June's Front Porch Chat | Gardening with Creekside

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hello friends welcome to gardening with creekside i am jenny with my beloved here we are doing our june front porch chat uh if you hear a couple of little rumbles in the air i'm not sure what our mics are going to pick up but we have actually some rain going on praise the lord and there is some thunder in the distance it is it is far away we're perfectly safe sitting here on our front porch so it's been really dry here it has been really drying it's been interesting reading comments from y'all on social media some parts it seems like maybe north of us have been really really dry i think it was minnesota kate i think it was you minnesota i believe it was extremely extremely dry but then our southern friends louisiana have just been like no sun it's all been rain wow we've had lots of sun a lot and it got hot real fast this spring it did we went from spring to summer yeah and then we've had no rain for a while until yesterday it seemed like right i mean it's been a week since we've had rain so that that that poses an interesting um gardening dilemma so of course we're so far behind in putting plants in our landscape as far as annuals go and we're still doing landscapes for people we're still landscaping the patio back there so from a grower's perspective what kind of chat i mean we know the challenge the challenge is it gets hot and it gets dry so what is your advice as a grower for people who maybe find themselves in our situation where they're still landscaping they're still putting things in but how do they make sure that their plants let's just say survive this summer yeah um it's going to take every day you know probably twice a day checking on the plant so when you say check on the plant what are we checking for so making sure that it has adequate water so your soil should be moist not soaking wet not too dry you know so the plant will usually most plants give you a sign of i need water right especially like your tender plants like right hydrangeas all right and then one of them those signs most of the time will be if you if it's still limpy in the morning you you need to rescue the plant right so if you're not checking on them all the time that's part of gardening you know gardening is going out into the garden and you're seeing your stuff each and every day i mean i remember that when we were doing produce farming i mean you had to go to that garden spot you know every single day to check on it because there's always something going on right because if you're not checking it every day then you can't if there is a problem you're not going to notice the problem from a distance until it's like a major catastrophe right like if you notice from a long distance that your hydrangea is now has no leaves on it or it's completely brown well odds are you and it can't happen fast especially like for us several weeks ago when they got it was like three four five six days of 90 92 93 you know it's if you're not out there every day and giving it lots of water probably twice a day if it's a newly planted shrub or annual or perennial it's gonna die right so when we planted um back there in the patio we had those five incredibles so again planting your plant correctly and making sure it's planted you know deep enough but not not too deep we've covered this a thousand times you can go back and look at that video but also another key for us i think is that we really mulch our beds so like we put a nice thick layer of mulch so when even though it was hot i was watering those hydrangeas once a day um but when you're watering you're not you're focused on the roots you don't care you're not giving it a shower you're you're focusing on that water on the roots i mean you could go there for a year water all kinds of crazy ways you know with those little yard sprinklers to you know just kind of shower in the plants to which you know i like the five gallon bucket method because you're making sure that you're pouring water into the root ball or just taking the hose and like you were the other day and just you know hammering it to right into that root zone right making sure all that soil around there is getting soaking wet right and those hydrangeas never wilted no because it's so much easier to maintain a healthy happy plant than try to play catch up and recover and repair damage that's been done because even if we were to come like into your yard and landscape your house i mean you go away for a week of vacation i mean you could come back to a disaster right right this time of year right right so it and we tell our customers all the time and and you know you absolutely can landscape in the summer in the south it just is going to take more work on you it is and those plants are going to be here at the nursery but they're on automatic two times a day water i think just clicking on and keeping up with the moisture level you know each and every time and two they're they're they're plants above ground or drink if you get too much water like right now i know some of my timers we've got all the rain i might have turned one off the other ones are not off but i don't really panic that much because for us we could have had water going on in the downpour of all the rain yeah but it drains out because the pots they're in pots so they're the water is draining out so when we come and or you plant it and you put it in you do have to watch that because you could give it too much water then it's going to sit in water so if we were to get into a rainy spell in the summer and your automatic stuff is coming home and it's raining that's going to kill your plant too and i would say too that water the question of how you like how often to water is like the million dollar question in gardening because i can tell you what i do but my weather is different than yours my soil is different than yours my plants could be different than yours um you know so that's where jerry's like he's saying you've got to go out there and be the student of your own garden and look at it and i mean it sounds awful but figure it out right you'll know if it's your plants are limpy you've just got to be aware of what's going on i think that's what a lot of people have found out and during their stay-at-home period when they're at home they're you know they got sent home they're working from home some people are now working permanently from home and they enjoy just going out into the yard and they tinker and play around that's just that's the pedal they piddle around and they find things and so that's that's what you know what we need to do yeah that's gardening yeah that's garden that is gardening okay so speaking of the backyard patio yeah it's coming along looks really nice a year of con construction yeah just you know just a little bit more to go um yeah we had the steps the steps is a big thing we all saw the steps at the very beginning i'm ready to get those done and then we were ready to put the caps on and then we said well maybe we're going to do something different there so i i've got to go back i'm going to go back to the drawing board on my cap i'm just trying to come up with something a little different to kind of finish