Be strengthen and empowered by His promises for your life.

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hey friends i was thinking today we're living in such times of uncertainty there is financial and economic uncertainty who knows what's going to happen with the economy we're living with political uncertainty there's all this unrest in the political sphere just as we look around who knows what the future is going to hold and i know that for many people this can be a source of anxiety and can even be a source of fear in our lives and it can lead us to a place of worrying about the future but i just want to share with you a word of encouragement you know i was working on a project for you which is filming on hebrew letters and numbers and i was actually thinking about and teaching on the number eight and the thing that struck me about the number eight is this is that god calls us to be eighth day people what does that mean yeshua rose from the dead on the eighth day of the week he died on the sixth day was in the grave on the seventh day and rose from the dead on the eighth day why is that significant because eight is the number of transcending eight is the number of rising above the resurrection is how yeshua rose above death he rose above sin he rose above the grave and the same spirit that was in yeshua that raised him from the dead lives in you and he seated you with him in heavenly places that's amazing what does that mean that means you can rise above every situation and circumstance you have the ability to transcend you have the ability to overcome you're not called to live from the seven seven is the completion of the natural world you're called to live from the eight and when you live from the eight it's always going to be great because it is the power to break through and resurrect even those things that seem dead god can bring back to life friends don't be scared i know it's uncertain but you know what the lord never changes he is the same yesterday today and forever and therefore you have a certain hope and future that's grounded in him and you can overcome anything that the world throws at you because yeshua is for you nothing can become against you you have the victory in him practically i believe there's a few things that we can do to overcome the uncertainty and increase our faith in this season number one is to meditate on the promises of god from the scriptures friends god's word is like an anchor the promises of god are an anchor for our soul we need to get rooted in his promises it is so important we're transformed by the renewing of our mind and that comes by the word of god once we know what those promises are we need to stand in faith and declare those promises because we're in the decade of the pay the decade of the mouth the decade of the breakthrough so it's not just enough to know we have to pray them we have to speak them we have to declare them just like god spoke the world into existence we need to speak the promises and proclaim them in faith i can't tell you how important that is as an act of faith to declare them and to speak them also what's important is faith is an agreement with god that's true faith then there's fear faith fear faith is in agreement with lies and the liar the devil so we need to search our hearts and we need to ask ourselves what lies are we believing about ourselves we have to ask ourselves what fears have we allowed the enemy to take root in our heart we need to come out of agreement with the lies and that's where again declaring the promises there's the negative and there's a positive aspect to that and i think it's also important that we just don't declare the promises and the word of god for our lives by ourselves we need to find one or two other people to join us in doing it because yeshua says where two or three are gathered there i will be in their midst why does he say two or three it's so significant because in the hebrew scriptures in the torah a matter a testimony is established by the witness of two or three and so therefore when we come in agreement with one or two other people we're bearing they're bearing witness with us in god's presence and that strengthens and empowers the promise over our life walking in agreement in the declaration of god's blessing on our lives only strengthens it and makes it more powerful so i just believe that god is going to give you faith he is going to give you hope in these uncertain times because he doesn't change
Channel: Rabbi Jason Sobel
Views: 1,278
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Keywords: Jason Sobel, Rabbi Jason, Messianic, Rabbi Jason Sobel, Torah, 5780, breakthrough
Id: 9RGMq09P9lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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