Planting Flowers in the Patio Space | Gardening with Creekside

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[Music] here we're going for the lawn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello friends welcome to gardening with greek side i am jenny and i have been so excited this week because i was finally able to begin planting my annuals back here in the back patio we've been here many many many times before y'all have been with us this whole journey of creating this brand new space in our backyard patio is still coming but the focus of today's video is about planting these beautiful annuals and begin filling up this space with just all things beautiful and plant-based so right here i'm standing on beside the one of the columns of the seating wall remember this is a unique stone piece um this is oh gosh the name yes thank you jerry it is the westin urn from unique stone um and this is in the dark walnut color so those of you who are familiar with unique stone this is dark walnut now i was inspired i've been wanting to do a container like this for probably about two years and the inspiration came from this picture off of proven winners website i just think it's just an elegant beautiful arrangement and so i took that idea and i tweaked it to fit my space and the colors that i wanted to use now in the picture is using over easy super bill i didn't know what i wanted to use i love over easy it's a gorgeous flower but it was this beautiful thing morning star that when we got the plants back in january early february to begin potting up and growing to sell at the nursery there was one little bloom on the liner and i was like i am building my entire patio design plan around this plant because it is that light pink it's just beautiful i think it's elegant and i loved it so in this urn um we have the fiber optic grass that's just really fun so this will be kind of low and wide on each side we have the super bells morning star so they will fill in and trail but they're not going to overtake my urn because i want you to still see my urn so if i had put a vista in here it would have just overtaken the entire urn and just come down while i love vistas this is not the right application for that then on each side back here in the back these are two diamond frost diamond frost of course will get a little bit taller light and airy the morning star the frost the fiber optics the grass will all begin to interplay with one another what grass is this christine you're going to edit this out skyrocket skyrocket then in the back is the centerpiece we have skyrocket it is an annual grass from proven winners and right now it's a it's a strong solid green because we had it in the garage for those two nights of frost freezes so out of the sunlight it lost its white stripes so this will have beautiful white stripes on the edge and we'll have a solid green down the middle but it will do the plumes it will be beautiful again so we're working from a thriller filler spiller concept in these urns i love them already i cannot wait to see them as they grow and develop throughout the season this is not on irrigation simply for the fact that i can't figure out how to have this on irrigation without seeing the line the irrigation line because this is a stone patio on a pedestal on a column if i were to run a irrigation line up from the bottom through the urn which you could obviously very much do then at some point i'm going to have a drip tube coming out which is not the look that i'm going for um i suppose we could drill a hole through this i'm not drilling a hole through this cap so this will be hand watered a little tlc yeah so we'll figure that one out but that's what we're gonna do on that so you can see i have that one then coming over the next one is just you know the identical um urn it is planted the exact same way i have already of course i use my proven winter's potting soil on this and i have gone ahead and already given it one dose of their water soluble fertilizer i will do that once a week to give them nice strong lots of food because remember food equals flowers i want this to be nice and full and healthy and dark green so i feed it once a week now coming over here this is that lower bed that we was not in the original plan for the patio but we brought it designed it this way loved it originally we were going to put the fountain here um realized it was just going to be it would fit it's just going to be too big so we wanted to move it out so what we have in the center this is the proven winners it is the blue chiffon rose of sharon this is a standard tree form so this beautiful plant gives us some great height it will give us gorgeous a light blue bloom on it it will be fantastic so that will be here in the center and then on each side i have two david alston roses so we got the david alston's almost a month ago got them planted i did not show you that because i was literally out here at 8 30 at night planting them um and it was pretty much in the dark so they are here they're waking up these two get the least amount of sun probably than the others so they seem to be a little bit slower as far as flushing out there is a growth on them they're just a little bit slower especially this one on this side but i have given them some land and sea i've given them rose tone and then they are mulched so hopefully they'll start to kick in when the heat hits and then in front i have four snow drifts so again this is the supertunia vista snowdrift so where i didn't want to use a vista in my urn this is the perfect location to use it because here i really want to have just a carpet of white blooms and it's okay there's room for it to spread and spill over a little bit now these snow drifts are gorgeous these were in gallon containers that we had started very vigorous beautiful pure white blooms and again they will just fill in this area when i water soluble fertilized my urns i went ahead and did these guys as well and then yesterday i got the