Creating media system in an instance in Oracle Cloud – (Configuring Rclone + Cloud)

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hello everybody my name is alan i'm from sober lab and today will be another video about oracle cloud plus rclone in this video we'll show how you can install arclone in the oracle cloud the first question that a few people start to ask me alan we can install aimb you can start plex alan you can install jellyfin in this oracle cloud in this way we can start to watch some medias or can use this oracle cloud as a midi stream for my own personal media that i have and then i say yes you can do it but have some limitation first of all oracle cloud has a free tier they only allowed you to have 200 gigabytes if you want to have a little bit more capacity you need to pay the extra and this actually is not so interesting compare if you have a hard drive and you have a serving your house so then it starts to be a little bit more expensive but if you use the free 200 gigabytes and imagine that you have two or three machines four machines each machine will use 50 gigabytes as a standard and in this way you're gonna run out of space really fast and you'll not have so much space for your media and consider that you want to watch some 4k videos or at least 1080p and each 4k will be 25 gigabytes or a little bit more and each 1080p will be around two three gigabytes of media five zero by depending what color quality that you're using so really fast you're gonna feel your capacity and that's it's not interesting for you because will not work for your needs so in this way we can install the air clone that you can connect for your cloud can be any kind of cloud that you want as google cloud dropbox mega and others that you can use all the medias that you have outside either using their clone you can use through the ftp in your own russian pi with lots of hard drives and you want to do it and you can have extreme and transcoding up to 4k to 1080p of course only one user but you can do this transcode and you don't need to have a computer always own in your house you can use it if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more about it we're going to show this video but first of all don't forget to leave a like subscribe for the channel and let's do it [Music] before we start to do any installation let's go to our system first of all i just create an instance here this instance is through an ubuton server it's a little bit different installation if you're using the oracle linux other thing that's interesting to remember that my free trial stop to work but i still have all my stunts that will be always free so it's great for me if i go a little bit down i know that i'm using the ampere system with only one core i have six gigabytes of ram and one gigabytes of internet network this machine i just create so will not have anything to access this machine i will use disappear address plus the user the way that i normally like to access it is through the putty so i will open my putty and already have my user that the great ads and the ap address exactly the same other thing that i did it's in the ssh already created my author where it's my private key the same way that i show you how you can create or generate your private key now we can connect it as always the first time that we connect to our machine they will ask us to confirm that you you feel safe to download this key so we say yes and now we connect to our machine i will open here if i look the only compass that i use is 3.4 gigabytes so it's totally aimed nothing else first thing that we're gonna do it's to update and upgrade our system to do it it's a simple step you only put this one sudo apt get update and we run it they will take a little bit it should do the download of all our list and that's in this way we can do the upgrade to have everything update for our system once that they say done now we can do the upgrade to do it it's apt get upgrade and we run in my case it's only 144 bytes so it will be quite fast and i put yes and wait a couple of minutes until they finish once that we finish to upgrade our system we need to install the core first of all before we start to install our our clone this one it's only to guarantee that we have all the application required to do this installation so we're gonna run sudo apt install cool good we just finished to install it we're gonna clear our page to be a little bit more tight and that we're gonna install our clone to do it we're gonna install cool i hate it ps2 dot slash slash our clone install sh and we run it and it's complete okay now we can clear our page again and that we're gonna tape our clone config our hold on config one thing that's important you should look and to save this information it's uh notice your configuration file has been saved in home button.config so we're gonna copy this one and save on the side because you're gonna need to use it after once that you save this one and keep save because otherwise you're not gonna remember it we can start to create our remote how we're gonna do this remote basically we're gonna connect our server to a cloud system you can have any cloud that you want in our case we're gonna do a google drive and after this one we're gonna encrypt this data or at least to keep my data encrypted that's a my cloud provider cannot see exactly what i have if you have some movies or anything they could complain for you and to avoid it it's easy only to encrypt so now we're going to come here and put new and enter they ask you to define the name so we'll put rg drive can be any name but in the case