How To Get Started With Adobe InDesign CC - 10 Things Beginners Want To Know How To Do

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hello and welcome to a new episode of adobe creative cloud TV my name is teri white and this episode we're going to take a look at how to get started with Adobe InDesign CC the 10 things beginners want to know how to do so this is it if you're new to InDesign or you know self-taught and InDesign you kind of want to know a foundation and how to get started or maybe you never open the application before and you want to know what to do this is the app this is the actual tutorial for you now with that set for those of you who are even underfoot well aware what InDesign is maybe you've heard of Photoshop or illustrator think of InDesign as the tool that puts it all together so for example you've used Photoshop to edit your photos to make your photos look great you've used illustrator to create logos and vector artwork and drawings and illustrations and now you want to bring it all together and lay it out in a document and that's what InDesign is for now of course there's overlap you can lay out a full page design and illustrator no problem some people even use Photoshop to layout you know there are photo books or whatever but even though those tools can do those kinds of things they're not really geared for it and InDesign is geared for page layout so if this is where you are because you got frustrated with not being able to do things properly or completely in Photoshop and illustrator for layout then you're in the right spot so let's go ahead and jump right in with the ten things people want to know how to do now the first one would of course be creating your new document but before we can even do that you know we'll call this point five of the ten because it's not really number one yet and that is setting your measurement system InDesign so for example if I were to create a new document InDesign is going to create that new document using points and if you come from a traditional typography world and that makes sense but if you don't then you might want inches or you know pikas or millimeters or something else other than points so we're going to go in to our preferences with no document open with nothing open preferences we're going to go to units and increments and we're going to say change our horizontal measurement from points to inches change our vertical measurement from points to inches now when we click OK from here on out when we measure things or do things in InDesign it will be in inches or whatever you set yours to the next thing we're going to do is go to our file menu now and come down and create a new document now you'll see under new there's book folio and library most of the time I would probably say 99% of the time you're going to create a new document even if you are working on a book don't let this fool you this is a different kind of book than what you're probably thinking about you're going to create your new document and let's say you are making a book the book feature is really designed for combining multiple InDesign documents together as one so in a traditional book you might have different people working on different chapters those would all be in different InDesign documents once you're ready to bring them all together that's when you'd say new book but for the most part new document is what you want now that we've said new document we need to understand what our intent is going to be so in other words are you making this for print are you making it for the web probably not these days at least not in InDesign and design is really not a web tool per se or are you making it for digital publishing because InDesign is good for making digital apps digital magazines ebooks so forth and so on so if your initial thought is print that's fine you can always make a version of it for web or digital publishing later so we're going to leave it on print the next thing we're gonna do is tell it how many pages we want so we want four pages you could have 40 you could have 50 got to have a hundred to get out 500 you can have as many as you want and if you guess too low or too high from the start you can always add more pages or delete pages you don't use now the next one is facing pages this will be determined depending on the kind of document you're making so for example if you're making a brochure magazine book or something that OH Binns up and has a left and a right page that's when you'd use facing pages but you're designing a flyer a business card or something else that is one side or even flipped over as a different side but doesn't face each other then it would be facing pages turned off so we're going to skip down to the paper size since we're using print it gives us the most common paper sizes including US and international versions and even all the way down to a business card which would be three and a half inches by two so you can go ahead and create whatever you want or if you want something that's not a standard size just go ahead and type in your dimensions so if you want a 5 by 7 you want a 10 by 10 you want whatever size document you're going to make then type it in if it's not one of the default sizes the next thing we're going to do is we're going to give it five columns now these columns are just guides they won't print but they'll be there to help you structure your document so that you're not laying things out so freeform the number of columns is up to you it's basically creating a grid system for you and then down in the margin area the margins by default or half-inch which might be a little too much for most people but we'll leave it on a half-inch because again those can be overridden as well and then last but not least is the bleed and slug area which I traditionally don't shown beginners but it is something we are going to kind of experiment with today now what this bleed area means is that we're creating an eighth nap by 11 document but if we want if we were doing traditional printing and we wanted the photograph to go to the edge of the paper then you really print the photograph on a paper a little bit bigger than 8 now by 11 and cut it down to eight nap by 11 now that's when you need a bleed however if you're printing to a your own desktop printer that prints edge to edge and doesn't need to print over print it then you don't need a bleep because you can just say print to the edge of the 8 now by 11 but in a