Overcoming the Orphan Spirit - Apostle Mike Connell | Supernatural Encounter Conference 2018

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well welcome to our conference welcome to supernatural encounter and it's about your encounter with God and I want you to be open sometimes pastors that most closed up people especially when it comes to conference I want you not to be like that I want you to be open and hungry say god I've come to meet with you it's not about the messages that will help but they're the platform to encounter you I want to encounter you hey man and welcome those who are overseas watching watching through television many different nations we welcome you the same presence of God that's here will touch you where you are God's power is not limited by distance it will come to you at the end of the meeting as we begin to minister God's power the same power touching people here will touch you every session will be an encounter with God they'll be teaching tremendous teaching and it will inspire you it will shift you it will bring revelation but at the end it's delete you an encounter with God so don't hold back come forward come forward say God I desperately need a touch from you without encounter with God your ministry shifts your life shifts everything begins to change and you carry something to minister to people not just information but revelation hey man what you up your Bible with me in John chapter 14 John chapter 14 boss allows the five administer on deliverance I wonder why and he asks if I open up and minister on deliverance particularly with reference to issues that would be characteristic in New Zealand and so I want to do that tonight and this is sort of a lot of issues you could touch on I suppose and I decided I touch on one which I believe is not just New Zealand problem but it is definitely a New Zealand issue and it's one which affects all of us and all of us have gone through experiences and I know you'll identify with some of these I want to talk goodnight about overcoming the orphan spirit overcoming the orphan spirit one of the greatest revelations I've had in my life which I've carried everywhere I've gone in the world it's a revelation of the Father's love and his embrace and his willingness to welcome us into his heart and to bless us beyond we could ever imagine in John chapter 14 John chapter 14 Jesus said this and he said many things now these ours last words the last words of people are pretty important words areas I'm going to pick one verse only he's talking about the Holy Spirit and that's what he said very profound statement in verse 18 I will not leave you orphans I will come to you just as I have been your comforter by the Spirit of God I have been able to minister to you and touch you I have bothered you in your walk now I'm not going to abandon you it's not the heart of God that we be abandoned it's not the heart of God that we do life on our own Jesus made the statement he connects he connects these two things he connects being an orphan and not being an orphan having someone with you someone who's standing cheering you on someone who's guiding you someone who's protecting you someone who's blessing it someone who's bringing revelation to you so I want to just talk about this area first of all we just asked the question what is an orphan now an orphan in the Bible out referred specifically both Old Testament and New Testament and not to someone who'd lost both parents but if a person had lost their father if they lost their father if there was no father for whatever reason then the child was called an orphan and if you were an orphan in the Bible and that culture there is no one to protect the family there's no one to protect you no one there to provide for you there's no one there to give you guidance there's no one there to comfort you so it's not undermining the role of a mother but from a biblical and Hebrew perspective the absence of a father brings destruction and loss into a family from the Hebrew point of view if you were fatherless if you were orphaned then you were moved from whatever social standing you had you became the poor to be looked down on you was someone who was to be pitied because you were fatherless to be fatherless is to be an orphan both New Testament and Old Testament the word orphan the word is refers to fatherless so what is the impact of that I was reading some research recently and they did some studies in America on single-parent families where they were fatherless and they found by as they looked at the trains of people examine people are different kind of counters they found when I put when I cut the child grows up in the fatherless home he's much more likely to end up in poverty he's much more likely to suffer in a whole variety of ways let me give you a list of some of the things number two drugs and alcohol much more likely to end up on drugs and an alcohol addicted trying to fill a pint fill suddenly but not then what it is they're much more likely to drop out of school they're much more likely to have health to suffer ill health much more likely to have depression anxiety and suffer emotional and mental issues if it's a boy they're much more likely to be to commit crime and end up in jail if it's a girl they're much more likely to become pregnant you can do some research for yourself there is a dramatic change in society when there's no father's to leave their homes and to impact an influence the next generation we kind of look and everyone's trying to find answers for why there's so many problems but what they're doing is that you're scratching at the fruit they're not digging down far enough to say actually it all happened when the role of the father became disempowered and people are empowered to abandon God's pattern for a family say amen to that they do that so what is an orphan spirit then we understand an orphan as a person without a father and orphan spirit is not a demon otherwise you try and cast it out an orphan spirit probably this way too so it would be an orphan mentality and it's the the mindset of an orphan it's it's a way of thinking that's the result of experiencing life without being fathered and people come to certain conclusions when they've not been fathered they come with certain kinds of conclusions being no one there to help them they usually the conclusion a person comes is I have to do life on my own it's kind of put into a phrase people think if it's gonna be it's up to me that's an mentality orphan mentality but underneath the orphan mentality there are tremendous wounds to the heart and there are usually issues where demons do torment do create issues and cause people to suffer you can be in a room full of people and still be alone it's the issue I'm on my own I'm having to do life on my own I got to make everything go there's no one there to stand with me there's no protection there's no provision there's no emotional support I got a tough it out and of course then the male culture begins to rise up well you can't show any signs of weakness or pain you literally have to tough it up and hide yourself so wonder just got a little deeper I want to talk to some things go further up in John chapter four and it's read in verse seven and he says if you'd normally you would have known my father and from now on you know him and I've seen him and they say it Philip said Lord show us the father and it's sufficient for us he said have I mean you so long and you