Creeper World 4, The Most Innovative Tower Defense I've Ever Played

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hey folks it's your boy AA today we're checking out creeper World 4 this is an extremely unique Tower Defense slash sort of like RTS tactics hybrid uh it's been recommended to me over the years by several people uh many of you guys stream and channel viewers as well as uh I believe it was spiffing Britt recommended it to me which got me checking out angry Tom of the yogs cast um very unique cult hit tower defense strategy hybrid but this one is fully 3D I'm playing the fourth one because it's kind of the most advanced game the predecessors uh in the series are 2D I believe so four is somewhat of a different species Al together but it it is like the full realization of this game's uh Vision I suppose but anyway it it kind of makes me want to go back and play the first three by no means is this a new game but it's just such an interesting cult hit game that it made me want to make a video on it um basically you're building an array of towers and defensive units to fend off an Ever Flowing Tide of evil blue liquid that's destroying everything in its path kind of cool um like this whole sci-fi apocalypse story just an interesting backup we're going to move in on the story right here I'm going to go through some of these missions because I feel like an interesting way to explore this game is just going to be to do an abbreviated run through much of the story until I get to about where I am now and I'll skip over the boring Parts um and just do like the interesting because this game is quite a spectacle um but yeah this game has a lot of like custom content where you can go crazy and do all sorts of stuff but it is very confusing so I I thought it would be more interesting if I just hold your hand at the beginning as if you had never seen this game before but if you have played this game um I don't know if you want maybe I could make some more content on it but anyway let's get into it um yep just kind of wanted to do like a a look at some of the basics now I will say and I'm just going to kind of I'm probably just going to skip through much of this early mission because like I going to to me story doesn't really matter I I feel like that this game sets up a mood that does ironically make me want to uh care about a tower defense game but I'm just going to quickly skip through the button controls this game basically just poops out text everywhere on you um like and doesn't really explain the game which is kind of like part of its Vibe like do not read any of the text because it looks like the nightmarish notes of like a software engineer it is very everything is misspelled and it honestly just has this kind of funky flavor like priority sensor notification on initiate condition two protocols but everything is kind of misspelled we'll get to that point in a little while but basically here is the creep or the creeper fluid um and like it is just this giant apocalyptic mass that is destroying everything um we're going to go go ahead and just evacuate our station right here it's very like cinematic considering the fact that it is a tower defense um but what we have to defend ourselves from this evil fluid and I'm just going to like speed up time here because it's just destroying everything in its path um we do have cannons so here we go so if we take some of our cannons and then we just move them to the side here we can maybe fend off some of the fluid on this side I'm just going to speed up to 4X speed and maybe I'll put one of them over like here yeah that's good because I think we're just trying to evacuate this station right here so we're going to try to get all the scientists out of the lab or I I honestly I'm just going to skip through much of the story you could get into the story and I think it might be fun for like a future playthrough but you just spend so much of the of the early game trying to figure out what's going on so we've evacuated and that's literally the entire first mission although I didn't know how to speed up time so it seemed like more climactic I don't know what I was doing it but yeah I feel like that's all you really need for story is that there's this giant like basically oo yeah I guess that's what it basically is um that's just destroying everything okay so do we have any emitters in this first [Music] mission uh technically is that even an emitter I'm not even sure what that is that is like a source of goop but it might not even be be as yeah I I'm not getting any like active movement coming on here one thing I like is you can speed this game up or slow it down up to any speed that you want to but um okay so we're building Towers I'm just going to call these power poles yeah we sing praise to the founders in tongue of ancient let all there's like some sort of it it basically has the vibe of Halo I I don't know how to else to explain it um it is a little weird okay so do we actually have any objectives right here I should probably like figure out what I'm doing so we're going to go ahead well we'll just build out Towers this way I'm going through much faster in these tutorials than I was the first time though because I guess the one thing that's a little confusing or maybe even a bit annoying about this game is the first time that you go through you're like just trying to figure out what the hell you're supposed to do and it is necessarily pretty confusing but I mean like it is kind of crazy to look at isn't it I don't know there's just something very like satisfying to me as a as a person making videos on the internet about this like this game is always cinematic okay so here we go with our turrets I'll just put this into 1X speed so you can kind of appreciate what it really looks like so you can just basically neutralize the goop as it as you use cannons for it okay so what we're going to go ahead and do here in this Mission cuz we're trying to get over to one of these items this is an info cache basically our like objective I'm going to try to get get all the names of things right there's all of these Resources with like weird alien names like litic and uh oh God I can't even remember um but there's a decent number of hot keys and controls that you should really look into for the game okay so I accidentally built into the goop right there and let's just go ahead and double up the speed but basically the way that this works more or less your supply chain is that we do get some from our Rift lab and so all of those like I guess I don't know like those lumps that are moving out toward what are our Canon blueprints or whoops one of them also got into the goop again uh do I need to build on higher ground or will we manage to get this in time let's just see okay I guess these things are slightly emitting fluid but all right now we can build a couple more and it's not just exclusively building them we can also kind of like Bunny Hop them over each other and basically as long as you have enough energy to supply all of your cannons you should be good but um eventually we'll have a way of just neutralizing these little things that are like emitting all the fluid but for right now we're just going to Bunny Hop these one over the other um and then after that I'm just I've just got time sped up here I think we could build another power pole here and we could pretty much just could we bridge this no we're going to have to do this um and we can also use like all the kind of power user controls like we can use um shift click to build multiple at once and that is quite useful like already after having played the game for only about 4 hours I'm getting a lot faster at it because the first couple hours I was learning it it was taking me a while to do some kind of basic tasks but here we go actually I might just be able to get through these it is always interesting though you know okay so we have other things like we have this pyramid this actually has anti- creeper in it um oh wait no that sorry no it requires lipti I believe so we're going to try to activate some totems so this is a source of one of the major resources in the game called litic um do we actually have anything over here this looks like it's going to demand litic of our grid I'm just going to go ahead and build some more um cannons over this way so we pretty have enough pretty much have enough energy to just Supply these things with as much of it as they need um I'm just going to build out our power grid we can pretty much just Spam power grid anywhere we want it doesn't really take that long to build and it's like fairly I don't know it's fairly inexpensive I want to say like it doesn't require that much energy energy is it technically litic is all energy just litic I'm not even sure it's it requires like green stuff in order to power it there I said it that's as much as I know I'll just call it energy um but yeah lifti is is a very useful thing because we can use it if I can just come over here I'm just going to bring bridge this Gap and do we actually have those bridged y Okay so we've now attached to one of our totems over here it looks like we just blew something up accidentally what is even wait a minute what is going on over there oh whoops uh we actually have Rising fluid over here I should probably build more cannons on this side didn't even notice that um but what we're trying to do is I should probably slow down time because I'm don't really have enough cannons for these I'm going to leave some cannons over here but let's move some of these just all the way out here or even just build more at this point it's fine we can do that but we're kind of bridging our way from material to material so let's go ahead over here and just build them like this they can survive for maybe a second in some of the fluid but um if they don't like instantly neutralize the fluid then they'll all be dead so you do have to kind of be careful here so I've just cleared the way a little bit here I'm trying to build over to the lifti because if we can get the litic then we can activate one of these totems so I think I'm just going to go ahead and do that right now can we actually just Bridge you we might just be able to do this cuz there's some parts where the goop doesn't even get in the way okay it did um I will put you there and then let me just forx the time again okay cool so that actually connects all right let me just slow this down slightly because there isn't really like you don't have too many weapon options options in this level now we bring another two over here so now we've collect connected the litic to the totem or we will in a second so as soon as we get this power pole connected let me just see this okay so now the litic gets brought over to the totem and uh in like 5 seconds once this Rises totally this should create sort of like a force field that's going to get rid of the goop um all of the creep just kind of like disappears and this becomes really valuable for controlling territ and some of the levels you can kind of see an overview over there of everything and now it looks like this cannon over here has actually done a lot of work for us so now we can just basically connect that um we might not even have to build anything let me just move you over here for good measure and I will just speed up to 4X and cool we actually did a pretty good job getting this Mission done obviously not like a speedrun but relatively faster than I did when I started cool okay but those are aren't the only tools there's also a lot of other stuff that we can use man I I'm just realizing like how cinematic this game is is this the first one where we get emitters um I'm just beginning to realize like how interesting this game is when I know what I'm doing um okay what