely wide awake and look out of my hammock and i remember feeling this really odd feeling as if i was woken up by something and i remember looking at the moonlit scene the moon was very bright for some reason and thinking to myself that the whole thing just kind of looks like a dream i lay back in my hammock but i can't go to sleep and end up waking up my uncle my friend at 3 50. my uncle asks me were you walking around at night this is important but i say no and ask why he says that he woke up for some reason and could hear someone walking around not like an animal but a person i say huh weird and in the end we just kind of brush it off we get to the trailhead around 4 30 and as everyone is unloading the car dee says that he's going to use the bathroom which there are a couple of them before the trailhead i walk behind him for some time before falling behind and waiting for my uncle who forgot something in the car the short straight road from the parking lot runs directly into a t intersection with the road to the trailhead and the bathroom is directly across from the intersection through the field of lawn those who have been there will know what i'm talking about we get to the intersection and wait for dee to come out of the bathroom we wait for about 10 minutes before i go and check the bathroom and he just isn't there i go back to my uncle and tell him that he says weird and maybe he went back to the car or something and we decide to wait a bit more by 5 10 we begin to worry a bit and my uncle goes to check out the car while i wait at the intersection to make sure that we don't miss him if he went down the road or something away from the trailhead my uncle returns and says that he isn't there either we decide that maybe he went up the trailhead without us for some reason and walk up there in about 10 minutes he isn't there either and i just kind of baffled now because there's just no other logical places that he would go i decided to turn back and check the car in the bathroom again but i meet him halfway before i get to the intersection he's sweaty and disheveled with a weird look in his eyes and i say where have you been and he says that he went to the bathroom and when he got back to the intersection that we weren't there and that he just assumed that we went to the trailhead and started walking and then met me i say what do you mean we waited at the intersection for over an hour and a half and checked at the car the bathroom and the trailhead and you weren't anywhere he says well i don't know i just went to the bathroom he then asks me where my uncle is and i say at the trailhead and he asks me again i tell him again and note that it was weird that he asked me twice as we're crossing the bridge to the trailhead he sees a light off on the riverbank and exclaims oh maybe that's him and i just look at him and kind of keep walking i thought that his behavior was really strange like he wasn't thinking straight or something we finally get on with the hike and it goes by as normal except that we seem to keep losing things such as my uncle's small red flashlight one of the girls gloves a water bottle etc it was kind of like we just simply forgot about the items and couldn't remember where we could have left them on the way back it got really dark and we turned on our flashlights and as we near the end of the hike after the two waterfalls it begins to seem as if we'd been walking for far too long and my uncle also confirms this asking me doesn't it seem like it's been way too long to get back i say yeah i was just thinking that we keep walking and it still seems that we weren't making any kind of progress if that's the right word i've been on the trail many times and as i was walking i couldn't spot any familiar landmarks it was just really weird and there was this odd feeling in the air too sort of a slight menacing feeling it's it's hard to describe but i remember thinking that it feels like the woods are alive we remark three more times about how long this hike is taking and begin to laugh at it because it just felt so ridiculous after a bit we finally and suddenly find ourselves on the final stretch and we eventually make it back to the cup now all of this seemed odd at the time but i just kind of brushed it off and i only realized just how weird those events felt after we got home and my aunt asks my uncle were you camping and he says yeah how did you know as we didn't tell them that we were going since it was kind of last minute she says that she had this odd dream where she sees my uncle in a tent in a forest somewhere and someone is outside of his tent she says that she couldn't see who it was but knew that there was a presence there and then she woke up at around three and had the strong urge to pray for him and she did my uncle kind of looks at me after that like are you hearing this and i honestly don't know what to make of any of this but i wanted to post it here because i would love to hear your opinions what do you guys think this happened about 13 or 14 years ago in my home country the dominican republic i'm 30 now so it was a while ago but i've never been able to get it out of my head so it was spring break and a group of friends and i we went up to our friend's dad's house in the mountains it's a town called constanza and it's the highest settlement in the country sitting at about 1 200 meters around 4000 feet the house is a bit higher up as it's located roughly 45 minutes from town going up a straight mountain it's the highest house in the area