Create Login Form Using Microsoft Access 2019 No Codes, Macro Only

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hi guys today I will be taking you through the process of creating a login form without using codes that is without using VBA code that by the help of macros and in the macros we shall use D recovered D count and therefore the first step is to create a table therefore I shall create a table that is we go to table design now in this step of ours we shall have the day ID ID which is altar number then you put a primary key then you shall have the the user ID user that is they the user the user name I want it to be nice username then assure half the password then which are also half the river right at the main user guest antenna sure half the description is creation then after ding so we shall have this one okay we have set Vuitton as a primary key then they have to pass what you have to say to this one now I fade in order to be seen if we go to input mask then you go up to these three dots then none key you need to save the table Halloween then the input mask the rocker box comes after you click on password then you straight on finish so that when you are taking the password somebody do not actually see they whatever you are typing and therefore we can now have username right now we can have done iterators can also have which I then as what you can just key in Posadas 20:24 both 2020 then this is level 1 this is level 2 then this is Rd me this is guests therefore that's what we have so far and if I have rave on description then after having vegetable we need to go to the next step and create our uniform type I shall just go and click on Form design then you can take her a book you can't just go over here this is rolling then god format and then you can increase play this face make it center rate then you can also give me some color to make it rock nice back to it then after doing that you go back to design you draw two unbound controls before you have this one this is text one this is our you son remember that is text one this is user name then after having our user name we can't draw the password for the password therefore this one is for password text is password now remember the password if he should not be should not actually display should not display that is whatever you're typing and if I shall also do something on that this is 14 then after now doing so you can still make it more attractive this one you just cannot you do this before indeed it should be like that then after doing that you keep on safe this is from then you go and draw Togo's button just outside be here then you can't just I means I need to dog to it then I can increase the font size in a first why did I hit this button then I'd be in a position to ollie 10 after being so I needed to set this forum to be informed before you go to design when you go to properties then choose form then go to bar then pop up this more dog yes then you save the for when I run is what I have so far see I have a good attractive login form a very quickly go back to design view then after like that I needed to make this feed not whatever I'm typing right now if I type 20/20 you can't see my password is 20/20 now if I needed to idealize if I need to go to the same with you click on this then go to data then input a mask up to this point then I click password maybe I have said there is no court in today only doing good stuff if I can't see my password is now hidden after doing that if I go back to design view fo from here we go now to they rust the part the rust part is to actually against something called Macross therefore you click on login then you go to event then you go on click on click what I've been secretly very touched then you go to macro Buda therefore this is the macro buta in the macro buda on your right hand side there is Eve and therefore you double click if then you type your d count inside there for a resume in for you to see therefore we shall type d count count what are you counting now we shall be counting use a new shell accounting uses shall become a checking form for use he's no use on you and remember this should be in quotes since it is text they shall be counting our check in a user from Moya from our table called login comma Y but is high power user where our user name equals to text one remember in the in the Roggin form it is acquitted of text one because text one and cross the square bracket and our password password equals to text three testicles to text really even the crudités cheridave of that then from there this one should be password will be greater than 0 therefore that is the first part then if this condition is met then we shall have a message therefore we just write the message you can see you're not recording you have just actually selecting stuff the folks you just say that throw in is successful successful then our title is ready then in case that condition is not met if it is not met there for sure a devs are devs arrows which are also have a message box that failed failed to wrong in then it will just come down here and say I check your 3:10 shoes check your precious therefore I save that one we zoom out and then we try to see what we have if I can see that you have the deal cupcake info and therefore we can go and try therefore when you click here and I type some stuff there you see now check your credentials failed login then if example we just go and type something like done then we have 20 20 as the password you see welcome our login is successful therefore that is first part of what we are doing you have seen that one is very successful then we can carry on and then heat login button now we want to do the next one whereby if they wrong any successive who it takes us to the main form and therefore just go to properties then you go to on quick go to macros then this was our first quarter and therefore our second decoder should appear outside today and if of the first one and if I just type if then you tap tab then now you wanna copy this code and change the account to daru cup and therefore our Coalition is here we just like this then convert this one to we convert this one to D broke up just a bit of fortification definitely they broke up did you cop not that three-count our sisters they had actually brought the sisters it's just a bit of editing there for daruka we are here we shall be looking at Rev oh now instead of username which are the automatic level that is whether somebody's at the mean or or guest therefore this is the river and therefore there is rest remains the river then this one is our every cost one we said that the mean is 1 therefore the machine will be checking whether the rainbow is so on if it's 1 then what happens and it will pains their form therefore we can zoom out for you to see you open the phone then you can tap you can tap tab key then when you open the form you just choose the phone name you're not actually according just use we are choosing wind it will open for me but what if there ever is not one there for you part it was then it will give a message that didn't give a message that you are not allowed to login then here you can just say you have not met the requirements but we if I can see what will happen is if they revoice one then main form we round Ephraim is not one then you get a message that you are not allowed to login you have not met the requirements therefore a 7c therefore you just cross this then run Java form and therefore we can try view somebody like each eye each other password is 20/20 if I can see our own any successive who since that person is in the database but you have not met the requirements you are not allowed to draw in and therefore you do not but on the other hand if i refresh this and then pipe down pipe down and is passivity here therefore you see our wrong any successful and then the system branches therefore that's how you create login screen now you sing macros without actually using according and you have actually seen it is a very good way of using macros therefore I have also done some other videos yes on dirac up the account I have I reported a description you can just take the rings of do Kappa D count below this video's description you can also see the video on how to create the uniform that is right the one at is here also you're also been opposition to see a description or link on how to create macros therefore thank you very much for watching you can comment if you have not subscribed by dre consider doing so god bless you
Views: 23,382
Rating: 4.8581562 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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