is happening in this Mission all right so this one is fairly straightforward as well um again we have litic we have an info cache and we have a totem over here but we also have an emitter in this uh Mission and this is where we kind of start to play like the real game because now we need to decide where our Rift lab goes H excuse me all right so this is I believe the mission where we're going to get introduced to um I think it's like a a neutralizer it's called so I'm going to put my Rift lab a little bit higher up just so that it's somewhere safe for this Mission I'm going to go ahead and plan out some of my Towers now these towers shouldn't take very long to get constructed and this is a pretty easy mission where we have like good high ground in that sense actually that's not like perfectly efficient but whatever we'll just live with it um some of these missions you'll plan out and you just utterly mess up like you you want to make sure you get cannons firing pretty fast so we'll just keep a few cannons on The High Ground and you kind of have time it's kind of like playing toy soldiers I don't know why it just has that kind of feeling like I used to play on the floor with like did you ever do this you put like dish soap into food coloring and milk in like a pan and just watch the madness ensue I don't know I had a weird childhood I did like these types of activities for fun but I don't know something about this game just feels like observing down one those okay so we have a couple of other pools of ltic over here um or with litic and like other info stuff but um it would be good if we could connect to these but at the same time um we do have plenty of room over here let's just make sure that all these things get built um oh and we do actually have mortars in this Mission whoops I didn't even realize that okay so we finally get introduced to mortars mortars are far better and they're going to be like pretty much our staple for the next few missions we'll be using these now I kind of want to get these close or a little bit further down as we go whoops looks like I'm not fully connected there there we go often times my power grid is just like totally disconnected and it baffles me but uh yeah like stuff like that goes wrong although I do find that the game is pretty good at giving feedback and considering the amount of stuff going on haven't really noticed any slowdown which is crazy like some of these missions get kind of crazy as you can probably tell already okay so this is Ting 30 creep every half a second um an hour it's kind of hard to tell exactly how much we're well I guess just like just by looking at it does it appear as if we beating it down because what we want to do is just be destroying more creep than it's producing every few seconds okay so we did actually get hooped on on the mortar that wasn't a very safe area to build a mortar uh are we going to be able to build that one there the funny part is that being able to extend your builds like right into it is great if you can I think we can use this other time cuz I we might as well get a head start on these other sections let's go ahead and build some other Towers I know this going to require some energy but if we get a little bit of this started right now it'll take less time later on I guess I'm kind of devolving into a speedrun here more not really a speedrun I'm sure there are some speedruns of this and this is absolutely nowhere near that but um hang on a sec okay so there we go the thing I've noticed in this game it does kind of test that like APM that you get from playing rtss which I I played a lot of rtss when I was a kid but I was never fast enough with clicking it was just it was like so much decision paralysis so this game is kind of fun if you want to pause like you can just pause make some tactical decisions and go from there although I do think it's more fun to like watch the simulation as you go it's funny that we don't actually get offered a nullification in this mission right away I guess what we need to do here is activate this totem right next to it so let's go ahead and try now that we've kind of built up a little bit of a defense over here so we can kind of get into these holes in a minute we can kind of build our way around we could even build up here if we want to okay that's fine and then we'll go ahead and put in mortars just all around this thing just to barrage this fluid from above like who thought that commenting on fluid would be so interesting which just shows like you don't need characters you don't need a story all you need is fluid for a good game because this game is pretty good I like it that's my review basically all right cool so we've actually diminished the amount we are destroying more than it is producing so now we can kind of uh where do we actually have litic okay the litic is over there still so we do need to connect to the litic Via power poles I don't really know if they're called power poles but I'm just going to call them I mean they're technically just Towers but I think they must be power PES right okay so here we go we've finally like neutralized enough room here that we can finally take this totem I think we could probably get over to this totem as well okay there we go there's another one we could probably connect to that thing whatever it is actually are you fully connected there yeah it looks like they will and then we have just more random creep uh flowing off over there on the side all right so now we get some other message and now we actually do have a nullifier so basically these emitters will keep emitting for as long as we don't nullify them or yeah nullifier I thought it was a negator for a second no a nullifier um whoops we haven't actually connected it to our Network so we need to put this in I don't know if the music like gets too intense after a while but I kind of like it it it kind of reminds you that this is all like some kind of messed up sci-fi universe that's very apocalyptic I feel like that the game actually wouldn't be complete without it it's like uh fighting the flood in Halo okay so now we come to a series of very interesting missions here um so now that you kind of get how the game works there's more bases obviously that we can set up and there's tons of units we're going to get we're even going to get like um we'll get our own anti creeper fluid we'll get like there's even like you can create an air Force to bomb the creeper basically um there's all kinds of crazy stuff in this game I still haven't even found all of it yet but I still learning um I guess this mission is the one that introduces us to like resource chains so I will continue through it all right so basically um in those last few missions we just basically had the energy from our Rift lab um this is where I would say that the game starts to just get like kind of well more more like it's meant to be I'm actually just going to turn on time and just go through this Mission because what I've found with a lot of these missions is they start you off with this sort of like abstract shape in the last missions I believe all of our like fluid was in one neat container but here now we've got like what essentially amounts to Islands of fluid um so the creep is coming across and there's always like one enemy base kind of at the end obviously all of our goals are there there's usually ways to like kind of speedrun through if you were really clever about it um but this is just going to utterly like saturate this entire Island it'll go up here it's just going to be awful and that is all getting piped through over here on this side um but that is going to be a bottleneck sort of so that's kind of like the Saving Grace for this Mission I'm not going to actually attempt this I'm going to restart in a minute but yeah it kind of like Gathers up on the side anyway um so it's good to get an early totem that is nice um but I'm trying to think of what else we could do so we do have access to most of our tools for this mission right from the beginning but we also have a bunch of litic over here on this island and I believe this is where we're introduced to um larger power poles I do kind of like the way that like the tool tips are done in this game just like it's just so kind of scuffed um beautiful in its own way anyway so we kind of have to chain our way across but we're also being introduced to mining so mining is going to um create energy or we could also create blue white which is going to create anti creep which is basically our own version of Creeper fluid um I've been kind of stalling and trying to remember how this Mission exactly Works uh this one you know what let's do this one but I'm going to restart because I just let all the creep fluid just come up on us and we basically need to plan this whole thing out before if we want to stand any chance of surviving oh yeah we also get access to more pylons here um we must construct additional pylons so I feel as though there would probably be a way to like speedrun this thing um by putting something over here although it would be very difficult to get out um actually wonder if that's possible because we could get one over here and then just build a power pole up right technically like save ourselves some pain in that department um actually I'm just going to you know what I'm just going to try this let's just see what this does because there's got to be a way to do this unless if I'm technically not in its like Aura here I've been wanting to uh like find some secret path through these missions oh whoops that wasn't actually litic I'm not actually creating any so I am just insta dead um anyway now you get to see what happens if your Rift lab gets destroyed wow it actually takes quite a long time for it to get destroyed I will it just rematerialize yeah okay it does I don't know why I wanted to say that it would be like Mission failed but anyway okay that's how not to play the mission so don't do that obviously um we will just go for the boring start here in the middle of our like mineral field their minerals Marie um do we actually have access to miners right away why do I not have access to miners right from the very get-go here that is a little odd I feel okay then let me just construct a series of towers and then I think it'll give me the minor option um okay so we will build some Towers over here out in this land you know we might as well just build a bunch more Towers while we're at it over here and here and here and here just so that those can kind of like Channel our miners here we go cool I don't believe this is actually connected let me just put that there just Spam them everywhere it never really hurts I don't know why I'm not getting an outline though here of like where they actually whatever very well though okay we'll probably get to see it at some point okay so now we're going to be building some weapons so you've seen where the creep goes uh where are we at activate totems okay cool so we did get access to miners right away so I'm just going to pause because I want to build these so that we have as much energy as early on as possible because when you do start to have to fight off the creep it's like it becomes somewhat impossible and just one thing I guess as a criticism here although I kind of like it and I feel like it's just because I'm bad as a player is often times the game just turns into like a battle of attrition in some areas although I guess I kind of like that I don't it's not really a criticism I guess it's just it is what it is like and I feel like it's good for that reason though which is funny um so let's see I should probably end up building a pylon up there let's go ahead and speed back up time I'm not going to move up to 4X speed yet because I wanted to see this through