in fact and there was around five or six of us and we'd been hanging out for a few days up there just having fun barbecuing playing pool and having a few beers just kind of kicking back on the third or fourth day we were all tired since we spent the day walking and horse riding at around 10 p.m everyone was out cold except for my friend as son of the owner's house and i we'd been powers for a while and we'd been up there a handful of times before but we always used to stay up late and hang up around on the terrace and the deck and talking about just random stuff really we had already been out there for a while at this point on these reclining patio chairs and we were looking at the sky and literally counting the shooting stars but they're so common up there that it became a sort of game for us when suddenly a huge when compared to the other stars at least white circular light appeared in the sky i really don't know how to describe the size but i want to say that it looked like 15 or 20 times the size of a regular star or a far away airplane light or something it didn't appear to be close in fact it kind of looked like it was far away but this light just kind of sat there completely still we asked each other if we were seeing the same thing but we didn't talk much after it felt kind of uh entrancing or something and we both fell silent just looking at it for about a minute out of nowhere this light just starts bouncing around the sky at an incredible speed over a huge distance in the sky the best way i can describe it is that it moved like the ball in pong the old school video game inside would look like a defined area kind of like a square or a rectangle the bouncing around went on for about 30 seconds or so and then it just kind of disappeared no trace of the light whatsoever and nothing but here's the weirdest part so after this we just immediately felt sleepy we were actually dozing off in a matter of seconds and i don't remember who said that we should go to sleep or if any of us actually said it but we stood up and we just went to our rooms and that night i had the most vivid and realistic dream that i've ever had and that's what keeps me awake at night this dream was just different i remember being on a spaceship moving on top of a river i never felt scared or in danger or anything but i never saw anyone or anything else i but i did feel a presence there with i was standing in the front part of the ship in front of a huge window just looking out we were moving slowly on top of this river floating or flying and it looked like the river was coming to an end kind of like a waterfall when we reached the end and we just kept on flying and i could see this amazing view just tons of waterfalls and each had structures and buildings on the rivers and it looked like a futuristic city built on those rivers and the surrounding lands and it was amazing truly amazing i didn't see much else after that but one of the most bizarre things is that i heard or felt numbers it was a long sequence which i think were coordinates or something similar that they were trying to tell me i woke up and i still remember those numbers similar to when you wake up and remember a dream very vividly but forget almost instantly i stood up kind of dazed and confused and went looking for something to write but i forgot them before i could do anything a lot of years have gone by since then and i'm still convinced that these beings were trying to tell me where they were and who they are i'm not sure why they need to tell us human beings where they are or why they chose me but i do believe it i've never had any other paranormal ghost abduction or otherworldly experiences since or after it so this one has obviously really stuck over the years but i just wanted to share my experiences and hopefully find others who may have had similar ones this happened when i was about five or six years old my mother was a dealer for coca-cola at the time in the rural regions of my city so that means that she and her fellow employees would be delivering crates of coke to little villages of the boonies pretty regular on this particular day no deliveries were scheduled and anything that was to be delivered was already done so we were all just kind of all hanging out at the warehouse my mum figured since it was the end of the week let's all go out on a little road trip with the crew everyone agreed and then one of the crew suggested that we go to this new inland resort a couple of towns over it was nothing fancy just a large area with a few pools a pond where you can catch your own catfish for meals and whatnot and bamboo huts along the sides we all get in the truck and off we go we arrive sometime in the early afternoon and mum is telling members of the crew what to do but one book's a heart one gets our staff in order and someone to keep an eye on me while i look around never wandering too far i see an old lady maybe in her late 50s or maybe 40s i suppose looking at me i was a friendly kid so i waved and smiled she just stared at me so i told the crew member who was looking after me who in turn told my mum she informed everyone to watch out for her and to make sure someone always has eisen we proceed on merrymaking and i'm swimming in the pool mum and the crew are having a few drinks and meeting some catfish that this dragged on till maybe six or seven o'clock in the afternoon i stayed in the pool the majority of the time and would just come up for a bit of soda but my last attempt to jump in i see from the far end