Creating DIY CUSHIONS to decorate the CHATEAU!!

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good morning from an incredibly beautiful day at la land as i got up this morning and made my bed putting all of the cushions back on i was inspired to tackle lalanne's deep rooted cushion problem now this may sound like a very minor problem in life but our b and b season is going to open in just a few short weeks and i need to tackle the mountainous pile of cushion fillers on one side and cushion covers on the other side the two have never met and we have all sorts of different sizes of both and we also have a lot of cushion covers that are completely hideously broken and other fabrics that we would like to make into cushions for rooms so there's really a lot of issues going on here and i'm going to take you with me and just show you the scale of the problem at hand but first i need to get uh no not the gin the fabric scissors and let's see yes pin chicken can't do anything without pin chicken in fact i'll take both pairs of fabric shears because i know philip will be helping me measuring tape critical and my father's trusty ruler that i use for all of my fabric projects and now we're going to go through to the linen cupboard where i keep all of the cushion covers and about 100 other things that i really need to work on this is the cupboard where all of the cushions are capped and the pillowcases they're not here oh you're in here philip yes i am you already taken them out yes and i've also taken this one out of the room yes oh yes missing a zip or something i don't think he's ever had one oh gosh okay well maybe this pillow needs some closure this project needs some closure did you do that oh not at all no no i've it's always been like that i don't know it's just always been in my life like that i think it was my mother's i don't know where it came from isabelle but let's finish this off yes also i was hoping to get rid of this one although that makes me sad i know why because because it's transparent it's the most lovely organza you always see a slightly crumpled like a wrinkled pillow inside it it just doesn't really work you can see the the edge of the pillow itself yeah but it's such a shame because it's really pretty and you've got like three more of these okay they're tricky kyle if we can send it to my user be really happy oh now these ones my parents bought many many years ago in hong kong are those what the other ones used to look yes the broken ones nasties already put the broken ones aside for me they're down lovely but the ones downstairs no so you can see what they were like originally but they all need repairing the ones downstairs and then we have lots of lovely cushions that we were given in caddo at the chateau look how pretty these are look yes there should be three of those okay well that might be really nice for rose if we can find cushion stuff on the beds okay let's grab everything and then i think maybe work in the entrance hall because it's nice and light in there okay and lay everything out and then find all of the inners the cushion in it yes they're upstairs i'll take these down okay meet you in the entrance hall it's fine are you okay okay so you see when i told you that there was a cushion issue there is a cushion issue in the house we've gathered everything yeah it's it's a cushion mountain i've basically taken all of the cushions out of all the rooms except for the ones in our bedroom because we already know that those are stainless yes uh i've taken everything except for the the cushions that match the sofas that they're on okay isabelle's michaels okay anything that actually came with the sofa has stayed on the side for these two which are part of the surfer that's in katrina oh yes this one has a cushion this one oh so we need to find a cushion for that exactly so just that sofa belonged to nick's parents so he really loves that look who is helping us hello oh hello seth and uh i see thor has come as well and julian oh and the little ones it's such a beautiful day but inside we are here with the european cushion mountain these came out of michaels i think they should go back in there color is beautiful yeah the color is perfect so that's what we'll do we'll also work out which pads we need to order cushion pads because they're all different sizes and see which ones we've got where are the blank ones they're underneath there's one two here there's one there and then everything else is under here exactly those are the ones i took first so they are right at the bottom so what we are hoping to do is to arrange each sofa each chair each bedroom with the correct cushions for that room and then take a photo of them in place so that everyone who is making the bed in that room or tidying that room knows exactly which order the cushions go on the sofa this is the plan because what happens is by the end of the year they've all been mysteriously moved around the house and we've got no idea what is where and most of these are really wonderful this one is so beautiful this is a gift from my aunt i love that one isn't that amazing i think it's uh oh yeah it's a royal collection so this is the buckingham palace collection of cushions what about that one on the sofa in the dining room yes i think we have our first one should we just put it in place now sure i actually brought this one through too anything black can go on here