I Uploaded 1000 Designs to Redbubble This Is What I Learned.

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hey everyone welcome to a new video today we're going to be talking about how i upload a thousand designs to redbubble and essentially here's what i learned and exactly what happened now before we begin i want to go ahead and talk about the different redbubble accounts i currently have so one account with the with the most amount of designs on it has 1600 roughly designed 1655 to be exact uh account number two has exactly 100 designs and account number three undetermined i actually don't know the password to account number three i've been getting like little checks uh you know like little bank transfers once a month uh to the account um and i completely forgot it was actually the first account i ever started um and uh kind of forgot about it and number four is this new stoic account that you guys may know about i featured it in a few my other videos kind of showing people how i'm going to grow it and how i'm going to use it to make money and eventually i will sell that account um that's kind of like the the account that i have publicly now just to talk about the account with the 1600 um i started it in november of uh or sorry in december of last year of 2020 to be exact so we can say after this month it will be roughly a year and what happened was is the account started off very well and somewhere along the road i kind of forgot about it until it reached its very lowest point which was in june um when it hit june i thought so honestly i all i could see was i saw red i thought something was wrong with the account i was messaging redbubble and things like that but um the account was getting traffic now it was getting significantly less than what it used to get but it was getting traffic so i figured okay let's go ahead and do a uh all hands on deck kind of situation and all of july and august we were posting like crazy on the account and uh you know obviously we weren't fulfilling our daily limits if you guys don't know uh you're allowed to post uh 60 pieces a day and those 60 pieces can uh be different designs so on redbubble and that comes out to 1800 a month so we weren't fulfilling our limits obviously by any means but we're trying as hard as we can and i did have virtual assistants for this and there was a lot of checking there was a lot of work behind the scenes that that i kind of didn't talk about at the time and uh this was at the time where the merch by amazon had took a dive also but then merged by amazon kind of went up every single month after that uh and and when i say went up it went up drastically so um i thought that maybe there was some sort of pattern some sort of market demand maybe it was the type of designs that was you know kind of affecting my stores and august is kind of what really hit me where kind of showing or kind of a kind of consolidating or kind of mentally saying okay uh my thoughts are verified i'm doing right here i'm doing right here and so i learned a few things along the way you could see here this is the sales report obviously i put a little overlay of my logo on top of it here uh for uh the year i guess you could say of 2021 without december and i kind of want to talk about it and uh guys this is the last month of the year let's get it cracking let's get it going let's finish this year on a good note let's work as hard as we can in every aspect of life and let's just go ahead and move forward let's go ahead and talk about it so let's talk about what i learned so i learned a lot of things in the process and the first thing that i learned is by far the easiest way to increase your sales is just simply post as many designs as possible you never know what's going to hit you never know what's going to reach you never know what's going to make sales and sometimes it could be the weirdest oddest products that you upload and something you've never expected to sell it sells and it makes you money so i'm telling you guys the number one easiest way to make money to increase sales is post more designs period if you have 100 and you're complaining about low sales post more if you have 200 post more if you have 50 post more just plain you know point blank period okay the second thing is that google doesn't pick up all designs uh for me i was getting a ton of traffic from google but i realized that google was picking and choosing which designs they kind of chose so you got to kind of make way for that you got to kind of understand that google's not going to pick up all designs and for me in my life guys the way i look at google is i put google first in in basically everything when it comes to business if i want a business to succeed if i want my blog succeed and grow i think okay how can i get it on google if i do affiliate marketing how can i get my affiliate links on google if i sell clothing how can i get my uh products on google for me google is everything it's it's the cornerstone of my success when it comes down to business okay um so google google doesn't pick up all designs for redbubble um in fact it only picks up a you know a percentage of what you're doing and uh it's really up to google it's really up to redbubble it's up to no indexing and it's kind of a matter of chance you really don't get to control that kind of thing now you can optimize it by doing certain keyword research and things like that and speaking of keyword research there i have a whole module on that in my course coming up my redbubble course and uh just you know the course is not for sale right now but it will be offered to the public for everybody when it is offered it will be uh in the first link of the comments section of all videos that are pertaining to redbubble on my channel um so in the comments section if you guys see a link that is you know it will be a pinned comment so you have to actually click on the comments and look at all the comments the first comment it will include the course and i will release it soon i just haven't you know publicized it yet but um the redbubble course is literally just to kind of show people the insides of what i do and part of it has to do with google research and there's a big aspect to getting your designs picked up with google with that being said let's talk about google so about 60 of my