Creating a Book using Adobe InDesign CC2014

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okay this screencast is going to cover how to actually create a book inside of InDesign we'll start off with this text here which is actually the Grimm's fairy tales by the brother Grimm for this particular project if you'll notice there are a lot of stories here in this particular collection we're only going to actually create a couple chapter book using the first two stories within this compilation so first task whenever you're creating a book is you want to go ahead and break up your chapters into individual text files this will help you actually place these files in indesign later so we'll open this up and to get started we'll bypass the table of contents and we'll find the first story which is the golden bird we'll copy that and we'll place it in its own plain text file now I'm using TextEdit here on the Mac and when you create a new file in TextEdit it's actually what's called a rich text file or an RTF file you can notice that the ruler and the tab stops are visible at the top of this page you want to make sure you convert any file to a plain text before you paste in the copy so I'll come up here to the format menu and choose make plain text then I'll paste in our first chapter which is the golden bird I'm going to save this to our project folder I'll go ahead and name this chapter 1 so I can reference it later we'll do the same thing for Hans and Locke which is the second story and this will be our second chapter copy create a new plain text file paste it in and save it as chapter 2 now it's a good idea as you're breaking up a very large chapter base book into smaller files to go ahead and take a look for each individual chapter and see if there's any sort of text that you may have to go back in and manually a just or manually format as you're laying out the book so in our case for chapter 2 there is there are two specific spots here where we have like a a small bit of poetry and so you can see that this formatting is completely different than your normal kind of paragraph formatting that we'll actually use for our book so we'll want to make sure that we take a note later on that chapter 2 is going to have a couple of considerations we'll have to come back and manually format okay so we'll go ahead and hide that now we've got our two text files the next step is we actually want to start setting up our document in InDesign so we'll come back over here to InDesign and we'll create our book so in this case we're going to create a letter half size books almost a paperback version of it for my margins I'm going to set my bottom margin to equal to one inch or six pikas of the case maybe and I'll click OK now what we're creating here is the document that will be used for our Styles source now the style source document when we're creating a book is the document in which all of the paragraph Styles character styles object Styles table Styles and master pages or any text variables that you set up will be used to synchronize across all documents of your book so this is actually a very important step this is a chance for you to be able to set up any paragraph or character styles any master pages that you need and do it one time and then you can utilize the synchronization options in the book panel to be able to synchronize all of those changes across the entire book at once this saves you the trouble of having to go through and set up each of these Styles manually for every single chapter of your book which is very time-consuming and tedious so to get started if we take a look at our chapters you'll notice that it starts off with an actual title so the first chapter is the golden bird and then we've got a lot of different paragraphs so what we're going to do is I'm going to create two separate paragraph styles and paragraph styles specifically for the chapter title and a paragraph style for each individual paragraph now I can set up my paragraphs or style my paragraphs using tradition type setting where the first paragraph is flush every subsequent paragraph is indented for this particular assignment though I'm just going to make sure that every single paragraph in my chapters are going to be formatted the exact same way which is kind of what you see here I'm going to have a paragraph that is not going to be indented but will actually include space after each paragraph so it's kind of a modern formatting for paragraphs if you will so to get started I'm just going to create some dummy text here that I can go ahead and format and use to create my paragraph styles so I'll start here by just creating some dummy text for our chapter title hit return so I can create a new paragraph and in my type menu I'm going to fill the rest with placeholder text so this will actually fill Latin text that I can then use to style my regular body paragraph so to get started I'll go ahead and select or triple click on the first paragraph which is actually the chapter title and style it as I want each chapter titled look so in my case I want it to be centered I want to go ahead and make it all caps and you can change this up however you like but the whole point of this particular exercise is change that style to bold is to get your your text to look exactly the way that you want it to get a representative and then that way you can use the new style button to create the paragraph style that will mimic this particular formatting so that's looking good just need to go ahead and we'll increase the font size bit here to 18 points and my paragraph options I'm going to increase the space after and say 14 points so once I'm happy with the visual formatting for this particular paragraph inside of my paragraph style break this out here inside of my paragraph style I want to go ahead and create a new style now since my paragraph is actually already selected all I have to do now is simply click this button it has now taken all of the formatting options that I have applied to that one paragraph and is