we'll end up with a lot more on here in the end but we're off to a good start for that so far so what do you think phil do we start color coordinating and just using different chairs to put the ones that match each other i think it's a good idea but also maybe we should think about the rooms that they're gonna go in yes as we do it we'll think about that and then also things like this this is so beautiful this arrived in caddo at the shop yes i really want to make that into a proper cushion with a backing yes so this obviously isn't a cushion yet but that's something we'd like to work on today i know it's so pretty and this one also came in cuddle at the chateau i love that for the kitchen exactly for the shoes in the kitchen so this we want to make as well and that was when i took off of the wall in the witcher room it was nailed into the wall so this is a game not a cushion it's a what is it not are you sure yes yes it's a wall hanging that's to go through ah okay through a pole i thought it could look good in the market i think it should be a cushion in the marquee i agree with you so that will be another one although in the windowsill frankly this is the marquis sitting room i know this ah those were in the winter salon so it's good that we're looking at that now completely the wrong place okay we know this is for michael's and that goes very nicely with it yeah because it's michael's photo i love that yes so that's tack room over here oh look there you've got to come and see them they're really curious wow they look like it's love life and laughter love is the mail right we've decided this magnificent one at the front these two glorious cushions are being set aside for the grand salon they'd be absolutely perfect for them i love them because anything that's really representative of la land i want in that room which is going to be kind of the showcase of la land when it's finally restored and well this is an amazing portrait of me made by wendy grimwood who is a legend i mean wendy i love it and this one is one of the cushions that brenda gibbons had made for those of you who don't know brenda gibbons she runs the escape to the shuttle la land and more paige on facebook and she sent us a gift of lots of amazing cushions more will be seen and this is the old engraving of la land in the 19th century you can tell it's the 19th century because of the clothing of the people on the bridge early 19th century yes before the fire yeah so yes it's before the fire and the really lovely even uh window placement that we don't have and an old chapel that no longer exists is that the chapel yes like that oh yeah it could be and the old towers that's the thing i was looking at i'm thinking and the lake towers are reflected into the lake so these are really important ones for the grand salon yes they're going aside for that this is the lovely designers guild cushion i love designers guild i love the colors i love the exuberance of it and i used to go to the sale every july in their shop on the kings road because they're incredible and then they would sell the cushions much more cheaply then so i have a lot of designers guild cushions actually most of them in london but there are a few here i think i'll put it here for a while we can think about it as we're looking at the other colors these two i bought years ago in istanbul it's called a broken zip is it broken oh no it's broken okay it goes in the mending pile all right so they i bought them years ago in istanbul they are beautiful and these are for the purity salon yes so this is for the pretty salon uh i will put it in here and this is for mending bending pile mending pile here phillip that's not going to be any cushion in that pile okay i made this one i made this christmas a few years ago for a nice winter room did you ever finish it though yes it's an envelope one oh yeah yeah see never accusations and slurs going on around here i really like that one uh it wasn't bulma i think it could go back there or maybe we keep it to one side for when jerry's happened it's done oh yes yes yes that's perfect i love it for that okay gerald you're not gonna have enough services i'm beginning to realize that thank you but i'm just trying to stay positive right now this is the gerald coffee table look at this this fits this one great so we just need to make a backing and then great looks so we're gonna have to bust out the sewing machine it's still there this one was sent this week in caddo at the chateau and it is beautiful it's the softest softest velvet and these were put aside by nattie because when i told you about these this is what they look like and after decades in my parents sitting room in the sunshine i mean this is what they now look like they were the same these are just a little bigger that is what happened to the silk so i think it's silly to actually get rid of them because this is all fine the back is fine is it fine so i think we just replace the inner part great and we were sent some beautiful fabric was the pheasant fabric this one yes pheasant fabric that i think would go very nicely with those colors i like that winter would be amazing it would it would look really pretty in there so that's another project we have three of these we may well end up finding more of these and this fabric so actually the project is growing i love this one look how cute he is and i think with a little tartan it's great