Create Mandala | Circle Pattern | Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

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hey guys Chris Jones here welcome back to another video duplicate in an item or a shape around a circle is quite easy in Illustrator now because of the built in features but when you pair it up with sort of design like a mandala you can create some great effects and that's what I want to show you in today's video [Music] so I'm here in Adobe Illustrator and I've already got my art board set up to 1080 by 1080 pixels know the first thing I want to do is go over to the ellipse tool and I want to create sort of like a petal [Music] when I do is go back to the ellipse to create another circle and want to align this obviously in the mitt in the center or in the in the middle there's somewhere and at this point I'm just creating shapes to make it look nice and a bit by intricate so now I've got that selected what I'm gonna do is I'll duplicate this by clicking command C command F and I want that as in the middle but intersecting I wanna highlight all these make sure they're aligned and click command G to group in I know what I want to do is come down to effect distort and transform and then transform so here we can sort of say how many copies we want of this duplication and we can also say where we want it to be duplicating from so like that could be the center but what we want to do is to create sort of like a circular effect I'm just going to click that little square in the middle at the bottom and that will ensure that we're taking our rotate copies from the bottom of this black circle so how many copies we'll say about 8 should be or not no to ensure we get a perfect circle and make sure that none are overlap you know you get a massive gap at the end which is sometimes happen to me in the class there's a simple equation that we can do to ensure that we get it nice and even so because we know a circle is always 360 degrees type that in click the little forward slash and then we want to click eight because that's what we want and we want to tab it so they know we know it's a 45-degree angle click preview and there you can see we've got that but because it's done eight copies course the original we need to get rid of one so that will be down to seven you know we've got that selected you can click OK no obviously they're all still grouped together and what I would tend to do is keep them grouped until I know that the designs final so what want to do no just move that over to one side and I'm going to create another circle that and just scale it inside itself so we get a nice circle again I'll change the colors to the artboard horizontally and vertically and that'll just make sure that no we're working with this that it'll all be central so now what we want to do is just make sure that we've got this aligned in the middle but that the bottom of the circle is at the center point so with that selected you can double click to isolate inside the group click both the petal and the circle and now we can just drag it Oh make sure you keep the shift button click to make sure it's always central centralized and now we can work on getting this sort of that's quite nice no a good thing no sort of work in this way is that we can add ships into it so we can add a circle again obviously I want to make sure before we exit the isolation up it's all lined up nicely otherwise it will start going off some nuts seemed quite nice I'll just maybe shrink the circle down a little bit quite nice perfect it's obviously we click into the outline view we can see we've got this main circle here which we need to get rid of because we don't want it sort of clogging up the sort of design so we need to go to edit sorry object make sure have clicked it object expand command shift G to ungroup them all and know what we can do is we could just go around the circle and just delete all these extras I know we've got that we just want to make it a bit more colourful in our what color palette we are using so I'll just start going round [Music] the first self section done near enough what I want to do know is from this center point as we know everything is centralized and I just duplicate this I make sure that we've got I surf will help was in a minute when we come to create another circle so we want to duplicate this circle by clicking command C command after it duplicates it over the top we want to sort of align this with this circle and change the color just so you can see so now we want to basically just copy and duplicate this move it up so that the bottom is aligned into the center click this circle group them together and now we can use a shortcut because we've already used the transform button we can just click apply transform from the effect panel the first one on the drop-down that'll create sort of eight circles which are around these shapes we've already created now we don't want these to be here we want them to be situated in the middle of these two so what we need to do is object expand appearance and know what we can do is using the rotor we can brought it and around so that they're in the middle and also what we can do is just scale them in a little bit another sort of all contained within this big circle and there we go that's the first section done just move that out the way I'm sorry what we need to do now is ungroup them all and then just delete these circles again there we go so the next part is sort of the men Mandela effect and again all revolving around sort of circular shapes so we just want to get our first we want to align that rosante Lister