okay so minor rotation [Music] um these are for energy storage or are these for our miners ultrax I I don't think Ultra caps I don't think I can actually explain the function of those things that is too bad oh well anyway we're activating totems and going from there and I don't believe that we can actually connect over with Towers right yeah we just simply don't have enough room here uh that is like a slightly odd feature of this level I guess it's just waiting for the creep to come through we could also make just more miners okay here we so we have access to a pylon now thank goodness that is quite important are we able to connect these two whoops I guess not all right avoid creeper yeah the funny part about these is wait can I just hit oh I can just hit destroy on these yeah some of the UI in this game is quite like it is quite weird not going to lie um let me just go ahead and pause again we definitely want to build build a pylon from here to here because we need like some sort of foothold here otherwise we'll just insta die uh we will build here and then we will just build this will be like our first line hold the line like this game always makes me want to yell Hold the Line defend the wall you know like it has that kind of energy about it actually I guess we don't really even need this one we could just destroy that that was kind of a mistake all right how are we doing with building the miners I do want to build the miners pretty fast because that's going to give us even more um energy yeah see it's funny it's like it's energy but then there's lift nah it is what it is anyway um feel free to like correct me in the comments there because I am still kind of learning the game and I I do not want to spread wrong information because this game seems to have like a factorio like Community um yeah and I and I like I like it for that reason um let's see where do we have this no cool Okay cool so we are supplying energy out there and holy moly that's going to be quite a lot of ammo going down there all right so let's see these these Morts are now built um so this is just going to start like oh look at that look at what a number we're doing on all that creep fluid o oh that's the stuff yes feels so right all right so I'm assuming that this creeper fluid will go away like before too long but let's just go ahead and start to connect some more py uh towers and pylons here we'll start to build another Network out there um are we actually visualizing I don't know why I'm not actually seeing those Towers like range I feel as though I should be seeing that that might be an option I can turn on all right anyway we will just build out another line of mortars here I think I mean we will start to BU hop them but we want about two layers worth of them before we really do anything appreciably okay so it did get through to one of them but still we can keep kind of zooming out here okay now our back line isn't really firing as much so let's go over here and we'll just build up to this one because this one looks like it's going to be pretty easy to neutralize okay so we build over another Tower and then that one and then that should basically neutralize this entire zone so that one's taken care of and now I think we can pretty much just avoid this emitter while we kind of construct our way over so let's build a couple of power poles and then I think we can Bunny Hop our back line up just to save a little bit of time there we go cool all right so now I've put these guys like in the face of danger but you know whatever I don't even know what they are they're cannons but I care about them man I care about their Canon families and their Canon kids you know I'm a good person I def I stand for cannons everywhere all right awesome so now we're getting closer to this thing I think I could probably build over to the uh totem first I wonder if I could get over there n that ah we're getting so close there all right but we also have to get some litic out of this as well um I believe we should be able to connect that power pole so let's just build over from up here and we'll try to keep these all connected to our Network there we go okay so now we've taken out the rest of the creep over there also I don't know whether it's actually creeper or creeper fluid or if just it's whatever you want it to be but I'm going to call it all of them I'm just going to call it all of the names so that I am hopefully getting it wrong at some point throughout the video all right um man we're actually not H we're not quite at that pylon yet hang on a second you move over there you move over there we just have to get the remainder of the creep over here now we build over this Tower and then we can build over this pylon cool that's all of it so now this should be able to connect the rest of that litic to our Network once we have the litic then we could Supply these two things we don't even really need it over here anymore but whatever fine okay so there's all the litic getting supplied in now that's actually created like another force field that we can use to neutralize this thing so we'll or nullify it I mean okay so now it's in like pretty safe range there are some missions where you don't get there are many missions where you don't get this like very nice luxury of a of a nullifier right next to the uh the totem okay so here now we just have tons of cannons like kind of uselessly doing nothing over here so we can bring them all over to this side constru another pylon over here and then I believe we should be able to build up and that is like kind of a shortcut over the last part now these are all kind of useless over here and we can build those over there now these are all useless over here so if you plan out and you make a lot of turrets you can kind of like just eat the rest of the mission into Oblivion I don't know how else to yeah basically that all right so we've got one more emitter over here not quite as much defending this one we've got one more totem technically we don't even need to get the emitter for most of these missions we just need to activate the totems but we will build over one more pylon over here and I feel like you get the picture of this for the most part you know like this is kind of the strategy of it the one funny part that I didn't really understand though is that you can literally just put your Towers into the creep at some points like if they are sprayers and they can survive in it for like 1 to two seconds so you could be pretty aggressive with it but um yeah like I don't know uh it's it's crazy it gets very like RTS like rather than Tower defy when you play a lot of it but yeah as an experienced gamer that is what I have found anyway let's see here okay I guess I'm pretty much just going over to this last totem and then we could take that one but I think we'll just kind of bunny hop a lot of these cannons I'll leave maybe a couple of these things left over there and then we will just build over a regular Tower cuz those get built super fast we don't really need pylons for everything wow I'm actually getting way better at this this took me like hours when I first did it cuz I was just like what do I do now I didn't realize I could move up so fast it's like super fast when you play it like this all right so I just need to activate one more totem and we can pretty much just go give it the old like one two punch here wow that is super fast and they're all kind of mutually supporting each other over there whoops just build them up and then one more Tower we might even be able to just nullify this thing I've gotten so much faster at this all right cool so we did get the last totem activated and I think we can even get this thing nullified too so that's great uh where are we at here have you nullified that yet okay you are about to nullify the one thing is that if it does run out of power then you can't nullify it so there we go entire second mission done in only 27 minutes worth of time uh I mean this is again at 4X speed so probably if I were going a little slower and more carefully that' be it all right after this it gets like seriously apocalyptic what was that not my Mars is this ruins repurposed um I'm trying to remember what this Mission introduces you to this is in mission number five I just want to see for a second cuz some of them are really interesting like you get rivers of stuff okay so this one introduces you to anti creep where you can basically just create your own like River of it um actually this one is kind of [Music] cool I kind of want to show this one off too it's is cool this game is cool man this game is really sweet okay so we have I don't know what these are called obelisks or something they look like obelisks okay so we'll build out a minor here somewhere um just build a row of them on this side and then maybe some more I think you can just basically sheet these things over yeah there we go all right uh another one over here and another one there and then that might be all that we actually have time for because there is an emitter right there um but we might also be able to get just a tower here because it's going to construct like a forest field around us let just build a couple of these around and that ought to do it let's just see what that does for us um actually I don't really need forx speed here okay so that does actually contain us all you know we might be able to just build a pylon straight over to this other one can we do that yeah I bet we totally can okay so that's just going to create an extra big force field for us great okay so this is going to introduce us to bluee um so we'll just wait for energy to get processed in there that's going to just create tons and tons of energy um which will hopefully uh help us build through the beginning and obviously you can see just this is just going straight through the river although there are like more intentional geographic features for the next few missions because the creep is rising you actually can terraform if we get to later missions here um and like build up and kind of wall in the creep and get rid of it bit by bit but uh yeah I don't know this game is just so cool with its fluid dynamics or whatever it is okay it somehow slightly got through the wall that is no good um can I I actually just destroy this one and then we could put maybe like a pile on there okay cool we just needed a little bit more room the creep is actually slightly getting what the heck how is that happening hang on a second can it just slightly oh I didn't even realize these things oh I see what's happening so when I actually build that the creep is pushing through the force field for a moment like a brief moment so we just need mortars to kind of clear it out here in the middle that is kind of tricky I suppose um all right so we'll just like take it out in the middle there I thought I could be like super sneaky and just get right through this Mission but I I was a little arrogant it seems okay we'll build another one up there and then maybe another Tower over here cool all right so now we've taken out a little bit of it so that might make room for the pylon that we're going to construct here all right let's see what happens with this when we construct it so now we're hopefully taking that out we could probably just keep constructing this pylon over and over again because the waves are now creating these like kind of tsunami like waves here okay so it seems that the creep is starting to dissipate here that's more or less what I expected so now we've activated like two or three of these things we don't want to let too much time go by though cuz otherwise this entire map is going to start to fill up and that's going to be problematic um I probably should have thought of that when I was doing doing that a minute