i will use google drive so it's obvious or at least it's good to put you drive and put enter now they give a big list what kind of connection that you want to do in my case i want to do a connection for google drive and it will be drive and put enter now they ask if you want to connect to your archer key yes it's important to do it but in our case we're not going to do it but if you want you can come here copy this link paste in your app browser and follow all the steps that is described there if you already have a google account you're going to have a google console in this google console you can create this permission or at least this client id and that's you can paste here but in our case we're going to put enter only to get a standard one and we're gonna put enter as well to have the standard one now we need to define what kind of connection that you want in this case you could put only to read but as well i want to make some backups of my library in my arc alone in my drive so i will put as full number one after this one they ask you to define a root folder in this case we're gonna leave inked as a default and as a default as well and ask you want to do any advanced configuration now we don't want so i will put no and end now come the time that you need to configure it or at least add all the configuration to this arc long remember we are using a virtual machine so we cannot put yes in any case we should not put it because not work so we need to put no and enter now they appear this code where i gonna copy it past in a web browser and they will give me the authorization key where i will pass here so i will do it now once that add my authorization key they will ask you if you want to define as a share drive or a single user in my case it's a single user so i will put no and end now they ask you confirm that all this information is right yes i confirm it so i will put yes and enter now we're gonna clear our page only to be a little bit more tight we had our g drive great or at least the connection between then it's done we're gonna create a new remote so we'll put new enter the name of remote will be uh crypt g drive yes that's this perfectly and we'll put enter test what kind of connection that you want to do in my case will be crypt and i put enter so they ask what's the name of your remote as we already created as a g drive we'll put g drive two dots and i will put the name of my folder you could encrypt all your data in your rg drive or your mac or your any cloud that you use yes you can do it but it's not good because will be overload and that when you want to only use as a normal cloud you will have a problem so let's enter in our folder in my case i created as a name ambi because in that time i was using more ambi and that it became lazy to change i could make only media and that will be either better name but in this case i will leave this way and put enter so now they ask what kind of encryption that you want to define in my case i want the standard one so i'll put one and enter now they will ask you if you want to encrypt your folder yes i want to encrypt in this way no one knows what is inside this folder so i will put one again and put enter then they will ask you to use your password or at least create a password if you are doing this in the first time i really strong suggest you to create a random pass a really strong one and keep it safe in another place keep it safe because if you lose this password gone no chance to recover will take ages to recover basically impossible so keep it safe and as well generate a hard password but in my case i already generate it so i will put yes and that's i will add my password once that i finish you add my password they will ask if i want to do any advanced configuration so i'll put no and enter and they ask us to confirm yes seems right i think that is no issue at all so i'll put yes and end now i can come here and quit this page and clear again how we can check if our configuration work well it's simple we can put our clone ls and the name of configuration my case was crypt crypt g drive and i put two dots after and run it once the third one they will show a list of all the application that i have if i don't want it to take too long i will put ctrl c and that will stop in your case you can do it if you don't have anything there will be empty but at least it will show and if you have one or two files they will show as well so i will put enter keep some seconds and i stop it because i don't want to take so much so here i have all my backups and all the information that i had so it's fine i can clear again this page and now we need to start to do our configuration to make our mount but you have two options or you can do only amount but this way if you hate start your computer will stop this mode or you can make a systemd that's all the time that you restart your computer will be start this service so let's create this service to do it first we need to define where you're going to do this mode otherwise you don't know where you're going to save it so we need to create our folders where we're going to do our cache as well where we're going to save our cloud so we're going to come here and put sudame kadir slash mnet slash cloud and put enter now we're gonna create our other folder where we'll keep our cache to do it it's really simple as well so we're gonna run sudo emi kadir slash mmt arcelonika gmid slash p and run it so now we need to install fuse because we're gonna run sfu so i'll put here fuse and install it once that we finish install fuse we need to enter as a route otherwise once that you