traditional offset printing world you do print on a larger piece of paper and then cut it down so that it looks like the image went to the actual edge and in that case we are going to do 0.25 a quarter inch bleed all the way around so now we've got our 4 pages facing pages eight nine eleven tall five columns leaving the default margins and putting in a bleed click okay and that will give us page one of our four pages our four pages or right here if we scroll down and that completes number one of the ten things now number two to build this document we're of course going to use text and images and normally I would start laying them out together put some images down put some text down put some images down put some text down but we're going to go ahead and get our images out of the way for the most part and then we'll go ahead and put our text down next so let's place an image now there's a couple ways to do it I'm going to show you both ways the first way is if you want to use a frame and create the placeholder for where your image is going to go beforehand images and text our in frames regardless of how you bring them in so if you don't create the frame first InDesign is going to create it for you anyway but if you want to be proactive and say well no I know exactly where I want my image to go I wanted to go be off the page and basically fill up the entire page then I can draw the frame first and then go ahead and place my image now how do I get my image in any way you want drag and drop copy paste which I don't really recommend but drag and drop using the place feature under the file menu which probably the most common or using bridge now bridge traditionally has always been a part of what we used to have is creative suite or the CS applications with automatically install bridge but now because of creative clout you can optionally install bridge if you want it so bridge CC is there I've got it installed and up-to-date if you haven't installed it just go to your Creative Cloud app scroll all the way down and it will be listed down in the apps you haven't installed and you just click install to install it now why bridge because bridge gives us a visual indicator of what our images are going to look like then we want to bring so I can go ahead and I can select this cover image that I want I can use bridges place menu and I can say place that right in InDesign and will take me back to InDesign and place it that's one way to do it the next way to do it here let me delete this this is the ultimate way we're going to want it but the next way to do it is to not do the frame first and now we got a file place go find our image which is over here and it's in that InDesign folder I was working on there it is and I can bring in that same cover image and then I now I don't get the image popping on the page automatically because there's no frame there's no placeholder so I can go ahead and drag where I want that image to be and it will place the image in that spot now there's one more way and that is what happens when you draw a frame that your image doesn't fit in so for example it says draw frame like this and then I go file place and place that exact same image now because I drew the frame so much smaller we don't even see her because she's filling up the entire space but we only drew a frame that's showing the upper left corner now if I switch back to my selection tool I can use the content grabber and kind of move it around till we find her there she is but that and that could work if that's what you wanted to do if you want to crop it but that really doesn't show everything it just shows the part that fits so you can use one of the fitting commands who can do it here from the menu object fitting Phil frame proportionally which is the one I like the most fills the frame let's undo it fit frame proportionally is the second most common one fit content proportionately and that will make everything show but if you didn't draw the frame the exact same aspect ratio then you have white space left over and so those are the two that people will use the most so let's undo undo and actually let's fill frame proportionally and now we have the image filling the frame and let's say we now want to move it or size it well go back to your selection tool click anywhere outside the content grabber anywhere on the image itself you can pick it up and move it and what if you want to size it oh I know how I'll grab the corner and drag right no well not quite dragging the corner and sizing you're sizing the frame but if you really want to size the content and the frame then you need two more keys or two keys you need your shift key to do it proportionally and on the Mac you would use your command key and on Windows you'd use your control key and that will allow you to size both the frame and the image at the same time whether it's bigger or smaller so that is technically the beginning parts of how to work with images inside InDesign so here's what we're going to do we're going to go ahead and delete this and start over again we're going to draw a frame out just like we did before and once we get our frame the size of the bleed area off the page will now place that image so we'll go back to bridge grab that image file place from bridge into InDesign and that will go ahead and take us back to InDesign and fill that area up now we can leave it just the way it is and we're going to go ahead now and move on to our next page so how do we get to the next page because again we're going to put text here we're going to do all kinds of things but let's deal with images first so let's go ahead and go down to our next page which we're just going to scroll over to pages two and three and now on page two I want to place three images here but I'm tired of the back-and-forth I don't want to keep bouncing back and forth between bridge and an InDesign so one of the things we can do is bring up something called mini bridge but before I do that I want to set the rest of my workspace properly now I've been working on the advanced workspace and I know this is a beginner topic so I'm going to switch you back to its essentials when I go to essentials that will show me just the most essential panels but I now want to add I want to add a panel that's customed to InDesign or exclusive to InDesign and Photoshop called mini bridge so we saw the bridge button up here in the upper left hand corner but when you hover over that button it gives you more