ago anyway it's time to build more Miners and we're going to be getting blite here which is quite an interesting substance um build two there maybe three here and then another few more here okay cool um so now we can select one let's just go ahead and build Bluey in a lot of these and do we have enough room for another pylon here yes these can okay then we can just basically switch almost all of these over to bluee in like 3 seconds um we're also going to build a factory because we're going to need a factor if we want to construct anti creeper how much more time do we have on this because I did kind of waste a lot of time there um you know what let's just build some mortars up here just to be like extra safe because I was not too particularly smart when I was starting this Mission put like one there and one there and maybe one there okay cool all right that's going to take a little while to get built but I like to have a grand plan and just watch it build itself you know we'll go down to two times speed just to see this happening in a little bit more real time CU we do have a lot of honestly just a crazy amount of fluid emission this really like this isn't that much cuz we're going to see some crazy levels coming up but cool now we're finally filling up this thing with anti creep um or we will in a second I just need to build more Towers here so that we can construct these next to the miners cool anti creeper robots getting prepared um and now we can just take all of these things and convert them to blite pretty much so blite is going to be used here and now you can see that is being built in our Factory the bluey is being supplied and that creates anti creeper the anti creeper runs through the network and that's this AC I'm just going to down to 1x speed so you can see there the little AC blocks does it just say a on it yeah anti creeper anyway um this stuff is going to be used to supply these what are these even called these like pyramid like structures and then these are going to send out anti- creeper robots you don't always get anti- creeper robots in every Mission but they're they're here for now um and it looks like this one is basically just placed here for us like this um and this is pretty much just the tutorial so you know like it's it's extremely convenient the way everything is placed here also just put a couple mortars around here just for good measure you know be like a little bit extra on the offensive um Okay cool so we've basically cleared out the first part of the pyramid um and then before too long we should have many of these things taken care of so let's use a nullifier here this looks like a pretty easy win whoops um that one got destroyed let me just slow down to 2x speed now I do like to speed through a lot of it because a lot of this game is kind of attrition is just a process that takes a while but um yeah some parts we could save ourselves some time especially in these first few missions if we didn't do that whoops looks like I didn't actually connect to the network there it's a little tricky to visualize but they do these like wires in white and striped red just to show what is connected to the network versus what is connected to like an actual node somewhere in there so these things are going out to the emitters and planting an anti creeper the anti creeper is basically neutralizing the creeper or the creep fluid um and what we can do more or less from now on is just continue to piggy back these or like Leap Frog these turrets for the rest of this time um we could just de collect those all right let's just do this we don't have too much there anymore we could also put our turrets oh God I just lost a ton of them why did I do that I did that way too soon um you know we might be able to place them like over the riverbed here but honestly our Bots are just going fast enough that we might just be able to rely on this anti creep all right let me just build a couple of these things like at random in here it's going to take these Bots a little time to like overcome the odds here okay cool so we're actually getting closer to the source now and yeah I always fine though the one thing that's a little frustrating about some of these levels is I guess unless if you uh really know what you're doing with the speedrun you always do kind of come down to like this battle of attrition but it is kind of like an epic battle of attrition I suppose it's kind of cool at the end all right there we go we didn't quite get it to it there I'll just put in a couple more mortars and then we'll try that nullifier again cool and we'll give our um there's like so much that we have to neutralize every second Okay cool so we finally have energy on this thing and ah nice okay so now that these Bots are like less preoccupied with these two now we'll just totally go ham on these ones all right so we've basically beaten the level here we can just surround this thing with yeah we just have to time it right there is quite a lot of creep there I think we could just March these things down there now now we just build our Network this is more or less how I'm playing this on these early missions now some of the later missions you do have to kind of pause and be a bit more tactical but I find that I can basically just like Wildman it I don't really know what else to say all right and we'll see if we can just neutralize this one instantly there we go all right let's put in in a mortar couple more mortars around here whoa okay there they go literally just doing this all right but you kind of get the picture now I feel like so yeah that's um anyway that's the third mission all right we come to the sixth Mission this is actually the first one where I had to Google search what to do because it is kind of an intimidating Mission uh I really just want to play this one out before I even spawn any units because it is quite terrifying and like it it reminds me of that scene out of interstellar with Matthew MCC um and an hathway remember when they're like they land on the water planet and they think they see mountains out in the distance but it's actually a giant tsunami wave that's coming to eat them anyway yeah this mission is basically that um but in this game so it is it is quite terrifying what's going on so there's all these different enemy like spawner types that were being introduced see this one is a bar emitter I believe yeah bar emitter so this one is quite perhaps the most terrifying of them all it is basically just a giant tsunami machine uh that is creating these like cascading waves of fluid I'm just going to oh no this is at 4X speed all right so in 1X speed it's not quite as actually it is still terrifying it's always terrifying this game just always manages to be freaky in some way um so what we do have is time and in this Mission we have these what are these like energy walls yeah basically these have a minute before they fall um we have a factory we have a direct source of blite and we have green AR mother Crystal um so this is going to be more or less how green AR mother mother crystal is how we're going to get I believe it's litic here um anyway that's going to supply our totems these units kind of change around a bit but that is the size of the tsunami wave that we are facing up against and there it comes flooding through um obviously I'm just going to restart this one but yeah we don't really have a lot of time it takes only about 5 in-game minutes for that to come through uh and like when it does it just utterly evaporates your base so we need to create something that's going to neutralize this wave within a few seconds and there there are like these bigger enemy stations over here that we have to get rid of to neutralize the bar emitter after we get those though then it's fairly simple um anyway we will restart I'm going to spend quite a lot of time planning this one basically um I struggled when I started this Mission this one is kind of tough um but if we persevere then we will overcome uh you really don't want to get too wrapped up in constructing the miners at the very beginning maybe there is a way to do it but I have not found it yet um we could put you you know we'll put you on High Ground over here and we're we're just going to construct a bunch of towers in our home base area we want access to blite and we want a fairly efficient access to this green AR ore over here and then after that we're actually going to create a Refinery um after that we don't really need it for the blue white then we're going to need a factory so I'm just trying to do this in as few steps as I possibly can here like we'll just chain these together in a very efficient manner we'll build another Tower here and we want to kind of minimize the number of towers we need to build that's going to lead all to the anti creep and then after that I'm going to see if we can just push it out with one more step and build over to this totem because then this is going to create this little like uh Circle that we can defend in here I'm not going to be any more ambitious than that though because we could get started with miners but then it's going to take forever to construct the miners maybe the only other thing I will do is that once it does build out here then I'm going to build like four or five mortars in this SEC Center section and then we're also going to need to defend this section but I'll save that one for when we cross that BD uh Bridge all right I think that is about it all right so we will start up at 4X speed uh whoops I haven't unpaused so we're just going to begin I've played this one I think enough times that I'm fairly confident that this will work we just need to be very like decisive here at the beginning Okay so we've already got access to the green AR um and you are in range of that so we should be supplying that litic is this connected to our Network I might not actually have a power pole here oh no it is whoops okay sorry that was disc connecting to a different network okay so it's already building those turrets in there which is great because we are coming to the First Energy wall that is getting breached here here um this Refinery is going to be a lot of work though where is it 12 out of 80 it's going to take a little while for this to get done but we're already producing anti creeper straight from the blue white um what else do we want to be doing I would say now that the factory is done keep the focus on that and now I think we could start to build out more Towers so we can get our mines going back here because we want our mines filling with more energy and blite um because the next step is going to be kind of tricky and I would also say now is probably a good time to build a couple more mortars maybe like one for the Left Flank and one for the right and then just a little bit of backup in here never hurts because we don't want this thing destroying basically we're trying to defend our power poles at this point um yeah okay so it's about to breach the first major wall not a laughing matter I always feel like it's some event of apocalyptic proportions when this happens this game is so like I know that this word is dead but it is epic in the most awesome sense anyway let's go ahead and end with our miners here uh I can hear something happening out there but I don't really want to know what's going on all right we haven't really got the litic up yet which is kind of unfortunate so it looks like we won't actually be able to build this thing in time are we just going to insta die in this case uh we very well may I'm not entirely certain let's go ahead and try to build some of these miners because now we need to get more blue white come on like we need kind of some kind of shortterm win here man oh God the wall is approaching the giant tsunami wall