traffic did come from google and like i said i kind of had an optimization strat strategy where i picked certain keywords and certain tags to get on google that that was kind of my whole game plan and i figured you know google is a larger platform than redbubble is right uh red bull is huge redbubble is the 11th largest site in the arts and category section of all of inter of all the internet you know i think last month they gained like 29 million uh visits to the website 29 million guys that's a lot they're they're a publicly traded company on the stock market they're a big company but google is bigger and um you at least i can't say for everybody but for me guys what i learned is that if i can focus on getting my traffic from google i'm playing the bigger game there and that's exactly what i did and most of my traffic did come from google and uh we reap the results we did well you know this is you know when we really started cranking on it i mean you could consider august a successful month but that's really when we started going hard now september and october did have a little dip it's actually normal for october months to have a little dip uh in terms of trends but september i look at september as like a normal neutral month that could replace all these other months for the next year and if that's going to be my new low the september month i'm very happy with that because then we boosted up the numbers pretty dramatically in terms of averages um but let's go ahead and continue uh traffic conversion rates let's talk about these traffic conversion rates and what i learned about that uh what i did was i segmented my traffic i wanted to see where traffic is coming from and what is the conversion rate for each one and so for google it was about 4.6 percent which is actually pretty good it's about two percent higher uh two to three 2.3 percent higher than the average conversion rate on the internet today in fact the google uh publicly states this that the average conversion rate on websites in the internet today is about 2.3 so the fact that i was getting 2.6 conversion rates just from google satisfied me okay i was happy with that it's higher than the average it's good it's not bad okay nine point four percent was coming from social media when i talk about social media i'm specifically talking about instagram okay uh for red bubble traffic i didn't really uh calculate that i didn't really pay attention to that too much and direct linking i also didn't pay attention to that much because i haven't done too much of it yet plans for the future i do plan on creating a blog that will promote certain redbubble stores now the redbubble stores that i already have mentioned other than the stoic account um none of them are going to have any blogs attached and things like that because i did make a crucial mistake when i created these accounts and the mistake was is that i didn't nishify or niche down essentially i call it nishify when i am when i'm creating a redbubble store kind of like the stoic account and i'll just kind of show you guys here i'll go to uh view shop the idea is and this is just my recommendation is uh you want to have it all in one niche you know if you're gonna have a store keep it to a single niche that's just my opinion um it increases average order values it increases conversion rates overall it's just a better way to go that's just once again my opinion these accounts i didn't and so it will be harder to create a blog that promotes every design in those accounts because it's not niched down but if i create a blog that's specifically on this in one niche then i can do much better and i can do much more success so that's kind of a plan for the future right uh now let's kind of talk about the benefits of each with google uh you have the benefit of scale you have the benefit of you know posting 1600 designs let's say 900 of them get picked up by google some even times even more maybe 1200 1300 all those designs are bringing in traffic on a daily basis to your site whether they buy right away or not is really irrelevant but think about it this way if you're getting a thousand visits to your site um on your store per day on google or just from google you're going to get about 10 sales at the minimum uh per day from from google so um you know if you want more sales like i said put them out more and keep google in mind the second thing is instagram instagram is not really scalable from the perspective that i was using it well it is scalable but it's going to take average scale but it's controllable and when i say when i say controllable really what i mean is when i set up the instagram bot to go out there and follow for me accounts or engage with accounts i'm creating a manual push in sales so technically and i'll kind of show you guys how this works is if i go to instagram and i just do this right now let's go ahead and go to instagram here and let's just give this a second to load my computer is uh the internet is a little uh bad today but let me go ahead and shut this this link off but uh you guys see what's going on here just head over to my profile and you can see here when i'm using the instagram bot this is for a brand new account guys so this is the this is not the account that i'm talking about but when i use an instagram bot uh you know for me to get let's say seven organic likes or 11 organic likes or even 300 followers and these are not to true 300 followers i think normally i have like about 100 followers on this count maybe even less probably 50 um because i haven't really been focusing on it but like i said this is day one of the foot you know i'm to focus more on it what happens is that if i was to set up an instagram account normally and just post photos i would sit there for months without a single visitor but i can actually control how many people now come to my store and in fact when we talk about stores and how many you know instagram bots the instagram bots helped a lot for that account in fact we only had one account and we were receiving about 50 to 60 clicks per day and uh you know adding it up for the days that we actually used it it contributed to about 11 of the traffic so for about you know towards the end and i can't speak for the very last month because i didn't optimize for the very last month i actually checked for