Create Login Form Access Database Part 3

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now one thing in this form like a new user we sit like a temporary password as a password because when the first time user login and they have like a temporary password set to password they can I put their user login ID and then temporary password as a password to open the research for password you can open their another form for them to change acting to change the password that's the first time without they login first time go to the code we have some more hold in here we start with declare 10 password then pass as string pimp-ass equal to we just copy this D look up and because its simular in same thing our testing with the user login we use the password this bob him pass equal big of a password we look up the password down field for the user login with this ID and created by boredom IDs integer equal to D lookup and this one IDs mean own user ID check on the field on the table user table we have user ID you wanna check the team password with this user ID okay now we add another key function if statement in there give him password equal to password all lowercase and then mrs. puff piece chain password with the information and title is mean password recline the title the new password refine and then and this one we can open us to change password form pick up here for now we put some new password or chain new password form the open chain new password form we create this form later we open the form which is form is to look up or matching the ID that's why we have ID equal to look up Yousef ID on here we're condition is user ID equal to ID ID welcome from ID is lookup ID user ID from user table else and this go to the indeed if the password is not the password if they change already the chain already is mean something else and just skip this part and then go to the next step and verify the user level and open the phone now we need to create the form chain pass chain new password form we can use the form user info and happy it already user ID username login ID and a user level and we can use this form to open and chain password Oh under design view delete this one we can drag user security level and drag the password over here now we got it ok we change the code we have a form user info chain the from here from user info where the criteria is used ID equal to the ID ID matching with the login ID for hit login hey Smith Adam Smith the password is password it is also a password open it from a log in as a a Smith Adam Smith asked for the password and click on here to log in here now you see pitch change password okay now it go to the Smith because you log in a Smith it linked by user ID now I come to Smith Adam Smith and you can change a password here one one two two okay and you just close up and log in a game a them speak the password not - animal is that one one two - there you go and go to the customer phone because uh his security level is user okay one more thing here we've input mass as a password here and then you don't see what you put in there now you put Adam Smith one one two two now you cannot see your password you just stop in so one more step we open first for me openness navigation phone but now when we after we have the user login form wanna verify the user ID and password first and we can pull to this one click access toolbar go down to mock man and under current database we change this waveform on the first for to lock in when you open it you we see the login form first save and close then I try again and then Smith password is 1 1 2 2 3 we put 3 incorrect and say in Croatian login and now we put the correct password 1 1 2 2 we straight to customer form if Harvey said but Smith is a regular user holds that on open again and we plug in as a 10 1 1 2 3 4 and click OK now a 1 is an admin it's go straight to navigation form open fine now login a 1 1 2 3 4 click OK now you go straight to the notification form or main form and you don't see in here you don't see the rapid manner because it's disabled and if you want to know and you can check out my video on how to find ribbon menu bar
Channel: T Golden Eye
Views: 155,911
Rating: 4.8419452 out of 5
Keywords: Howto, how to, access 2010, ms access vba, MS access 2010, vba access, access tutorial, login form, how to create login form, how to create login form access, how to create login access form, create login form access, how to create login form step by step, login form access 2010, Microsoft Access (Software), Login, Management, Data, System, Security, Database (File Format Genre), Office, Technology, Microsoft Office (Software), Training, Design, Customer, Systems
Id: n7AmISL80Oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2013
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