have not found me Philip he has seen me has seen the father how can you say show us the father now you have to understand we know that and we preach all kinds of things that Jesus came to do but I wonder if you've thought of this that Jesus actually came to reveal God as a father that the poor forefront of his ministry was to make God knowing that he is a loving kind generous caring father yeah most people have an idea of a father it's shaped out of a patriarchal system but when we have a look at Jesus we will find he actually confronted the patriarchal model of what a father looks like when he confronted the religious leaders he was confronting a religious representation that did not represent God it did not reveal the heart of God Jesus came to make the father knowing that's why he said if you've seen me you've seen the father because it's the father in me doing the works I do nothing except what I see the father doing for the father loves me and he shows me what he's doing and I do those things so if you were to go through the Bible again through the stories of Jesus and say this is what father is like you'll have your own immature father and usually formed out of the background you've come from the experience you've had with the father and it'll be somewhat good it'll be somewhat bad at the proportions vary depending on how bad the dad would the dam was but there's always a mix this good and this weakness because people how simple we have these broken errors in our lives and we tend to just reproduce some generation after generation and so Jesus came to reveal one the fathers likes I start to look at Jesus how he interacts with people and you find he doesn't behave the way we would think people would behave we find he was caring we find his loving we find his tender we find he welcomes people we find that when people fail he picks them up we find he's actually most amazing father now get this to see Jesus he went down at the very end in John chapter 13 it says he called his disciples to give us his Jesus knowing where he came from knowing through who's going and knowing that knowing is what he had is his he took off his garments girded himself around and washed the disciples feet now for the culture of the day the culture of the day foot washing was something you never did if someone has got dirty feet never had dirty feet cause where they walk you would take the basin of water and give it to them you wash your own feet we don't do fee this is well accepted in the Hebrew culture we don't do feet so you find in the Bible every time there was a mention of foot washing they gave them the basin you wash your own feet we don't touch feet feet are unclean so you understand now that there any person that would touch someone's feet was a paid Gentile slave now Jesus goats himself around kneels down and washes their feet what is he doing he's saying I'm representing the Father and this is the heart of the father to treat you as something precious and valuable so valuable he'll come and he will tend to the deepest needs you have as though he were a servant little later on Jesus spoke up and he said and he said he said you call me Lord and you're right I am your Lord and if I your Lord of wash your feet I've given you an example to do the same in other words I represent what the father is like the father not only is lord and powerful but he's also caring enough to enter the darkest place of your life and love and serve you and bring you back to life again see see we need to shift the mentality of what father is like most of us come and I found I prayed for so many people in so many countries of the world I found when it comes to prayer they pray to Jesus they find father a little awkward why because when they try to call Godfather their heart doesn't seem to respond that's because there's a wounding there's a pain and so they literally are still without a father spiritual father natural father emotional father go back into into scripture in Luke chapter 3 Luke chapter 3 and see us about Adam I'm gonna go back into Genesis in the moment but adamance is a the last verse about John chapter 3 it says Adam says the son of its treking Jesus genealogy back where he came from where is this family where did he come from and so in the Hebrew culture your family name is very important where you come from what family you come from that's why usually the family name comes first a son literally means to be a builder of the family names of your son you build the family name see we've lost the concepts from the Bible of what it is so in the beginning of two of the Gospels they track back Jesus genealogy why they track it back for two reasons number one the first reason was he died the death the most shameful death the worst kind of shameful death the most dishonorable death by crucifixion like a common criminal and secondly there was some uncertainty about how he got to come into this world and so the Gospel writers write down we want to show you and trackback that he comes from an honorable family so they track him back at one gospel Matthew - and Abraham they track him back in this gospel right back to Adam and then to God notice what it calls Adam the son of God so notice that God calls Adam a son Adam this is my son it's the first natural sunny born into the world Adam was his son think about that when you look at creation in all of creation how God created was let there be he spoke the word and everything came into being but when it came to man all know I'm not going to stand and just speak a word from a distance when it came to creating man the Bible says he took the dust of the earth and with his own hands he fashioned and for man he put his handprint on him then he breathed life into him I want you to think about the experience that Adam had when he woke up when he's eyes first open think about this the first face he saw his father the first breath he felt his father the first smile he saw his father the first countenance he saw his father the first kiss he had his father I heard someone say that means cameras as I say if your father kisses about that father kisses his son the son will never kiss any other man there's quite a lot of truth of that when the father has a great relationship the first touch his father the first embrace his father the first eyes he looked into the template compassionate eyes of the father the first home he had his father made it for him the first assignment he got came from his father so we look again at how man was designed you see the hand of father over at all how could we minimize the role of the father without destroying people's lives and so we see there the handprint of God over him now we look down I want you to ever look in Genesis chapter 3 I want to show you some things that beer on the orphan spirit we remember the story and we find out Adam and Eve were in the garden and they had an assignment what was their guy what was the garden was their home what was their assignment guard the home guard the home secondly cultivate the home so the first assignment we ever get protects your home the atmosphere of the environment that relationships and cultivate the home so it produces what raid children so right there in the very first assignment we see their God's hand upon him guiding him now because we realize that Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil it was the devil the devil was an angel who felt what was his problem here's what the ears