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if it looks like I'm crying it's because I was okay I was put in some eyedrops and instead of relieving my eyes they started burning and then I started crying it was not a good time but anyways it is a finally October so it's time to bring on the spooky videos y'all know how much I love the spooky videos we're gonna do one today these are pretty creepy okay viewer discretion advised you know I like good stuff so the first one is this really creepy story the story was posted on reddit as it was happening so this guy's didn't realize there was something going on in the background of his stories until his friend told him so these are the stories see if you can catch anything that's how the first one of my parents little boats is this little guy it is a little layout I use a cockatiel the second little bird of my parents is a rainbow lorikeets he's name is over there it is and Here I am with my good little mate okay so the first one there was nothing there and now all of a sudden there's something there I don't know how did his friend catch that because you have to like slow-mo the video oh there you can clearly see it you can't really tell what it is I mean it looks like there could be a head there may be some hands but maybe some bald fits I don't know okay so this dude talks about his childhood so when he was a kid you had sleep paralysis age 12 or 13 for seemingly no reason at all I started getting chronic episodes almost every night that lasted minutes to tens of minutes at a time during these episodes I could breathe but could not move when it came to seeing things there was always one reoccurring thing a faceless person looking into my bedroom window with their hands cupped to the glass for the course of a one to 10 minute episode this person would just stand there and look at me this is wild like this dude have sleep paralysis and this is exactly what he would see somebody's standing at the window just looking in so this guy walks around his house recording but without looking at the screen so this is the last haven't scared me scared me scared me that's this that's this right Oh oh my god my AC just turned on in my door opens oh my god alright so there's some creepy stuff going on in this dude's house what is that oh I hate this I hate this I hate this that is terrifying I am so scared for this like imagine this going in your house at night recording and then a damn person shows up in the corner just standing there ah I have goosebumps this is not okay so video gives me the heebie-jeebies I don't even want to continue what Oh Oh No what is going on there's a ghost it's outside now - this is so Oh No is that weird can camera see ghosts 28c funny filters on demons ha ha this is like huge hikes good y'all better get that holy water you know you can turn any water it's a holy water all you got to do is like bless it what if you drink holy water we just sold be like cleanse what if I bless every single bottle of water I drink would I just be blessed to make things worse I don't you see those after watching that mm-hmm I mean when you think about it it's just the telly tubby and a guy but when you face swap them this is not okay uh who designed Teletubbies they're not human I don't know what they are but they're definitely not human Oh another face swap all right those videos now creepy face swap and creepy snapchat but why don't have face the side to go there and her neck skin decide to go there something fishy going on she looks so confused like what am i doing down here how does this even happen alright less creepy dude his whole life wanted to be a banana and two oranges and now he's regretting it I'm scared I'm scared imagine pulling out snapchat accidentally hitting the face whap in your car and this happens waiting the holy water up in this bow have any usually I got holy water but today I don't down jumping out this car now by this is almost too good how does the pumpkins face look like that why isn't the same skin color as him the pumpkin look a little too happy though Wow oh and look like jigsaw Marissa from saw but it's the couch I thought it was like some demon that she faced walk with but it was just the couch so how does it recognize that as a face I mean it's got a I like in the cushion this is so weird how this happened how did this happen chat we need answers okay this doesn't make me feel as bad about the other face because it might be fake that's gotta be fake this was really creepy when I first saw it because like but no do demons look exactly the same this is the same one as this one is the same demon maybe it's a snapchat demon haunting snapchat either way it's creepy how she holding up the Care Bear like luck photobomb alright so when you first look at it it's like what a grandma taking a dump behind him like photobomb button home so later that evening a friend came over and pointed out something creepy about my selfie a mysterious figure in a purple dress can be seen in the background sitting with their hands folded bearing in mind the picture was taken facing the living room door so just a door was behind them and that suddenly shows up there's got to be something behind this like a woman and a purple dress with our arms crosses is the thing there was a demon in your house and I ain't talking about those eyebrows it looked like she sucked her son's eyebrows off and added them to hers ah so creepy for a sec but just for a second till you realize what the hell is going on here I don't like it I don't like it man stop got out of here ok I thought this is another ghost or demon or something calm down this is just the sidewalk ain't nothing to see here but the pavement okay I don't like these these are really unsettling but like it's happened to me too like something behind me like one time I open up snapchat and like the filter was going somewhere behind me like it wasn't on any of the faces on my posters or anything it was just like somewhere behind me like right here a part of me wants to be logical and be like oh it's just a glitch snapchat picking up some interference the other part of me is like this place is cursed there was a demon right behind you and there's nothing you can do honey except to get the hell out but yeah see there's a thing we got them everywhere only snapchat can see them you all just could be like the future of like ghost hunting seriously though like instead of ghost hunt you will all that like crazy technology and stuff you know like Oh both hunting with snapchat just think about it I kind of want to do that actually if I ever go to like a haunted building or something just whip out snapchat and see if the filter like goes on anybody duh it's genius okay now I really want to try this using filters to make yourself look better but you wind up looking like a monster what what kind of filter is this powerful to make you look uglier and you must be so beautiful you put that filter to shame like it was like oh her beauty has melted me but it was too late and it made you ugly another gift from Facebook what did he face walk with how did this Oh with his hands it looks like his fingers like three fingers do you guys see it that is so weird why does this baby look like Leonardo DiCaprio that was like what part of hell did this demons find from but it's just a teddy bear but what kind of teddy bear got a face like always the teddy bears foot put the paws okay all right I see you okay as the dog she face slept with the dogs this is giving me the heebie-jeebies okay never face talk with your sisters doll Wow unless you wanna be a doll literally girl who did you lashes I suppose my cute thing creepy huh sayin and I you it is saying a Lucifer right there I don't think I ever tried face swapping with my dog I want to know those ghetto taken a Marisol see there's something in the background I don't know what it is comment below what do you think this is because I have no idea it look like a face but like half a face oh maybe it's a stain on the window why am I wearing this for the aesthetic oh the video is over and I wore it the whole time but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one did you think was the creepiest and let me know what you think of the first one because that's too scary it's jus spooky too spooky for me I can't take it I can't handle it there's some things like that where it's just I don't know what to think I don't know what to say is that fake is it real obviously somebody could just like make up a ton of hoopla like dear David I believe dear David was like a hella fake but that doesn't stop y'all from wanting a part 3 we all wanna part three comment below let me know I'll slap you guys enjoyed this video make sure you hit that like button on the spot wife spook videos and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,722,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, scary stories, horror stories, creepy stories, snapchat, creepypasta, scary story, creepy, stories
Id: vcSFXie3ofw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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