now applied it to this paragraph style so you'll notice in this paragraph style box it says that it's adobe castle and pro but old 18-point size it's centered a line it's all caps and the space after is 1 by K 2 points so I'm just going to rename this as chapter titles and then click OK next I'm going to go ahead and quadruple click the first paragraph so I can select the entire thing and this is now I'm going to style this as I want all of my body paragraphs to look so in this case I want to change the maybe the typeface the size add a space after as I explained earlier so I'm going to make all of those visual formatting changes now we'll use the same Adobe tassel on except this time it'll be regular I'm going to make it 10 points with 14 points of wedding and also include 14 points of space after once I'm happy with that I'm going to go ahead and create just as I did before create a new style double click on that and name this body paragraph we're going to click OK now the next step is is I want to set up the next style option now next style basically is a feature in InDesign which allows you to apply a style to the first paragraph of a body of text and then tell InDesign after it hits a new pilcrow or a new paragraph to switch to another style so in other words the first paragraph is going to be styled using this paragraph style the next paragraph is going to be styled using a secondary style and then after that secondary style is applied you can tell it to then apply a third style and on and on and on and this is triggered by every single time InDesign comes across a new paragraph now in our case we only have two particular styles so what we'll do is is that will tell InDesign after the chapter title style is applied switch to the body paragraph style and then style everything else in this particular text using the body paragraph style this saves you a lot of time when it comes to formatting so to set that up first thing we want to do is edit the chapter title style so we'll double click on that and under the general options you have the next style drop-down we want to go in and change that to body paragraph so once again what we're saying is we can tell InDesign we want to apply the chapter title and then we want it to go ahead and follow any instructions for the next style so in this case switch to body paragraph for the next paragraph in the body paragraph style it's already set to essentially loop through and continue using that same style so this is all we need to do to make this change we'll click OK I'll go ahead and change everything back to basic paragraph here now let's go ahead and test to see if the next style works so you want to select all of our text and to apply our next stop we want to right-click or control-click on the style we want to add for the first paragraph in this case chapter title we want to say apply the chapter title and then the next style and there we go it works our chapter title is applied using the chapter title style and all subsequent paragraphs are using the body paragraph style so that's it for paragraph styles next thing we want to do in our style sources we want to set up our master pages so in our pages palette we want to come over here we actually want to set up our master pages so I'm going to double click to edit the a master page and here's what we're going to do for our particular book we're going to set up two elements in our master pages we're going to set up a running header and we're going to set up page numbers of folios I'm going to set both of those up into the a master now you can choose to create additional master pages if you want to apply certain elements and that's fine it's up to you but for right now just for this demo I'm going to go ahead and set up in our master page both folios and running headers so to get started we'll go ahead and include the current page number as our folios or our page numbers so I'll go and choose my type tool and I'm just going to create a text frame down here in the bottom left-hand corner of the page and make sure I'm not I don't have any paragraph styles apply to that and go up to your type menu and choose insert special character markers oops current page number now this will insert an a if you notice right here down at the bottom and the a basically means so that's the current page number because this is the a master page next thing I want to go ahead and style this the way that I want so I'm going to go ahead and center it align its center and I'll bring out my text frame options now I press command B on the keyboard you can also find it under the type menu excuse me the object menu text frame options is applied there if I click on preview of what I want to do is vertically justify this to the center and as far as my style once again I'll use the Adobe castellane Pro but I'll use bold and I'll leave it at twelve points so then now every single page that uses the a master page should have on the left facing page at least the current page number you want to go ahead and copy this I'm going to hold down the option key and drag copy of that over to the right facing page and now both my pages have current page numbers we check this by double clicking on the first page in our document and sure enough it currently says page one so that sets up our folios next step is we actually want to set up running headers now inside of InDesign there's several different ways you can set up running headers I like the easiest way which is to let InDesign manage this for us so in our case a lot of books will end up with two different types of running headers on the facing pages one facing page like say the left facing page we have the name of say the book the right facing page would have say the name of the chapter we're going to follow the same structure here so we're going to switch it up a little bit we're to say the left facing page is going to be the name of the chapter the right facing page will be the name of the book now in our case we can use text variables in order to set this