what the problem was he did not honor his father he did not serve his father he made the decision I will ascend i will arise i will advance myself i will promote myself i will ascend on the most high and what became of him he became rejected he became the first orphan he was full of bitterness full of hatred and full of envy when he looked at the family God had created Adam and Eve his plan was I want you to receive my orphan nature I want you to be cut off from what I was cut off from I want you to be separated from all that father is so you can suffer like I suffer remember what you put your heart into you open your life to so if we let God's words be in our heart we become open to him and more like him if we listen to the devil lies the devil's lies oh well you can't trust God you really need to get yourself a hit and then you get this expression well god help Sam who helps themselves as know we're in the Bible that was the devil's whisper so once you see what happened when they sinned he says verse 7 and I wanted to pick up several things here for sever the eyes of them both were opened they knew they were naked they didn't know that when they could before they were now make it because the glory of their father had gone then what did they do they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings and they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the cool of the day and the garden and the Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Lord among the trees of the garden and the log are called animals hid where are you and he said I heard your voice in the garden I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself he said who told you I was naked did you eat the fruit of the tree I come out of you not he said don't look at me it's that woman you gave me man I'm just innocent in this altogether now won't you just pick up simple things in there that happened as soon as they fell I want to share several things that happen because what happened when Adam and Eve the Bible says in Luke 4 it says they betrayed their father they dishonored their father they brought shame on their father so what were the consequence of that the concept the first consequence was guilt came into their life the innocence was lost now they had a pressing weight in the conscience they were never designed to carry the weight of guilt I have done something wrong what can I do to fix it up secondly they carried with that shame shame is like a dirty garment that wraps around you guilt has to do with your behavior what you did but shame has to do with your identity who you are shame is an identity thief and people can experience shaming in many different kinds of ways but shame repre wraps around and the message of shamers I am the problem there's something wrong with me I am disfigured I don't understand what to do to get out of it when shame is around you guilt you can repent and say you're sorry and ask forgiveness and be restored with shame you are the problem it needs someone to lift you up and restore you before you can be free and then the last emotion they experienced was the emotion of fear tremendous fear the fear of being exposed the fear of being rejected the fear of punishment the fear of their father it says that edit that the Lord God came into the garden in the cool of the day here's an amazing thing about fathers fathers in the evening talked with their children God would come every evening and talk with her son and talk with his daughter would interact with them it brings life when fathers talk with their children and talked about their day and talked about what they've been doing and injure into a dialogue you've got this isn't happen by accident this is a design that started in the Garden of Eden how many dads come home and they're no no words no more words left all the words are gone is nothing to talk about and all they do is lapse into silence and so what happened is they have these incredibly painful emotions they the emotions are the drivers of the cultures of nations in the world so if you have a look at the emotion of guilt and the desire for innocence this is the driving force on the Western culture Western culture is driven by law it's driven by the desire to be right and to conceal or to get rid of all avoid guilt that's only 20% of the world cultures 70% of the world cultures are on ashame cultures they are driven by I want honor I want status I want standing but I fear that I might lose face I fear that I might be Shange they go to the Asian cultures the African cultures you go to Polynesian cultures you go to the Middle East culture even to this day what they fear is the loss of honor or the loss of face of urine Asia to lose face or to lose honor is to lose the approval of the community and when you lose the approval of the community becomes shame then it's very difficult to engage socially relationally economically in any kind of way they fear to lose honor Jesus killing or Jesus death on the cross was primarily an honor killing they perceived you've taken all their honor away when they took the crowds or followed him we must kill him but not just any way we can't just poison them we can't just knock them at the back we need to publicly shame him so the drivers of much of the population of the world is the fear of being put to shame or disgrace in fact in some parts of Asia they they they pressure the kids to conform by bringing shame and scolding over their life and then the last 10% is the air of fear about 10% of the cultures of the world fear the spirit world so they become animus they make offerings to try and get back to the power so Adam when he sinned lost innocence became guilty and needed to conceal it at him when he sinned lost his honor lost his glory and because covered in shame and needed to hide it Adam lost his authority and power that he had immense power and then he became afraid filled with fear the answer of the Cross brings an answer to all of these things okay let me just show you a couple of more things what is the consequence of being orphaned when people encounter or experience the pain of loss of that connection with a father what happens we can see that's laid out very very clearly here's the things that happened we'll get to some of the spirits behind it in a moment number one their identity is affected they covered and concealed who they are notice they put coverings they didn't put it on the head if they put it on those parts of the body where they felt the shame that identified a man and woman so what happens and we still to this day when we're orphaned we tend to cover who we really are and we put up at varying degrees a presentation of what we hope will be accepted when you do that you are struggling like an orphan not being able to be who you are more true to your who you are so what happens if you get into church you have that problem now you caught the performance trap wanting position wanting power wanting to have the power of God wanting to do this wanting to there and fighting for positioning fighting for recognition why because no security and orphan spirit and orphan mentality notice the first thing there was cover-up the second thing they did was they hid among the trees they hid among the trees they hid from father they hide from intimacy so the first thing that gets affected by the fall or by fatherlessness is our identity father's bring out identity father's role was to call forth identity but the