for jerry's oh hello hello in a bit of a cushion crisis can i help you actually yeah yeah okay yes and then there were three oh no no yes i love that one it's so pretty yeah i love it too it's another royal collection one oh and in fact these ones are that i bought at designers guild they sell them there so part of my me going crazy in the sales every year in design you know that would be perfect in burma colors go quite well okay so there's a fun here they might end up together we'll see and one of my absolute favorites this is from 100 stars that make the incredible robes and they sent my mother this cushion to match her robe and his velvet's lovely really in fact you should be holding that all the time with what you're wearing but these are really strong colors yeah i'm not sure they're right for mommy's room but she loves it so i i might get in trouble if i take it out of my mind maybe we should put it in her uh in her chest yeah okay so probably back to mommy's yes especially as it does match her robe yes this is a gift in keto oh hedgehog that was in my room it's gonna go back there okay to get it here so put it aside in a phillips room pile whoa look they actually look quite cool against the wallpaper in here they look as though this exotic wallpaper has some little hedgehogs just nestling at the base so but like look it's nice together yeah you're having a woodland theme nice i think oh i didn't notice the bunny here i saw this had should have seen that weirdly i saw it as a squirrel oh it kind of does look like this yeah because i i thought that was a tail i didn't really of course it's two bunnies so adorable all right so hedgehog and squirrel together never shall be parted okay i'm back to god's strength those were sent as a gift in caddo yeah and they also look really good in the sofas here okay i'm going to put them in the pile for the marquis sitting room because i think they'll look an incredible wallpaper in there as well all right but we can change our minds and maybe there should be four of them i think okay all right oh there's another one yes i've spotted one and i think there's also that one i'm doing really well with these now yeah oh and look christmas ah yes so the the other ones are inside these were sent together and they're wonderful yes and very christmassy yes however i think we should take them off oh yes and we'll keep them for christmas and we'll use these like that that's a weird superhero moment as you kind of put that apart something else underneath i have been known for that yes oh yeah all the time andy look this is the one that you bought me oh yes it did this one the first time right now yes yes i love it because it's always reminded me of daddy's art yeah yeah i have to show you i got the most beautiful plate scent from austria with just yellow squiggles on a white background did you see it in the paddock it's so pretty and i really want to put it in the same room as this oh wow that's really pretty this is swell what's it to the other i guess oh yes exactly yes just in case anyone forgets yes that's this was a gift by the way i did not have this made to control everyone in the house this one has one too i think yeah i think so oh now this one i think we have two cushions yes one has got a unicorn yes because in the wedgwood room that we've now made beforehand oh it's so cute i have love huge matching curtains that used to be in the woodward room that aren't needed there anymore yeah but as you're holding it up i think they look incredible with this wallpaper and we've got all of those curtains yeah yeah they're like fantastical animals that live within the wonderful theme i think they would look amazing in the car salon could do but i'm not sure what the colors will be yet because of the hedgehog it looks like a hedgehog this is a porcupine i really love them so they've got to go somewhere really nice do you think they need a bigger pillow inside of it i'll take those out because they're tiny little cushions inside there so i've just seen what's inside this one what's inside one of the broken ones how many are there there were loads there were absolutely loads and obviously i just thought oh well i may as well use it oh no the back of this one's gone as well okay so the back of this one can't be reused we could still reuse this edge um yes so all right that's a bit more work that's just past the work pile now i've carried on making a pile of everything for repair which is getting quite tall do you need do you know someone uh r l j ralph lauren drivers um it is ralph it's just ralph lauren i don't know why there's a j i have no idea that mystery joseph ralph torres is lauren um so this one yes has always had this broken can we get just to take that off no let's just take it off because i really like this it's really fun that's a bit yeah let's put that in the repair pan take it off all together great the entire room is strewn with cushions and cushion innards and it's weirdly color coordinated only not quite yet i've been going through all of the cases here and i found this which is not at all cushion covers this is my mother's collection of those antique pockets i think that people used to have them on their beds and they would have their nightgowns in them and look how beautiful they are and she has lots and lots and i actually think they would make very beautiful cushions this one's very damaged sadly