boxes planted so let's move up to the porch and let's see these beautiful plants come on i have been dreaming about planting these boxes for months and months we were inspired by some sweet friends of ours shawn and randy on their back porch their back deck they have built-in boxes instead of railings and i just thought what a neat glorious idea is that so when we were redesigning this whole area i knew from the very beginning that that is what i wanted to do back here so my sweet daddy who is a professional woodworker who is retired he'll do projects he's great you just have to ask him and so he actually put down the trex boards for us and then built these custom boxes for me they are made out of pressure-treated lumber then it's just the facade of the tracks so the trex is actually just to make it look pretty and then he put on a wooden cap for me this one is 12 feet long this one is 14 feet long they are when we're trying to decide how tall they were going to be and i said daddy i don't care um let's just make it easy and let's make it three treks boards high because that way he wouldn't have to cut them so they're roughly about 18 inches high and about probably 14 inches wide now on the bottom the soil is not there is a bottom of the pressure treated lumber so it's an actual box there are drainage holes every 12 inches throughout here so there's great drainage in here currently this is not on irrigation simply because i wanted to get these things planted and i knew that jerry's to-do list was 500 miles long and if i put ask him to go ahead and put the irrigation in it would just be better that we can easily come back in here and run some drip tube once we get the irrigation all hooked up for the beds and all of that so there's not irrigation currently but right now it doesn't matter because i filled these boxes completely with the proven winner's potting soil jackson and i heaved and hoed all of the pws soil bags in here you want to fill your containers all the way with potting soil don't put some sort of filler in the bottom you want your roots to have lots of room to grow so it's filled completely with potting soil and then the fun began i it was a hot mess there was white pw pots everywhere there was soil everywhere i was just an absolute heaven so let's just walk through and let me tell you what the plants are that are in here so once jackson and i got this whole thing filled up with the potting soil then the fun began and i got to plant it there is basically a repeating pattern throughout the entire boxes because i want it to be cohesive so the plants a lot of the plants that i used in my urns i have repeated in here because i want my whole space to really tie in together and just flow a couple of years ago i'm just the girl that was like all the colors just throw it in but as i'm growing as a gardener i'm trying to tie everything in together so we're going to go through and tell you the plants that are in here so in the back row we have the carly or the carolee petite pink guara it is a fantastic flowering um plant that for us will actually be a perennial but it gives you that light airy nice really rich kind of a darker side of a pink blooms so as it grows it will have that wispy effect when the wind blows it will move also with the with the wind then we have the diamond frost diamond frost again just like in the urns down on the patio nice and light and airy all these are going to intermingle together of course the morningstar super bell from proven winters repeating that this is a container so i can use that i will not use this in my flower beds because they don't like to stay really wet i also have the mini vista white supertunia so down below i used the snowdrift which is the vista very very vigorous i did not want to use snow drift up here because i was afraid that it would overtake the boxes so the mini vista white looks basically exactly like a snow drift a little bit of a smaller bloom on it but it will not have the vigor of the snow drift yes it will still get full yes it will still trail but it will not consume my whole box so we have that then we have icicles this is part of their proven accents line this will give me that gorgeous silver green foliage more upright more of a very fine leaf so that gives me a whole different texture tying into that with the almost the exact same color is the dichondra silver falls we love this plant right we used it last year in our wheelbarrow over at the nursery people were madly in love with it and rightly so because it gives you again there's no bloom but there's that gorgeous gorgeous color on it and so it is a massive trailer so it's a big spiller so i only have two on each side with the hibiscus in the middle the rows of sheeran rather in the middle and then so that way when the silver falls is trailing down they will kind of flank on either side and be balanced with that blue chiffon rose of sharon so we have that in there and then um a couple of dahlias now the dahlias were not part of the original plant because i've just not been a real kind of a dahlia girl but we have them growing at the nursery and this is cozumel cozumel is just this massive huge beautiful pink flower on it and i was blooming at the nursery so i said oh my goodness i am getting some of those and putting them in so there's actually four there's two in each box because of course they will get nice and tall nice and thick dark dark green leaves on them with those big huge beautiful pure pink blooms on it will be magnificent cannot wait for that and then a special addition to this bed these boxes again that i was not planning on but we had a sweet customer tiffany she and her husband came down from chapel hill to visit us and to go shopping and this was a couple of weeks ago and we had a lovely visit with one another and as they were getting ready to leave she brought me this tray full of plants these were plants that she had started from seed and she just thought that i would enjoy them because