second thing that happens is intimacy when you're concealing who you are you can't be intimate you can only present so much of yourself many marriages there's no intimacy why because you've got fatherless woman marriage a fatherless man they're both got concealment going on in their life and there's a distance that can't be bridge until the heart is healed until issues are resolved and then the next thing you notice that happen once they began to blame one another they blame one another or they refuse to take responsibility so when we are fatherless we don't own up to being responsible one of the roles of a father is not just to establish identity and build intimate relationship with sons and daughters it is also to help them become responsible to grow up carry responsibility for their failures as well as their successes to encourage them in the successes and to lift them up when they have failures but if you conceal your failures you are cutting yourself on for what a father can do and so churches are full of people doing these things how can we move powerfully with God if we're concealing who we really are and we're ashamed of who we are and we're afraid someone's going to catch us out we're gonna have to try and control everything so one of the things that happens is when you can't be free to stand in your identity how couldn't you move in the supernatural when you need to control what's going on around you so you're not exposed how can you just have the innocence of a child to enter the kingdom when actually you're concealing your guilt and hiding what's going on in your life how can you move in the supernatural when you can't connect an intimate way with father that's why many of the churches have no supernatural it's not because God didn't commissioned us to do it it's not because we're goddess desirous to do it it's because in our lives we're lacking intimacy with father there's something broken on the inside okay thank you Father right now father we just thank you in Jesus name father just pray right now in Jesus name I just released your presence and power touch her right now in Jesus name well this state where we're going there's always something happens on the way okay let's just I wonder just is the third thing therefore thing they did it for thing they did when when we're fatherless there's a struggle to make life work that's why two people I've been an altar calls all over the world and I'm interested in the next generation coming up what I've discovered is this one of the major issues that comes up is anxiety fear I can't make it and isn't it interesting it's coming up in a generation which is fatherless the other thing that comes up is depression when your father though she ever got someone backing you on saying go son I'm with you all the way I believe in you you can make it I'm gonna help you make it I'll make my resources available I'll make my strength available and if you fall down don't worry I'll get you up and give you advice how they go forward that's what father's do that's what you see why life is a struggle if you got that one like that it's a struggle if you don't know God like that and so what happens is then people struggle to control their environment so this one of the things I see I see churches stuck with controlling spirits everywhere and they wanting God they praying to God they love God there but they want more of God but the control spirits are everywhere there is no room for God to move we want God in a box shaped in our image but the Bible says God is a supernatural God God is a God who casts out demons God is a God who heals the sick got a cigar feet rents from lives God is a God of miracles that is what a God is like and when we bring it down and it's just a little God in a box to please man that's because we're carrying shame we're carrying guilt we're trying to control we're kind of control the narrative control what's going on that's not what Jesus came to do Jesus came to confront that very thing we need to be willing to do there too as pastors and leaders starts with us that's with us dozen today starts with us that may be a few more thoughts about this when you have a look at Luke chapter 15 Luke 15 Luke 15 if you read in Luke chapter 15 that's a very familiar story and I won't go into the details of the store just want to pick up one thing all the tax collectors and sinners near to Jesus to hear him but the Pharisees and scribes or the church and its leadership complained what were they finding wrong with Jesus this man welcomes sinners and honors them by eating with them that amazing thing the chief criticism they had was Jesus wasn't acting like a real preacher should do see a real preacher should keep himself from the sinners so that he doesn't get too far by them so we surround himself with people he won't get near people in case people defy him he might do something and so the Pharisees kept themselves separate from ordinary people you had to change before you could belong change or you can't belong so here comes the latest rabbi who's giving the following what he does is he finds the sinners who does he find texe collectors they've caught the traitors they were the worst of all then everyone else is just a sinner a homosexual across to to all of those people were there and he welcomes them all welcome welcome and then was he - he eats with him which in Asia and the Middle East it's honoring them and the religious be safe but they don't deserve Allah he's saying listen you need to understand my father's heart and he tells the story about two sons and one son dishonor Z father walks into the world what happens when you dishonor father and walk away your life will not go well decent six verses to dishonor on the appearance on the appearance father man they may go well for you and that you may live long when you dishonor them for whatever reason life does not go well dishonor God life does not go well just on the appearance life does not go well you end up where you didn't expect to be when I do counseling one of the first things I look for is to track a problem back is the fruit your bearing today related to dishonor that went right back in your life is there being a dishonouring a father and dishonouring a mother is there something going on in the area of dishonor that now is manifesting a fruit in your life that you need to deal with you don't need a deep fix you need to face the issue you'll be running from that actually you're operating like an often you've rebelled dishonored your Ference and then it leads to a path downwards we see the man rejected we see the man in bondage we see the man connected to the pig farmer meaning he's addicted to things to support him there's no other way to get ahead he returns to his father the second son he's the religious one he's also dishonest his father how does he dishonor the father he won't go into the meeting while going to the party in this in the middle-east culture you got going to the party and you're the oldest son you've dishonored disgraced your father you're in for a toweling later on he dishonored his father why because he resents the treatment the other sons giving he doesn't have the Father's heart he is literally an emotional orphan when you're an emotional orphan in your religious then you judge people you reject people you blame people you criticize people you can't see the goodness being your life but the father goes to meet him as well because the Father's plan