we've got only 49 out of 80 cuz I had to divert my resources into the miners let's see how long our miners hold out here uh they also are not supplied with any energy let's move them back hang on a second just go back for like 5 minutes hopefully something will be built by then run back into the anti creep uh hang on a second no I have horribly mismanaged this get out of there get out of there men no run away run back I have lost one of you oh no everything is going horribly wrong uh let's see did I manage to build it in time otherwise that was just stupid here uh okay we are alive but only only in time to watch my things be horribly destroyed okay that is it on the mission we need to reattempt that I didn't do that right I should have gotten the lifti to this thing before I built the miners that was my mistake okay this time I have sort of managed to get enough lifti into the middle before like everything gets horrible so now I think we have yes a force field a force field is an opportunity man a force field is time um so we can use that we're going to just Supply these here in the middle for a second um and this one I think is one of the first actually rather cool missions in this game because like you start to feel this sense of it's like when you can't take out the Challenge from the beginning and it's kind of exciting like oh wow I was actually able to overcome great odds and it it does feel like this kind of Last Stand sensation I don't know maybe that's just me maybe I just feel cool from it I need to get out a little more probably but you know I'm watching the uh imaginary lives of space alien people in my house and that's honestly a pretty good time so um anyway where were we uh let's go ahead and rotate this with o there we go uh this is what what is happening um all right we need probably one more Tower to supply some of those and then I do actually believe that this will be enough here but we also want to use blue white in these um ah do we have enough energy right now I feel as though more energy should be getting supplied oh yeah because we don't have any mines hang on a second we need energy like stat so that we can get these things built because we do need some of these okay cool we do have some link up oh and I am dead again I have totally failed once again I was so close too okay after much trial and error I have basically given up on my original plan and just opted to build a giant line of mortars behind our energy barrier which might not really look like it could do the job but believe me it does uh mortars are very good so let's go ahead and put in another Tower over here yeah I feel kind of sad that I've seen that method work but I could not get it to happen myself I guess I'm just bad bad am I but I continue to exist so I'll just have to go on with my miserable life all right um anyway so now that we've got all of this stuff in we could probably redispatch of um what it yeah it is energy I mean it's not this green green AR we're going to need the green AR for oh my gosh oh this must be the next wave hang on a second are we dead again I've died so many times just so many times uh okay some of it is getting through it's going to destroy maybe a couple of them unless if they all die at once okay we did survive the second wave a couple of them died but we could just easily just oh my gosh that's horrible how awful wow but we could literally just rebuild them all and we're fine okay uh yeah it is hitting Us in like these cascading waves but they're getting smaller and smaller as we go okay after we've done that we didn't lose any power poles right okay we could go ahead and build another Tower again we're going to need that for more of the um the the anti creeper oh God it's getting through on the other side now oh no just everything keeps going horribly arai have we lost again no I think we're still alive here we're fine oh no it is all just like kind of wandering through on that side oh well yep that's that's the uh death bell well anyway you get an idea of how this Mission would have looked okay I don't want to blor that one too long that one is actually it's one of the earlier missions but it is kind of hard it's basically just survive against the waves onto Greener fields and pastures new because there are more interesting missions out there okay this one is the first one where we see the introduction of missiles which missiles are actually quite uh Terri Ying they will launch these Spore launchers will send like um aerial attacks at you and we've got two big emitters over here and one over here but this is one of those Maps where we just have to take back like all of the territory and that is quite a crazy feat uh to attempt to accomplish so we're just trying to literally reclaim here um I guess technically I guess technically do we even need to nullify I mean you really should excuse me um but again here we're going to need a Refinery on these in order to generate missiles so we're going to have to get that ready again just that last mission is such a nailbiter like in terms of time generally speaking you have a lot more time for these missions okay we'll put a few here then that connects to the rest of the network but one more over here it's pretty easy to connect these towers up after all okay so we can do that and then just build over to this field over here of minerals there we go nothing but good old minerals uh I believe this will be used for is it blue white I don't believe we have any other weapons here yeah this is just a pure mortar Mission um so we're using nothing but mortars to get through the enemy defenses or I mean I've seen like a modded playthrough of this where you actually play as the creep which is kind of cool like that you could just go about it in so many different ways um I don't know yeah like just kind of this is such an interesting simulation you know that that it should work like that anyway that seems like enough for now let's get some energy going and then after that we'll get some more of these towers on the walls because some areas are quite clearly like walls from the creep here okay cool so we're supplying our mines um how long is it going to be okay so we got 3 minutes until these Spore things launch um we don't really need any more refineries we're just going to need like a large line of mortars up here pretty much all over these walls are just kind of asking for mortars to be lay on them please lay a mortar on me um sorry that was weird I promise I won't do that again okay let's just put up like solid walls of mortars I don't know if this is really against like my better judgment here because maybe we'd be better off if we didn't try to build them all at once but I'm going to go Bigg or go home here like I have been for much of these playthroughs okay here we go um hopefully we will survive although although of course we will also need missiles um to defend well everything so we'll put those up here because they're going to attempt air attacks on us by launching creep at us from the skies um here we go and maybe like one more back here although we do have time in this mission that is very nice and we don't have to think about blue at all um not that I don't like thinking about blue white after all who doesn't like thinking about blue white but sometimes it's a bit much even for me oh God wait a minute it's getting up there and I do kind of need these do we have any more pylons nope I don't really need that pylon though okay I don't want to disperse my energy too much okay we're just going to utterly wreck them in a second once we get the rest of these built okay cool now we're supplying with ammo and okay now the air strikes come in so this is quite crazy do we have our air defenses up yet no we don't we didn't never mind hang got a second let's get back down from one time speed they just hit us in like our most vulnerable point right there that was not good um okay we need to go ahead and connect back to that and in no time at all otherwise we're dead uh how did my missiles not work against that oh well I guess I just need to build more missiles and then have more mortars ready in the background okay like two or three missiles ready in each spot okay is that going to be enough to clear up the creep that got in what we want is to just automate our defense before we go any further okay maybe it wouldn't hurt to have like another Towers just so that there's a backup on our array if anything goes wrong okay and here comes the second R uh launch of missiles wow what a fail how bad hang on a second we have to slow down time here not playing very well we also didn't have our towers built there all right let's just keep building missiles we should be able to hit them out of the sky pretty much wherever they go up here um that one is just sort of naturally dissipating I guess creep just does sort of like evaporate a little bit over time like it has an evaporator quality about it all right but I'd say that pretty much more or less now the line is held um okay so this is kind of a one of those ones where it's just purely a battle of attrition now we could push our way over to one of the emitters with a bunch of these things or we could go for this middle section and then push out I think I'm going to try that this time so we'll just build like a bunch of mortars here in the middle and then just Bunny Hop these over each other let's just get a bunch of these things ready here we go prepare the wall okay the last time I utterly forgot to uh build air missiles I or I forgot the factory that I needed for the um ammo supply so that was not very smart of me I was like huh why are my air defenses not working that was why um but I did build a little bit of a backup turret defense at our base so hopefully we shouldn't get inter interrupted by that this time here we go okay this is our test of our air defenses and we are still utterly screwed because we just didn't have enough um that does happen from time to time although that wasn't nearly as bad as it had been the time before so we're still going to need yet more missiles but just it was it was a decent start let's just make sure we have extra air missiles like right next to our resources because obviously we don't want them to keep I swear it feels like that they do kind of in intelligent targeting over there like they do Target the base of your resources so there is like some clever AI kind of going on here um hang let's just destroy that make this a slightly more compact layout and there we go okay cool um otherwise though we really didn't need that many mortars so I we just kind of want to go on the offensive here in the middle so let's not waste all of our energy doing that like that should be enough to defend our walls now I'm pretty sure that we could just do maybe one more missile over here maybe one over here too because it's connecting these two areas and that's rather important we basically just don't want to have to think about missile launches like at all if possible um but then where we've got another few more here and we could probably do a few more here I'm just going to kind of this is kind of like my unit Bay and I'm just going to kind of bunny hop this up as I uh advance I guess Leap Frog is really a bit not really a bunny hop it's more of a Leap Frog okay here we go they're targeting us all right I guess we can at least easily see their targets um but shouldn't our missiles still hit that one let's just go up to two times speed I guess you know what even if they hit us over there like the creep still kind of dissolves and falls to the ground right like it did over in some of those other spots so let's put one more missile up closer to the front of that whole line okay that's a little bit better now I think we can just