- Yooo! What's up? This is Patrick from Guy in a Cube. And someone recently asked me, can you send emails directly
from a Power BI report? And I was like, yes you can with the new Power Automate visual. And they were like, Power Automate visual? It's like, stay tuned. (upbeat instrumental music) If you're finding us
for the very first time, be sure to hit that Subscribe button to stay up to date from all the videos from both Adam and this guy. All right. The new Power Automate visual. It's been out for a couple of months and I got a chance to tinker
with it when someone asked me hey Patrick, can I send
emails from a Power BI report? Can I enable my report
consumers to send emails? And I was like of course you can. You can use the new Power Automate visual, but it's not limited
to just sending emails. It can write items to SharePoint lists, it can do so many things. But in this video, I'm gonna show you how you can select items in a table
or from some other visual, click the Power Automate visual
and send some emails out. All right. So you guys know what I like to do. Instead of all this
talking, let's do what? Let's head over to my laptop. To use this, the first
thing you need to do is click on the ellipsis here. You choose Get more visuals, the Power BI Visuals window will open and you type in power automate. And when you do that, you'll see it right there and click Add. I've already added it. And what I like to do, 'cause I think I'm gonna
be using this a lot, so what I like to do is pin it. I'm gonna pin it up with my other visuals, so it'll show up all the time. So I'm gonna right click on it and say Pin to visualization
pane so we can keep it. And then what you do is you find some white space on your report or some area on your report,
click there and click it. And so it'll open up
and let's expand it out and let's see what this says. It says, okay, first thing you
need to do is add some data. With the item selected,
you can see right here, it says Power Automate data. These are the fields that you're gonna use in your Power Automate. Maybe they're gonna be used to create, add an item to your SharePoint list. Maybe they're going to
use it to create a task. In our case, they're gonna be used in the context of the email. So let's find those items. So we want the sales order number, so that would be right here. Want the days until it's shipped. We want the full name and
we want the email address of the customer that
we're gonna send it to. The next thing you need to do is to make sure that visual is selected, click the ellipses and choose Edit. It's gonna open it up and
right inside of Power BI, we have the Power Automate Flow Creator. It's right here in the context. I don't have to leave
and go anywhere else. It's like one-stop shopping. And what you do right at
the top, where it says New, you can create a new flow or you can use some existing flows. We're gonna create a new flow 'cause what fun would it be if we just use one that
was already created. So we're gonna say use one
from an Instant cloud flow. Basically when someone clicks that button, it's gonna fire off that flow. And here's my Power BI. When that Power BI button is clicked and what we want to do, click new step. And there's so many things
we can do right here. What I want to do is send an email. So let's see if I type send
email, perfect, send an email. We're gonna choose that. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna say for every person, so click in the To box, choose Add dynamic content, and you're gonna see the
Power BI data email address. So this will be my customer email address. Since this is just a test and a video, I'm actually gonna just
send these emails to myself. I'm not gonna pop in that email address. But if you were doing this
in a real world scenario, you would use the email
address of your customer. So I'm just gonna use my user email. The email address of the person that's gonna trigger the flow. And in the Subject I'm gonna say this is regarding sales order number and then guess what we gonna do, we just gonna choose sales order number. And now what it's gonna do, it's gonna say for every
one of these in the list, for every item that's part
of the dataset, run this. And then what we're gonna
do is say Dear full name, add a comma, press enter. Thank you for your order. We apologize for the delay. Your order will be
shipped in how many days. So we don't see it there. But if you just type days, there it goes, this number of days. And so we're gonna put
this in parentheses, cause it may be one day. And then maybe we'll say
thanks for your business. (laughs) Patrick. Perfect. And that's it. So we've constructed this. It's gonna apply this to every element when my button is clicked, any data that's available
within that context and send an email out for each one. So what you're gonna do is click Save. And while it's saving, what I'm gonna do is let's give it a name. Email unshipped orders. There we go and click Save and then we're gonna
choose Save and apply. We gonna go back. Now you can see here's some details of it. I can click Run, I can
click Apply, I can Edit. I can turn it on and off. We'll come and look at
this in just a little bit. So we'll go back to my report and now my flow is ready to go. Let's kind of format this up a little bit. I'm gonna put this right here. Instead of saying run flow, we can actually go over
to our Visualization pane, click on the format icon and there's properties
that you can change. I can change the button text. Instead of saying run flow, you can say Send Emails. I can change the font color, the padding, the vertical alignment,
the horizontal alignment, the field, the title, you have control over
a lot of things here. Before you do that, you
need to add some context. So if you just click the
button now, it's gonna send as many emails as
available in your data set. You need to add some filters, all right. You need to be careful. So I probably would put a little warning or something like that on it before I put this out to my end-users. Let me show you what I'm talking about. So let's say I'm working in California and it filters my data down to California. And then I want to send
an email to Alexander. And then if I hold down Control, I want to send one out
to another Alexander. And then if I scroll down, I want to send one to Charles Cox. So I have those three selected. And now if I hit Control
and press this button, it's gonna say hey, my
flow is being triggered. And if we head over to my email, boom. So you can see Dear Alexander Brown, this is regarding sales
order number da-da-da. Dear Alexander, thank you for your order. We apologize. Your order will be shipped in two days. Thanks for your business, Patrick. And just like that, it works. Before you publish your report out, there's a few things you need to do for anyone that's gonna trigger this flow. Let me show you. Before you publish this
and give people access, you wanna go here to Edit. And remember I said we
were gonna come back and talk about all the
stuff that's available. So you can see this guy right here. I'm gonna click on this ellipsis and then I'm gonna go to Details. If we go to Details, you can see the flow, you can see the run history
and everything that's going on. And what I could do is I can add Owners. So maybe I wanna make Adam an owner. So I can say hey Saxton,
can make Adam an owner here. Yep. And then anyone that I just
want them to run the flow, I can go Edit and then
I could type them here. Maybe we'll give John Doe the ability to trigger the flow. So once I publish this report out, then both John and Adam will
be able to trigger that flow based on their selection criteria. There's lots of other things. Think about the possibilities. There's so many things that could be done. All right. What do you guys think? Any questions, any comments
about this new flow visual? I'd love to know. Let's continue the conversation, where? In the comments below. If it's your first time visiting The Guy in the Cube channel, hit that subscribe button. You like my video, give
me a big thumbs up. As always from Adam and myself, thanks for watching. We'll see ya in the next video.