Create Power Automate Workflow from Scratch | What is Power Automate | Step by Step guide tutorial

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to ksr data vision youtube channel uh in today's session we will learn about power automate okay let's start building a small use case so i have logged into power automate like if you type the url right make dot power automate dot com you can log into this power automate so what exactly is this power automate in the name itself you can see power automate means uh this is also one of the microsoft product where it has the power to automate many things whether uh manual activities or daily tasks or some of the events or the tasks where we have minimal manual intervention or no manual intervention is required so let's quickly get into the practical session okay so this is the home page of power automate and here you can see all the options this is the home option here approvals you can see here my flows then create a flow template connectors different options you can see so today we will be creating a one flow so first we will understand the use case okay what is the use case why how we will create a flow for that so this is my uh sharepoint list this is my sharepoint and in the sharepoint i have a list employee information list this is the list in this list i have four records okay just for your understanding and easy understanding i have taken the sample data just an employee information list which is having only few records uh four records i have taken here we have employee number their name and what is their role and their location these are the fields we have okay so my use case is um so my employees are very crucial for my organization okay so whenever there is any change in their information i should be getting notified so any change in my employee information whether they are relocating or they have changed the role or anything any details regarding them i should be getting notified when there is change in their information so this is what the use case is so if i edit say suppose john is there right if i am trying to edit this information i can directly edit from here as well or if you want to edit this using an user friendly interface we have already built this using powerapps as well if you have not watched that video you can watch it from the playlist or it is also available in the description box you can check it from there so if i am editing this information right i can click on this edit and i can edit uh this employee's information and i will save it so it gets saved it will change say suppose i am changing his location to delhi i am saving it so automatically it is getting saved but i am not getting any notification but this data is very critical for me i have to get some notification when there is any change so let's see how we can achieve this using power automate so this is my power automate and in this you can see different things okay under home screen approvals many things we will see but in today's session we will start creating directly a flow okay so when you click on this create you can see multiple options automated cloud flow instant schedule desktop process so what exactly this means these are different types of flows flow is nothing but a properly uh designed process like step one if this is the event then this has to be triggered this action to be performed step by step so in our case also there are only two steps okay one is whenever the data is getting modified modified when i say modified whether it is new entry or updating the existing entry so that will be the step one step two what it is i have to get an email notification so very simple right let's create this now so i will be using this automated cloud for just um on a high level i will tell you what exactly this flows automatic flow is nothing but um whenever any event happens right it automatically triggers by a particular designated event whereas in instant cloud 4 we can manually trigger that flow and when it comes to scheduled flow you can schedule that like every day by 9 am this event has to be triggered this action has to be performed like that you can schedule the flow and display flow is nothing but you can automate some of the process in your desktop environment and this is um basically process advisor is to optimize whatever the existing performance processes or tasks whatever it is we can optimize those things so in this use case i am trying to use automated cloud flow because whenever any data is modified right in my list automatically i need to get a mail alert so that is why for this use case i am using automated cloud flow so click on this flow so let's give a flow name to this okay list modify alert so any name you can give a name to the flow i will give or else uh my first flow okay i'm giving this my first flow and here you can choose your flaws trigger like what exactly you want the trigger trigger is nothing but um like what kind of even it has to be it has to perform right so i as i said i want any modification when even if a new record is created or modified what exactly it has to perform so i am selecting this one when an item is created or modified in the sharepoint so there are multiple things okay you can search based on the use case you can search here so many are there so this seems to fit my use case so i am selecting this one and click on create so it it has created one flow here one step here okay so it is asking me two information one is site address and the other one is list name so i am so my site is sharepoint list so i am trying to give my sharepoint information so this is my ksr consulting sharepoint path of the sharepoint so where my list exists right and then list name so list name this is my employee information list you can see it from here as well here is my list sharepoint list here you can see right this is my list name and this is the path of my sharepoint same information i have provided here after this what i am trying to do i will add a new step so next step will be mail alert right i have to receive a mail whenever this is getting modified so i'm adding one more step here so now i can find the action action is nothing but a task right what action it has to perform whenever there is a change in the list item so i want a mail right send a mail so i will try to search whether there exist anything send an mail so if i when i start typing send only it is showing me related actions here so in this i am selecting send an email we do this action i am selecting here you have multiple actions okay under all you have multiple things under built-in you have standard premium so many we have so for my use case i am trying to search send and in all i got this send an email v2 so i am selecting this so into i'm trying to give to whom this mail has to be triggered so to me right i want to get a mail so i am giving my mail id and subject is alert i will tell that employee number then i'll give some space employee name modified so this dynamically i'm giving okay from here only i can choose so these all are the fields which were there in my list so same thing i'm entering here and body also you can mention so power automate is sending me a mail hey you must see this employee information has been changed so i'll compose the mail hiyuma employee information list has been modified thanks power automatic so this is the mail which power automate will send me when there is a modification in the employee information list so i have composed in this way so let's save this one click on save if you see here it is getting saved okay this is saved finally i have created now so it is telling me your flow is ready to go we recommend you to test it it is asking me hey before using this float first test this one so i will click on test so manually i'll test now click manually and click on test now it is telling me to see how it is going to work you try to modify some item and then you check this one so i'll go to this sharepoint and let me take martin i'll unselect this i'll select this information i'll try to edit martin he has moved from he has relocated from pune to bangalore so i am trying to update his information i am trying to save this so now this list has been modified let's see what is happening in our flow it is still ah so it is telling me your flow ran successfully and if you see here you got some notification as well you can see here right the red symbol on this outlook click on that immediately you got that information a high um then floyd information has been modified so alert whatever i have given in the mail alert right in the subject of the mail that also i can see here alert employee number what is his name it's modified so it is giving me an alert so like this any uh information any task or any triggers you can automate using this power automate very simple steps we have created and automatically it is giving me an alert so thank you for watching this for more informative videos uh please do like share and subscribe to case or data vision youtube channel thank you
Channel: KSR Datavizon
Views: 1,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: create a flow in power automate, create a business process flow in power automate, create flow action in power automate, how to set up a flow in power automate, how to create a team flow in power automate, create a new flow in power automate, power automate flow, power automate tutorial, power automate examples, power automate desktop download, power automate desktop, power automate types of flows, power automate manually trigger a flow, power automate interview questions
Id: xApm-nXpCk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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