3D Stroke Logo Animation Tutorial in After Effects | No Plugins | 3D Stroke Logo Reveal

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in this tutorial I'll show you how to create a 3D strike logo animation in After Effects without using any plugins I hope you enjoy the tutorial and let's get to it first I'm going to create a new composition name it render it will be 1920x1080 30 frames per second and 10 seconds for the duration then open a 3D renderer Tab and set renderer to Classic 3D then click ok now let's drag the logo to the timeline you can press s on a keyboard to adjust the scale if needed I'll leave mine as it is after you've adjusted the scale right click logo and select pre-compose let's name this pre-comp logo and make sure move all attributes is checked then click ok now while the logo composition is highlighted let's go up to layer and select auto Trace now these are the settings that I'm using to outline the logo and you can see it from the preview so you might need to play around with the values to outline your logo this depends on the type of logo that you're using and then simply click OK that creates masks outlining logo now we can go into the effects and presets window and search for stroke then add the stroke to the logo composition here in effect controls we're going to adjust a couple settings now if you have multiple masks in your logo composition you simply check the box for all the masks so here I have one mask so I can just leave it as it is let's set the brush size to be 15 then brush hardness to be 50% and for the paint style make sure you set it to on transparent now let's move the time indicator at the start of the timeline let's create keyframe for end and set it to 0 percent now let's move to the end of the timeline and set end to 100 that gives us a simple stroke reveal like this at this point we can create a background so layer new solid let's name this one BG and for the color I'm using the light gray and click OK make sure to place the solid layer below the logo composition now we're going to create depth in logo by extruding it on the z-axis and the approach we use is a very interesting one so first we need to create a camera so layer new camera I'll select the 35 millimeter preset click OK and we need to make the logo layer 3D by checking this box if you do not see those columns click toggle switches and modes until you do and then check the 3D for the logo to make it into a 3D layer now I'm going to select the camera orbit tool and slightly rotate the camera so we can see the logo from the bottom here I'm switching back to the selection tool now let's select the logo composition and press p on the keyboard to bring up position then right click on the position and select separate dimensions then click away so you're not selecting anything and the one we need is the Z position so hold the ALT key in the keyboard and click the stopwatch for Z position here I'm going to type index*3 then click away and what this little expression is going to allow us to do is once we duplicate the layer it will automatically move by three points on the z-axis and just so if we create 20 or 30 copies we should get nice Extrusion in our logo it but before you start duplicating we need to do one more thing let's go to effects and presets window and search for levels let's add levels effect to the logo composition and we're going to set the output white to be 160 and that will darken it down and it will all make sense in just a bit let's create the first duplicate so select the logo there and we'll go up to layer duplicate or press Ctrl d as a shortcut so that's what I'll be using from now let's select the bottom logo layer and rename it to Shadow then open the effects drop down open stroke hold the ALT key and click the stopwatch for the color now make sure you select the logo composition so it appears in effect controls and what you need to do is for the shadow layers stroke color you'll find this pick whip tool here so you need to click on it and drag it to the logo layers stroke color so drag it here and let go I'll link the colors together and it'll make it easier for you to change all colors at once in the future so here you simply click away and that's done now we can start duplicating layers so I'm going to select the shadow layer and press Ctrl d as many times as you wish so I'll create maybe 20 copies and as you do you can see the it is getting extruded and you can stop whenever you feel like it's enough so maybe 26 copies is enough now I'm going to select the logo composition here and I'm going to remove the levels effect from it and you can see we've created this perception of Shadows so we have original color in this case white in the first layer at the top and all the layers underneath that are darkened down thanks to the levels effect that we applied now let's create extra Shadows or like a drop shadow for that we need the the last layer at the bottom so let's scroll all the way down and select the the last layer at the bottom let's remove levels effect from it then let's search for cc radial fast blur in vectors and presets so add it to the bottom layer here the color is still linked to the original logo layer so hold the ALT key and click the stopwatch to remove the expression and once you do that you can change the color and let's set the color to be black now let's set amount for the CC radial fast blur to 75 and you can already see the shadows and we can select the center point here and place it into the top right corner like that or you can play around with the angle if you wish to do so and that creates nice shadows as you can see so if we scroll forward this should make the scene look a lot better and all there's left is to create camera angles and animate the camera to create movement in the scene but first let's select the shadow layer at the bottom and scroll all the way up and select the logo layer just to pre-compose them all into one so right click any of them pre-compose and let's call this one all logos click OK and we need to make this layer 3D by checking the box and also continuously rasterize icon here so make sure that is checked and the Extrusion is back as you can see now I'm going to move the time indicator at the start of the timeline select the camera open up the properties transform create keyframes for point of interest and position now I'm going to select the camera orbit tool here I'm going to hold the ALT key on the keyboard and use the right Mouse button to slightly zoom into this scene like that then let's move to the end of the timeline and here you can you know change up the Angles and play around with all different camera angles to find something that you like now you can move move the camera to the side if something like that you don't have to copy me exactly I'm just showing you the way and that's what we've created remember that we link the colors together to make it easy for us to change all colors at once so I'll show you what I mean if we open the logos composition then select the logo composition at the top and for the stroke color let's select a different color so maybe this light blue click ok now let's go back to render composition and the color has been changed and you can see the perception of Shadow has stayed with it and that is it for today I hope you enjoyed and learned something new in this tutorial thanks for watching and I'll see in the next one peace out
Channel: Smertimba Graphics
Views: 21,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d stroke logo animation tutorial in after effects, 3d stroke logo reveal, after effects, after effects tutorial, adobe after effects, 3d stroke after effects, 3d stroke logo animation after effects, 3d stroke logo after effects, 3d stroke logo, 3d logo after effects, 3d logo animation, 3d logo intro after effects, 3d logo, 3d logo tutorial, 3d stroke, logo reveal, logo animation, stroke animation in after effects, after effects 3d logo, motion graphics, motion design, adobe
Id: Vus1TooNePI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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