options it says if you hold down your Shift key and click it will open mini bridge so many bridge is a panel that you can use inside of InDesign and inside a Photoshop to access bridge running in the background bridge does have to be running and without having to go back and forth between the programs because mini bridge can stay here at all at all times and you can navigate to your folders the same way to go find the same content or same folder you were looking at now I can just have bridge mini bridge float or I can drag it in and have it be a panel that pops out as I need it so if I don't need it I can put it away if I need it I can bring it up so now that I've got mini bridge in place and I'm looking at the same folder I'm going to scroll up and I'm going to go ahead and get three images so I'm gonna click on this first one hold down my shift key click the second one and click the third one so I can get them all selected at the same time now I don't have to bounce back and forth if I want those three images I can just drag them right in when I drag them in because I didn't have a frame first InDesign says I'm going to give you a placement gun to tell you where is to let you click wherever you want to put them by the way I can put mini bridge away on while I'm working so now I've got these three images loaded and it's saying I don't know where you want them so if I click it's going to place the image fullscreen if I click and drag it's going to make a frame whatever size I dragged it but in this case I want to drag from the upper left corner of the other margin and to the right right side of the margin but if I let go I'm just going to get that first image so instead of letting go I'm still holding down the mouse button I'm going to use my other finger and tap the right arrow key once twice in other words divide that frame up into three frames now when I let go of the mouse I get all three images placed at the same time so if I had nine images I could do right arrow key twice to give me three across down arrow key twice to give me three rows all nine images would go in so now it brought the images in wherever I let go and notice that there's a little bit of white space at the top and bottom because I didn't let go in the exact same aspect ratio so I can just simply say Phil frame proportionally using the Phil frame proportionately button and fill those frames up now that's cool the next thing we're going to do is bring in one more image and we're going to go to mini bridge and get it and that next image is going to be this one so we're going to go ahead and drag it in again we get the placement going you put mini bridge away and we can say where we want this image to go I want this image to go right here and I'm going to go ahead and just use my selection tool and move it down have it bleed off the page there we go perfect all right so we'll use that in a moment and we're going to go ahead and now and start our actually that was number two placing images now we're going to do number three which is edit images let's say you see an image that you placed and you now want to do some editing to it so I'm going to select this image I'm going to show you what it looks like I just hit command two to zoom in 200% and I don't like the shoulder I don't like the way that the sweater is bunched up so I can use Photoshop to fix that but I'm already in InDesign how do I get this image open in Photoshop well InDesign shares our relationship with Photoshop so if I hold down my option or Alt key and double click it knows to open up that image in whatever application was used to edit so in this case that would be Photoshop so it brings the image open I can now use for example the liquify filter here let's make sure we're on the right layer there liquify filter and with that image open and look five can make my brush a little bit bigger and we just go ahead and kind of smush if smush is a word smoosh that down kind of fixing some of those wrinkles making that a little smoother my clothing designer really appreciates it and it's not so distracting having that there now we click OK we smush that down we save it which will save the file once it's saved we can close it switch back over to InDesign and InDesign updates so that is how you would edit an image using InDesign to go to Photoshop or illustrator if it were an illustration so now that we've here let's go ahead and go back now that we've gone ahead and placed images and we now know how to edit images the next thing we want to do is deal with text so for example if we want text on the page we have to have a frame just like we did for the images so whether you create the frame yourself or whether InDesign crease the frame automatically when you're placing text that's up to you so I'm gonna grab my type tool I'm going to go ahead and drag out a frame so now that I've drugged out a frame I can now tell it what I want to be in that frame I'm just going to type the word graphic or how about the word design so now that I've got the word there next one is formatting so that would be number five so I select the text and I now can make it whatever size I want whatever font I want so I want it to be 90 points in size so I'm just going to make it nice and big and now the thought default it to my default font which is myriad Pro but I want to use a font that I don't have yet so where am I going to get it from well as part of your Creative Cloud membership if you have a full membership then you have access to the Typekit desktop fonts so I can say browse fonts on Typekit using the Creative Cloud app it will bring up my web browser it will take me over to the to the font library and I can search for whatever style I want whatever name I want so I'm going to go to serif I'm looking for a serif font and the one that I heard was looking kind of cool was Brad so I'm going to click on Brad and I'm just going to say use this font and now it says I'll sync the regular italic and bold I'm just going to go ahead and say sync selected fonts and once I do that you'll notice your Creative Cloud app in a few seconds will update with a little couple arrows that start to sync that font to your computer like that and you'll get a little message saying that the fonts were added so now those funds have not only been downloaded but they've been installed and I didn't even have to quit InDesign InDesign knows about them now so if I go over to the font menu and I type in grad it