start to slowly Advance up this line of mortars and we're going to make our way to that spot in the middle now this is going to take a little while but I'm feeling relatively well defended here now so I think we can just start to make the crossing I feel like like Noah you know it's very noic this part okay we've connected to the central Nexus here so this should give us a lot of room um I think our main base defense is more or less like taken care of but we'll just leave these ones here for good measure I think um because they're going to start to hit the network here yeah there we go like see they're going for the power P so we kind of need to spread some of these turrets back we don't again we don't really need a ton but it's just like it's so geometrical this game it's just very easy to get loot like locked into in the time just flies by when you're playing it's it's just like immensely satisfying I feel anyway um I suppose that they won't be hitting us with any air attacks from there but I'm just going to put a missile here for good measure um okay so now that we have the central area we could pretty much push out to the sides and then that'll clear everything up and then we go back here I believe that this is conducting the uh fluid too so that is always fun um okay let's go in with more mortars I think it's just time for a whole other line of these things and now we just have to go straight in and like dismantle the threat from where it's coming from amazing okay here is an overview of the combat I just think that it looks really sweet kind of like gazing down at an antill in some way like this game would do really well with time lapse as if there isn't already a mod for it or something um and now we can start to kind of piggy back these ones out outward cool I'm not really using pylons because they're just I feel like they're too much of a like a commit you know what I'm saying like if if something goes ay with them then it it really could get bad I think these will probably get beaten down or maybe not we might be okay here but we really have to get in close if we want to get the nullifier on this one let's just move it up to 4X speed and okay I think we need another no we are conducting here on the tower let's do that oh God okay we are getting bombed but even still we're just we're doing so well but it doesn't make a difference like we have so many cannons in there or mortars I think I will just continue to use mortars here because they're just they have like a very good payload but we literally need to get right up next to this thing now and just use a nullifier on it so we're going to need to just spam these things I sometimes wish there were a better way to do this but oh man yeah like see we can hardly even get it up that close to it we just kind of need to surround this thing with them okay I'd say that this is about our best chance we've basically got this entire Hill surrounded this thing's emitting 500 every 8 seconds so it's this huge wave but we just have to beat it down constantly in order to defend our nullifier uh I do believe I did this once in lost power in the nullifier and it just came back and wrecked everything but okay there we go finally we've diffused one of them amazing um so now we can just take this whole huge redundant Hill over here and like move these over to the other front um and it should be a little bit simpler to diffuse the north side now because we already have most of the Cannons that we need um but yeah it's like fighting a multi front War uh I do believe it is going to get more like tactical as time goes on because some of the enemies are like not quite so mindless it just kind of feels like fighting at a force of it uh nature like the eldrazi or something like that okay and then just after another insane number of cannons have been placed uh we have finally been able to nullify the north too it looks like or in three 2 one and there we go all right so now uh just to zoom out we've basically taken the whole North and South with our Network ah god I didn't even really intend to make this webbing network but I did somehow um cool very neat uh we could probably like Bridge across here but I think if we just go straight for the source that's going to be for the best so now we just bring everything up the middle uh whoops actually I won't do that that might be that might be a bit too much Overkill right there let's um again I'm kind of careful that these things will get cut off at the source but let's just bring a few of these up to the front line over here and we'll just go straight in for this last one okay and I think this part is pretty sweet if you look at the map so as soon as we stop oh gosh wait a minute did we really pass the mission already okay I guess we did technically reclaim it um very cool but I kind of want to see the more or less intended ending anyway so I'm just going to March these things up here because if we get rid of this thing it's going to stop conducting the uh the creep there and then we should see it totally dissipate just with this one bit um I mean we could nullify it but yeah why not we'll nullify it too all right but now it should just dissipate anyway because this thing isn't conducting it anymore see it stays on the North side because of the conduction isn't that kind of neat though but yeah just like I mean if you look at this game purely as a fluid simulation it is pretty sweet man look at that anyway that's more or less the end of that mission so we' now we've accomplished the objective let's just rip jump um yeah I do like that one okay I'm skipping over the mission hints because it's a lot of it's just more of what we've already seen um there is some anti creep in it which is kind of neat but I think that Sirus is an even more interesting Mission because it has terraforming in it okay this mission is really sweet because we're basically just kind of surrounded on all sides so I will again I will just kind of like demo what is going on in this Mission so creep just starts off here there really is no emitter I suppose it's just like if there is creep over the conduction layer or whatever you would call this I guess this is yeah basically that's what it is like if there is creep it creates more creep so you really just start out with each of the four corners covered and then as that spreads that's going to create waves all the way out from the side so if we just speed up time it's going to create these like kind of Grid or box like waves see how we have that kind of grid pattern and then we get more of it I'm just going to let it like fill in so that you could see but we do have these little kind of s suspect boxes over here as well as um like these little holes in the wall that we need to terraform and then another box over here with more stuff that we need but if we kind of like let time pass there's kind of these cool patterns that the waves make anyway um I know that it looks cool but it is apocalyptic and bad don't don't forget that man um goo goo kills people man not funny um but anyway yeah this is I guess more or less the area that we're trying to defend in this Mission it always strikes me though that you could probably start off your base in some weird spot and just get something totally different yeah see it's like kind of intelligent the way that this missiles strike all right so let's go ahead and restart I do have a plan surprisingly for this one um all right here we go um there's a little bit of work to do here but basically the new item that we're dealing with is the turp which is basically um uh actually I have to think about how I'm going to keep this Energy safe here uh um what am I going to do what are we going to do man uh yeah we need to build back up these walls and we also need to get rid of these Spore launchers could I just neutralize that like immediately now my neutralizer would get taken out it wouldn't make a difference okay I'm going to do this more or less in the kind of like turtle way uh but it's going to take me a minute to just decide okay so this Mission features TPS uh we need to I think it's around 15 is the terraforming height that we're kind of required to bring these like Cliffs to U it's kind of neat the way that you can just see everything in 2D it almost looks like the first couple of games based on what I've seen from stuff H this all this like info text here all right whatever um go down here as well and I believe that's all of the danger zones if you will on top of our base I think I'm going to just bring these the height of these areas over here to maybe like 11 or let's just go for an even 10 yeah like less work to be done there whoops I messed up there um shift click okay to delete okay that is a help in case if I make any mistakes I did not actually know that in my amazing Infinite Wisdom um let's go ahead and just build around this because what we really want to do is just make these into a box for these resources um so we'll put another turp up there and we'll put another one over here I like this planning it all out and then just watching the whole like my scheme take place you know there's just something oddly satisfying about it in this um 10 that should be more or less right okay now I think we can get out of terraforming mode so now we can see that all of these ah that is kind of nice how all of these terraforming areas have a box asn't I do wish that there were like some sort of blueprint outline to tell you what height that was because it is a little bit confusing um necessarily so anyway so we have our TPS going to work there we also have like a a quick energy source over here I think I'm also going to put just another TP up here I know I'm kind of going out on a limb to do this but I found it tricky in this mission to get all the towers to conduct properly um on all these differing Heights hang on a second so let's get another one over here yeah and we're going to need a missile defense pretty early on as well so let's just connect directly to this ore um this m may not work out probably it in all likelihood it won't something is going to give over there but whatever um and then after that we'll probably get some miners to work maybe like one thing of miners but let's just see what that results in CU if we Forex the speed we're getting tons of energy coming in from here here so this is just giving us a big boost just to get started um we need something like that let's also just get um let's get our mines going first off cuz M they call it a mine after all they do here we go we'll put two more there and another one there and just kind of fill out this area uh looks like I missed one but whatever not really going back for that now uh let's just fill this entire area up with mines um 2 3 four and I could probably rotate to place uh just one more okay whatever I'm not like Min maxing perfectly but it is what it is okay so now the terraforming is taking place over here we need another TP in this section just I want to get to work on that right away um that's not actually going to get that entire wall but it is useful to have going on um where else could we get another tur we need another electrical Tower here and um yeah I'll put a turp like there I guess that's just going to get us started like trying to wall in these areas cuz we want to neutralize whatever creep we've got in there all right so our outer wall so this Central Area is more or less defended now um that is not going to hold up for very very long though these things will get destroyed so we won't have any source of um missile defense because this thing is going to launch missiles at us in 2 minutes and we just simply don't have a missile defense grid right now um we might be able to if we use a pylon can we nah that still won't connect