Creating Worlds with Our Words

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shalom it is so good to be with you all shabbat shalom wow thank you so much for your prayers honestly i it's only the grace of god that got me through this week as many of you know and have been praying this was an exciting week for us we had the privilege and opportunity to do a new production in partnership with tbn and the chosen tv series as many of you know i have been a spiritual advisor on the chosen since its inception in fact before the chosen began i took dallas jenkins and some of the key people from the chosen to israel and we made all these little videos many of you have seen them it's just touched millions of people's lives that was before the first episode of the chosen ever aired and i have loved being part of the chosen tv series and had this amazing opportunity to create a teaching tv series around the chosen so we went to for the where the season one of the chosen was filled capernaum village uh in texas it's a first century recreation of of the first century town of capernaum and we basically recreated a lot of the sets of the chosen and just had an amazing time we filmed 32 segments and eight episodes that are going to air beginning february 8th uh countdown to passover easter into episode one of season two of the chosen being filmed so tbn is actually going to broadcast the chosen tv series and my teaching series that has scenes of the chosen uh interspersed with it man thank you for praying i can't thank you enough honestly it was one of the most mentally and even physically demanding things i've ever done it's right up there with writing books oh my goodness 14 hours a day sometimes 16 hours a day doing it without any notes oh my goodness but it was great and just pray because so much time and effort and expense has gone into this project and just pray i really believe and and trusting god that it's going to impact a lot of lives his grace was sufficient and honestly again your prayers have meant the world it's airing february 8th on tbn so make sure you check it out we'll be posting more about it as it gets closer but man filming in the midst of a crazy week in our nation it was absolutely insane week and so much chaos going on in our country so much chaos going on in the world and i am glad that we are entering into shabbat friday night the sabbath one of the things that's key to the shabbat is shalom and now more than ever our country our nation the world needs the shalom of god that comes through shalom the prince of peace and i was just thinking about something because shabbat is a celebration of creation and in the very beginning of creation there was the world was formless and void it was tohu and the world was formless and void that's another word another translation is it was chaos and waste one of the things that i shared a few weeks ago about 2021 is that in this season god wants to create out of the chaos god wants to create out of your chaos that is the pattern by which god built in the very beginning and even what he's going to do today but how was the chaos constrained one of the key ways that chaos was constrained was god spoke god spoke light came into the darkness the spirit of god hovering over the face of the deep and order came out of the chaos light came out of the darkness god's blessing began to come forth and ultimately it went from being chaos not good to god seeing the light of day one and he said it is tove it is good and this connects back to shabbat because shabbat celebrates the creation and i think one of the lessons that we need to learn from this is on shabbat one of the key ways that we create shalom in our home shalom with our family and our friends is the same way that god did it at creation it's through speaking words of honor and blessing see what we have to understand is just like shabbat is a reminder of creation that god created the world in six days and rested on the seventh we need to understand that our words create worlds your words create worlds and we've talked about this before but now more than ever this is important to understand because this is 5781 this is the decade of the pay on the hebrew calendar pay means mouth so what comes out of our mouth has great power if we want to see the breakthrough if we want to see the blessing if we want to see order out of chaos if we want to see light in the midst of the darkness we need to understand that our words the words that we speak play such an important part and just like you create shalom in the home through speaking words of honor and blessing friends we need to make sure that our words that we're speaking are words of life we need to speak words that build up and not break down there is a lot of nasty and negative words being spoken right now and to overcome that spirit this is just a reminder we need to come in the opposite spirit we need to come in the spirit of shalom yeshua says blessed are the peacemakers in the hebrew scriptures he says ro dave shalom seek peace and pursue it so we need to seek peace we need to pursue peace we need to speak words of honor and blessing even if we disagree with people on the other side of the spirit on the other side of the political or spiritual spectrum we can disagree we can debate but our words still need to be done in a spirit of honor and