If Your a Builder You NEED These Plugins!

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well hello everybody and welcome back today we're making a tier list of Roblox plugins yes plugins are a beautiful thing that save us Builders and programmers a lot of time let's hop over to the tier list and give these guys some ratings now of course s is the best man if something gets placed in s-tier category you probably should go get that ASAP we're gonna start things out with grass fixer and this is a beautiful plug-in basically when you're using Roblox terrain grass will come through your parts your roads anything like that and with this plugin you click one button and it removes all the grass that's under any part that's gotta be an a tier for me it can't be an s s is like super super special this one it's it's very Niche it could be in B but I've been using it a lot so it's going to go in a PTM part two material part two bro I don't even have this plug-in I don't think I'm assuming by the logo it's like one of those low polyte rainmakers so I'm gonna put it I mean it wasn't good enough to keep so I'll put it in C I guess Atmos this is cool if you suck at lighting like me you could kind of pick presets I am gonna put this one at C or B we're gonna put it at B it actually C I believe this is a paid plug-in so that does uh kind of bring it down just a little bit and uh it's it's like only a few lightings like they don't ever update it so 3D text to this one definitely an a tier plug-in very simple to just write on any words you would like changing colors changing fonts everything a great plug-in brush tool oh like I haven't used it in a while but it's such a good I gotta put this in a tier uh brush tool is basically a plug-in where you can select certain assets and meshes objects anything and add them to a brush and then paint them onto your map completely randomizing anything that you can rotation scale wobble everything a beautiful plug-in Magic wand so I'm gonna put this one in actually I'll put it in C just because it's buggy sometimes but I will say okay I'm putting it to B because it saved me a lot of time so magic wand is basically just like the one in Photoshop you can click one part and then every part that's the same color or name attached to that part will automatically get selected this saves you a ton of time especially if you forget to name something up next Celestial body dragger this is pretty cool um I mean kind of Niche though I just use it to reposition the Sun real quick and thumbnails like oh I want the light coming from over there so it's it's like a good plug-in but not like exactly useful I'm gonna put it in C resize a line that's a b that is a b resize a line it's beautiful I think I just used it like yesterday this one basically makes two parts resize and aligned I don't really know how else to explain that one like the parts are always a bunch of weird wedges and stuff it's not like one simple part it's a bunch it's a bunch model reflect select I've I've tried to use this I can say all right it's I don't think I had any Success With It honestly I'm just gonna put it in deter part to terrain this one's this one's classy uh let's go here b b part two terrain would be a lot better if it was exact and I know it can't be because Roblox uses like a 3X3 system for terrain but uh that means if your part is like one stud by one stud and you part to terrain it it's now three by three it's it's not its fault that it's like that but it would still be better if it wasn't Archimedes is s tier this plug-in it saves every day every life if you don't have this plug-in you need it I don't even feel like I have to explain what it does but if you need to make roads paths Loops uh weird designs you can do literally anything with Archimedes and it's the best plug-in I've seen in my life I think up next load character uh I mean if you're a gfx designer this is probably s tier but it's been buggy the past few times I've used did so I'm gonna put it here color adjust guys this uh I gotta do it this is an S tier one this for a specific reason is going in s tier say you have a commission and you need to make let's say 10 tools and then they want 10 variation and colors of all of those tools instead of hand picking each thing that you need to change each color you can select the model and just drag a hue slider bar and automatically change the color of everything on that model this is definitely an S tier for me just because the time saving in commissions event blocks I kind of skipped to it for a second I don't even know what this is so let's just yeah let's not have that one part counter uh it's just a part counter I mean d there's not really a huge purpose it's just kind of like hey you want to know how many parts are in your game pretty cool waterfall generator this one's a b uh it's cool if you don't know how to make a waterfall or if you just don't want to real quick but uh you know you can make a lot cooler ones if you make them custom terrain fixture uh I can't give it up to Grass fixer it's both made by robocrafter but like the uses for it are a bit down for me so I'm gonna put it in the seat here I don't really think it's too usable for most people resize models this I feel like I have to put it in s tier and I'll tell you guys why it's the only way you can resize a model say you have a mesh right and this mesh is 15 pieces you group it all together and you want to scale it down really tiny but most of the time it stops scaling so it can only go down to a certain size and if you want it smaller than that the only way to do it is resize models so that is definitely a beautiful beautiful plug-in and it has to be as tier because it does solve a problem model transform I'm gonna be honest I'm pretty sure I paid 400 Robux for this plug-in and I've never learned how to use it or it's like it does not do what it looks like it does and if it does bro I I just I can't use it I don't know how to use it this one's cool a fan made this after I made the water tutorial on how to make cartoon water and basically you just click apart and then turn on this plugin and it turns it into the cartoon water very Niche so I'm gonna put it here uh but it is it is cool nonetheless and then this one this is a live mirror plug-in and it works pretty much like blender say you want to build something on one side then you just select all of those models insert uh the mirror plane and then click the mirror modifier and it does mirror it it is cool but I don't know if it's actually super useful so I think Hmm I guess it would be useful for certain people but I don't find myself using it if I went off most used it would go here I don't think I've ever touched it really but it is cool I'm gonna put it in B right in the middle so guys if you see any of these plugins and you wonder what any of them are I think I've named all of them and I'll try to link them in the description below anyways that is going to wrap up today's video if you did enjoy and you want to see more content like this please make sure to like comment and subscribe have a great day later
Channel: RoBuilder
Views: 83,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin, Enders
Id: UjCnX9y6zyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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