i think that one isn't usable but it has a little beautiful hand embroidered rose buds on it of all of this embroidery yes oh lovely oh oh i am made yes yes all handmade and people aren't that interested in them anymore and mummy had been collecting them for a long time amazing this is a modern one still pretty gosh look at the work on that one that's just extraordinary different sizes and this would have had a lovely ribbon through there it's a small one it's a lovely collection and i think they would look beautiful on a bed but that's not what we're working with at the moment so i'm just going to put these aside and we're practically at the end of the pile actually i think we are nearly there these are bolsters i have to order bolsters for them are all of them bosses these ones i think so the big ones too okay yes all right let's just order bolsters for them great and that's what's great about doing this we see that we've got a lot here that we also need to order cushions for these are all quite big and we haven't got any of those i'm going to measure up and order these and phillip you are going to start repairing these but i think we should stop for lunch first what do you think andy yeah we've done a lot it's actually taken us a really long time to do all of this maybe there's your leftover off the nettle soup oh yes yeah nettle soup time yeah lunch was uh a little longer than expected and it's actually quite late now and we still have a massive pile of cushions to deal with and anna's been drawing i know so this is what's more exciting i'm really excited to show these to all of you i've already made a video about them for my patrons this week but you also made some new ones since then so even if you're one of my patrons there's a new a new painting to see here we'll start with the new one for those of you who have already seen andy's art and that is sean du park this is beautiful on the the the colors they're so soft yes and compared to other rooms yes yes it's almost blending in all the yeah the drapes and and it's very feminine bedroom yeah yeah indeed it is and then some black accents yes that's it i love it yeah but the ones that you had already shown to my patrons could you show to everyone because this whole book is a joy and you've made all of this since you got here this time yes indeed it's a special book it's so fast and i start here and you made the book as well right and then i made the book you made the beer yes yes i did so what's this room are the flowers in the woods yeah the anemones and and that's nice of this period of time to be here because i see different kinds of flower things colors there's something extraordinary every different season yeah indeed and these are all the objects in bon mermon yeah you're so talented andy th this gives me oh yeah ludwig yes he looks like he rules the roost quite literally yeah yeah he does no i think this is one of my favorites the winter salon well looking at it now you think well which cushions would work oh yeah they did actually work quite well the ones we were planning for yes then we have yes you were describing this as a sort of art piece you're making yeah i'm always looking uh in ammos for where where are things is the local charity shop uh it specializes in weird objectives actually so and then suddenly i combined it in my head for but is this what i've seen over yes yeah because i remember not knowing what that was and noticing on the chair yeah this is actually a plans stand okay so this is several things you're putting together yeah and then i found this and but emery he makes for me a hole in it and then i saw well i can use it like this and put this on okay and i found this i don't know exactly what it is but it's so rare so i put it there and look it match this yeah this is the lace of it and then this is oh and suddenly everything yeah came together again together what do you think it will be it was just going to be in the end it shall be a bird's house oh darling that's just like this and maybe i will use the threads and weave a little entrance yes and maybe i i will put here also a little bit thread so closed yes but i'm not sure it depends on how i'm going and yeah and then i glue it all together you're so creative you're so so creative so that is um this what i like an ammos to find these it sparks imagination doesn't it yes indeed and there's other wonderful ones in here and look at this the wedgewood room that was the new one last year so that's lovely to see you painting that one and we'll just go through quickly because there's so many but pea cocktail corner very very popular area in the house and i mean if you want to see more of them or more in depth than andy's got an instagram account as well oh yes yes of course emily pavlina and dan i love it this is the single bedroom in the attic i really love this room it has an original paisley print wallpaper and actually we put this cushion aside for it earlier oh look i see this yes almost everyone know what we're doing which is a very rare rare moment we're all surprised speak for yourself going down yeah anymore this is a great pile this was actually the perfect this is what we needed cushions this book this is your gouache i like this one very very much um are there any more yeah oh your rhubarb you're taking it home and then the new painting that you've done today so but when i come back i will fill this all up