up so to begin we actually need to create a couple of text variables so if we go to the type menu we can come down to the text variables list and we can choose to define new text variables now in the text variable box you have some text variables that are currently set up for you by InDesign none of these will actually work for what we want so we're going to create a new one so the new one that we want is we're going to call this book title and the type of text variable that we want is called custom text in here we can actually put the name of the book so in our case the name of the book happens to be C Rose it Grimm's fairy tales downs bomb you'll see a preview of what that text will actually look like now using text variables in this case is a good idea because if at any point in time you want to make a change to any of these pieces of text if you had just typed it in made it static text that means you'd have to go back and actually replace every single instance of this particular text across your entire book that's time consuming but if we use a text variable we can later sync this text variable traversing one of our documents and if we're using that text variable what ends up happening is we just have to replace it one time here in the text variable options resynchronize the book and that change takes place across the entire document so we'll click OK so now we have our book title we need to create another variable and that's going to be for the running header so click new and we'll go ahead and call this grimm running header and under type choose running header paragraph style now what's going to happen here is is that the paragraph style running header allows us to tell InDesign that we want to use a specific paragraph style to target and create the entry for this particular text variable so in our case we're going to actually target the we come here wrong drop-down there we go we want to choose the chapter title paragraph style so this case every single document that has a chapter title paragraph applied to it the running header is going to mimic the text for the chapter title so we'll click OK and then done so now with both of our text variables set up now it's just a matter of inserting them into our master page so what's going to wrap your type tool and I'm going to create my running headers by creating another text frame here right underneath or in the foot of my document once again clear any paragraph styles that are created go up to my type menu go back to text variables insert the variable so on my left facing page I actually want to use the grim writing header you'll notice if it doesn't actually recognize if InDesign doesn't recognize any of the paragraph styles that you have set for the running header you instead you'll have the name of the variable in brackets so now I can go ahead and style this just like any text and Oviatt a salon pro and we'll go ahead and make that regular and I want to go ahead and set up the vertical justification on that as well to be centered so there we go I'm going to do the same thing on the right side right facing page I'll clear anything there go up to type going to go back to text variables I'm going to sort the book title and just as before we'll go ahead and use kit chubby castle um but this time I'll use the W castle and pro italic and set its text frame options and center it there and for this one I will write a line and that sets up our text variables so once again if we come back here to the first page you'll notice Grimm's fairytales that's our custom text is currently set up as a running header if we add another page to our document chapter title is currently set up as the variable for page two to show you how that's actually done if I change the nature of the text that has that chapter title paragraph style applied to it it changes it here in the text variable as well so it's a really nice way by using text variables to go ahead and manage a lot of dynamic text within your document all right so with that done our style document is pretty much complete we have set up paragraph Styles master pages and text variables we're going to use all of that information here in this source document to synchronize across our entire book but we haven't saved again so let's go ahead and save this as chapter 1 because we'll actually use this particular document to lay in the content for chapter 1 so come back here to Grimm's fairy tales and we'll save that to our project folder there we go now we don't need page 2 yet so I'm going to go ahead and delete that and I can go ahead and delete the sample text that I had set up so now chapter 1 is ready the next step in creating a book is to set up individual empty InDesign documents for all the other content so we're going to need to create three other InDesign documents we're going to need to create a another InDesign document for chapter 2 one for our cover page and another one for our table of contents now the only important thing about this is just to make sure that each InDesign document has the exact same trim and margin settings as your style source now some people will just do save as and use that option but I like to actually just create blank InDesign documents and use the synchronization options later on to set up all of my other content so go and set up my latter half make sure that my margin is set once again for an inch or six pikas there we go click ok I'm going to save this this one as chapter 2 dot InDesign and then using the file save as option or command shift S on your keyboard I'm going to save a copy of this document as my cover and as my table of contents close it and now I've got all the InDesign documents I need to go ahead and set up my book the next option is to actually create the book file in InDesign so back in InDesign go back up to the file menu go to new and this time choose book notice there's no keyboard shortcut for this so don't just simply hit command n that will create a document we actually need to create a book file so the book file