Infinite Logo Design in Illustrator Tutorial

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hello there your ting danske the place to be to develop your creative skills in this tutorial we're going to learn how to create a gradient based Infiniti logo all from scratch in Adobe Illustrator [Music] righty-o so we're now in Illustrator and I've created a new document a thousand pixels wide and a thousand pixels high and the first thing I'm going to do is go to the View menu at the top make sure my smart guides are turned on my snap to point is turned on and snapped a pixel is turned off next we're going to grab the ellipse tool left-click and hold shift to draw a circle and with that circle selected just select none as the fill so we just have a black stroke and we'll put that in the middle there and then go to edit copy edit paste in place this creates another copy of that circle and we can hold down alt and shift on the keyboard and left-click from one of the corners to scale to the center now this area in the middle is going to be white we're going to knock that out later in the tutorial so we can actually see through that so next we're going to select this smaller circle and again edit copy edit paste in place definitely some shortcuts they're worth learning but we're going to hold shift and scale up from one of the top corners until it snaps and Alliance to this top edge it's so these two need to be level am I going to do the same again we can go edit copy and paste in place or what we can do is just with our shape selected hold alt and shift and drag down shift will keep it perfectly vertically straight and alts will create a copy of that shape and again we can zoom in check these both line up now this is quite important because otherwise if the some shapes don't line up later in the tutorial things will get quite complicated okay so now we can drag over everything and from the alignment panel on the right if you don't see that just go to window and down to a line what we're going to do is align these horizontally in the center like this and we can then select that medium circle and again hold alt and shift we'll drag that down to create one more copy and then we'll just shift that copy to the left so it lines up with that left edge now at the moment all of these shapes have a stroke weight applied they have some styling if you'd like to see a wireframe view that removes any styling just to check everything lines up perfectly you can go into outline mode by pressing command or control Y and we can see a wireframe there everything looks good to me and it's command or control Y to come out of outline mode so we're not going to do one on this right side here but what we are going to do next is drag over everything and I think I'll just move this up here and again we can either go to edit copy and then paste in place or just hold alt and shift and drag down and they're going going to hover over one of the corners and rotate this around and you can see the number of degrees here now we need 180 degrees it's quite hard to get this manually as you can see so if we just hold down shift it will snap to 45 degree increments so we can get that 180 rotation nice and easy how am I now going to drag this up it's at the top of this now needs to line up perfectly with the bottom of the smallest circle that we created at the beginning and again we can zoom in press command or control Y to go into outline mode perfect and there we go we've created well we've created a mess of circles but you can start to see the shape for our eight or infinity symbol coming together now for me personally I like to create checkpoints while I do this so I'm just going to select everything hold alt and shift and drag a copy out there one because it's just nice to see the process looking back but two in case anything goes wrong I've got all of these circles here before I started combining them together which is what we're going to be doing next so we'll just pop that back in the middle next we're going to select the shape builder tool over here now we'll just zoom in now with the shape builder tool you can click in a segment you can drag through or multiple segments or shapes and it will combine them into a single shape or you could hold down the Alt key on the keyboard and you'll see the plus changes to a minus and it will actually knock that out and remove it from the shape now because this is going to be like a number 8 infinity symbol we're going to hold down alt on these two smaller circles and left-click now because we have strokes here it doesn't look like anything's changed but it has actually just knocked those out so when we come to adding our fills later you'll be able to see that it they won't be there I'll just be transparent so any background image or anything that goes behind it will be see-through so now we can drag over everything again and we're going to start combining all this together so let's grab that shape builder tool and just start left clicking on these segments and dragging through now if you do do anything like this and you make a mistake and you think oh no I've gone wrong just go to edit undo have another go so we'll drag this one round here this is quite a large one in the middle so if you don't capture everything on your first kind of go through don't worry you can just you can see I'm just dragging through and it's always a really good idea to zoom in nice and close as well you can see this bit here just missed that so we'll just drag through and capture that back in hump there's another one on the other side as well because of course there is and what else have we got there we'll drag through this one and I've got this one and there we go looking pretty good so you see that once you get familiar with the shape builder tool it's incredibly easy to combine shapes together and at the moment we have a variety of different stroke weights if you do want a more linear version of this to use just go to your stroke panel with everything selected and just change the align stroke to the center and all the weights will be the same however we're not doing a linear version anyway so that doesn't matter but just a useful tip if you're interested we're going to swap our fill and our stroke so we now have no stroke and a black fill now it looks like a plain black