love and truth we can't name call we can't bash people we have to make sure that our language our words are seasoned with salt because with our words we can graffiti people's souls we can tag people up and leave something ugly or we can use it to build people up and make something more beautiful so that's my little tirade let's make sure that our words are words of honor let's yeshua says bless those who curse you love those who hate you friends we need to understand and come in that spirit now more than ever the world is watching we are representatives of yeshua and so we need to be wise with our words so i just want to encourage you speak order to the chaos speak shalom speak life life and death are in the power of the tongue so it's not that we can't speak truth but it's how we speak truth and it's how we reach out to others that are a different place with us listen and one of the things that i mentioned in this chosen tv series that i did that i said talking about the shabbat scene and the chosen how you know mary invited like all these unusual outcasts and individuals and how yeshua showed up and how yeshua eats with tax collectors and sinners and today maybe that means eating with someone who's on the opposite side of the political spectrum than you maybe it means sitting with someone who is in a different place spiritually but yeshua did that because look ultimately no president of the country is our savior yeshua is our redeemer the government rests on his shoulders he has a bigger plan and purpose so i just wanted to say all that as we prepare into talking about a little bit about this week's torah portion so as you know this week we begin a new book of the torah the second book of the bible in english known as exodus in hebrew it is known as shmot can you say shmot shmot means names okay because it begins these are the names of the banay israel these are the names of the children of israel exodus 1 1 and the choice of the title of this book is definitely significant names in hebrew as many you know are meant to communicate a person's essence or their life mission this is alluded in the actual term for soul soul is nishama so let me just back up a person's name is meant to communicate their essence and their life mission so the word for soul in hebrew is nishama the shama is made up of four letters it's made up of uh so the first letter is a nun the last letter is hey and the first and the middle two letters shin mem spells the word shem so at the heart of the word for soul in hebrew is the word name this teaches us that a person's soul a person's essence is reflected in their name connected to their identity and their mission so the book of exodus is wisely entitled shemot because it's going to reveal the essence of the calling of the banay israel of the children of israel as imam kohanim and as a glory kadosh as a holy priesthood and as a royal nation normally right names are given at birth you get your name when you're born in jewish tradition you get you know publicly get your name if you're a boy on your brits mila at your circumcision but going down to egypt has led to a new birth for the jewish people so that's what's so significant right going down to egypt literally birthed israel they went down as a family a large family 70 all but 17 all but they were birthed as a nation but as we said names also reflect new mission or identity that a person receives in the lord and that's exactly what's going on here in the beginning of the book of exodus and throughout the entire book right our answers ancestors went down 70 and all to egypt and left in the millions egypt was literally a place of confinement or restriction egypt and hebrew means mitzrayim as we've talked about a place of confinement or restriction so symbolically israel was a tight space it symbolically it was a womb israel had to go to egypt because egypt was the womb all of us have to go through a process of birthing that a process that births us into our identity and destiny so the people who went down to egypt as a family but they emerged as israel israel means one who wrestles with god and overcomes so all of us need to go through our own personal egypt just like the jewish people did right egypt is a place that wants to box you in egypt is a place that wants to confine you and all of us have our own personal pharaohs that want to lock us in to a box of self-limitation that robs us of our true purpose that tries to rob us of our potential and there are both outer pharaohs meaning individuals who will come into your life and try and beat you up and beat you down and beat your destiny out of you and then there are the inner pharaohs there there's that inner voice within us that says you're not good enough you'll never make it you're a loser you're ugly you're this you're that and these pharaohs want you to either compromise your identity and destiny or lose your true name your essence your mission your purpose so all of so we have to be careful that we don't lose our soul in egypt when we're dealing with the places of confinement when restrictions when we're dealing with the outer pharaohs when we're dealing with the inner pharaohs sometimes the inner pharaohs are much more dangerous because sometimes we don't even recognize them as pharaohs we think they're our voice but it's actually the enemy speaking through our