knows that grads there and I can use grad bold and there it is so just that quickly and easily I got a new font that I didn't have because I'm a Creative Cloud member now I'm going to go ahead and make this a little smaller and we'll use the same selection tool just outside of the handle here and we'll we'll rotate that there we go pull down the shift key and we'll put this in place great we got our design word in place now we're going to go ahead and create some placeholders and you know what I kind of jumped the gun on this last photo we're going to do something special with that so I'm going to get rid of it for now I want to go ahead and create some frames for my text so let's go ahead and grab our type tool and we're just going to go ahead and draw our first frame across the four columns here that will be for our headline and then I want to create one for some body copy here and another one right next to it for some body copy here and the last one is going to fill up this entire page body copy there okay so now these are four independent frames that don't know anything about each other I want to connect them I want to link them together so I'm going to go ahead and grab my first frame and you'll notice that we have the handles all eight handles to resize and reshape the frame but we also have this white box and this white box kind of like on the upper left corner in the bottom right corner in between the sizing handles that is your import and your out port and that is how you link frames together so I click the out port of this frame and click anywhere inside this frame I click the out port of this frame and click anywhere inside this frame and I click the out port of this frame and click anywhere in to our last frame and now all four of those frames are linked together how would I know that if I just walked in well there's one way to view it under the View menu you have extras show text threads while the frame is selected you'll see the texture is when it's not selected you won't see them but you select any one of these frames and it will show you the linkages between them so now when I type and I keep typing the text will automatically flow from frame to frame if I place a word document or text file the text will automatically flow from frame to frame and if I want I can just go ahead and start typing so I'm grab my type tool click inside this first frame and I can say meet the designers and now I can go ahead and size that and we'll go ahead and make it let's make it grad bold again there we go and we're going to go ahead and make it bigger how about thirty six point maybe even bigger yet how about hoops Sarang one how about size forty eight point great and now I want to go ahead and have the rest of the text on that's going to be my body copy so I hit the return key after the meet the designers I'm going to change my size back down to maybe ten point I'm going to change the font back to myriad Pro and we'll do myriad Pro regular alright so now I'm on myriad Pro regular and I want the rest of these frames to have the rest of my story but I don't want to sit here typing so I'm just going to put in some sample text placeholder text using a feature of InDesign under the type menu called fill with placeholder text and there it is it filled it up with if we zoom in a little bit we'll see it with this sample text all right now that I've done that I kind of noticed that well it's putting that sample text right under the meet the designers into the same frame which that could be an OK design but let's say I wanted that headline all by itself well I can just make the frame smaller and it will push that text or force the text down to the next frame and so the next frame is the next frame and if you end up with more text than you have frame you will get this little red plus sign letting you know you have an over set situation meaning you've got more text and fits in your frame and we will deal with that in a moment because we're going to make it over set even more so now that we've done that let's see we've done new document we've done placing images we've done edit the image in Photoshop we've done creating text we've done a little bit of formatting text now we're going to work with color so I want to meet the designers to be a different color so I'm going to go ahead and double click again highlight the meet the designers and I can go to my swatches and pick any of the basic swatches here we have red green and blue cyan magenta yellow and black I can create any colors I want from any libraries I want so I can go ahead and say add two swatches or bring up libraries if I want but what if I want to use a color that's already in my document for example I can grab my eyedropper tool while that text to select it and I can grab the purple in that sweater and it will now make that purple now that's great for mixing a color on the fly but it doesn't serve me any benefit if I never can remember what that color was or clicking the exact same spot again so when you mix a color the next thing you want to do is go to swatches and make it a swatch so we go to our swatch and we say create a new swatch based on that color I've just made now I can use that swatch over and over and over again so if I come here and I want design to be that exact same purple I can highlight that click on the purple and now design is that purple so if I go in and change the purple of something else everything that uses that swatch will update that's the whole point of swatches and of course number seven is creating style sheets so we created a swatch or worked with color a little bit now style sheets are for same thing styling your text or creating style sheets so that you can style text in the future over and over and over again so I want to create two styles I want to create one for the headline so I'm going to go and bring up my Styles now window Styles paragraph styles that will bring up the paragraph and then character style panel I'm just going to go ahead and dock it over here and now for my paragraph Styles it says there's no one other than the built-in basic one we're going to create a new one and we want that new one to be called headline so I just double clicked on it typed headline and now that's our headline style I already format the body it's ten point myriad pro so I can highlight any of this text and make a new style for this and this new style will be called body so you can highlight all of this text and