boring number eight but if you press command or control Y you can see an outline mode we still have all of our shapes they are just of all the same color so it just looks like this and we can hover over these segments and see them selected now this next step is pretty awesome because we start to see it really come to life so if we go over to our swatches panel on the right and just pick any two swatches it really doesn't matter right now but just double click them the important thing is to check the global box because what this will allow us to do is later in the tutorial once we've added all our gradients and we've kind of got everything working we can instantly just change the colors by changing these two swatches we don't have to go and manually re add color to every different segment so now what we can do is just pick one segment so I'm going to pick this segment here now make sure the fill is selected and from the gradient panel on the right just click anywhere on the gradient slider and ants that default black to white gradient so we're going to double click on the black swatch first and you'll see it brings up the swatches panel and we'll just pick that darker blue and next we'll double click on the white swatch and pick the lighter blue and you can see it's added our gradient graduating from the lighter blue to the darker blue and you can change the type here as well so we have linear which graduates from one direction straight through to another whether it's horizontally or vertically and radial which starts in the center and then emanates out towards the edges and you can of course quickly reverse the gradient by clicking this icon here so it depends what you're going for so then we've got a light blue to dark blue radial gradient applied to this one segment so what we're going to do next is drag over everything and this is my favorite part in the tutorial because this is where the magic happens we now click on the eyedropper tool and if we left click on the gradient in this segment we've created it will apply that same radial gradient from light blue to dark blue to every single segment so watch this and you can see we've just taken a massive leap forward and we've almost finished our logo now all of these segments are separate shape so you can where you can pull them apart if you really want to but more than that you can select them and you can change one of them from a radial gradient to a linear gradient and swap that around so we'll do that for these inner segments here we could go and adjust the angles if we wanted to so we could change that to 45 something like this it depends entirely what you're going for we could take this one in the middle here that has a radial gradient and we could add a linear gradient move the lighter blue to the center and just hover over the bottom of the gradient slider you'll see the plus icon appears and we can add a new swatch and then we can double click that and select our darker blue so now it goes from the darker blue to the lighter blue to the darker blue and we can add an angle on that as well just to match the kind of flow of this largest segment now if we bring these little diamonds in we can adjust the dominance of one swatch on the gradient over another so if I bring these in you can see it makes this lighter blue very harsh in the middle which we don't really want if I drag those out towards the edge I can actually make a much smoother of gradient that graduates a lot more softly from one color to another and we can click on these again so if you go in and bring these swatches in to make that more prominent and once I've changed that one segment I can just hold shift and select multiple segments and again use the eyedropper tool just to sample the gradient I want to use and you can see it applies that to all of them so we'll go back to these ones here I'll just bring a little bit more that color back in then we can go and adjust these gradients start messing around with angles a little bit just until we get something looks really cool so I think something like this is looking pretty good we've got a nice balance of the darker blues and the lighter blues now remember we just pitched two random swatches you could do this with any two swatches but once you can kind of see where your colors are all coming together and you've got the the right flow you can simply just go back into these swatches double click them check the preview box and drag these sliders and it will adjust everything in real time so we could go for a darker blue here click OK we can switch over to our lighter blue swatch so we'll double click that check preview and we'll start adjusting this as well and we'll just jump back to our blue one and you can see that we can actually make changes to this all in real time keep adjusting those sliders and what this does with these swatches it makes it effortless to change the color but it also means that we don't have to go back into the gradient and start reapplying colors to different segments or anything we can just simply update it from those two swatches and you don't even have to just use two swatches you could even go and add some more color into one of these segments here and you could create a multicolor logo if you want and it's cool because we've got the process over here as well so we've got this to reference if we need to go back but there we go we've created our gradient based logo and we're done and there we go we've created a gradient based Infiniti logo all the illustrator as always guys please feel free to leave any questions or comments down below like this video if you enjoyed it take care and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Dansky
Views: 1,270,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, illustrator, illustrator tutorial, logo design illustrator tutorial, logo design in illustrator tutorial, how to design a logo in illustrator tutorial, logo design illustrator tutorial 2018, infinite logo, infinite logo tutorial, infinite symbol tutorial, infinite symbol illustrator, illustrator logo tutorial 2018, illustrator cc logo tutorial, illustrator cc logo design tutorial, logo design, illustrator cc 2018 logo, logo tutorial
Id: m6aZg0nJX10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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