Create Login Form Access Database Part 2

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next step we do something it is going we will open the phone that we want go you know when it's correct mean if we can go next step open the form and do something we use a open forum open some form resume the dot open form from navigation we have the vacation form and we put this as comment we want to see the method it hold this form application click OK there you go it's open navigation form but it's long an ad firm still open we go to the next step when it open now we want to close the this login form we're going to close the form before we open them the navigation we put host command to the wrong one we do up to his pass you know testing else close form and then open a vacation phone okay try again and K 1 1 2 3 oh and KK see that's what it costs the file host long inform and open the main form navigation form ok and this we can add some more here the court here it just a simple to very fine us along in ID and the password in order to go to the main phone and how about if the user have on like this the user they have a different use of time or security time some is a user sam zeff mean this is one admin if we want them after login to go to different page or different form we can put the code in here like if puddi function give you so level equal one then do this now open another form okay we have different from here we can open some form like customer just an example user level equal to one what is mean and they do user security levels user and admin where's one comes from equal to secret level document or table and we see admin is the login ID is equal to one user is equal to 2 s security ID that would come from but first we wanna set the user level where's conform you have to create variables then uses level as you know integer because it's number one or two one is admin two is user under this L is a level equal the look up what they call a user security name in user table when user log in eco may not take login IDs we set the security user to using level where login ID equal to the text our login ID is mean now this person login ID and with the security level if is equal to one if equal to admin and we go to open the navigation phone else is mean something else my user I go open another phone okay we test it we don't know a one two three four and open it okay a is open navigation phone now we put this one key when password 10 10 K when password 10 10 link oh the culture when is not the admin is to do regular user when he long in and here we go directly to another form a customer form or whatever form is set for regular user
Channel: T Golden Eye
Views: 249,894
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: Howto, how to, access 2010, ms access vba, MS access 2010, vba access, access tutorial, login form, how to create login form, how to create login form access, how to create login access form, create login form access, how to create login form step by step, login form access 2010, Database (File Format Genre), Microsoft Access (Software), Login, Management
Id: cUjoaxsz92s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2013
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