okay so we are just like without a missile defense here which is honestly too bad so I'm just going to put mortars everywhere around our base so that when they do hit us we will have some chance that defending ourselves um just because I need to make sure that these mines stay safe in the first place otherwise what do we even have um oh God wait a minute are we going to be able to live through this let's also build just [Music] one turret at the bottom of each of these walls and oh God I forgot to build this one in time are we dead from here I think we may very well be dead but let's see if we can procr fate our way to the Finish okay yes the creep is beginning to get through it's beginning to come in oh no save thyselves I forgot about this section oh all of my planting gone to waste no uh it's all right I think our mortars will actually be able to fend it off for a while oh well all's well that ends well sort of let's go ahead and fill in the rest of our grid in here just make it a bit more robust um and build a little bit more there there's always like one leak in the defense I should probably save more come to think of it but whatever um okay so now we can start to build our way upward because it would be nice to build some mortars on these walls okay I'm just going to surround ourselves and as long as nothing goes horribly arai we will survive through this mistake okay we are being hit with air strikes I've just utterly surrounded our main base with mortars uh the mortars should pretty much just take out the air strikes right as they come in it seems as if our terraforming is working too that is quite good as soon as we are like not using up quite so much energy anymore I'm going to uh switch this to blite in fact actually maybe right now I will do that so we will produce blite here and we're going to need that to start to take this area the green our mother um yeah mother huh interesting whose mother is it whoever's mother it is we've found her you can stop looking now um it seems to me as though we are producing more pain for the creep than it is actually sending toward us now although are we putting in any blue white into this whoops uh actually I take that back okay so we have the bluee oh whoops I forgot to make a factory in all of the craziness whoopsy Daisy all right let's go ahead and put in a mortar there but now we're going to meet some of our new friends yes friends these are sprayers um and sprayers do exactly what they you think they do they spray the goop uh with anti- goop though oh God wait a minute something is getting through how did that get oh I think I know what it was never mind all right but pretty good here pretty good we've so we've actually made a little bit of progress with these TPS okay so now the goop is beginning to spread the correct way that we wanted it to um I think this one needs a little bit more help terraforming over here so let's go ahead and put another turp over on that side I think we can just repurpose these turps TPS can also be moved um we'll also put this one over there because I would like to get this red stuff done ASAP but you can see like we've got a multi front War going on here and it is actually kind of cool look at how much this is spreading over here on this side ah it's exciting it is it is quite cool isn't it um do we even need that much energy anymore trying to see where our supply is coming from okay ammo really is what we're producing let's just make more Bluey over here then I'm pretty sure we can repurpose like all of this for blue white yeah that should be f fine um I'm not sure if we want to be on no energy that might not be so good doesn't somebody use it I believe somebody must be using it but either way now we've got a solid amount of anti creep down here so what we can start to do is um pun intended we can start to creep see what I did there our Towers downward and then we put in well we could do more sprayers but that would use up more blue I so I think we just do more mortars here um very cool very cool uh you know actually we aren't producing quite enough energy anymore I take it back I think we could use a couple more of these on energy now oh God what are what is happening here oh it's still the air strikes hang on a second I got to reproduce some of these I think that was about it yep okay it didn't take them over here all right but now we're producing that and we should be able to get the green AR um and then kind of of more key import over here is this one let's get some sprayers so we can just flood this area with um uh Whatchamacallit the the blue I the anti creep here we go put in anti creep over there and then if we just speed up to 4X we should be producing hopefully enough cuz we are do we are on like kind of a positive here with this um okay we still are at an energy deficit I feel like we could use a little bit more energy here yeah energy um although this is looking very good and this is starting to look more promising now we might even be able to terraform this higher but now what we could even start to do would be to put in more mortars on this wall now that we've terraformed it like we have more room to station everyone on as well very exciting uh um although it is still getting through over here all right I think we could move one of these turps down to the bottom now or over onto this side of the wall cool that'll terraform the rest although it doesn't want to terraform directly onto creep we can gradually just start to make our way toward it um okay you go over there you go over here and now we've kind of created this pool of anti creep like a pool of our own um okay it wouldn't hurt to defend ourselves from air strikes now let's see if we can defend this um red on or probably named that because it's the color red amazing all right is this all anti creep in here yeah so the anti creep is just kind of like glazing our entire Army over here and defending us I do like that um H all right uh I actually think that we can start to build the refinery even before we're done terraforming in this section uh okay I will build or move you over here we actually have like an excessive amount of anti creep I don't think that we need quite this much let's repurpose some of these from bluee so you can kind of get whatever you need out of this so there is like a little bit of an economy but not overly obnoxiously so much oh just serotonin man okay our ENT creep has pretty much filled up this pool and that's allowed our terraforming tools to bring all these uh areas up to a 10 so now we're kind of better defended here we could go to the very end but I think we should just go straight for these uh totems on the sides cuz this area is more or less defended as well um what else could be done now at this point we could probably just spray anti creep all over this so let's just get tons of mortars over this section as well um cuz we really don't even need to fight these and look at how much anti creep our pyramid is creating wow that's kind of cool okay this is kind of sneaky of me but we can basically just build a totem over here to get the lithic uh into this one so that is like a pretty easy way to the objective we don't have to do much in that department we are at like a pretty big energy deficit this entire time we just don't have that much to mine through like look at how much demand this is on our grid we have ton this is very lopsided as well I might add but whatever ever um I don't really trust that area on its own so I'm just going to try to like stretch our power even more and see if we could just get another one oh God I heard something awful somewhere oh I think that was just missiles never mind now we're pretty much safe from missiles now never mind um although fortunately this is kind of like the edge of my knowledge this is about all I know about this game so far um so yeah like from here on out it's kind of a mystery okay and that is just barely enough to get uh both of these totems neutralized now I could like take out parts of this but I I do think it's kind of cool but some of these missions are just sort of like survival um there's so many ways to play this game you know um it is kind of neat okay so here we go lifti going in and 3 2 1 cool all right totems are activated we could nullify but I mean that's the whole mission and it's just kind of left as this battlefield so sweet all right so here at the end we actually do come to the end of my knowledge I think I'm just going to zoom out before I uh do the LA the last mission that I'm really going to show for today um there there is quite a lot more and I I think now that this is like honestly these are just kind of the tutorial missions and there's still more to be learned here but there is quite a lot in the game I just wanted to go this far I've seen a lot more you can look up videos where it's like people doing crazy things in this game if you guys want to see more I'd be happy to do um I don't know try out some more of that stuff cuz now that I've done it I'm like o this is actually actually just it's just really visually interesting and I don't know it's fun to watch um but there's a lot of other stuff you can do in the game like um like Mission editor and there's all these other like daily challenges um at least I believe yeah daily okay um but then also um experimental missions I want to say yeah colonies so maps created by other people so there's like all these mazes and things um but yeah there is quite a lot going on here um and like many more units even than I've shown like i' I'm only just kind of scratching maybe more than scratching the surface but there is quite a lot going on um anyway upgrades so this is a new mission to me I've seen this one though although you do start to get Blob nests so you do get actual like enemy units that kind of Spawn here uh what else have we got here we've got the Ern sge was talking about I should select a weapon and click the Ern button the command menu all right so we actually have upgrades now in this uh Mission I guess we'll just place our base around about there uh this is a mission that is new to me I have not played this one yet so this is where the mystery lay uh let's go ahead and connect to some early energy that it be good and then I guess we'll just kind of build out from there make sure that's connected to our poles and then select a weapon and click the Ern button in the command menu so select a weapon and then collect the Ern I guess we have to actually have to build it all right I'm going to like try this one out and see where it lands me probably dead and then I'll figure out what I'm doing okay so this is kind of sweet this is a terrifying Mission there is just a huge enemy spawner over here like an enormous base where the blobs just kind of like push themselves or they like walk in sacrifice themselves and then just create tons of creep uh which is quite a terrifying concept but we fortunately have the advantage of erns which are going to give us like weapon upgrades here and this is just going to give us I guess more speed and more range on these turrets here is there actually a bridge connection between these two I suppose there is that is a little bit scary so we need to get this done in time I might actually go slowly through this one okay cool we have another Ern um whoops so we do need the TP for that and I will just say want the Ern on this one okay cool so now we have three upgraded mortar things so let's just put those in an area where we can kind of hold off this goop before it becomes too too overwhelming and do we have another one somewhere too okay we do have a couple more that we could excavate so let's just kind of make our way over there um all right well I feel like I cut this Mission off at like kind of an early