of the pool that same old lady i immediately tell my mum who looks in her direction and tells everyone that we're packing up and we're going back to the warehouse we get back and mum requests that three of the guys stay the night at the old house and if they could stay up one at a time just to be safe sometime in the middle of the night though i get woken up to my mum telling me to be quiet and follow her to one of the bedrooms in the back and to leave my slippers so we don't make any noise i ask why and she pointed out to the other side of the gate and there was that same lady she insists that i go to one of the rooms at the back of the house and stay there until she gets me i follow and then hear her wake the crew up i hear them leave the house and confront the lady by the gate with questions like who are you what do you want how did you follow us but mum said that she just glared at them while mumbling and now and then would crane her neck looking past them as if to look for something she eventually leaves and in the morning i'm taken back to the city to my actual house while my mum went back to the town to continue her job and inform the local authorities of this person we never did see the lady again and it's been 20 years since then but i asked my mum about the old lady again and whatever happened to her report and she said that she and the three crew members that confronted her went straight to the town hall before they started on work it's a small town so it wasn't that hard to find someone via description and they did find out who she was the local authorities went to this little bamboo hut on the edge of town about a mile or so into some wooded area the plan was to give her a warning but when they got to the hut nobody was in they checked the windows but nobody was inside or around the area but someone did live there because there were ducks and chickens and a small pen on the side of the house but they just decided to leave and update mum later in the afternoon and nothing really ever happened after that because he never saw anyone at that house again i've been working as a guard for a few months and i noticed noises and just odd occurrences since my first date the layout of my patrol is a a two-part office building one side the north side using only a floor for offices the second floor and the first floor for storage for spare chairs and cubicle walls the other side the south side is abandoned when the company housed in that section moved to a new location both floors being full with cubicles chairs desks the posters date there till about 2013 i think there's no files or personal property all of that stuff is in the south section but the lights don't work properly due to the weather damage in 2016. so when i start my patrol i start on the bottom floor of the north offices which is mostly barren aside from a tornado shelter a cubicle war stored against a wall and the janitor supply room down on this floor though i felt my jacket grabbed more than once while checking the area the second floor with the offices is more active than the bottom floor though where chairs move and roll into the hallway and the sound of the filing cabinet slams shut all the time but when i check to see if anyone is around i find some half open and papers on the floor the south building is the worst one though the first day that i did a patrol i had chairs not desk ones with wheels move positions more than once and while i would like to blame my co-workers only two people have keycards to that building security and maintenance when i'm on the top floor i have heard office doors slam and when i investigate to find the doors i routinely hear footsteps upstairs my co-workers have claimed to hear voices and seen shadows as well the closest thing that i've had happen besides the sounds was a flashlight new batteries that i replaced the day before constantly flickering on the bathroom floor of the south building and returning to normal when i leave i'm actually going to try investigating some more of this sometime on tuesday i'm going to try and take a digital recorder in and see if anything happens i'll also try to replicate the flashlight issue and see if it was just a hardware thing or not anyway if you guys have any good tips on what i should do or what is the best way to try and capture this stuff i'm always this happened in summer school when i was in seventh grade well the first day that i arrived there i went to my science class everyone there introduced themselves and honestly nobody seemed too off i was kind of excited in fact to do some work which was weird for me but here's when the person in question shows up he's late and he looks like a stereotypical nerd his name is henry the first day he actually doesn't do anything wrong or weird but that changed quickly the second day the teacher is passing out ipads for us to use every day we would love what we learned or do mini assignments on them and she explains the project that we'll be doing on them after everyone's finished she collects them then when she picks henry's she gets agitated with what she sees on it he was watching porn the third day and this is when he starts interacting with me you have to draw for an assignment so i'm just minding my own business doing that then he walks up to me and he's like wow that's really good he was also really loud whenever he talked i said thanks and thought that that would be the end of it but no we have a bathroom break a few minutes later and i'm waiting outside to use the bathroom