that off real quick yeah but other than that i mean it's just gluing that on and gluing some caps and some lighting as far as the patio goes that's that part is all done yeah it's really nice though to see you know like what we've dreamed about and thought about and planned about like actually coming to fruition yeah it was a massive project we're not ready to sign up to do anybody else's no we don't do horoscope don't ask no no no we don't do that no but i mean you know but we do a lot of projects like that i mean we do crazy projects like that like building the barn we're not going to offer to build a barn for anybody i mean you know we're not going to offer to do hardscaping a big old patio for anybody but it's a lot less pressure when you're doing it for yourself than for somebody else yeah yeah so you know it's what june was sixth today june 6th it was the beginning of june yeah beginning of june or so so yeah so we're still planting annuals and oh yeah we were trying to get them out and i um i was at picking up some wire at one of the big box stores today and i saw these pw caladiums going out and i had to go peer around the corner i mean they had a lot of product out there you know so there were people in there looking at stuff and still buying oh yeah that's the thing down here in the south a lot of you probably up north you can't relate here it is in june they like to just some nurseries around here they're done they're done they shut down like after mother's day and and you know we still have tons of plants to sell we're still you know moving forward i mean i think that's a big mistake and i think it has been a big mistake in the south i mean everybody just kind of shuts down because it gets hot it is harder to go in the hot but there's still things to do i mean oh yeah if you were doing a planter or a hanging basket it's got to be watered anyway right and i'm out there gardening i mean i've got tons of projects because we're so far behind on planting our annuals here at the house i won't say who happens to still have pansies in her back bed behind us and if you're a southerner you know that pansy should have been gone in like they're covered up by the artemisia that's right the artemisia has um i don't know if you can see it in the shot behind us but the artemisia has taken off it's gorgeous yeah that's all getting ready but we're gonna we're gonna clean that up and get all that stuff but just to say you know what y'all gardening really is a 12-month hobby yeah it's hot i mean i was out today doing a big project and i was hot and sweaty but you know do it and go get a shower and you're fine and then yeah it's good you just again you just have to um be aware of what you're doing and i would say if you're if you're doing some shrubs and you've got some things that you're trying to do it's four five six shrubs tree maybe you know that's manageable yeah but if you've got somebody coming and you're getting ready to throw down ten to twenty thousand dollars in a brand new landscape and that's gonna probably be thirty or more three gallon shrubs or just trees you really gotta stop and think about that now here in our area because that's a lot to maintain and watch over so it may be best to just kind of let's wait till things cool off a bit right and if you know that you're going to be out of town at times if you're going to be out of town and you have nobody to watch your landscape we would really recommend you wait till the fall and do that right so this made me think about something because this has been a big um i don't say problem issue especially this year when you talk about trees and shrubs is the availability of some plants yeah that we're seeing um especially not not really not in the annuals because annuals can be turned around pretty quickly but with trees perennials shrubs and trees we're having i mean this is industry wide a hard time getting certain ones certain ones um and that i just wanted to address that because maybe you're you're running into something but we i know that we deal with this now every time we're open we have to address this at the nursery because there are of course there's we have our you know standard shrubs that we love we always have them on stock we almost have them on hand with our trees we always have them um i know it's like that lady that ordered that anne magnolia yeah and then we thought we had it he was supposed to be on the truck coming to us and it didn't come it was probably that there was down to the last few just when they went to go pull it it wasn't there that happens i mean that's to be expected but now you can't get one and and so the reason for that so let's talk about why that is so one okay so last year 2020 um of course coveted hit everybody was sent home there was this huge influx of gardeners which was fantastic i mean right because like you're talking about people staying at home they're getting into gardening wonderful so then they're coming to local nurseries like us wanting to buy plants we're happy to help and so we're pushing and and putting the plants out so as they go out from us then we're calling up our suppliers saying hey we need these purple daydream lure pedalums we need these we need that we need this so of course those nurseries are happy to oblige so they're pushing them out because nobody planned on having a global pandemic you know what three four years ago planned on in the winter texas getting hit with all the cold and it killed all that right so then we then you have texas so let's back up though before you get ahead of me um i'm just saying i'm not done with the story here hey jerry likes to jump in and like look right in front of me so the stock got dwindled down last year and especially you know with perennials and trees and shrubs again it takes time you know like hibiscus you know when you go you know like from walters gardens here they have this amazing great perennial hibiscus but when we get the root stock that's a three-year-old plant root system right so it's going to take time to recover from that um we have certain daylilies with that we're going to we can't get there's eucharoles that we can't get until next year um there's a lot of certain plants the little redhead spagila we can't get that until next year then as jerry said you had the big freeze in texas and oklahoma and all of that so all those nurseries lost their stock and then the homeowners lost their supply um so that wiped out that whole not ecosystem but you know what i mean and then the big nursery's even up here i mean we knew like we were supposed to get limelight trees and they got sent to texas yeah non-existent right they're non-existent like we can't get limelight you know standard tree forms which is normally we could have really as many as we wanted to but we can't get them because a lot of things were sent to texas to help alleviate all the death and destruction that happened in the horticultural world in texas so you put those two things together and it's kind of created a shortage on certain plants and i'm not saying there's a plant shortage but you know when when some people come to us and we're like well it's a great plant come back and see me next year i'll have it then right right and we