we want to go ahead and set up we'll call this Grimm and we'll save that to our project folder notice the extension for the book file is not IND d which is InDesign document it's IND B as in boy which stands for InDesign book so let me click Save here and the book panel looks very unassuming there's nothing in it at the moment it's actually a very powerful panel right now what it's looking for is for us to be able to add all the InDesign documents that we created that will make up this book so to do that simply click the plus button which is to add documents and we'll go ahead and choose each of our InDesign documents and click open now if you'll notice this is how the book panel looks at the moment it is listed all four of our particular documents unfortunately it's listed it in alphabetical order however this is not the correct order of our documents for our book the cover and the table of contents need to go before chapter one this is an important point whenever you are creating these book files you need to make sure that you rearrange these documents so that they are in the correct order in fact over here on the right hand side these numbers are not listing the number of the document but rather page number each document begins with now each document is one page so you notice chapter 1 it starts on page 1 table of contents now starts on page 4 furthermore on here on the left-hand side you'll see these different boxes that allow you to actually set this particular icon now this is the style source icon you need to make sure that this icon is to the left of whatever document has all of your paragraph styles or master pages and text variables that you set up previously so in our case it is set up correctly with chapter 1 now we need to actually come in here and reorganize our book panel so that it's in the right order so I'm going to drag my cover up to the top and drag my table of contents right after the cover now I'm in the right order the next thing that we want to do is we want to set up the right numbering and chapter options so if you look once again our table of contents starts on page 2 now our chapter 1 starts on page 3 well normally in books chapter 1 actually begins with page 1 and a table of contents well may start also with a page 1 is usually denoted with a different type likes a lower Roman numerals so we're going to change this up a bit so double click on the page number to bring up the document numbering options for our table of contents we're going to tell this document that it needs to start with page 1 but the style of that numbering needs to be lower roman numerals and click OK notice it now changes to a lowercase I also chapter 1 now begins on page 2 if we double click on the page number for chapter 1 will bring up the document numbering options for this document will tell this one to also start on page 1 will leave the style with your typical Latin numerals and will come in here and will also tell it that this is the beginning of chapter 1 now this is important if you're specifically using chapter numbers in any of your running headers or your documents but even if you're not it's a good idea to go ahead and also make sure that chapter 1 begins as chapter 1 enter numbering options I'll click ok and now you'll see chapter 1 begins with 1 chapter 2 is now page 2 because once again there one page each and because chapter 1 and table of contents were open when we made these changes denoted by these dots you'll notice that the little asterisk tells me that both of these documents have not been saved the changes have been made that they're not saved so I want to go ahead and save these and I'm going to close the table of contents because our next step now that we have all of our numbering options ready to go is to go ahead and add our content but actually before we do that let's sync all of our styles our master pages and our text variables that we have set up in chapter 1 so once again make sure the chapter 1 is set up as your style source select all of the documents in your book and from the book menu choose synchronised options we want to choose this because by default InDesign will not sync your master pages so make sure you check that then click synchronize InDesign will now open each one of the documents synchronize your master pages your paragraph styles character styles object styles as well if you set those up and any of your text variables so if we click OK just to make sure it did that if we double click on chapter 2 chapter 2 should be open and now in our paragraph style box sure enough chapter title and body paragraph came over just fine so it worked now we're ready to start adding our content so we will go up to file and click place to place our text document now you don't want to just simply copy and paste from a text document you actually want to use place in the place window first things first check show import options this will become apparent in a moment we're going to select our chapter 1 text and click open the next window you see are the text import options in this we are able to actually at a specific character encoding for this text document this is important especially if you're importing text that you may have copy and pasted from same Microsoft Word there may be characters that are actually applied to your text file that are not in the default latin-1 encoding you want to make sure that your character set is changed to unicode utf-8 this will ensure things like typographers quotes or odd punctuation marks maybe dashes M dashes and dashes things along these lines are also carried over and that they're not converted to odd and codings everything will look exactly the way they should furthermore because this is a text document we have the ability to remove any extra carriage returns so we want to remove at the end of every line and between paragraphs we'll click OK and now our text our excuse me our cursor changes to a preview of our text in order to make life easier on yourself if you hold down the shift key your cursor