Create Login Form Access Database Part 4

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hello welcome back to my video my name is t1 in previous video for login form like this I already have three parts of that then this will be the part 4 we add some more code and link from the login form and pass a login ID to the main form I have the worker table in this login form I will use the data from the table worker which is a worker named login ID password and use user time login as a Smith Adam Smith password is 1 2 3 4 5 and the try login a Smith 1 2 3 4 5 password ok because look like a Smith is user is the user theis did rayker user and go to open this form and I don't have this one and that's why I get the error and I'm the piggy win we need to provide some code here when we login and if is a admin user level is 4 for admin yellow is Phoebe's just just a regular user we need to add some code here to link to the main form I will use a navigation as a mean from here on navigation form it goes so go back to the design view of navigation form I have been here we call like a paid login and another above is take user onload even procedure you know I have a lot of code in here I will delete all this because I don't need it anymore because it can pass the user login and user name from the login form then save it why we use login form some computer you know this chain computer is one long in ID used for many use of many employee in that case you need to use a login form for is user each employee because they share computer that if you have like a network we have your own computer on the network and the organization and you will use your login ID from the network ID and you don't have to use long in Prague me and you can just use the navigation form and open from there in this still too we use on login form in case we have the chain computer under this we have I put the format as a visible no and we can change the gears you wanna see unipass this take username to this to take login and then this won't take use them we want to put the name of that user we want to put worker named according to the login ID or day and we delete all the code from here on the even position on load even we don't have anything now we don't save and close now we need to revise the code on a login ok button we passed the login d or update a few name on the navigation for my user forum and navigation and equation mob and take tip login equal to we don't take user name and same thing here for miss Asian home I'll take the user equal to username of welcoming okay now we need to get the name from the worker demo the name is string and beside the worker name equal to D lookup we can copy this code you know similar one missing be look up and the name of the work of fill is the work quickening from the water table where login ID equal to me doc username Tom Bonney and we passed this book a name to this use text use above on the navigation phone okay if it's not the admin we do the same thing we coffee over here we want to open the same form navigation form however we don't want them to see some button on the navigation form okay we have the admin page here some card information that admin can call chain that is not an amine we want to disable this Adventist button on a vacation button we the name is a navigation button 13 we copy this now we need to add some code in here no occasion for navigation button teaching dot in a bow equal to phone lingo if not if just regular user with we need this button to disable or enable to fall okay we close this form now we want to try that a Smith plus 1 2 3 4 5 and click OK and we have some error code here look like we don't have any information from the take user name why because of this form the login form is already code on at the top you see here is called the form now we refer to that bar is no longer exist because the form is a record we have to sit aside this tape username to another viable dim we set 10 login ID as string now we can set the way Tim login ID equal to me dot Tex username dot well okay we passed that take username login ID value to this team login ID and then be used it over here we need to chain that - Tim login ID if you don't have the valuable here is it's not gonna hold or a side value to the team login ID we have to use the level at the end okay save will hold this form and open the login let's meet one two three four five we close it see one thing we pass it is made long in issue over here a login name is Adam Smith we caught the login person with the name is a Adam Smith over here and password and show this button admin page is disabled because Adam Smith is a regular user is not the admin about we share a chain to admin Adam is admin now the code this pit game and login is Smith one two three four five is the same thing here the arrow comma because we use of me don't take me have to use a team because the code form is called before login ID okay an open login phone is me one two three four five now belonging as a admin now Adam face admin now to annotate in a book and you see the login IDs is meat and how about this form the reason we use this one has made we need that and we want to link some another page why maybe wanna show it in on this one on the unloading lane okay you see user is the si to environ is it loved enough by computer username and gonna chain that user equal to equal to form navigation form take log environment because we refer the username to the this will take login form over here from the top but this one belong to navigation form on this page is belong to another page that's why we need to use the form navigation form is referring to that navigation form we will see the islands meet up there and showed here Adam Smith on another page then you learn how to pass the login ID from login form to the main form or navigation form and thank you for watching
Channel: T Golden Eye
Views: 125,466
Rating: 4.7540455 out of 5
Keywords: Howto, how to, access 2010, ms access vba, MS access 2010, vba access, access tutorial, login, create login for, create log in form access, Login form in access, Data, Database (File Format Genre), Database login form
Id: dSjWHbJz120
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 27 2014
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