Create Realistic Snow Using Apple Motion 5

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this video is sponsored by envato elements more on that later hey friends dylan bates here the final cut bro today we are going to be creating a snow scene using apple motion this is massively inspired by ignace ayers amazing tutorial for after effects and i just tried to bring some of that info into the world of apple motion so let's get started first thing is first go ahead open up motion if you don't get the project browser you can push command option and from there go ahead and push import as project and today we're going to be using a scene from envato elements our sponsor the first thing we're going to want to do is select our clip and push k that is going to create a clone layer and we can just call this the snow layer from there go on up to your filters and go down to color and we are going to select colorize and we're done um so go ahead select your remap to white and we're going to jump over to these crayons and we'll just select the snow color and then i just want to ever so slightly push that to the blue tones after that select your remap black and we are just going to select the licorice black setting here and then from there we can actually select our snow layer once again i'll get rid of these colors go to the filters go to color and we are going to select levels now this is what's really going to drive our snow effect so if i drag our black areas down we can get a little bit more contrast and then we'll take our gray areas and drag that up so we just want enough contrast so that our trees actually look like trees and we can drag up our whites to really get some bright white out of this so now that we've done that go ahead select your snow layer and go into your blend mode from there we're going to select the lighten blend mode now this is going to be so immensely subtle if i actually adjust my levels here you can kind of see what it's doing so i'll drag these down you can see that as it gets darker the snow effect kind of turns into color so it's very very subtle it's just to help with those really tiny detailed areas so once you've got your levels set there we'll drag it down just so it's not quite so intense once you're happy with that go ahead select your snow layer go into your filters select blur and this time we're going to add in a gaussian blur and we're just going to set this to a very low level something like two points it's just very subtle but it helps with the effect the next thing we want to do is select our snow layer go into our filters and find the glow effect and that is just because snow usually is so bright there is a subtle glow to it what we will do is drag our radius up considerably and then take our opacity way down and that's just going to give it a very very nice little subtle glow effect you definitely don't want to go too heavy with this but if you get the radius way up and take your opacity down it's actually going to give it kind of a nice haze and i think i've got my levels a little too intense we want to back them off just a bit so that it's not so immensely bright and glowy perfect we've now got kind of a misty snowy scene going on so the last thing that we're gonna want to do is actually bring in some nice snowfall elements and that is where our sponsor envato elements is coming in really really clutch so here's the deal with envato elements i know they're sponsoring me i have to say good things about them but let me tell you even if they were not sponsoring this channel i would be recommending envato elements to everyone their platform is so so helpful to video creators and to photographers and to graphic designers it is just so mind-blowing all the stuff they have on there i use it from making fun christmas cards all the way to professional video production for broadcast television so let me tell you you definitely need to be picking up envato elements if you want to take your video production to the next level and if you use my link you will be getting 50 off the annual plan so go hit that up all right back to the tutorial so we're going to push command i i'm just going to bring in this real snow that i found on there and we can scale this up to 200 we'll change our blend mode over to screen and then we are going to drop the opacity like crazy we want this so subtle but um just so that you catch hints of it as you look around the screen in fact i still think it's too intense you're mostly going to see it in front of the trees here so i'll just keep playing and you can barely see it but it really adds to the effect of realism i don't even know if this is showing up in youtube but if it is it's really helping sell the effect and if you keep it so subtle people are going to believe that it's actually 3d so one last subtle thing i might do is i'm going to select the rectangle tool and i'm just going to create a big fat rectangle over the top here and i'm going to jump into the shape settings disable the outline and drag the feather up like crazy and we can go into our properties and i can drop down the opacity so that it's just barely there so this is going to create a really subtle missed effect over the ground of our snow just to bring it into the world of realism just a little bit more that about wraps it up if you enjoyed this tutorial you might also really like this tutorial about creating 3d volumetric lighting in your videos [Music]
Channel: The Final Cut Bro
Views: 600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Final Cut Bro, final cut pro x, tutorial
Id: xGchlLThZsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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