they were unique and different and i am i'm like so excited so one of those plants was the bunny tail grass so there she gave me three of them so i've used all three of them in these boxes so i have one that is centered in this box one is in the corner and then one is centered in the other box so if you're not familiar with a bunny tail grass first of all it is the softest grass you have ever felt in your life it's like lamb's ear on steroids so extremely soft it doesn't look soft but it feels very very soft like a bunny and then when it blooms it will do these great little puff balls just like a little bunny tail so it will get this will be kind of high it'll be in that could be anywhere from 12 to 20 inches tall about 12 inches wide so i just imagine it that it will fill in the space i've given it room to grow and i like it too because it's a whole different shade of green so it's not a real dark dark green like the dahlias are it's not the silvery blue green that the icicles and the silver falls are it's more a little bit of that chartreuse a little bit of a brighter limey green so i think it will be absolutely gorgeous once everything fills in now as far as how am i going to maintain and take care of this with the proven winter's potting soil of course it has some of that slow release fertilizer in it already so i did not add it to the box again just like my urns and my snow drifts down below i will use the water soluble fertilizer once a week on this to give them that food because yes there are a lot of plants in this box but i'm going to have to feed them on a regular basis so that they will grow to their biggest potential now my plan for this is that you will not be able to see any kind of ground mulch soil once they are fully grown i want this to be big i want this to be full i want this to be an absolute showpiece of colors and textures and movements because it's gardening and this is fun now i realize that this is a really big project right here and i hope that this is not intimidating but that you if you're inspired by this that's all i want maybe there's one plant in here that you absolutely love that is fantastic that's what i want maybe you really like the combination do it in on a smaller scale just like i was inspired by the proven winners picture how they did their creation their container that wouldn't work for me because it had like a prince tucked grass in it well the prince tuck would be too big for my urn i took that idea tweaked it and made it my own so i hope with this and these plants that they are an inspiration to you that maybe you have all shade so take this twist it make it your own switch out the plants that you have available to you and go with it now one more thing that i'll always do on my containers my plantings is you will notice that i have top dressed it with mulch i always finish my containers plantings and i add the mulch to the top layer of the planting space i don't want like over here it has just the potting soil is exposed i ran out of mulch simple as that but i thought this would be a great teachable moment to show you the difference as opposed to what it looks like with no mulch on it versus what it looks like with mulch so one we do it before the aesthetics right it looks prettier it looks clean it looks finished when you water your plants the soil doesn't you know splatter up on your plants so your plants will stay cleaner and neater but there's also a lot of horticultural reasons why we do this one it holds the moisture in the soil a lot better so i have put probably an inch two inches of mulch down this is just a hardwood mulch that i have put down but it helps retain the moisture in those pot in that potting soil this is full sun this will absolutely bake in the summertime so i want to hold as much moisture in my soil as i possibly can it does it this top layer over here is already dry i guarantee if i were to pull this mulch away that soil underneath would be nice and moist and damp so it retains the moisture weeds if any weed seeds blow in here which they will this is a great place to germinate because it has a you know the soil in it so they're like whoo-hoo new home with fertilizer so they're going to grow a little bit easier germinate here as opposed to the mulch and then finally something that maybe you don't think about is that the mulch will act like an insulation for the roots of the plants so in our case here at this time that mulch is going to actually kind of keep the roots a little bit cooler than is as if there were no mulch there so it really kind of insulation just like you have insulation in the roof of your house it keeps your house at an even temperature same thing with the roots systems with your plants i didn't always do this i started doing this years ago and i saw instantly a massive difference in my plants i think for us it was a moisture issue that it helped retain my moisture and the insulation and then of course it just looks good so i will go ahead and finish this out and mulch all the way down we will keep you updated on this you know we will as we come through and do patio updates again i hope this has been an inspiration to you i hope there is something that you have gleaned from this that you can use in your own garden and as always thank you so much for guarding with creekside we'll see in the next video bye friends [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 44,239
Rating: 4.9546127 out of 5
Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, North Carolina, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, butterfly garden, coleus, shrubs, gardening 101, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, landscaping, landscape design, plant nursery, proven winners plants, proven winners perennials, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, cottage garden, summer garden tour, hydrangea, succulents
Id: h02dvjUn0j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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