and i'm telling people like either find a replacement let's put something else there be open be flexible let's put something else there or if you're really like no i really want to have this plant in this spot then just save that spot and then once once the supply comes back in then we'll get it for you and you can pop it in and be okay but a little bit of flexibility and grace of course goes a long way and and everybody as far as it's been in the nursery once you explain that to them it's been good it's been good it makes sense for everybody sorry yeah spring spring's been a hustle and it's been a bustle you know all that good stuff it has and we've had people come see us from all over of course our local people um and then folks from all sorts of places yeah yeah i mean it's been it's been good they're still coming we're still having some pretty good saturdays we i would think that we'll continue on through june we'll see how july and august go but um we're hey you know we we potted up mumps we did pot up mums yeah you potted at mums yeah me and my little crew have we yeah we've got a great crew of mostly college students this summer [Music] great workers i mean fantastic workers that have come and they're helping us for they're at a program at our church and so they really about with the month of june that they can do kind of hot and heavy work um so they need some an employer that gives them flexibility and of course we're more than happy to have it always kind of works out because about this time of year we're getting some new fresh blood new shrubs to pot up we have the mums are always the beginning of june because they'll grow all summer yep into september at the beginning of september some of those will start to flower so we're you know we're getting shrubs ready for you know some of the shrubs will be ready at the fall some won't be ready until next next year you know um so it's nice to have them come in it is because they're fresh and we're we're starting we're done we're we're tired i told jerry it's like no more big projects right now no i have that on camera right [Laughter] all right we have a pretty good video lineup planned you know to go and so look forward to a lot of yeah lots of new videos are coming out um now that kind of the hustle and bustle of the spring is over we can really kind of focus on doing a lot more projects and showing you what's going on around here of course we'll you know hopefully get this patio landscaping area kind of nailed down and wrapped up but that's going to be a project that's just going to go on for years and years as far as like the landscaping and planting we're putting in the bones and right leaves room for fun later on and stuff yeah yeah and then we have the whole garden shed that we're going to revamp yeah yeah so it's looking good it is looking good so anything else you want to chit chat about i don't think so i don't think so i think we're pretty good yeah oh i know i want to talk about um so we had was talking to a local customer and i've mentioned this in the video before so i was talking to a customer and she was saying that you know love your youtube channel all that other good stuff which is fantastic to hear when you all come visit us we really do appreciate that um but it was about the whole subscription thing and so the term subscribe right in our language in our vernacular what we think of subscribe like you subscribe to a magazine right you subscribe to i don't know whatever the newspaper so you have to pay for that right and so you think subscription means i have to pay in order to receive it in youtube land that is completely not the case so when you subscribe to any youtube channel all of that means is that um you can now get notified of every time that we put out a video so you don't have to go searching for us every time you go onto youtube you don't have to type in gardening with creekside and then look to see if we have a new video you subscribe then you have the option of your notifications so your notifications are that little bell up there beside your subscribe button and there's different you can have all notifications so that means every time that we post a new video you'll get a little um for us it comes across our phone that says gardening with creekside just uploaded a new video and so you can then click on it it takes you directly to that video so you can do that or you can personalize it a little bit somehow or you can just turn the notifications off so that you don't get notified every time that we upload a video so if you are a faithful watcher if you enjoy the content that we make we would love it if you would subscribe because that helps us on the back end of youtube analytics um we don't get paid more if you subscribe but it just helps kind of boost us up in youtube's eyes i guess the best way to describe it yeah we just want you to you know well and then of course we want you to get notified because somebody was like you know i you know i didn't know that y'all are still making videos yeah i thought y'all took oh i'm so glad that y'all you know i'm glad you had a restful winter we missed you during the winter and you know now i came back to look for you in the spring it's like no honey we've been here all winter so we faithfully put out three videos a week we do you know that's that's the kind of the commitment we've made um but that has been a confusing point for customers for some reason right but uh and then two like everybody's browsers they're different different settings you know and it messes with their notifications and it doesn't have anything to do with us we had some emails about that and thinking it was something on our part you know that we were yeah yeah that our settings were not allowing you to get notifications that's when every our settings are that every time we put out a new video it sends out notifications to subscribers who who have that turned on so if you're not getting that um check that little bell and make sure that it says click where it says oh something yeah weird so it's not us not us it's not us but um the world of technology can be quite fun and interesting at times yes yes oh excuse me [Music] is what it is that we're here three times a week so if you don't see us popping up look for us we'll be here okay anything else that's it all right my friends uh the thunder has passed thank goodness the rain has stopped for now and we're going to go in and have some spaghetti for supper and uh yeah take it easy tonight and get back at it tomorrow be filming tomorrow jerry says he's a man of many words y'all have a great night we'll see you next time bye friends bye
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 22,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, North Carolina, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, butterfly garden, coleus, shrubs, gardening 101, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, landscaping, landscape design, plant nursery, proven winners plants, proven winners perennials, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, cottage garden, summer garden tour, hydrangea, succulents
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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