is to restore everyone that's the heart of God Jesus is virtually saying in the story if you have trouble with father eating with people how are you going to handle a father that runs to them and hugs them kisses them makes it welcome doesn't say anything except put on my road put on my ring of authority and put on some shoes of sonship make him welcome again that is what the heart of the father is we need the revelation of our loving how kind nothing's beyond his reach nothing is beyond his reach nothing beyond us reach if you have an open spirit it'll shape the way you think it'll shape the way you act it'll shake the way you react in relationships people can be fatherless from many many reasons it doesn't mean necessarily from a spiritual perspective you didn't have a natural father and some father's very angry man some fathers are very controlling men some fathers are very abusive men but a father abuses the children the heart is wounded and emotionally they're fatherless they now live like an orphan because there's no connection see a father may be passive not responsible not standing up he shut down because he himself was hurt a father can be irresponsible he's everything to his wife she rises up takes the role of leading the household and the father now is failed as a father there's a pain in the children becomes very noticeable when the child goes through scene aged years and they need the father's voice to shape and guide and bring them into identity I don't go anywhere in the world but I don't find people struggling from issues of an unresolved conflict with a father and resolve conflict with a mother they've literally bought the dishonor and the orphan spirit into their walk and now they want to walk with God who is a father can't be done he'll have trouble she'll be performer and he won't flow naturally out of a love relationship so when people are wounded at home their father - portrayed the family perhaps the father just abandoned the family doesn't really matter usually what happens people get wounded in the heart and the wound is very deep he's very deep the father wound is one of the deepest wounds we can have and it can't it needs God to heal it see interesting Jesus came he said thus prove the God is upon me he's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor in other words bring people back and connect them to father now I want to heal their heart so they can have a relationship with father and then I want to deliver them from demons so now they can actually be free to live with father and they don't want father to give them vision for their life and their destiny and then empower them to fulfill it but what happens in a church where there's no healing of the broken heart and no deliverance from demonic spirits where are people left well they like the older brother they're like the older brother they're like the older brother serving feeling owned feeling entitled resentful of the blessings that come to others struggling for position struggling without the freedom that sonship brings they become slaves and servants in a house it's just it just grieves me it really grieves me this this is a real major issue and so what happens with both sons as both sons dishonored the father that is honor has major consequences our nation is a nation that disp honors great people dishonor sits in the nation it sits in the nation because of roots of rejection and lack of fatherhood it is a major issue it's a major issue in families it's a major insurance tree it's a major issue in church in my chapter 6 Jesus went to his hometown and this is what it says it said he could do no mighty work there and then it explains why cuz it he marveled what was the problem familiarity and dishonor he spoke it out prophets without honor in his own town he must have come with a heart thinking of this one with a crippled leg and that what were the blind eyes and then with the leprosy man I'm going the hotel this is one yes to his hometown he could do no mighty work in other words the power of God is activated when you honor and it is shut down when there's dishonor a tragedy in our nation is people have dishonored the Holy Spirit dishonored men of God who started to try and move that way and started to shut down those ministries when you come in and minister you find there's a skepticism oh well I don't know about that I don't know about that either and there's like a resistance to the supernatural it's it's in our culture it's it's in the culture and it's rooted in hard attitudes you want to release people into their very best honor them value them value every person Jesus valued every person we tend to rate people all this one's more honourable than that one that one Jesus valued and honored every person because honoring them and freeze them to be themselves and talk about the pains they have and open their heart and be healed dishonor were you judge and just distance yourself shuts down their capacity because they feel afraid we're getting close to home yet we're getting close to home some people are wounded what do they do they shot up their heart they build a wall on the heart they form bitterness in the heart you know it's interesting the first thing that God dealt with as Israel came out of a bondage they came through water baptism matter and spirit what was the first issue he wanted to deal with bitterness bitterness bitterness why there had been fatherless and in slavery and the first thing he wants to after he's got him out of Egypt through the waters under the Holy Ghost now want to deal with bitterness bitterness is a huge issue for people to deal with why because we don't feel it but the fruit shows when people are bitter they make better judgments they make judgments where never trust a man and ever trust someone and so they begin to make trust and these judgments and the heart they form vows I'll never let anyone near me you know I found people in senior ministry who are struggling what are they struggling with their struggling to try and control the ministry and they can't because you just can't you're not God you can't and he doesn't see it's driven by fear and so what happens is you start to explore and you find this brokenness I said you've given your father yeah yeah yeah forget my mother yeah yeah then I ask a bit more on the anger starts to come out so you haven't forgiven anyone yet you just gave it a bit of a try but actually it's still alive in your heart you need to connect that there's pain you've never resolved and it's now affecting your capacity to function it's a limit on your ministry I know you prayed I know you fast I know you seek God to grow but you know what you need to deal with your heart until you deal with your heart you can't receive that's why find many people don't receive there's something going on and they huh so we need to be free in the heart we need to be free Jesus kept the freezer that's what we need hey so what do you find you see you find a New Zealand you find although these are the kind of things I find everywhere and you see I find dishonor there's a dishonor in the nation and I just appreciate pastors like Brent Douglas and others you've done their best to build on the back into the nation again because honour will release the gifts on it releases the the blessings it releases the flow from people's life but under dishonor this rejection people feel rejected they feel abandoned they strike with rejection from family struggling