Creating A Thunderstore Modpack

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welcome back y'all you said my last video was too long so let's make a mod pack for thunderstore first things first create a folder go to right click new create folder name it whatever you want doesn't matter I've already done this we've got one called Modpack okay next go to your browser navigate to doesn't matter if it's valheim or anything of that nature mine is valheim.understore IO go to the developer drop down and package format docs is where you need to go this tells you everything that you need to know about uploading a package to thunderstore bare minimum items icon PNG and a manifest.json your changelog is optional to be separated I highly recommend this because changelogs can become lengthy over time and the file has a limit on how big it can actually be next inside of your Manifest content which is going to be down here this test mod here and some mod here technically they're talking about the same thing which is the name you cannot have spaces please know that you cannot have spaces if you want it to display as if it did have a space use an underscore like they did here next jump back to your dis your desktop or wherever you have this installed okay we're going to right click we're gonna go to new text document we're going to create a manifest.json make sure that you spell this correctly you do your things and make sure that the file type in the end like mine says Json source file I recommend that you have something like notepad plus plus or vs code or something like that that can open this file and allow you to edit it next the package format docs say that we need a file okay make sure it says markdown source file as the type optionally we're going to create our so changelog dot MD and the icon what it specifies is that it must be 256 by 256 in resolution must be called the icon dot PNG for the sake of argument just so you can see the file I'm going to create one that is bogus it will not work don't do this create your own file make sure it's the correct Dimensions all the good stuff okay next our mod pack is technically done other than the fact that we need to create the Modpack we need to say what mods we want that's all done inside the Manifest Json pop this open with your editor of choice go back to thunderstore grab the example Json content paste the Json content now this is an example dependency this is your version stream your version string is what you bump the version up of every single time that you need a version update so we're going to say 1.0.0 because it's the initial release website URL can be a Discord invite it can be a GitHub link as they have in this case it could be really anything that you want to create your description please read this it's 250 characters Max make sure that you limit it to that otherwise your package is going to fail when you go to upload again if you want to show a space in the dis in the display but not necessarily have the space because you can't do an underscore okay so this would be test mod it'll show that way on the display we're going to save it now let's go to back to thunderstore let's grab a mod which everybody needs bepnex this is going to be pinned you're going to go here to the dependency string this is where you can find it it's right there replace this almost every single mod pack is going to want that latest version by default for valheim if you need more than one do a comma here basic Json formatting do another bit quotes let's say that we want some really cool mod we'll just jump to my mod page here let's say that you wanted crafty boxes for instance we're going to click on crafty boxes right here is my dependency string for that mod you're going to copy it jump right back paste it inside your quotes go to the next one let's say we wanted the third mod go here right go back to thunderstore let's say we wanted this first mod at the top grab their dependency string copy and paste now we've got bepnex to guaranteed to be a specific version we've got this as a crafty boxes to be of a specific version and we've got this right save the mod this is my cool mod this is the initial release let's say that this was my description everything's good to go jump back to your folder you're ready to upload highlight all files right click Send to compressed zip does not matter what the Zip's called it's not going to show anywhere in the end go back to thunderstorm you are now going to click the upload drop down make sure you're in the valheim community because this video is specifically for valheim create a team if you don't have one I've already got a ton of teams so I'm not going to create one but you create one right here in this little drop down please for the love of God tag your mod pack as a freaking mod pack it shows in a different Tab and it allows you to have various benefits like enforcing specific versions of mods Okay cool so tag it as mod pack grab your zip file drag drop it when you're ready click submit obviously I'm not going to do that because I don't have any content and uh my icon PNG doesn't work so video is over well but let's say that you wanted additional information like how do I update my Modpack how do you update your mod pack you delete your zip you technically don't need it go to your manifest Json pop it right back open let's say that bepnex pack updates tomorrow and it's now 2106 but you need to specify a specific version go here and say 1.0.1 we have now made a small minor change to our mod pack right because we don't have any mods of our own we're done we're going to say send to compressed zip make our thing now same thing same process choose the same team choose the same Community tag it as a freaking mod pack please click submit now we've updated our mod pack it takes about five minutes to display on thunderstore let's say that you are one person that is still not satisfied with this fairly short video we are going to say how do we enforce configurations on a client now this is where you get in the nitty-gritty you have to right click new folder call it bepnex you're done now if you want to enforce mods on a player if you own them and have the rights to upload them you just say plugins you drop the dlls here let's say you want to enforce configs you need to mimic the config so config right here and drop your config files in here now when you go back to your mod pack and you go like this you highlight them all and you send to zip all of those configs and all of those plugins that you should have the rights to upload make sure you have the right so otherwise your mod pack will get pulled down you have the rights and ability to edit those dlls you can then just drag and drop again we're going to say cancel on this drag and drop your new zip and click submit again zip file does not matter it's going to look at the Manifest Json to determine when where how to update where to update the mod pack and who owns it based on the team so technically we're done hopefully this video is short enough for everybody now I've done nothing but talk and I'll shut up see you later
Channel: Azumatt
Views: 32,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thunderstore, modpack, creating, Creating, Thunderstore, Modpack, mods, valheim, pack, tutorial
Id: I874crIMHKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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