it's more growing it's the la land but yes indeed well thank you for showing us that that was nice and i would like to sit and look at that for hours but we have to start working because we have in this pile and we've left it a bit late so many things happen today that we just couldn't get back to the cushions i'm on just the last couple of stitches here oh there we go that was a lot easier than i thought the end um the problem is that where there wasn't the ribbon it's just nice and smooth and where there was you have this sort of band indentation yeah a little indentation so i'm thinking i might run up to the attic and see if i can find any kind of red or navy trim for this because i think it'll look a lot better i really do need to get lights in these cupboards okay anything that looks reddish oh hang on i was looking at all of these with it and i think the closest i have is probably this so i'm going to check if there's enough and if there is i'll take it downstairs what are you working on so i found this fabric that was set in caddo last week yes yes and we said at the time that's very nice for cushions yes exactly so what i'm doing is i'm i'm pinning the right sides together okay this is the front yes well there's going to be the backwards in front of the back panel and uh because of all the tassels i'm trying to hold them down yes and then pin above them that makes sense so they won't yeah and then you'll just run along all of that exactly i'm thinking about maybe leaving a little bit of an edge because the tartan is quite fun so you'll there'll be more that is fun i like that does that make sense what i'm saying totally i think that's really nice you've done so well with your project well so i it's done i turned the inside out yeah don't look at my stitch work it's not very good uh but this is fine it's just a little pocket um yeah do you see what it looks like yes i'm not at all surprised that you just went straight in with the bunnies the most exciting one for you those two fabrics go so well together it looks as though you bought it like that honestly it just looks so perfect again don't look at the stitching it's really good it says oh look how darling it is you're putting me to shame you've done an entire cushion i haven't reached my trim yet and you're getting on with your next project yes using an old tablecloth for the back because this yeah it's got some holes in it so we can't use on the tables anymore and it's kind of perfect to be using an old tablecloth for a cushion that's going to be going in the kitchen yes that's true so what i'm doing is i'm basically cutting the same size but with a little allowance yeah and i'm going to be using the thing that's already hemmed on this side i'll show you the second way let me just finish this so what i'm doing is i've been folding this oh you're going to use that as your bottom edge of course exactly so i don't have to yes and all of the other edges are stitched anyway exactly i can't wait to see this one this one's gonna be really easy just because it's already got the stitch here yeah all right i'm gonna get on with that it's really beautiful this is lovely lovely that's really a triumph that one and the colors show smooth you just look good holding cushions this is what we've been noticing all day everything suits your tinder how are you getting on well this is terrible i can't keep up with you you're just going so so so fast look the chicken's spinning chicken spinning chicken um i am what are you doing tackling this one well the problem here is that this one just didn't have any kind of closure ah yes and it seemed like the cushion closure and closure for the kitchen 2022. so i think the easiest way of doing this is to actually sew that along the top part like this yes and then in fact just close it after that with a very loose running stitch that can just be taken out when we need to wash it so i'm just pinning this in place and then i'll run it up on the machine it's finished finished the one i'm most excited about i did an excellent job on this look i was trying to hide these oh the little old rust pin marks yes they're part of the character it's it's rustic yes it's rustic rusty rustic rustic nice yes it's quite late i think we're starting to hallucinate now we're going to be dreaming about cushions love it i think it's quite all right it's going to be really really pretty on the shares long in the kitchen i mean we're next to the shows do you want to see it next to it it's perfect and it's so nice with the curtains i absolutely love it philip thank you you're welcome i'm getting there now i'm beginning to realize i might not have needed the extra strip because in fact i'm attaching it straight to the tapestry but i think it makes it much stronger so i'm quite happy i did it that way anyway and it's on the top of the cushion right yes it's really silly but the open part was at the top of the pattern so in fact it really needs to be quite neat it's really late at night now we're exhausted but we just can't stop we're in a cushion making frenzy i have completed these three and to be fair to fill it you're doing all the more complex jobs philip has cut a pheasant out of this fabric and has placed it in here i think it looks great the colors work really well yeah the colors work brilliantly cut out all of this the beautiful guy out it's going to be a pity to lose that i mean