heads or lies that we have believed what we have to understand is this right egypt is never fun believe me i have had my fair share of egypt's egypts are never fun but you need your egypts to reach your full promise and your full potential we need the process of the pits and the prisons to prepare us for the process that's just the bottom line right and so knowing this is meant to give us hope it's meant to give us strength so that we don't become bitter we become better when we descend to egypt for a season there's going to be times of ascent there's going to be the mountaintops and there's going to be the times of descent that is true in our lives and that is true in the lives of nations as well that's true in the lives of communities of faith right so we have to understand that so we don't get discouraged we don't give up god is bigger than all of us our egypts and our pharaohs are meant to bring out your name your shem your true inner essence and mission our shemot our names as the people of god so when you follow messiah yeshua who is the greater than moses you never need to be in you never need to remain enslaved because there's a promise that the one whom the son sets free is free indeed and where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom friends in messiah we can find freedom from anything and he's given us the holy spirit the ruach can you say ruach hakodesh the holy spirit and where the spirit is there is freedom so listen you can be freer in egypt than pharaoh in the palace when you're in the plans and purposes of god so that's just really important to understand right so but the truth is that so for all of us who love and faithfully follow the lord he promises that he is going to give us a new name like israel whose name means one who wrestles with god and overcomes you're an overcomer and you have a name that your parents gave you but you have a name that only god knows that god has specially prepared for you this is what it says revelation 2 17 to the one who overcomes i will give some of the hidden mana again going back to coming out of egypt hidden mana okay there's hidden mana that god has prepared for you and i will give him a white stone and written on the stone a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it wow god is a new name for you he's got a special plan purpose and identity but of course there is more the first half of the book of moses moses guys i am tired the first half of the book of exodus shmot is talking about the redemption from egypt it's the retelling of the exodus but it's not just for the sake of communicating biblical history even more is important it points to the greater redemption that we're going to have through messiah who is the greater than moses who leads a greater exodus and we see this in the numerical value of the name of this week's torah portion which is also the name of the second book of the bible in hebrew shmot it means names as we said in english it gets it's not translated it's just called the book of exodus shmot equals 746 what is amazing about this this blew my mind as i was preparing this for this for this week right in the genealogy of yeshua there are 42 names in the genealogy of yeshua and this corresponds to the 42 stops israel makes in the wilderness we talk about this in our new book that's coming out in the spring mysteries of the messiah but it's already on amazon if you want to pre-order 42 stops in the wilderness okay and the 42 names in the genealogy of yeshua in matthew chapter 1 add up to guess what 740 when you add them up in hebrew according to the small value and this is amazing because the numerical value of yeshua of nazareth jesus of nazareth actually yehoshua hanotsuri equals 746. so notice i said yehoshua that's technically joshua jesus heber name as you all know is yeshua yeshua is a shortened form of joshua in the hebrew scriptures joshua the high priest yehoshua is also sometimes called yeshua it was a customary two in in ancient times to shorten those names okay like that so yeshua which can be translated yeshua which is yeshua of nazareth okay 746. so the names 742 of the founding fathers of israel find their culmination in the genealogy of yeshua they for find their fulfillment in him isn't that amazing so the purposes of the genealogies the names mentioned in the book of exodus at its opening and the name of the book of exodus as exodus itself is ultimately meant to lead us to the messiah but of course there is more the number 746 also points to the fact that messiah is the prophet like moses moses was the greatest prophet in the hebrew bible he had unparalleled intimacy with the lord but yeshua's intimacy was even greater why because yeshua wasn't just a prophet he was god in the flesh he was the word of god incarnate so the most foundational belief in jewish thought is the shema okay yes israel the lord our god the lord is one the numerical value of the lord our god equals 746. come on yahushua of nazareth 746 and lord the lord our god 746 because yeshua was the lord our god the one who we proclaim our allegiance to in the words of the shema is found in the person of yeshua i don't know about you but i love it i think it's absolutely amazing and it's further supported by john 1 1 in the greek that says and the word was god the phrase was god equals guess so and the word was god