there's more than one stall but we have to go one at a time and he's waiting too he starts talking to me and telling me how cute and shy i am i cannot stress this next part enough though that whenever he got near me he'd punch my shoulders playfully like it was so obvious that he just wanted some way to touch me and after i go to the bathroom we go back to class and nothing else happens there then it's lunch time and this is the real kicker i'm walking up to the lunch line and guess who's there yep it's henry i'm keeping my head down so hopefully you wouldn't notice me but no such luck he says to me you look like you want to die i honestly don't know what to say to that but then i say i do haha and then he then pulls up his sleeve on one of his arms and is like well at least you don't have these and then he puts faint lines on his wrists they were self-harm scars and obviously this kid was pretty messed up so i go through the lunch line with him in front of me and he quietly murmurs to himself and attempts to talk to me a little i go to sit down at a table i didn't have any friends there so i looked alone and he sits next to me i'm watching youtube on my phone and he pulls out my hand and asks what i'm watching i say dr phil and he's like haha wow that's so stupid i didn't reply he just sat super close to me though watching me for a few minutes and eventually he finally leaves i go to the bathroom after lunch and turns out he followed me into the bathroom before i get into the stall i turn around because i hear footsteps and i yell at him and he bolts out i tell my teacher and he's kicked out from summer school for now but this is really starting to creep me out when i was four way back in the 1950s i went down to the bank restroom in the basement i was doing my business on the porcelain throne when an adult foot nudged my foot under the stall wall irritated i kicked back at the foot and the next thing i knew an adult was cajoling me to open the store door and let him in i got very frightened and i didn't know what to do the stall was up against the wall the first one in line the creepy man forced the door open which i was putting my shoulder against and when it gave way i was knocked flat on my back on the floor looking up from the floor i saw a very serene and dignified old man with great white hair stuck up out of the wall with a very sinister smile he said to my attacker his father is going to be down here in about 30 seconds believe me when i tell you this you don't want to be here when he arrives whether of shame and getting caught in such an act or stunned by a man stepping out of the wall my attacker raced away i heard his steps pounding up the stairs seconds after that my father arrived and was looming in the store door looking down on me he scooped me up and ran his hands all over me to make sure nothing was broken and then raced after my assailant by the time that he got up the stairs the man had made it out of the bank and down the city streets my father was a combat marine from world war ii and also been a boxing champion of the seventh fleet and he later told me that my voice shouted in his mind to run to the restroom right then the attack i ran right by him i'm obviously glad for the angel that stopped the assault upon me i'm equally glad that he chased off the guy before my dad could get there because my dad would surely have beaten him to death but no doubt about that angel saved us both me from the attacker and my father from going to jail until recently i a 22 female was doing door-to-door election work getting people registered to vote and stuff like that and had to quit because i was made acutely aware of just how easily i could end up in a very dangerous situation at my job we all got driving out in a van to different areas and dropped off alone for about eight hours until we got picked back up we each had an ipad with a list of addresses and the names of the people living at those addresses as well as their age and gender so we generally had an okay idea of whether or not the person who answered the door was the person who we were looking for quite often though a family member would answer the door and then go and get the person that i was trying to speak with so having a random person answer the door wasn't completely unusual at all it was also an unusually cold day and was around 8 pm so already dark so when a guy in his late to mid twenties asked me to step inside for a moment while he got his father it was the person that i was looking for i felt a little uneasy but i didn't want to be rude especially since he asked me if i needed water or my bottle or anything after i stepped inside though he closed the door saying that he didn't want to let the heat out and then said that he was going to get his father from the kitchen while i was waiting for them to come back i stepped further in away from the door so that i could bet his dog who was very friendly and all of a sudden i realized the guy was just behind me in between me and the door because i'd walked forward towards the dog and there was a hallway running perpendicular to the direction of the front room that ended close to the front door if that makes sense this guy then told me that he'd been mistaken and his dad actually wasn't at home i honestly think that my brain just froze for a couple of minutes because i just kind of stood there staring at him and unable to understand what was happening the guy then started asking very personal questions and the way that he was talking in