will show a curved arrow this is the auto flow feature if you hold down the shift key and click in the top left-hand margin what will happen is InDesign will add as many pages as necessary to lay out this text now if you notice I accidentally had the chapter title paragraph style selected when I had done this so obviously everything has been given that specific style that's a mistake that's ok one that we can rectify so it also has added 21 pages worth of text so to correct this we'll go ahead and select all the text inside of our document and I'm going to go ahead and put everything back to a basic paragraph just the default now using your next style we'll right click on chapter title apply the chapter title and the next style options and now everything should be styled here in chapter 1 of course because of the way that it was placed earlier I have now created additional pages which I do not need so I'm going to go here and select page 7 all the way down to page 21 which are all empty and delete them and you can see immediately the text variables are working properly and chapter 1 is now laid out let's go ahead out chapter 2 so I'll double click on chapter 2 here from the book panel put a file click place or once again command D if you're in the keyboard shortcuts choose my chapter 2 text make sure my text import options that at Unicode is set selected and moving my carriage returns a basic paragraph is currently selected here so this shouldn't be an issue there we go Auto flow select all the text and applied the chapter title and then the next style there we go now in this case I want to make sure that I don't have any overset text come over here doesn't look like 11 in fact I'm actually I have an extra page again so I do have one extra page now before I go and remove this page if you remember chapter 2 had a couple of considerations there were two short poems in this particular chapter that I'm going to have to go back in locate and manually format so let me see if I can find those well here's the first one or Hill or or Dale so happy I roam work like and live well all the world is my home then who is Blythe so Mary as I so let's start this off I'm just going to come in here and just manually adjust this now if you'll notice I'm removing extra spaces and adding a carriage return adding a new paragraph for each one of these now if you'll notice because it is still using the body paragraph style all this extra space so as I said I'm just going to manually adjust this I'm going to go ahead and select these first four of the five paragraphs of the poem and I'm just going to remove that extra spacing there we go let's select all five and I'm actually going to add a little bit of inset spacing to the left-hand sides put 14 points there there we go that looks good next I want to go ahead and find the second poem or maybe that was the second problem let's see yep here's the first poem I missed that earlier do the same thing here remove the spacing add 14 points of space on the left-hand side and there we go now I want to make sure that those changes do not add or push any text over did not so once again this page 12 is not required so I'll come over here and delete page 12 and now chapter 2 is done next cover page now the cover page doesn't really need a running header or a page number so I'm going to use my none master page and drop that on to page 1 that'll go ahead and remove the runner and the page number so for this one I'm just going to go ahead and set the text for the book title now because I've already created a text variable I can come up here and choose type text variables insert book title there we go and that's done now I can also format it the way that I'd like I will say Adobe of Tesla excuse me Tesla unpro may be bold italic and maybe set it up to the 24 points and there's my cover page now of course I probably want to do a byline or something else if I was doing this in real life but for right now this will do save them so now I'm done I've got my cover setup I've got my chapter 1 and I have my chapter 2 the next thing I want to do is set up my table of contents so I double click on the table of contents everything is set up and ready for me to use however there's a couple of considerations when you create a table of contents in a book the first thing is you do not want to use the same paragraph styles that you are using to style the rest of the book to style the entries in your table of contents so the first step in creating table of contents is you want to actually create a separate set of styles for the title of the table of contents and for any entry in a table of contents secondly you also want to make sure you set up any sort of character styles for the page number for each entry so to get started just like what we did in the style source document or chapter 1 early on we want to go in and just create some dummy text that we can then use to style or create paragraph styles specifically for the title of our table of contents and for the entry at the same time I'm also going to create a character style for the page number so here's the table of contents title this is an entry I'll go ahead and hit tab and put a dummy page number so that we can style everything so to begin with I'll go ahead and select the table of contents style now there's a couple different ways that you can do this you can of course use the paragraph styles that you have already synced to maybe duplicate the chapter title style if you want to look the same way or base another style on the chapter title style there's any number ways you do this as I said but I'm just going to recreate some of the Styles here a little space after there we go that looks good and I'm going to go ahead and create this as a new paragraph style there is a paragraph style one now in this case I don't want to name it TOC title I actually want to name a T lowercase O and see the reason why I use the lowercase O is that by default even though you can't see it in design actually ships with a default