that's in the middle and know what we want to do is get this shrink it actually what I'll do is I'll object path offset path 20 maybe 25 we're going to change the stroke and color the stroke increase this stroke I want to do make sure it's inside now with this particular design we're using sort of like a scalloped edge and to create that obviously we go into the stroke properties I want to click change the cut to round cut round corner now align straw doesn't really matter too much and boys mainly just this dash line we want to create a gap and then this will obviously help with our scallop you don't need to worry too much but what I'll do is I'll show you how you can create this and then obviously get it so that it's a complete ship rather than water look like circles so what we want to do is just try and find something that looks quite nice and we want to just make sure that obviously the circles are all touching sometimes you can do that by using the gap or you can just increase the width of the stroke so what we want to do now is object expand fill and Stroke object compound per release and then we can just go to Pathfinder click the unite button and we've got a nice scalloped edge which obviously we can change color and add a straw to it we can do all sorts to it so with this selected I want to know create another all around the circle and to do that I'm just going to use the original circle we started with change the stroke and we want to sort of create so it's just within the scalloped edge I'll create a bit of a sort of boundary and know what we want to do is again duplicate this over to circle and we've holding option and shift we can scale it inside itself and I'll make sure that it's all still even so now we've got that we want to start creating this sort of share around the out outside so we want to go back to our lips - we want to create sort of another leaf sort of we want to just make sure that this is aligned in a censer change of color just so you can see what it is I know one I just for now just make sure that's near enough touching the outside and I with this selected want to create another circle make sure that's aligned now we've that aligned again we want to go to effect transform and this time we want a lot more of these ships so want to go for something like seventeen we'll see what that looks like so we want 360 divided by 17 equals twenty one point eighteen preview that no we want to go back to the outline view I make sure that bottom circle is touching the center line and then we want to bring this back into place well sorry I forgot to creep in so now we've got that aligned and groups effect transform preview okay and we want to go to what outline view holding shift get this circle into the middle and then in isolation mod want to just bring this paddle back up so we've got it near and off touching that outer circle I know what we want to do with this selected is we want to make sure that they're touching a little bit more than what they are so what want to do is remove these a slightly and we're looking for this sort of arch section here what we want which looks pretty good gonna change the color to white sorry for a second just so I can see it I think that'll work so now with that selected obviously again we want to go to object expand one group delete all these fools know what want to do actually on to make things easier to select them all and go to the Pathfinder and what I want to do is just create these it's all one I'll just make things a lot easier after and there we go so now we want to click object path offset path instead of being minus 25 will do minus 10 that's quite good click off care and your color know what we want to do again is object path offset path another 10 click off here but this time we're gonna go back to the east rocks off strata and nor feel just a stroke when I click the cap to round corner to round and we want dashed line I wanted us to increase the stroke width I'll change the color just so you can see what I'm doing I know we've got some nice circles all following the shape of the stroke you know one thing you do want to do now is just make sure you've got this allowing dashes to corners and that'll just any sure that there's always a circle at the point you know with this you can sort of play around with how many circles you want I think that might do nicely so now we've got that we don't really need to do anything with it you cannot obviously expand it to make them all circles but for the purpose of this I'll keep them as the air just in case I need to go back into him afterwards and tweak them so know what we can do is pass that now because we use the for all the tool before all of the ships underneath have obviously been caught out to create this but where we can create a simple fix for this circle and that's just to create another circle over the top I find this is pretty easy not the easiest to do quickly just so you're not messing a boat just make sure it's touching click off of him go to your finder so now we've got this covering all the others we can just highlight and both go to unite in the Pathfinder tool and that'll create another circle from what we can work with now I'll just change the color and we just want to shrink it inside itself so that's option shift I just want to know we create a nice stroke similar to what we did before we want to stroke tap tap - line and we just want to make sure that the touching so I'm just trying to emulate this outer scholar so with that done like I said object expand expand and object to compound path release and then again in the shipbuilder or the