head I did fail at once but I mean that pretty much happens in every single Mission so uh yeah it oh something broke nothing Mage here all right um we're okay never mind uh it seems as though like if you can get the weapon upgrades early enough what was that what was that oh no no it's fine never mind all right I will send another Ern to this one because this one is doing quite a lot of work over here although this one is really pushing them back now just these things are super op when you get them that way um we can just connect this to the rest of our power Network this is like an information thing uh what else do we need we have a Refinery here for some lithic and then we can build another TP over here I guess we could technically just move the TP we could just sort of like wall them in if we wanted upgrades at the end portal um ooh Ern portal new achievement unlock no um but very very cool very cool what does that mean fortunately though we won't need like 6 million Towers in order to continue with my grand scheme of plans let me just get rid of the rest of the goop from over here it is it's goop it's oo basically God I forgot about oo until this um okay cool we've got a Refinery we might as well get one more upgrade cuz I think the whole point of each of these levels is to just basically spam whatever thing it is that it's telling you to do like if it's telling you to get upgrades just get the upgrade and then that makes the mission so much easier for the most part yes that's it but let's also put a couple mortars in the background here just in case because I do seem to get snuck up on every here and there um like if an air missile comes and gets me and just in a spot where I get blindsided by it there we go all right and it's not going to be yeah see there like where is it hitting us at least you do get to see early where it's aiming though um what is this energy collection mine production build speed fire range I guess let's go fire rate oh you could use up one of the upgrades to just improve all of them that's kind of crazy fire range is surprisingly useful as well yeah Buried one okay so can you unbi them too release okay so you could just use that for another Cannon if you wanted I suppose all right let's do fire range I feel like efficiency 1% oh I guess maybe it like continues to build it toward it or something very cool though very very neat liking what I'm seeing everywhere all right let's go ahead and move you you up you're another one of the upgraded ones we'll just put you over there so that you can work on that thing then maybe you can unbury that even with all of the crap over it okay now I think we can just start to kind of move everything up and I would like to see what a sprayer could do but I also I'm kind of liking this Pure Energy build there's something nice about it all I have to think about is just the energy but how in the hell are we going to get all the way over there I might just try like putting in a lot of anti creep mine production move Speed Build speed uh yeah I got to deliberate this for a minute oh God I don't know what I've done but I've created some massive wall of terribleness uh all right let's just increase the fire rate and the efficiency can we do both of those things efficiency 100% on the fire rate okay whatever um at this point if what is even happening there what is that um I don't know what I'm doing anymore I guess we will improve mine production actually if we do this mine production it seems to take a minute but if we do that on blue white we just don't have access to that much mining in this level after all all right let's get some blue white because I don't see how else we're going to push through this it seems problematic to push through it with mortars so let's just spray more uh blue BL I at them an empty creeper well after a great battle they've somehow gotten through even after all of our work on energy production uh I feel like demoralized but it is just such a great foe it's huge it's kind of awesome I think that might have been another big wave but this is basically just a solid like cube of blue now and it's horrific and awful I mean it's all flowing through this one small Channel so the pressure is so great but the waves are enormous now man oh God I'm just totally defenseless over there um do we have any more Ern upgrades there okay I guess we could just float a couple more erns over that away can do we have any more from all of our lost turrets probably but gosh um I don't really even know what to do here there's just like so much stuff coming at me so much blue man all right it's taking me a minute but I think I've figured out more or less what the secret is in this Mission and it's really not that complicated but uh it took me a minute to notice it basically so you have these two highly pressurized zones but you have this great surface area here where you can hit them from in the middle so I guess actually we could totally just put some turrets over there in the middle uh wow this totally is going to work this seems like a risk but you know we could use this to get in and destroy the blob nest in here I suppose um but now again we just Leap Frog in so it looked like a a level that was basically unwinable but um yeah thanks to thanks to that we can get through um okay cool now that we're there I guess we just nullify the blob Nest oh great blob Nest be pacified uh wow man that really is a lot so then that should start to take away all of them although look at that one that one's just totally undefended there's got to be a faster way through there all right now this blob Nest is going to cause us fewer problems although we still have the emitters it's crazy because it's just a giant wall here but I guess it also has to do with like liquid liquid pressure I don't know what I'm saying yeah um let's go with that liquid pressure I'm going to bring in an upgraded unit there and now this should really push back the tides um Okay cool so all the goop has just sort of like how did that even happen all right that's kind of crazy but um connect these back to our Network connect these to our Network get even further there and then we should be able to nullify that one from AAR yeah it's probably not getting through okay that didn't work out can we get it from slightly to the side yeah I believe we can if we can keep this thing in safe territory over here okay now if we Forex the speed nope right we need to creep the mortars up even closer let's just get a bunch of them over there and okay after the flinging of much dooo it seems like we have finally gotten to the Nullification of this thing that is if we have the energy production needed to make it happen okay that should basically take out everything because now there will be no more goop left to conduct uh except the blobs will also create greater spikes for a little while okay but I think we could then just bring over more of these things ah I'm like afraid to put anything over there it's like attacking a giant pyramid um that's so cool also at the same time okay we can just nullify that and nullify that and then go in I guess we could make our way around with The Blob somehow okay March Brethren oh wait a minute did I just do the nullifier no I didn't accidentally that would stink if you accidentally took a nullifier the wrong direction just got off the base everyone sorry about that don't mind me um okay I I think we could just go for it right now if we wanted to but what would that what fun would that be let's get rid of the blobs first um pylons here and then out in the other territory yeah like there okay and I think we've pretty much won the mission we've got all of our territory back but we still have yet to activate the totems uh I think we could just take out the blobs from here the terrifying blobs that's so weird to think that this was all caused by a bunch of cockroaches you know how problematic they are um here we go two more pylons and then that should basically just stop the blue from spawning at all wow amazing it's like just very satisfying to get through one of these like cleaning up a great big mess you know like you dropped a huge glass of Gatorade on the floor um because that's what you drink every day um here we go put one more there and then that should conduct all the way over to the blob base I just want to see the look on their faces when they stop you know pewing into it look at that no more pewing you will do evildoer all right I think we can just go over to those uh totems now just Bridge our way over I'm not trying to break anyone's heart this isn't a speedrun but it is what it is oh I would really really like to get that totem up come on man yes the first the second leads to the third and then the fourth but it's kind of anticlimactic cuz not even any more blue is being created now oh well and that's all she wrote wow very very cool very very cool and there's still even more to do more to learn phw that's the whole mission we just did every single objective very cool way of ending it's all just like very geometrically satisfying all right that was the 10th Mission I suppose one thing that I notic about this game is a lot of people get all the way through the content there's a lot of games where people just don't play them 1 plus one is greater than two interesting okay what is this one going to be uh I just kind of all right it some kind of like epic story going on here but this is how they always seem to start you know like one nonchalant emitter that just causes lots of trouble because it triggers this like domino effect very cool very cool um I just kind of want to see what it looks like this game is just so sweet it's very satisfying you know it does kind I'm always sad when I play one of these types of games be not not like in the traditional sense but just one of those games that I really think think you should just go out and try like that I recommend that when people see it they'll be like oo I really want to pick up a copy of that either that or you just get sucked down the YouTube rabbit hole of like I don't know watching all of the crazy playthroughs of this which I feel like now that I get it now that I've got through most of the tutorials I feel like there's more I could uh give a try to what is going on over here oh so it just like randomly gets shot out out from oh this is horrible this is so confusing this level well it's a good place to stop I I said I would end right about there but anyway yep um what is the name of this game creeper World 4 very very cool game um I could let you check out some of the custom scenarios but I think you're better off just checking like I don't know looking them up on your own there's bound to be far better um videos of it but yeah if you didn't know about this game I do help this hope this helped you discover it it is very unique type of Tower Defense RTS hybrid um cool campaign too actually a campaign I would like to do all of and just enough story to be not too inyour face but still set the tone right anyway I think I'm going to leave it there anyway let me know what you guys think I know this game is a couple years old but uh yeah I thought I'd come back and give it a look and uh anything else like it because uh I don't know you like me seem to like Tower Defense games so I'm happy to show off more that I know of and hear of and get recommended so anyway thanks for watching and until next time
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 43,949
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Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods
Id: xzp18kj3PpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 30sec (6210 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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