make it body so that if you make any changes to body any of this text will be formatted so we do that as well so now that we've got our headline and our body styles that means for example we go to the next page and we type in a new thing so we said design on the last page let's say we type in graphic here all lowercase then we can style that quickly as a headline just that easily so we can go in and on if we go here and create some sample text so we can say fill with placeholder text and of course that's going to come in by default of whatever the faults are we can say is nope that's body copy make it 10-point myriad Pro so that's the whole point of style sheets and that is number seven working with style sheets next let's go back up we weren't finished yet and we're going to do number eight which is text wrap people always want to know how to do text wrapping around something else so that's why we're going to place that knew that photo again so let's go to our mini bridge let's grab the wrap photo and we're going to go ahead and put her right here now I'm placing this photo on top of my text and we're going to bring her down so she's hanging off the page and of course if we were to go look at this and zoom in on it she's covering the text she's sitting on top of it what I would love to do is have the text wrap around her now you can do text wrap a couple of different ways so let me show you let me give you a quick example if I go in and I create a frame and that frame is sitting right on top of anything else like text I have my wrap options right here so I can say text wrap you know wrap around a bounding box so now the text runs around that box and I can put whatever I want inside that box we're good to go so let's undo undo get rid of that now in this case we have a photo a PSD a Photoshop document that has no background so it brought blended in nicely transparently so that we can see that there's no white background that she's standing on so if we wrap text around her with the bounding box idea well yeah that works but doesn't look cool because it just looks like we left a hole and put a photo in it but she since she doesn't have a background why don't we make it look better so let's go to our window menu text wrap and that will bring up the text wrap options that you don't get with just the four buttons and one of those options is hey while you've got that photo selected instead of wrapping the text around the bounding box why don't you wrap it too here we'll select it select it again ah I see why well do in a regular shape so we'll use our third option but it doesn't know what the irregular shape is yet so while I've got it selected I'm going to say that the irregular shape is detect the edges in other words you figure it out you tell me where she is and it will look at the photo and analyze it so that's great for logos it's great for Photoshop images that you place without a background so now the text wrap that it did may not be all that great because again it's trying to put text wherever it can around the photo and I really don't like it around the back of her back or head or shoulder so you'll notice this blue line this is kind of like your force field this is your gate that's telling it where it can and can't wrap well if you go to your direct selection tool you can manipulate this and you can tell it no no don't let text come in to this area don't let text come in to this area I can push these out and not have text come in to these areas so I can adjust where the text will stop where the text will wrap based on pulling out this path that it created automatically around her and if I keep pulling it out far enough will tell it that the text cannot go in this area behind her so again if I keep pulling this out there we go so that's kind of there's one more that's stuck down here let's get that one out of here too there we go so now we've got our text around her but not coming in to interfere with her to the point to where it would make it hard to read okay great now of course like I said that's going to create more of an a text over set problem because now the rest of the text that was in this frame definitely isn't showing because we use some of the space for the photo so what do I do with this red plus sign well if I want to continue the text I click the red plus sign and then I go anywhere else where I want to continue it so I want to continue it here I can drag out a new frame and it will continue the text from there to here so that is and again I may not want the graphic coming all the way over and I can pick these up and move these over and this is the whole point of page layout you're laying out a page putting things where you want them to be and how you want them to look on your actual page so we placed our text we placed our images we did text wrap two more really quick and that is what about page numbers or things elements that you want to be consistent across pages well InDesign has a pages panel and that pages panel shows you your document pages the ones we've built so far and it also shows our master page so if I go to my master page area I can double click and I can say what do I want to be on all my pages so for example maybe I want a rule across the top of the page so I can drag out using the line tool and we can use maybe a half point rule and I can then use my selection tool and duplicate that rule by holding down my option or Alt key and dragging it over so now I've got my two rules at the top of the pages and now I want the page number to be maybe in the center of the page so what I'm going to do is grab my text tool drag out a nice frame that goes across the margin area I'm going to Center that text and now I'm going to put in the symbol or the thing that autumn generates page numbers and if I don't remember what that is I can go up to my type menu and I can say insert special character or is it special character no it is not special character is it I can't remember there we go it is special character insert special character markers current page number and that will put an a there well why an a because we're on the a master page so it is working next we want to duplicate that so I'm going to hold down my option or Alt key and drag another one over here so a number of my write pages as well and now when I go back to pages 2 & 3 pages 2 & 3 have a number I want to style that number with a different font different size different color different whatever I