his body language was much more intimidating and brazen than it had been before i'm 5 8 and around 120 so not tiny but this guy was a big guy in the middle of him talking about how it's dangerous for a nice girl like you to be out by myself at night and how i should really be more careful my phone rang i didn't recognize the number but answered anyway and pretended like i knew who it was and that they worked with me it was actually a telemarketer and i've honestly never been happier to get a call from anyone really as i was on the phone i mentioned the address that i was at and thank them for being on their way the guy tried to laugh it off and even told me to remember what he said about staying safe out there but i honestly think that i would have been attacked if i hadn't gotten that spam the scariest thing to me though was realizing later that he probably pretended to go look for his father out of my line of sight just so that he could get a weapon or something because otherwise why not just grab me as soon as i stupidly stepped inside it was a near miss of that i'm convinced from 5 years old to 10 when we moved there was a ghost or a demon lady or something that's visited me every single night and i have a lot of stories of her coming into my room and just kind of staring at me but i have a few that sustain my memory the most so i'm now 25 years old with two daughters of my own and i'm so paranoid that she'll somehow mess with my kids too that i pray to god often that she doesn't i would cover my entire body with stuffed animals from head to toe and i would plug my ears just so that i could fall asleep it always happened the same though i would be laying in my bed with my light on because i couldn't sleep at all without my lamp on and even though i never helped at least i could see a little better but as i'm laying there trying to fall asleep everything would just get extremely quiet that's when i knew that she was coming it would take about a minute before she got right beside my bed but once she was there i knew it because i could feel it i would peek out from under my animals and see a standing wall floating there just staring at me with this horrible face so pale that i would freak and run to my mum's and stepfather's room and jump into bed with my mum and then i could fall asleep okay one night this routine played out i cried and cried every night begging my stepdad to let me keep my light on and finally it caved like always i was trying to sleep and she slithered in i took off to my mum's room and i jumped into bed except this time my stepdad wasn't having it he told me to go back to my room and i completely broke down my mum finally talked to you my mum finally talked him into letting me sleep on the floor next to my mum and the wall of the room i laid down there holding my mum's hand that was hung over the side of the bed to comfort me staring up at the ceiling watching the fan rotate when it suddenly got super quiet and i remember thinking no way she can't get me in here with my mom and i held my mom's hand tight then i saw her floating around the foot of my mother's bed coming towards the side that i was on she always had a white gown on in long black hair and she moved so silently that it was weird and kind of sickening i have never in my entire life so far been so terrified i screamed and screamed and my mother and stepfather jumped up asking what was wrong what's wrong with you and all i could say was that she's trying to get me mom she's trying to get me my mum let me sleep in the bed that night and i was fine after that but it's really hard to put into words just how much torment this lady or this thing put me through i mean i was constantly sleeping in school because i couldn't sleep at home i would beg to stay the night at my aunt's house or my grandmother's even one time she followed me to my aunt's house and i ran outside and sat in the middle of the street until my aunt got home at about seven the next morning it was just truly horrible even today though 20 years later i'm a grown-ass man with a family and sometimes at night i lay awake thinking about her worried to death that she may find me again i've had panic attacks in the middle of the night dreaming about her too and there's only two people in the world that even know about her besides me and that's my wife and mother and well now too whoever listens to this horribly put together story that's i'm sure some won't even believe but for me it's the most real thing that i've ever experienced by the way too this is just one of the times that i really remember there's about probably 10 that stick in my mind but anyway there it is and thanks for listening i was in grade eight and it was summertime so it was really hot out it was late at night probably around 11 11pm or 12am or something i was trying to sleep and my window was open because my room was hot i had a screen on my window so that the bugs couldn't get in obviously so i was dozing off about to fall asleep when i heard something up against the house underneath my window it sounded like a faint banging maybe i tried to ignore it as sometimes parents have squirrels that run along their houses and whatnot but then it got louder and closer and i sat up in my bed trying to examine the sounds and it continued i then called for my mom as her bedroom was across the hall and the sound just instantly stopped my mum came in and told me to go back to sleep as she didn't hear anything and so i went back to sleep without incident in the morning