TOC title style it is only visible when you're actually creating a table of content so this lowercase O will give us a good visual kind of contrast between the one we're creating and the one InDesign wants you to use so I'll go ahead and call this table of content style our title excuse me click OK there we go next thing I want to do is to edit the entry so to get started we'll go ahead and style this and tobe Castle on pro will use it regular go and leave it at 12 points just fine we'll do the space after all suite 14 points and I want to style the page number to be semi bold italic that looks good next thing I do is I want to bring up my tabs so I can create some leaders here and we will set up a right justified tab and set a leader like that now all of these options will actually carry over into our paragraph style so now with our paragraph Styles our paragraph actually style the way we want it want to name this a new paragraph style and I'll call this table of content on table of contents entry like so furthermore I need to actually change this style for my page number into a character style so in the character style and do not get these two confused character styles or character cells paragraph styles or paragraph styles don't get them mixed up character styles all I need to do is just select the text that I've style once again click new style and I'll call this table of contents page number okay now with our three styles correct created I'm going to go ahead and delete this and now it's time to actually generate our table of contents so if we go up to layout and choose table of contents we now have the table of contents option window available now we're not actually creating a separate style we'll do this later when we talk about epubs but for right now here's what we're going to do we're going to create a title now the title is the text that is actually going to be displayed up here at the top of your table of contents right now it's just simply contents I'm going to call this table of contents the style we want to use is that new TOC title notice t uppercase o c titles also exist this is a hidden style that InDesign creates only for table of contents so that's why we created this other one with the lowercase O so we can differentiate between the two next in the styles and table of contents basically what InDesign is asking you here is to select the paragraph styles in your book that you want to use to generate the entries so in our case we want each chapter title to be an entry in our table of contents so we'll add the chapter title paragraph style and over here on the right choose more options this will give us all the options that we want to be able to use to style this entry to begin with down here at the bottom with chapter title selected we're able to actually select how we want this entry style so the style itself is going to be the table of contents entry we want the page number to be after the entry and we want to style the page number using the character style now notice the page number and the option that comes after it which is between entry number these two particular options are only available to be styled using character styles which is why once again I created the table of contents tiles a second ago I created a specific character style just for the page number this next option here allows you to choose what sort of whitespace or characters you want between the entry the text of the entry so our chapter titles and the actual page number now this little character right here the little caret and a tee is in designs way of saying a tab a regular tab now that's great except for the fact that what we really want is we want that page number to actually go all the way to the right edge of the margin so in order for us to do that let's go ahead and get rid of that tab and using this arrow we actually want what is called a right indent tab that is a single tab character that means any text that follows a tab will be placed all the way over on the right edge of the text frame which is exactly what we want this is denoted by Y instead of a tee next we want to make sure that we include all booked documents for InDesign to search and generate table of contents entries when you have this done click OK InDesign will look through the entire book and generate your table of contents simply click and there you go the golden bird begins on page one hans and luck begins on page seven we will save this and now our book is complete to finish your book go back to your book panel select all your documents and from the book menu what we'll want to do is package the book for print InDesign will process each and every document it will then give you a preflight summary make sure if you have any RGB images or any duplicate spot inks or anything like that all that information will be displayed here for right now everything looks fine we'll click package don't have any instructions continue and it's going to ask us where we want to save the package folder we'll go and say that in our project folder will name it grim folder I want to make sure we include any fonts or linked graphics furthermore we want to also include idml files which means that InDesign will take each of our InDesign documents and save them down as an idml file this will allow anybody who has earlier versions of InDesign to be able to open up our book will also include a print PDF the preset that we're going to use for this is going to be press quality and we'll click package click OK for the font warning and InDesign will now prepare save down save to idml create the package folder then generate the PDF and place all of that inside of our project folder and there it is including a proper PDF of our book and that's it that's how you create a book in InDesign
Channel: Sean Foushee
Views: 302,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe InDesign (Software), Tutorial, Book
Id: Q7bdWSGd-Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2015
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