Create Dynamic Pages and Wix Database

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Hello everyone today we are going to talk about dynamic pages. Dynamic pages is a feature available on a to simplify your site and reduce the amount of pages. Let's say that you have a site with 100 pages and 50 of those pages follow the same structure changing only the content, in this case you can use a dynamic page to simplify it and reduce the amount of page on your site. Ok let me show you exactly what I'm talking about. First of all I created this website, as you can see I created five pages and I named them as home dogs cats turtles and ducks, now I'm going to show you what I have on them the first one is the dogs as you can see it has two photos title and description the second one is the cats and also follows the same structure two photos title and a paragraph then the turtles and the ducks following exactly the same structure, so what if I could have only one page that would personalize itself for what I want to see, first we need to enable the Corvid, it will allow us to work around our database, it is located on the top of your screen inside the tab called dev mode, once you hit enable corvid a screen will appear, you can close it. You will also notice that a new tab will appear on the left of your screen but we don't need this tab now you can close it by hitting the arrow left at the bottom of the screen. Something else was added to the Editor now also we have the data icon located on the left side of your screen. Through this icon will be able to manage our content that will be displayed on our dynamic page, each of those pages created to add photos titles and descriptions of the animals will be stored inside the database and I am going to show you now how to do it. Let's click on the data icon and create a new collection, when you click create new collection a new pop up is going to show up on the left side you have the option use a present on your right you have the option start from scratch, let's choose this one. In the next screen you have to name your database for this example we are going to use animals, below it you have a question "what is this database collection for?" we are going to choose "site content" in this space we will tell the database how we are adding data to the collection and how we are going to use it, let's keep it simple for now, click on create collection. After that the collection will be created and you are going to see this screen, on the left you have a sandbox and live. Sandbox is the database we work while using the editor, the live is the one available for your published site. On the right you are able to import and export data, define permission and sync data between the sandbox and live this is very important, the data you import on your sandbox and live will only reflect in each other if you use the option sync. We are going to change the fields the first one is title let's change it for animal name and below the name we have the field type, let's keep it as text as we are going to input text on it. Let's create a new field just click on the plus sign in front of the previous field and then let's name it description, right let's also keep text as the field type, again let's create a new field and call it image one as we're going to have two images, another field now called image 2 okay now we have to pay attention to one detail what type of field are using for all those fields? first one it's only text we added the text that's fine, okay let's check the second one, description, description we're going to add only text as well so should be text there, let's have a look great text now let's check images, oh... we have text and we're going to add image to it, just let's change it for image and save it and let's repeat the same thing for image two, choose image, and that's it. We have four animals, first thing we're gonna do is to add four lines, then we're going to start to add data into it the first one we're going to call ducks and add the description after that let's choose the image, now that we have the image that we want, let's go for image two and do exactly the same thing. Great now we chose the second image and then we have the first line. I'm gonna finish all of them. Now that I entered all four animals that we have in our website I'm gonna pay attention to a message that I have on my left top corner of my screen, and this screen is saying that all my data on the sandbox is only available for the preview mode, if I want to see it on my live site, I would have to go to my live database, as you can see the live database still empty so let's sync the information between them, on your right corner just click on sync, the first option says copy all items from the sandbox to the live site and this is the option we're gonna choose for now. If you are using your database just collect data from your users online you would have to choose the opposite side replace all items from live to sandbox but is not the case now, let's keep it simple if you check now on your live database you see that it is still empty, it will only show after publishing the site, now let's go back to the editor and click on the first link on your left of your monitor that says "Menus and Pages", you're going to see the option dynamic page, if you haven't use dynamic page before, this page will be empty as you can see, what you have to do is, add to site, you will see a quick explanation about dynamic pages you just need to click start creating now you have Item page and category page as options Item page is if you want only one line of your data being displaying in that page, if you want much more data being displayed in one page you can use category page in this case we just want to show one line for the dogs for the ducks or cat, let's use item page. On the top you have which database do you want to use, as we only have animals let's just click animals if you had multiples just chose the one. In this space you're gonna define the URL for your dynamic page let's just use animals that's the name of the database we're using an animal name to make a filter for that database and click in the next one, create page, this page will be created and our we have in the middle of the screen an item call dataset. Dataset is a connection that you have with items from that page to your database if you go to the settings of that data set you'll be able to see to which collection is this data set connected to and the name of it the mode that's read-only in this case because we just want users to be able to see what we're displaying and the number of items to display, the data set item is invisible you can add it to any part of your screen now let's go back to the dogs page and copy the same structure the that was used in there for our dynamic page, we can use exactly the same structure title two photos and the description once you paste it on your dynamic page you can now see that we have two photos a title and description what you're gonna do is click first on a title and then we gonna have the options at the top of it, if you notice the last option is connect to data let's choose this option once I click connect to data this is this screen you see, at the top you have the name of the data set it's connected and right below is text connected to, let's choose the text that we want to display there in this case this is the title so let's choose animal name as a title let's repeat everything for the other elements the next one is a description click on it connect to data and choose which data will be connected to this case description as we had before now let's do exactly the same thing for the two photos that we have the first one let's call it images now we need to choose images remember we are storing an image and not a text so you just need to click image 1 and now we're going to do it for the image two, again click in connect to data and choose image 2 that's it now that we have connected all the elements from our dynamic page to one specific section of our database let's preview it and see how it looks like as you can see when you click in preview we're going to see the cats first. Wix gives you the option to have this small tab on your right corner on the top so you can change it while in preview mode and then you can see every time you change all the content change the structure is the same but the content is different all of it using only one table as you can see the turtle was cut off you make sure you edit it so you can fit all the words that will be available for that element okay if you make it too small the element might not spread perfectly but in this case you can see that it's fixed. Now let's go back to our editor and publish our site, now that your database and dynamic page is ready to go let's try it now on the live site let's go to the dynamic page, but there is a problem we did not connect anything to our dynamic page so let's use the fhotos that we have and connect them to our dynamic page because it still works with dogs and cats but if you click on the image that you have on your first screen they just show up they don't connect to anything so let's connect those photos to our dynamic pages now let's go back to the editor, click on the photo you want to edit and click in manage media now choose one of the photos that you want to set up first let's start with the dog, click on "links" and when link opened on the left you will have the option to open a new page when that photo is clicked, on your right you have what page it's going to, so in this case let's choose animals when you choose animals they're gonna ask you which animal do you want to display when you click in that photo let's choose dogs and just press done remember to give a name to your photo it is always important for your SEO and then you click done. I have added a link to all the photos, let's try it now on our live site, now when you click on the photo of the dog let's see what happens ok it gets bigger and you have a link on your right that actually works as your dynamic page but you still have a lot of work around it by default some galleries could come with these settings but let's change it back to the editor you have to click on the gallery you want to change you just need to click on it and choose the option settings inside settings you will have another option called settings and the first option is how the photo will behave once you click it let's choose the option a link opens as we have a link already connected to each a photo let's now publish and check the live site let's click first on the dog photo and there you go you have the dog. back to the home page we have the cat let's click on it there we go we have the same structure different content only one page. Now all we have to do is to go back to the editor and delete all those extra pages that we had and keep in mind that if you have different structures you can just create another dynamic page and connect a different content to it and you have something different play around and I hope you enjoyed this this lesson
Channel: Cleitom Miranda
Views: 33,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, dynamic pages, Wix data, item dynamic page, category dynamic page, Wix, Wix database, Multiple Pages, Linking Dynamic Pages, Wix Gallery Photo Pro
Id: XdCCeKbniag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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