you know an average for the average guys when we were driving traffic with instagram it contributed to be a about 11 and at this point we only had about like 800 to 900 designs by here we had like maybe 1200 and then by here we had about 1600 so you know in this whole aspect of time um 11 which is you know roughly 50 clicks which for the day total about 600 to 500 clicks a day in terms of traffic for sales uh 11 of that came from the instagram bot which 50 of those clicks um like i said came from those the instagram bot per day 50 to 60 of them and so that's a significant amount all right and it create a manual push imagine if you can send an extra 50 to 60 people to your redbubble shop every single day who are genuinely interested in the products that you can sell and that's exactly what instagram bots did for me and that's why i started this brand new account well it's not brand new it was older i had to reformat it i had to delete all the old images uh the account used to be about cars i had to rename the username i had to change the links i had to change the profile it was basically a dead account i hadn't posted on it in two years so i had to take it and reformat it um and obviously these 317 followers most of them are dead followers i would say about 290 of them are probably dead followers uh the other probably 30 or 40 are probably active followers and you know that means the engagement rate is relatively high uh but we just have to you know dial things in and get a little more consistent but uh with that being said you know if i was to sit there without an instagram bot i would have to literally wait years maybe even months before getting a single visitor to my store and hashtags no offense is simply not going to do it if i sit there with hashtags and post photos like this i'm just not going to get seen it's just not going happen um but what i can do is like i said use an instagram bot and manually use the bot and reach out to 50 reach out to 150 people a day 50 of those people will come back to my profile and click on my link maybe even more will end up following me but this is kind of how it works and the bot that i use like i said or that i've been using recently is the optimal bot and it's relatively young in age the optimal bot guys you can go to igbots.org to check it out and honestly guys if you have no idea what i'm talking about when i talk about instagram bots uh you should check out the recent videos that i've been posting about instagram bots i've been doing tutorials showing people how to use them how to set them up why they work for instagram things or why they work for redbubble why they work for instagram how they get you followers how they get your sales etc so this is not the video where i sit there and i kind of show people exactly how to set it up but in general the way it works is you find an account so like any kind of target account so let's say i i use this target account the stoic feed account and let's say i want to target their um the people who like their photos or even the follow list right right the people who follow them and basically the general consensus or the idea is that these 351 thousand people that follow this account they follow this account because they're genuinely interested in what the account has to offer so what do i do is i take the bot i put in my settings to for the bot to work let's say i want the delay from one to five seconds so that means the bot is going to wait from one to five seconds to perform perform a single action and i click this button once and what it will do is every one to five seconds it will look for a file button to click and you can see here it just did it for the first account and it just did it for the second account and so on and it's going to keep doing that and what it's going to do is it's going to get me attention now like i said these are followers who follow this specific account and let's just go ahead and stop the bot here and if you look at the account and and you look at the content they post it's similar to the content that i post so every single person that i engage with who genuinely likes the account that you're seeing here is gonna look at my profile and might have or or there's a good chance they're going to have that same feeling towards my account and at minimum i'm going to get a follow i'm going to get a like i'm going to get a view i'm going to get something that's going to help me reach more people those people will click on my link if they're genuinely interested and they're going to see my store even if they don't buy right away redbubble is going to retarget them and make me money from that end because if they retarget them they'll make the buying decision a little bit later or they could buy right on the spot which many times i've had that happen where people bought right on the spot and they actually messaged me in the dm saying hey i love this product i love that product et cetera so um the reason why i say we were doing 50 to 60 clicks is because it was in the past we were now what we're doing is that we actually have two instagram accounts so we're doubling that number uh because we want to have a better year next year instead of creating like let's say six and a half k uh we want to create on a single on a single account maybe 10 20 30 or even 40k on redbubble and and like i said those are goals for the future um in terms of this specific account guys they don't plan on posting anymore on that specific account because once it gets to a certain point where you're posting more and more at that point you're just risking you're risking and and you could take those extra designs and put them in a whole different store and then eventually sell that other store okay but there are some will accounts on on redbubble where they have 10 000 designs and they're making 100 sales a day 200 sales a day it does exist out there uh but you know for me i i don't plan on creating one of those wheel accounts i'd rather have 10 smaller ones uh you know 100 100 designs 500 designs a thousand designs on each one and those each each of those accounts are getting me sales every day as opposed to one account with 10 to 15 000 designs on them where i'm getting a ton of uh sales on that account and that's just my opinion uh but like i said everybody is uh entitled to their