Pathfinder should have say we can click the unite and now we've got nice scalloped edge now what want to do is just bring this edge slightly up just so we're covering the circles at that point so it kind of did they just all sort of fall nicely into place and again know what we want to do I'm gonna create another stroke similar to what we did here but this time I want it a little bit like so it's not touching this like the edges it's more sort of it getting away from the scalloped edge so that's looking quite nice so now we just want to add some extra circles so what again what I want to do these are a lot with the line somehow I know that's in the middle of the art board and everything else is surrounded that want to duplicate group in fact supply transform and weave that no selected sorry what should have done and then transform and into white something much expand all so know what quick where to sorry we're have been before he's deleting all these little circles a quick where to do it is obviously instead of highlighting them all you can click the lasso tool just go round the shapes delete there you go that's looking quite nice but actually what I want to do with is just increase the stroke because they looked a bit too small that's quite good I know with this this can obviously come into play make sure to select them all and again we just want to make sure that that's in the center we've got in the center now we can just copy this shrink this dough and it's basically just about playing around until you find something that you you happy with just get rid of that that's looking quite nice still a little bit but just don't like this right so what I'll do is I will create some circles so again option shift I want to just bring that slightly in from that so it's like that go to the stroke and we want to create these circles again make them big so I can see what we're doing I know what I want to do is just try and make sure that each of the points of this petal has a circle pretty much in the middle we'll just keep doing that until they all pretty much and obviously this will be a bit of trial and error [Music] [Music] my work hello yeah I'll do I think no object X fun make sure they're all individual and group you know what I want to do is just go in and delete two from the middle one so one two from the middle one I'm just continue doing this just so we get like a three no there might be an easier way to do this but I've not really phoned it yet if there is any easier ways let me know in the comments below there we go so suppose that this so I suppose the circles and that sort of uniform and symmetrical but I think that sometimes gives the design a bit of an edge make makes it feel a bit more handmade even though it's all produced on the computer so now I just need to fill in this little gap and and again what I'm going to do create a circle just change the color so you can see it but I'll be changing it back to white once we've done the design I want to duplicate it again I want to make sure that is directly underneath and Guice intersecting when I creep in that transform what one is like a bit of it so I'd like a flower effect sort of Co this 360 divided by 6 equals I think that might work so I'll just take one off object ungroup oh sorry object expand object on group just want to go around and delete these and then with that one just wanna make sure that it's nice in the center why shrink it down I know obviously similar to before when we did the these circles I want to just align it in the middle change the color so you can see do you prepare this make sure that it's intercept oh my god we just want to make sure that we can be counting all these just to make sure because this is the amount we'll need 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I think that was so I know we've got that selected but transform 17 from the bottom 360 divided by 17 equals 21 minus the 116 preview perfect we want to make sure that this circle again just the bottom is touching the center line or the center we don't actually want the circle in the center just want the bottom bit to touch that line now with that selected you can go into each individual circle drop them on zoom out and with this selected I just want to bring it similar to where it'll be positioned seems quite nice I'm just going to shrink it slightly just so it fits in a bit with these circles I'm going to pull it back to white cuz it'll make it easier now to do it wise i'm afterwards now we want to object expand the appearance and similar to before we just want to move these into they're not looks quite nice delete that earlier I need to bring it back in and there we go I finished mandala or mandala so I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial i hope you've lasted to the end of the tutorial because i know it is a little bit long and i know it was a little bit laborious but it just shows that with a bit of practice and a few simple shapes and tools you can create these mandala or mandala style graphics that look beautiful so if you've liked it please let me know below if you haven't still let me know below because i'm happy to take on any of your feedback as always because i want to improve on these videos improve on the quality but most importantly improve on the content so i'm going to leave it there tune in for the next one and i'll see you
Channel: Chris James
Views: 1,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mandala, Illustrator, tutorials, adobe, learning
Id: kxISsS77xE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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