admittedly this is rather chinese and this is not so stylistically it doesn't make much sense color-wise otherwise it's great but also i think of the winter salon as the global room right so i don't mind mixing different styles like that horatio's gonna have some company oh thank goodness horatio new pictures horatio is our stuffed pheasant who lives in the winter salon and he did need a friend so how are you planning oh is it yeah yeah it's the entire family tree right there that's all of them is it family twig so how are you planning to do this one i don't know okay actually i do know so i had to cut all of that this is the remainder of that i'm going to stitch this here yes just with the top stitch i'm done what no this is it for tonight finally but this is one i'm really excited about seeing okay me too there's just a bit of making do with what we have i like that i like the fact that we're finally using the fabrics that we've been sent and repairing the things that we have i haven't it looks so good but it looks better than i thought it was going to look good what do you think i haven't properly seen it let me just quickly get rid of the also i think you're slightly hallucinating after the amount of time you spend to that sewing machine at the end i was like oh that's not straight oh great um well okay all right let's just yeah that's super hard you like it well i think it's a lot better than a game offers that is a very sophisticated cushion sir i think it's a lot better than that i really think that's that's an improvement which one do you prefer mine is a tough choice well we haven't actually managed to get any of the cushions into the rooms yet but i think we've done really well here's the one that i did it's transformed so much better and that's for the tech room that's i think for the tack room but we still need to work out exactly how they go together then there are these three they will be for one of the bedrooms i think rose right yeah i think so i think they'll be lovely in there and then there's possibly my favorite cushion of the day that's my room it's quite funny because i realized afterwards because i said oh i thought it was a squirrel there is a squirrel which also didn't notice before bunnies and a squirrel the superb cushion and the back looks so pretty with it that's also from keller it's from last week's it's lovely and then there's of course the one that we've already put into the kitchen and i think i've gotta hand it to you fill up this is the cushion of the day yeah oh yes the most sophisticated cushion that we have created today the beautiful horatio's brother cushion i love it well you will see all of the cushions going into the rooms because in the next few weeks we'll be filming the preparation of each of the bed and breakfast rooms at the beginning of the season so do look out for that we will have a lot more cushion action but really properly seeing them in place as we prepare the rooms i hope you enjoyed it we had a lot of fun making them and honestly i feel like if i just put my head against us i'll be asleep within seconds so i'm going to say goodnight to you all and see you next week if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like because it helps us enormously with the youtube algorithm and for more shadow content don't forget to subscribe a huge thank you to all of my patrons especially the daughters and dauphines of leland yadel and ether alice allen bill ballard dan van der whaling banshee cecilia begum denise behrens lauren bell amy bennett jill bidwell candice blackburn dan albanacovich candace and ed borkowski kevin burrowbridge brandon and john michael paulina collaborate matthew chup gregory clear linda concepcion aaron conklin zoe dork sylvia dem jim demersman and richard paternodzer kura dennis jason dube jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax kevin fossum fifi greenberg donald got miller crystal hardy delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camila herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bate karen and mike hopper sandra hawley john hostetler melissa janssen sandra carafa brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp dave and summerland morgan lawley angel leonard elizabeth and eno shelly little janet hoff lombard radika madala marina frank martin grant and erin mcloone joanna morton jerry mullen karen nicholson kathy nuri jc award ellen person wendy piatic frank poposki and james snow tomorrow price carol quimby bonan amin rahman tonya renee collette retif hani ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlon sven schreiber jennifer shanks sharon rebecca shurick carl and laurie sieber teresa sloane sabina sorepti lynette sullivan montes de puerto rene valelli victoria jessica walker laura watkins lucas wallin april westervelt james whalen linda beast christine wilson greg wood david young and ludovico zodonatzo and thanks to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 153,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country house, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, chateau diy, quarantine, reunited after covid, organising, organizing, diy hack, diy how to, making cushions, how to make cushions, pillow
Id: _ro0mjfECMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 39sec (2079 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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