with rejection in their life they're struggling with shame shame is a major issue and you Ceylon culture that's why you can't be yourself then you become reactive rather than creative see bitterness it's an issue that I find everywhere I don't go anywhere I don't find bitterness as a root it's in our nation it's in the soul of people it's it's eating them out and when you're bitter you can't see the good you just have to compare and you're always angry about something you've always focused on injustice and trying to right an injustice this is true across the nation doesn't matter what color doesn't matter what race it's the same issue because it's a human issue but it's very strong in New Zealand in the lives of people we need to deliver be delivered from these things they be totally delivered from it hey you'll get quite now must be getting close to home now so what does this do when you come into the church I'm glad you asked I tell you what happens you have kings instead of fathers what's the difference you say I was a huge difference a huge difference she kinked rules a kingdom and the Bible tells us about King Saul in 1 Samuel I think chapter 6 it says this is the nature of a king he will take your sons he will take your daughters he will take your ties he will take of this he will take this he would take six times the word tyke is mentioned that's what Kings do Kings don't leave legacy they build their Kingdom and they use people to build the kingdom what does the father do well in 1 Corinthians chapter 4 Paul says he said well you have many instructors but not many fathers so fathering easy it's a problem and his day as well many many instructors in Christ but not many fathers chapter 4 of 1 Corinthians verse 14 to 17 so so God is restoring apostles see an apostle is a spiritual father what is the difference between the king and a father oh there's a huge difference see a father is wanting to raise up sons and daughters a father is wanting a legacy by helping sons and daughters find their identity and come into their destiny fulfill their call he wanting to raise her people who because of relationship become builders of the house not because they're driven to impression - there's a huge difference between a father and being a king when I first went to when I first went to to Miami to meet with apostle mailman I read I listened to his material I had watched him do Minister I had seen and heard many many things but when I went there there was one thing I wanted to know this is the only question I had are you a king or are you a father why did I want to know that I'll tell you why because I serve and the ministries that betrayed me that while pretending to be one thing secretly we're practicing adultery and then left me abandoned and often spiritually and emotionally I had my own issues to work through and coming into a church I expected someone to father me and when that father turned out to be a betrayer it set me back and then when it happened more than once it actually happened I think four times two were very significant so what happens when you have that happen well it just reinforces I'm on my own I need to just do my own thing and forget about everyone else so that brings us to another New Zealand trade independence we just want to do everything our own way call it ministry Jesus had something to say about that Matthew chapter seven he says what many shall sound that day Lord Lord I did this in your name I did that in your name I cast out demons I healed this I did I prophesied he say depart from me I never knew you your workers of your own thing many in that day so you see this is why we have to understand the heart of God is a family a family and right relationship apostolic is a Ministry of fathering what I meant to apostle that was the only thing I wanted to know this is what I found I asked you see a father will love you a father will bless you and provide for you a father will care for you a father will comfort you and father will strengthen you and father will say I'm there for you can I help you in my first meeting with apostle that's exactly the things he said to me then you opened up everything ahead said look I want to bless you and help you whatever you need is yours this is your family apostle apostles our fathers a lot of people take on the name apostle but they're not apostle they're a leader or a king and they've just put another name on it apostle will move in the supernatural apostle will bring the power of God a possible shift the lives of people a possible raise up sons and daughters who love them and really have got a relationship with them the church needs to get back to the spirit of fathering again they needs to get the spirit of father we need to welcome the ministries of apostles in brother they just finished with a couple of things now in Malachi chapter 4 verse 7 this is the last closing aspect of the Old Testament and that's what the prophetic word is a brilliant word he said I've sinned in nightjars before they're coming down the Lord and he shall turn the hearts of fathers to the sons and daughters and the sons and daughters to the fathers or the earth will be smitten with a curse so what God is saying is the end times one of the great plagues on the earth will be the breakdown on family the loss of father's a fatherless generation and he says house in the spirit of Elijah and this is what he'll do he will turn hearts father's will then turn back to their families sons and daughters will be reconciled with their fathers and their mothers again so what is it why did he say I'll send the spirit of Elijah I'm glad you asked because they can sikita what the problem is they here's what the problem was in the days of Elijah God raised the lighter up with an assignment the assignment had several facets to it number one he had to tear down he had to confront the altars of bail and the bail worship and the estrus worship that controlled the nation spirit powers had come into the nation through ungodly alliances and agreements and now there were sexual perversion there were psychology there was child sacrifice ie abortion there were all kinds of perversions happening there was poverty in the nation the nation was crippled and the huts of the children were broken fathers were broken down the prophets were destroyed don't think that that condition was confined to the Old Testament the same spirits that worked and empower the people of that I work in our society in the West today doing the same things these things don't just a pair there's a spirit operating behind them what a delight you do he stood up in the authority God had given him and he confronted a religious culture he confronted a culture devoid of power he confronted a culture that was empty a father's he confronted the culture in the power of the Holy Ghost what was the second thing that he did second thing he did he restored the altar of the Lord his priority is the altar of the Lord restoring again the place of the Cross at the center of the Christians walk I listen I go to so many churches I don't hear many songs about the cross I don't hear a lot of preaching about the cross but the cross is the power of God it's by the cross there's a divine exchange oh I hear a lot of self-improvement stuff you can make yourself better you can improve this you can improve that but the message of the Cross is an exchange I let go something and an exchange I receive empowerment from the Lord