Microsoft PowerApps for Beginners - Build your first App just in 10Min.| Power Apps Tutorials.

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[Music] myself Santosh I do have a nine years of experience working in IT industry and currently I'm working as manager in Microsoft my core experience is towards data science data engineering and data analytics project currently I am managing around eight projects and total I have worked with around 80 projects from different domains such as banking healthcare insurance e-commerce and Retail and I'm a certified trainer taking training for ksr for the last five years welcome to Casa data Vision YouTube channel in this video we'll try to create one simple app by using PowerApp and let me tell you what is a requirement whenever a new student comes into our Institute we'll try to add their information into a database now imagine a student is joining XYZ course so we have to capture their ID their name phone number email ID location what is their experience and what is the joining when did they join now do you think other people within ksr do you think they have so much of time that they'll do a manual entry we all know SQL we can write a script by an insert script insert into table and we can give the values now do you think we have that much of patience and time to go and insert manually definitely no now we need to find a way how can we make a direct entry from an app so whenever a new new student comes into picture maybe we'll try to add from a Mobile screen and automatically we will be able to make an entry into the table now we are going to demonstrate that we will not be concentrating on the designing part but we will be concentrating on how the logic works okay to start with first let's login to our power app so first we'll log into our PowerApp and once you log into our powerapps is directly logging in and this is my organization account so if you want to create any app you have to be signed into an organization account because we are building an app for ksr right it's not for everyone else it's only for ksr people so we have to make sure that we have logged into the organization account and this is the home page in the home page we can see that we can see that there is a possibility that we can create a app it's a blank app or you can connect from a shared point or you can connect from a SQL and we have a documentation here and we have the existing app here so all these things are something which you can see here now what I will do I'll create app and where is the data coming from the data is coming from database right so let's do one thing I'll try to connect my SQL database and once I connect try to connect to my SQL database the first thing which I need to do is I need to go for new connection in the new collection which is a database we have mySQL database so let me connect to mySQL database in the mySQL database we need we need to fill the form for setting up the connection so what I'll do I'll give my server my server is localhost my database name is YouTube so let me give YouTube and the username and this is my password and I need to go and set a Gateway so Gateway is something which established the connection between your on-prem to the Power Platform tools so let me select my Gateway foreign so let me select this Gateway and try to create the connection now once the connection is established automatically it is going to give us a three screens by using their own features okay now in that database I have only one table which is going to be my student table that is the student details currently I don't have any records so let me go and select this table and once I connect to this table it is going to create a three page screen automatically for us now that's how our power apps is so powerful it can help us in creating within a few clicks now if you see here so we have three screens so one is a browse screen one is a detailed screen and one is a edit screen okay now let me Zoom it now this is a screen that you can see here so this is a browse this is a detail screen and this is a edit screen okay now what I will do since this does not have any data for now it's not showing any data but let me go and insert a new data so this is actually a development tool if you want to go and use this app we can directly go and give this play button so once you give the play button you can see that this is like your Mobile screen well now I am showing it within my browser but the same app I can install in my mobile application and I can use it now imagine if there's a new student that is coming into our system right one person has reached out to us to join XYZ course and we wanted to save this information do you think we can go and manually make a insert statement here definitely not we need to go and use it from the application assume that I am opening this from my smartphone okay so I will go and click this plus button so a form is being opened now what I need to do one student has come to us so we have to go and make an entry so what we will do I will just make an entry off student ID I'll give one student email ID let me give clearance at Casa data so I am generating an email ID for him and the number of experience he hold let's say he is actually one year old experience and when did he join the course he's actually joining today so I'll select today's date and location assume that is from Bangalore and what is his name Kiran Kumar is the name and let's say we will give one phone number okay now I have entered it now who will go and do a manual entry we cannot do a manual entry right so I have used this app and I will go and click this submit item so automatically the one entry will be made now how do you go and validate it we can go and check in the database see one person entry is being made right now let's try one more time I'll go and add another student let's say student id2 vinay experience 0 is a fresher imagine that means joined the last Monday location name and phone number right and I'm making an entry now two entries has been made now let me go and give here and let me search you can see that we can see the entry has been made and this experience is zero okay now I made a mistake actually the name I've given properly the email ID I did not generate properly so I need to go and edit it right maybe fortunately I made a mistake so I need to go and change a email ID now now again is it possible yes it is definitely possible what you can do is go here you click this person's ID and you have a pencil button here which is basically a edit item so I will click this edit item again the popular the form will be populated and I'll simply go and tell vinay at data vision PSR data vision okay and let's say I have I've made a change number for change number two phone number also have me changed to 29 last two digits is 29 now I'm going to save now automatically the form has updated now if I go and see here now just observe this this data will be changed see we will go into a manual update we'll go and do a manual entry possible right now this app we will give it to ksr maybe we'll put some designing and all and then we will give it to the ksr team so any new student who comes into our system directly can go and our admins can go and add a student now once we get all the student information it's easy for us to understand how many students are joined from which location how many of them are experienced maybe we can add more of the details and we can start seeing how many have got the offer and how many have got the highest package okay just I'll show you our own database we have let's say this is our own database so in this database we have all the students and where did they come from when did they join and which best they belong to how many offers they hold and what is the highest package they have so all this information we do have well this is what we maintain for ksr but do you think I or my team have a patience to go and do a manual entry definitely not we have our own app we have concentrated about the logic but we can come up with a UI screen let me show you some sample uis that we can come up with let's say this is app this is actually the screens which you have seen so this is a browse you can browse for any student and you can go for details where you have an option of edit and if you want let's say one student has like a went to on-site and you don't want to continue the course if the request for a deletion we can go and delete this if it deletes we will be able to delete it for example it's a winner winner has requested that he has to go for on-site for his education so let me delete it so is details is deleted so let me go and run this the vinay information will be deleted whether it's a delete it's a update or insert directly we can make it from this screen well that is what we can do with respect to our power app now let me show you some applications that we have built okay we will be teaching you functionality level but if you have all these applications in this applications there are so many applications that we have built let me show you sample one okay let's say this a reference app see this is all the screen looks this is the app that we are going to build and the functionality will make an automatic entry to the table let's say I log into the screen it will ask you the email ID and password so every person who is going to log into our application will be going in using our login DS so their email ID and the password I am saying about the admins ksr admins so their email add-in password should go and match if it is matching it will go to the next screen in the next screen we can go and add the information about the student well the functionality level it's already working it is going and making an entry but screening level how to design your own screen how to come up with a fonts colors icons everything we will see in the subsequent videos it's very easy to build an app without even writing lines of code we can get lot of things done automatically that is how your power apps also powerful okay with that will stop here we'll continue in the next video thank you so much please subscribe our Channel if you have not subscribed we will meet in the next video
Channel: KSR Datavizon
Views: 9,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power apps, powerapps, microsoft power apps, share point, sharepoint, build app, develop app, low code, no code, ms power apps, microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Power Apps, dynamics 365 tutorials, Power Apps Form Validation, PowerApps Forms Validation, validate microsoft powerapps forms, microsoft powerapps tutorial
Id: T2LiSZj1jxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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