uh and was god equals 746 amazing and the numerical value says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us in the beginning was the word the word in greek is lagos the word for word in greek is lagos has a numerical value of 370 in the greek and john 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god so john 1 1 uses the word twice log the word logos twice 372 times 2 equals what 746 yeshua is the living lagos 372 who embodies the written lagos which totals 746 so the living lagos and the 372 and the written lagos 372 equals 746 which alludes to yeshua being the one spoken of in the shema the lord our god 746 the second person of the godhead who is the embodiment of the divine name wow at hashem equals 746 meaning the divine so at hashem meaning the divine name hashem is used instead of jude hey vave it means just means the name so the name equals 746 when it has at hashem who is the lord our god 746. there is more 746 is the numerical value of the word for authority in greek yeshua was given all authority he was given the authority to cast out demons it means authority power right uh so we see this yeshua exodus yeshu yoshua of nazareth 746 was exercising the authority and power of god 746. and i talked more about that in this week's torah portion but here's the amazing thing the authority that he has he gives you some of that authority after resurrection he says all authority has 746 has been given to me therefore go make disciples of all nations so yeshua shares some of that authority and power with us he says greater things than these you will do why to complete the work that he began what in honor he has given you power and authority and right to finish the work that he began for as many as believed to them he became he gave the right to become the children of god he delegated this power and authority to you to be his witnesses to do his work so two more phrases in the hebrew scriptures add up to 700 746 and point to his power and authority isaiah 43 12 this is what it says so you are my witnesses adds up to 746. it is the declaration of adonai and i am god adds up to 746. okay anee adonai the ani ali and acts 2 4 and they started to speak and as in the phrase and they were filled with the holy spirit and started to speak 746 so they started to speak 746 after they received the holy spirit which is what gives us power and authority 746 to declare that yehoshua of nazareth 747 is the lord our god 746 and the embodiment of the divine name 746 come on [Laughter] and what's even better news is this that those who believe in the message of yeshua are not only given a new name but it says this they are given the right 742 to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city revelation 22 14 when you come to know yeshua as your messiah when you place your faith in him you are given access ultimately to the eat of the tree of life the right to the tree of life the hidden mana the right to the tree of life friends there are untold blessings that await us in the world to come and even that get poured out to us in this world so friends i love you all this is a little shorter tonight than usual i hope it's a blessing i hope the shalom of god is with you listen i want you to please continue to pray for me as many of you know we have a new book coming out in a few months mysteries of the messiah revealing divine connections from genesis till today and actually i am going this weekend to film a special episode on the book with matt crouch uh tbn so i'm going to be in their studios this weekend filming also filming another little segment that's going to be part of a special tbn is going to be airing on the chosen so friends even though the filming for the series is done i still have more tapings to go this weekend so please please please pray for me i can't tell you how much it means and if you're blessed look we pour out i can't tell you how much time and energy we've got an amazing team here at fusion and every week if you don't get it we have the weekly torah portion guide so we have what's known as the weekly torah portion guide and it's amazing we go through this is like what we're doing here is based on the torah portion guide so if you if you haven't signed up for that i just want to encourage you guys to sign up for it check it out tell your friends about it you can find more at you can journey deeper with us and if you were blessed i just want to encourage you would you consider sowing into our ministry as we head into this new year we can't do this without you there's a promise that god will bless those who bless israel look we're bringing this message to israel in the nations we can't do this without you i love you all please pray can't wait to be back with you can't wait to share with you some of the new and exciting things we have coming in this next season we love you all shalom shalom shabbat shalom and yeshua our messiah amen
Channel: Rabbi Jason Sobel
Views: 1,845
Rating: 4.9629631 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Messianic, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Torah, 5780, breakthrough, Torah Portion, Shemot, Christian, Yeshua, Jesus, Creating Worlds with our words, Live, Christ, Messiah, Identity, Creation
Id: R_60ejVh4wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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