it's an exchange not a self-help do better thing hallelujah think about that think about that thirdly he released the supernatural power of God apostles will release the power of God and activate others to do it he's not just they doing the big thing themselves an Apostles role is 200 it's equip the Saints so they'll do it it ought to be the one who prays for everyone but to be the one who empowers everyone listen when apostle came to Hawke's Bay last year the first night we had 240 miracles and he didn't pray for a person what he prayed was that the church would become empowered again we had people with with metal plates vanish we have people with organs missing reappear this is the power of God this is God coming in supernatural power when you address some of the atmosphere that stops it happening what else did he do I finished with this he turned the hearts of a generation Bible says the hearts of the generation turn what do they turn from they turn from the deception of the culture they turn from the deception of perversion and immorality and disorder and the families and idols and all kind of substitutes from God and they turn to the Living God last thing he did was he empowered the next generation to carry a greater anointing my how we need the spirt of fathering back again how we need back in the church a bonus to speak about the issues people are yielding before how we meet in the church and willingness to bring again the cross to the center of our walk how we need again the ability to bring the supernatural power and set people free deliverance healing miracles prophetic flow that's what he brought back to the church that's what God is wanting to bring back that's why you're here that God might help you and release you and activate you you need to make a response let me finish with this there are many here today and you are either an emotional or spiritual orphan there's some things you need to do number one recognize it recognize it if you've got pain in your heart concerning a natural father or concerning a spiritual father who abused you it will contribute to you being fatherless for your future you just can't keep that place secondly we need to repent of holding bitterness unforgiveness judgments we need to repent of those things say well they've treated me so badly man I'm never gonna listen don't do that repent of those thousand judgments say God forgive me I've tried to protect himself on the pain instead attorney to you because when they hurt me like that I never trusted you after that I tried to help myself say we need to forgive and bless I did that for quite a long time forgiving and blessing until my heart was free finally we need to come and have an encounter with the father's love the healed of the rejection healed of the heard healed of the grief field of the bitterness healed of the passivity set free of the demons in trouble us I found also what I need to do is this I had to go and make restoration and put a relationship right say forgive me for what I said and what I did I really want to honor you and bless you and serve you some places you can't do that there's some relationships you just can't do that many times God will say you need to now make the decision to connect with a spiritual father or maybe put something right something in your home something in your background if you don't do it you just like you only got part of the process we know we've gone from death to life when we love so we get out by repenting releasing forgiveness letting God touch our heart letting go the vows and judgments then I make a decision I'm gonna bless I'm gonna bless I'm going to bless I did that with my own father every day would bless him thank God for him honor was the gift to give to him if we want to raise a fatherless generation we just keep doing business like we are if you want something different than where the leaders we've got to carry the father's heart carry the father's heart I prayed for a young boy just two days ago and passed the son and just deep fears around his life and that's what he said you know I prayed for him immediately the fear was gone he just did things he had number-four quite amazing he come back to cities they said daddy said I felt like a father was talking to me and holding me see that's what it means Jesus brings the reality of father he never bought some big administrative empire he bought the father to people read it again he brings the father this is what father is like he's accessible he's loving he's generous he's kind he's firm he disciplines and he lifts us up I believe today I want to set many people free when we stand right now come come that's you this people here got a program it release the power of God to set people free I want to start the night with people being delivered such a night calm just calm perhaps you've got an issue with the father naturally an issue with a mother naturally you say God I want I want to be touched tonight okay I want you to touch me - 9 Dutchman please come come come they're being abused in the church abused by a pastor some spiritual leader someone who is over you that's affected your heart I want you to come Jesus I want to encounter you I want to be set free of my rejection of my abandonment of my bitterness of the creepers by heart I wanna be sitting come come come come come down come down it's your time to encounter God is here Congress here to tell us the power of God is here to set me free come make your way up make your way down the Isles cow cow this is you type that down to him he wants to set you free he wants to deliver you shall I prepare a beverage great the parent better payment rate the pair effective small break the power of their vigilance break that addiction break that folks come [Music] as she standing in your head what's on the TV stand the hands lifted couple of fathers repent [Music] Soglin so sorry I've been angry I've been busy I'm swinging too dear tie the healthy healthy healthy healthy I believe I believe you will deliver me this will leave my life if you watching on TV you can pray the prayer with us and then the power of God will come [Music] yes Lord yes Lord [Music] some of you are carrying injustice oh it was so unjust what happened so unfair the goddess sent to you let it go let it go let me deliver you some of you are a sling because of the sins of your father generational sins couples to City free of generational curses his POW will come he will touch you [Applause] lift your hands to the Lord right now I will lead you in the prayer at the end of the prayer I want us all to worship God together we're going to sing highest praises we're going to lift the name of Jesus very high when we do that the ministry team are going to come and lay hands on you as soon as they lay hands on you stop singing stop praying just receive delivers breathe out whatever's inside you let it go lyrica the hatred the anger the fear the bitterness the shame the sexual sin that false the addictions the false comforts the fantasies whatever that thing is that got around your life lyrica as people minister it'll break off your life follow me in this prayer father in heaven I come to you in Jesus name I can't hear let's do that again father in heaven I come to you in Jesus name thank you for loving me for loving me for sending Jesus to die on the cross to break the power of sin break the cursor openly break the open curse and save me pray tonight father I choose to begin I