create your service it will not allow you to connect it so we're going to put sudo su now we are as a route we're going to enter in the folder mmt so we'll put cd slash mnt and we are in this folder now we can create our services to create our servers we're going to do this follow step no no media service and we create now we're gonna jump in the notepad plus plus where you're gonna modify it our information before save here i suggest only to modify because it's easy you can select and delete what you need if you try to modify here you need to take manually so we'll take a little bit longer in our notepad red have this step that i read create if you guys want to use the same you're going to find the description so go there and you can access it description of this surface will be g media mount service what you're going gonna wait we're gonna wait that network it's connected otherwise they will try to make the mode without to have properly they are clone connect to the cloud and that they will not work at all so let's put it to this one to wait now the service tape we're gonna use our configuration that's exactly the same location that i told you to save if you did exactly the same as me will have exactly the same name but you if you didn't do will have a little bit different name but i believe that you follow me so you save it other thing we're gonna define the agent name i could put obutu i could put any name but i put as a sauber lab only because it's super labor channel so it's fine so in each of the others in this way others will have access for this mode basically when you start to run with blacks and beyond others to be able to access this file through the application other thing we put as a timeout one hour pull interval 50 seconds and we're gonna put a cache for 1000 hours and here will be the location of the cache as i told you will be mmt arclone cache and gmedia i could put any name i could put mega but uh google drive should meet and you understand it now the tape of the cache that you're gonna use will be full remember if you don't want cash you can put no or you can put zero capacity and that's it they will not create a cash but i wanted to create a cache exactly because i wanted to create some download or some buffer for my information i do believe the connection for our instance is good for what i need but it's better to keep a little bit cash this way do not stay download all the time small files only more big ones other thing we define as a 20 gigabytes and that we make the mass margin for 12 hours now we're gonna define where we're gonna make the mount the mode will be based for crypto g drive and the location will be mmt cloud the same thing that i did here down and now i have configured all my service this way i will copy this information go back in my putty and paste it because already looking as a pseudo or as a root so i will be able to put ctrl x yes and enter if not you should put sudo no no g drive service and this way should work but it's better only to connect to the root only to save it now what we need to do we need to copy this specific surface to our system d to do it we're gonna use this step sudo cp for copy g drive service and we save in this location and put enter now we finish copy it we need to enable our service to enable our service will be sudo system tl enable g drive service and we run it they will take a little bit until they created this service once that is created will be done and that's we can start our service to start our service we do the same step but start and we put enter alan how you know that these services work trust me it's working no no it's simple you can go and do the status to do it we're gonna do sudo system tl status g drive service and we put now they show running so it's running it's activate and everything is working and they will follow these steps for all our tags have this one now we finish configurate our arc long and this way you have access for all your media so guys i hope that you like this video remember these steps will only work if you're using the ubu tuned version for your oracle cloud if you're using the oracle linux it will be a little bit different but we're gonna tell it's in the pro next video so don't worry about it other thing now this is step it's simple but it's really important for the next steps that we're gonna do in the next ones we're gonna install plex and jellyfing not necessarily this order but we're gonna try to install these three applications in this way you can have all your midi stream outside your house in this oracle cloud in this instance consider that you have four cores and 24 gigabytes of run uh and a fast internet so you're gonna be able to do some midi stream quite well if you want to transcode i believe that 4k for 1080p will work well but if you start to have too much transcode we'll start show bottleneck it's because it will be only a cpu transcode not a gpu so not work the hardware acceleration only the cpu acceleration and if you wanted to make it for a lot of users will not work this option but if you use only for yourself yes work perfectly no ish at all if you like this video and think that it was interesting don't forget to leave a like subscribe for the channel and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 60
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oracle cloud, Oracle cloud media system, adding Rclone in a VPS, Installing Rclone in Ubuntu, Media system, media system in VPS, open-soure program
Id: kPl5VXzJLyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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