i woke up and carried on with my day my mum had to do some yard work so she went outside in the backyard a few minutes later she came rushing back inside into my bedroom i was confused so i followed her and asked what was wrong she didn't answer but then in a panic she went downstairs to talk to my dad and it turns out that there was a six foot ladder resting up against my bedroom window and the screen on my window was cut wide open as if someone had taken a knife to it my parents called the police but nothing ever came of it and i often wonder what would have happened to me if i didn't wake up and call for my mom that night now to this day i still cannot explain this i don't know what happened this night but it was about 11 and i was winding down for the night i did my normal nightly routine which included using the restroom and leaving a light on in the bathroom important for later i do this so that i can see better when going to use the bathroom in the middle of the night oh i climbed into bed and prepared to go to sleep when not even three minutes into me laying down with my eyes closed i hear very clearly the voice of a woman whisper in my ear i am here at that point i shot up right out of bed but before i could do anything else i heard footsteps walking up to my door and stopped right outside of it now this could have been a random noise i admit but what was worse is that i would see the shadow of two feet standing just on the other side of my door due to the light coming from the bathroom at this point i could barely move from the seated position that i was in my bed after about five minutes i decided to turn on my tv so that i had some background noise as the tv was powering on though i started to hear the sound of someone breathing coming from under my bed and i know that it wasn't just me because i could hear it even when i held my breath so naturally i was an absolute terror and i could barely move from my bed and i stayed that way for about another two or so hours i don't remember why exactly but at some point i needed to get out of bed and grab something but i still occasionally was hearing breathing from under my bed i felt better getting up knowing that i had a knife on my bed stand and i could defend myself if needed so i got out of bed and decided to look underneath i grabbed a flashlight and my knife and then looked and to my shock there was nothing this definitely cleared up a little bit of the terror that i was feeling but there was still feet on the other side of my door that had been standing there now for two hours so i built up the courage and i opened the door quickly and yet again there was nothing there even after clearing this up i still didn't sleep at all that night and to this day i cannot fathom what happened that night i don't know how to explain it or if there even is an explanation but if any of you guys have any thoughts on what it could have been could you please let me know because this happened about a month ago and i haven't had any other experiences near this since but it's left me pretty shaky [Music] so this happened in an old farmhouse a few miles away from where i live and the case is actually unsolved to this day i live in bavaria germany it's an area with a lot of mountains and forests and the whole thing happened around 100 years ago so the family who lived in the farmhouse along with two workers there experienced many paranormal things like foot trails in the snow which just led to nowhere a few meters into the forest strange sounds at night and the youngest daughter telling the family that she was often visited by a tall man at night many ways one morning the whole family was just found dead in their beds everyone had their head smashed in with a blunt object there were no signs that someone broke in and the doors were all locked when the police arrived also nothing was taken from the family not even a golden necklace that the mother owned which was right beside her bed and should have been obvious to manny burke the police also stated that there had been a lot of hate involved in the crime because of the brutality police investigated the crime scene but they didn't find anything another weird thing happened in the barn too they looked it to investigate it later because there wasn't anything remarkable at first but when they returned later there was a rope that was hanging with a knot from the ceiling no one knew how it got there and it definitely wasn't there in the first place and well the case is around 100 years old and if it happened nowadays the police would have probably been able to solve it with modern technology but the paranormal things surrounding it really creep me out i've never visited the farm house but many people say that it's still haunted and i'm not sure about all that but it's a disturbing story to say the least
Channel: Be. Busta
Views: 127,665
Rating: 4.8352113 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories, be busta, true horror stories, scary horror stories, scary horror story, true scary horror stories, scary storytime, scary stories to tell in the dark, scary true stories, scary story, be busta scary stories, true scary stories to keep you up at night, true scary stories reddit, scary true stories reddit, true stories, horror stories, scary, horror, stories, reddit, reddit horror stories
Id: 1Y6XfrScxvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 25sec (11065 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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