go back to the master page and do it so if I want my page number to be smaller I can say no no not 10-point how about nine point make a nice small page number at nine point so now when I go back to this my page numbers are now nice and tiny nine point page numbers and if I want to move them down go back to the master page and move them down don't have them be right at the bottom of the margin area maybe spaced them down a little bit here we go so now they're not touching the bottom of the text okay well that's great except for page one page one we don't want a page number on there now luckily the image would be covering it up but if you didn't have an image covering it up how would you get rid of the page number on page one well one way is to simply not use the a master page we can just go ahead and drag over a blank so that now page one doesn't use a page two three and four do but page one is no master so that's one quick way to do it now that we're back to page one let's go ahead and experiment with some text designs here so for example we can grab our type tool we can drag out a nice big frame and we can have that nice big frame say the word InDesign and we can select that text we use keyboard shortcuts like command shift greater than on Mac or PC control shift greater than to make that text nice and big we can use whatever font we want so we could use the Grad font if we want that maybe grant regular and that will use our InDesign and next thing we want to do is maybe adjust the tracking of that so we can use our option or Alt right arrow key or simply type in the values so everything I'm doing from the keyboard could easily be done by just typing the values and if you knew them but I like to design these things visually winner whenever I can now last but not least we can make that whatever color we want so we'd make it a nice user nice swatch we could make it the purple that we've been using we can make it the yellow that we don't want to use we can you make it the magenta or a pink or blue or whatever you want and that would be your type treatment now InDesign also does have drop shadows and transparency and all kinds of other things that we can do and we can even trick this into thinking it's behind it behind her head by placing another copy of her without a background right on top of herself so that the text will be sandwiched in between the gray background and her all kinds of tips and techniques we can do to create that magazine look I'm not crazy about the way this looks by the way but it's just something down and dirty all right next we can grab our type tool we come down here and do the typical magazine thing what's in for the winter winter select all again choose whatever font we want I'm kind of tired of using Grad at this point so let me go back to jump to my Adobe oh you know what Proxima Nova I haven't used that in a while let's use thin and let's go ahead and choose an ice pick font for that and maybe make it a little smaller and we're going to just our letting which is option up arrow key or alt up arrow key which again is just changing this value and we've got our what soups we've got our whoops what's in for the winter and question mark there we go and of course we make that whatever size style color we want and you get the idea so last but not least number 10 is output so we're going to go to our file menu and talk about a couple of different ways to output this obviously you can print if you've got a printer connected to your computer you can print directly we're going to go ahead and save it first I'm going to call it Mac for magazine and now that we've got it saved now printing is obviously that's a no-brainer file print you have the ability to export out a PDF so if you wanted to send this to someone else to print it or look at it or put it online you can make a PDF right from InDesign using the export option and last but not least if you're going to give this whole thing for someone else to open up an InDesign and maybe your printer to print then you could go in and do the package feature so using package we can say package this whole thing up it's given us a warning because RGB may be a problem for some printers and the photographs we place for RGB but otherwise we would say package continue tell it where to put it let's say the desktop for example and it will make a package warning me about font copyright it will make a package of the InDesign all the photos that were used and the fonts that could be packaged will be packaged and therefore anyone with InDesign CC would be able to open it up now the Typekit desktop font does not get packaged so that grad font would not get packaged with it but because it's from Creative Cloud any Creative Cloud member you would give this to simply go download and install grad because all Creative Cloud members have access to the same fonts so that's just a quick look at the 10 things people want to know how to do with InDesign CC hope you learn something hope that it took away the fear that you may have had with InDesign by the way as a side bonus if you want to see what this looks like printed or without all the guides and things in the way without being in the text tools metaphorically long as you're not in a text tool any other tool in its letter W which will show you preview mode and now you can scroll through your document and see what your document will look like if it were printed so we have our guides our page number everything that we've done thus far and of course we can keep building we can add more space here so if you kind of like say hey that looks too crowded we can just go ahead and make that more spacious and add something here as well so there you go and of course that will just flow the rest of that text over to this other frame which we would then maybe need to place or create a let's do this there we go just so that we don't have an over set situation and we could go ahead and move this like so so all kinds of ways to format things and it's just taking your designs and making this look the way you want using InDesign CC my name is teri white thanks for watching you
Channel: Terry White
Views: 1,605,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe InDesign (Software), Tutorial, Adobe Systems (Organization), Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop (Software)
Id: qzE6nZofaI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2013
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