forgive those who've hurt me every my father every minister every leader every person who hurt me deeply I forgive them I release them now father tonight I receive deliverance healing release from an orphan spirit tonight further I belong to you I belong to you [Music] I am free now in Jesus name come on this worship alone in the name of Jesus Christ I generational curses [Music] Jennifer say break the curse is now in Jesus name spiritual field [Music] go spirit instead go to meet chicks spirit of champagne down spiritual self-rejection go go go in Jesus name [Music] pochi release of Navigon release America [Music] go pitches caches get ready to catch quickly spirits go supermoon should go sniffing oh here we go spirits code spirituality go spirityufo spectrum ago [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] distracted many people are getting delivered and set free humility but let me ask some one of our the pastors with apostle Maldonado steam how many of you are sick in your body then you need healing in any perhaps you have herniated discs asthma migraines cancer can I see your hand if you could raise your hand if you need healing in your body team if you guys can go on our pastors to go help us keep your hands up cause somebody's gonna get to you I saw a woman that was getting the heel from herniated this the presence of God is here and as you worship he's bringing delivers to you he's bringing healing to you people who are deaf with one of your ears of both of your ears I want you to just keep your hands up I want to ask the pastor's to go and begin to pray for these people because the miracles are happening now if you came purple if you have metals in your body God is healing you there is a woman you have metals in your him you're gonna feel the power of God healing you some of you're gonna feel the heat and your body the presence of the Lord is here healing people miracles are happening people who suffer from migraine headaches are getting healed cataract blindness is getting healed just lift your hands out receive it just receive it directly from God someone will come and pray for you but as you and your seed and you worship you are being healed now father in the name of Jesus we send your word we command everyone in this place that is sick to be healed as they stand in your presence healings are taking place miracles I see creative miracles that are taking place there is a woman that you heal from cysts in your ovaries you're gonna feel the heat touching your ovaries that's the power of God touch of you Shambala yellow blue SATA be heel down be heel down many of you that are still getting delivered receive your miracle down those cysts our disappearance those cysts are disappeared you're gonna feel the pop in your ear ears are being open [Music] come on let's shake it [Music] Jesus there you go you feeling the power of God in your woman you feeling the power of God coming upon you why because when the presses comes it comes for a reason and because we're purpose becomes a deliverer it comes to set free it comes to restoring I commend you Lorca's many of you I needed organs in your body that is a young boy you get it healed from one of your lungs Jesus is put in a brand-new lovely news their feeders have been open blind eyes have been open it's happening now now that it goes to receiver receiver receiving them men are healing men are getting healed from tumors I see troopers on a disappeared has happening is happening already miracles are happening already I commend those tumors Sioux tribe now Jesus Jesus then it goes through what you could have do if you came if you came with a cane with a crutch let her go begin to walk now come on sing it all together geez receive your healing now don't sin i watch it on the internet the power of God is our reach into your home healing you I see a man you blind from your left eye you feeling that I heeded your on Jesus is open your eyes I see children get in heal children get in to heal us were sleeping my dreams are leaving us diabetes is leaving them see meadows that the body are turning to flesh and bones supers are disappeared I see a woman you can't with cysts in your left breast the power of God just touching the part of God just touch you that's is left you are healed tonight [Applause] if you feel in the power of God already I gotta ask you to go either to the right or to go to the left begin to do what you couldn't do if you came with asthma start moving around start running around if you can't work then it's a man you came with hardly anything this is your mind I see people already moving yet in heal and then that came with herniated this in your back [Music] the power of God just such you you felt the heat in your back those herniated this God just put brand-new this in your back I want you to begin to do what you couldn't do before if you came sick begin to do what you couldn't do before pastors are moving all across tall building the stage the seats but just quickly find someone you felt that ear that you were having trouble here in just popped Jesus just opened that year that was a woman you came he haven't smelled in years you lost the sense of smelling the power of God just such you every created the claims that you need it that's it if you're beginning to move come on move move do what you couldn't do before do what you couldn't do before me do what you couldn't do before there we go come on absent just bring him to the right bring in to the sides quickly quickly quickly bring in to the sides I'm to bring them to the side to the side let's bring him to the side come to the sides you're gonna see the team that on the left and the team on the right you're gonna see the team on both sides begin to do what you couldn't do before [Music] quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly [Music] the Healy's are already taking place I want you to remain standing and those of you that also you were appearing in the encounter with us last year and you have a testimony we want you to go to the left and we want you to come to the right so you can testify how many of you received with a possum icon about can you put your hands together for the Passover I come out give Jesus a big raise come on can you give Jesus a big place today no but that's kind of like I said can you give Jesus a big place come on I want to hear yourself [Music] [Applause] somebody shut up to Jesus today [Music] Gunnar's here look look at this America another one thank you lord this mini miracles taking place this is two days of miracles two days of miracles listen get on the phone talk to your friends give them here tonight we've got a fantastic culture welcome organized my pastor Luka new one team from Miami be here lifting us to a totally different level of worship apostle Maldonado be here here in for an amazing time get your brains rhythm get him to come just get on your boat now tell them come come come miracles to be here tonight bring sick people bring people are troubled in the free [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let's give Jesus a shout of praise [Music] thank you so much I really hope to god bless but in session with apostle Mike dead powerful message
Channel: Ascend Global Church
Views: 27,469
Rating: 4.8169932 out of 5
Id: eoUgbj10aa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 32sec (4892 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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