own opinion so uh what i i wouldn't do ig if it wasn't for the instagram bots i'm just going to keep it real if i'm going to sit there and post photos for months on end waiting for a single follower waiting for a single person to engage me it's just not worth it my time is worth money and for me the instagram bots all you guys saw it just takes two clicks to interact with people but if i have to sit there and post frequently every single day and i have to engage with i have to comment on people's posts and i have to message them manually and i have to sit there and manly do the work and then i have to wait months to get any sort of attention it's not worth it for me so the answer is no i would not be doing instagram if it wasn't for the tools if i didn't have this tool to use or the other follow on follow us i would simply just not do it that's just my opinion i know there's gonna be some people here that maybe do instagram organically and they're hoping for an extra like or that's nothing for me for me i wanna i wanna control the outcome of my success and lastly the overall store conversion rate went up by three percent by optimizing all photo designs i've spoken about this yesterday but with redbubble there's a lot of designs out there that a lot of creators are taking putting it on all um products but the products are not optimized for that specific design a piece of the image could be cut off maybe it's not showing properly maybe just doesn't even look good you got to optimize every single design for every single product when i did that when i went back and i hired a team well i didn't do it but hire virtu a team of virtual assistants to go back and do it for me the conversion rates went up so essentially what i did was i'm essentially making money by saving designs that were already posted and optimizing them you could call that saving money you could call that earning more with doing nothing i don't know what you would want to call that but that's essentially success and uh that kind of showed to me how valuable it is uh you know to essentially pay attention to what i'm posting right it's not enough to just post a design and hope that it sells no you got to optimize for every single product design make sure that it looks good on the actual product make sure it's fitted right make sure it's not cut off make sure it doesn't look you know make sure everything is looking optimal and of course make sure every product is active and for sale you know maybe you're not used to selling the aprons or the masks doesn't matter you put your design on those anyway because you never know who's gonna buy them and so that's everything i learned after posting over a thousand designs to a redbubble store if you guys don't remember i created a video a while ago where on this uh second account we created a brand new account and posted a hundred designs on this specific account and there's a lot of things i learned the biggest thing i took away from that specific account was is that the more you post the more you understand the platform the more money you make and at that point i thought i understand i understood the platform completely i thought i understood everything there was to understand about red bubble but i guess i didn't after uploading 1 600 designs and you know a little a little bit less obviously uh obviously i didn't manually do it but i hired a team and things like that what i learned was there's a lot of things that go into the success of redbubble your tagging your titles your keywords your photo designs the traffic that you're you know sending from uh outside of red bubble the traffic that's coming in from redbubble the traffic that's coming in from google you know social media traffic instagram bots all of these different aspects play a big role in the success of your account and there's not one thing that can control your success other than if you want to make more money now just give yourself a better chance by uploading more designs and what i learned was also that it's it's really it's a it's a numbers game it's a mathematical game you want to make more money you got to do more work it's it's plain and simple i i see a lot of comments of people saying like you know i'm not getting sales i don't know why it's probably going to be one of a few different options whether it's you don't have enough designs people are not seeing your designs but at the end of the day comes down to really one thing and that's a traffic problem it's not that you have a design problem it's a traffic problem you know you're not driving enough traffic to your uh audience to your store uh not to your audience but to your store you're not driving enough of an audience size to your store now like i said there are a few things that help me do that you have the organic from google you have the red bubble search you have the direct links which i didn't really use much of you have the um the org i already said organic but you have the social media the instagram bots for example helped a lot because the people who didn't buy right away like i said redbubble ended up retargeting them and showing them ads which later created sales so uh there's a lot of things about red bull that makes it a really fun game to play and uh you know that's all i got to say hopefully this video guys helped you out like i said if you're interested in the course it will be in the link in the comments down below it's not available for sale yet um so if you're watching this on the day that the video was uploaded excuse me dave video was uploaded um it's not going to be there it's going to be out there in the future so if you want to get access to the course sign up uh subscribe to the youtube channel and um i'll let you guys know when the course is live and when it's public all right i'll talk to you guys later peace out bye
Channel: Autopilot Passive Income
Views: 3,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uploading designs to redbubble, redbubble, redbubble sales, redbubble earnings, redbubble how to make money, redbubble design, i uploaded 100 redbubble designs, i uploaded 1000 designs to redbubble, redbubble شرح, redbubble tags, redbubble tutorial, redbubble upload guide
Id: 1ALoaUhS3rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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