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hey guys it's almost Halloween what am i what am i for Halloween comment below tell me what you think I am because I don't know hey guys since it's almost Halloween till we're eating a spooky story on the yarn app I'll leave a link in the description below if you guys want to download the yarn app I've done a bunch of videos on yarn it's basically a bunch of text message stories and they have funny stuff they have sci-fi ooh they have explicit not for the youtubes though but my favorite is the scary ones so we're gonna read them haunted camper I want to read this one okay you ever said hey babe just wander to check-in how's everything going good I just finished setting up the tent it's so beautiful up here we should come here together next time yeah I always wanted to do a camping trip to Yosemite Yosa might it's Yosemite right but it's spelt Yosa might just couldn't take work off are there any other campers there just an older couple with their dog they're super nice you're telling me this girl went camping by herself do people do that do people go camping by themselves I don't know about you guys but I I cannot be left alone let alone in the woods by myself I have really bad anxiety and if nobody's there I ain't got my phone what do you do cry in your tent roast some weenies look up at the sky take some selfies I don't know what I would do I'm gonna take my camera out for pics while the sun's still out just be careful they have never know what monsters they're out there haha if only you are here to keep me safe a winky face you know what that means I'm gonna go set up my gear I think they pooped I might lose service for a bit text me once you're back want to see your shots will day two love you damn he's not gonna say it back oMG I'm beat but I got some great pics I'll upload them to my computer and I'll send them in a bit is everything else going okay yes it's so peaceful and it's nice to get away from everything this project came at the perfect time okay just don't wander too far away from the site you're such a worrywart Tyler after everything that happened can you blame me I just don't like the thought of you out there alone so why do you let her go by herself in the first place I gotten work everything will be fine I'll be home first thing in the morning if you say so I do I know I'm gonna go knock out hopefully these mosquitoes don't eat me alive in the process holy I sat outside for 10 minutes today trying to eat my acai bowl and I got bit fifty times like ten times like Oh little dead ass all over my ankle bone that's what they like to bite me that ain't cool okay send me the pics when you wake up the next morning missing you babe re please text soon getting worried do you know if there are bears in Yosemite or maybe coyotes something is off wait what things seem moved around in my tent I'm sure it's nothing I'm just being paranoid I'm not liking the sound of this are you sure it's nothing it's dangerous out there don't joke around about that stuff why aren't you answering your phone sorry your obsession is pretty funky up here and just talked with the other campers they've been up most of the night and haven't seen anything I think I'm just sleep-deprived I don't think my anxiety can handle this babe oh I'm sorry to make you worry but look at this view oh how pretty yeah that is beautiful wait hold up anything creepy in this pic oMG Trevor babe what's going on oh my god I think someone was in my tent last night what I was looking through pics from yesterday and found this oh no somebody took a pic of her sleeping that's like proof I mean look look at our other hand you don't see other hand she could be holding one of those selfie stick she could have taken that or sleep you know wait is this at an emotional story I swear this was a stalker story that's me sleeping into ten you sure it's not Tana get out of there now I'm calling the cops it can't be him could it how would he have found me Oh God you know this is our stalker story dead eyes ari Ari answer me I'm okay just freaking out what do I do I call the cops they're contacting the Rangers in the area to come get you but don't wait for them just grab your stuff and go oMG okay heading to my car do you still have that pocket knife I got you yeah it's all my keys keep it out if this is your ex there's no telling what he'll do damn it I thought the cops said they lost trace them in Canada probably see back and how did he find me I thought I would be done after I got the restraining order he's crazy ari I don't think a restraining order will stop him are you by your car yet yes I just got here but wait Oh No Trevor what's going on are you okay oh he really is here oh no man my tires Oh God he slashed my tires Trevor I'm so scared I know babe but I'll help you get through this go find the other campers and tell them what's going on they'll get you out of there just hurry I keep hearing noises Trevor what if he's waiting for me outside maybe I should lock myself in the car until the cops come no it's probably in your back seat seen the horror movies re you're not safe last time we saw him we tried to burn our house down with you in it that dude is crazy man does this why isn't he in jail all because you moved on you need to go find that couple and get the hell out of there okay you're right running back to the campsite five minutes later I can't breathe behind me all right Ari don't look back just get to safety okay I see their tent that's weird there's stuff is all over the place why is it so messy Ari I think you need to leave no they're my only chance out of here no one's answering me though maybe they're still asleep all right be careful their tent is closed I'm gonna unzip it and wake them up they're here trying to shake them awake they're not waking up Trevor ari Trevor he killed back there dad and I think I'm next watch Jane you need to get out of there now we're the cops man oh we're the cops it's dark and I can't see anything I hear someone breathing heavy FaceTime me now okay but you have to be quiet I'm afraid he's here I'm calling you turn up your volume Oh oh my god okay I gotta turn up my volume I'm just babbling is that actually sounding this Oh No who was that was that him I think he got hurt I think it's over re Oh No Oh No OMG he found me I'm ready as fast as I can he's catching up how did he find you go back to the campgrounds where you found the couple try to find somewhere safe to hide try to see if you could wake them up have them call for help police are on their way okay I think I lost them all run back to the tents now then minutes later focus re you need to find a way out of there the pocketknife won't be enough do you see anything else that you could use it was a weapon um let me look oh gosh I just found the dog Trevor he killed the dog I don't know if I could do this alright you're going to survive this this is where we end it that's all for today folks the dog is dead what more do you want if you guys want to know what happens in the next episode make sure you leave a like or you can find out what happens next by downloading the art app I will leave a link in the description below download it it's a lot of fun a lot of good stars to read and subscribe during the wolf pack well I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,927,110
Rating: 4.8883419 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniperwolf, sniper wolf, creepy texts, creepy text messages, creepy, scary, scary stories, creepypasta, yarn app, text messages, creepiest text message, story, reacting, reaction
Id: 37kZpRyRB0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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