Create Artificial Intelligence - EPIC HOW TO

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did you know that you can do more with computer than complain about stuff on social media I know crazy right but true artificial intelligence can give a computer the power not only to think like a human but out think a human intrigued frightened want to make your own Hal 9000 or Skynet or even just a machine UHF well start taking notes because this is that the cow to eventually end the world in the human race I'm sorry I met create an artificial intelligence [Music] though the ancient Greeks dreamed of machines capable of reproducing human thoughts and emotions British mathematician Alan Turing is considered the father of modern artificial intelligence he argued that the human brain is essentially like a computer and that in the future there would be computers that could duplicate human intelligence in 1950 Turing created a test to determine whether a machine could actually think like a person known as the Turing test it states that if a person can interact with the computer and be fooled into thinking it's a human then the machine has artificial intelligence true artificial intelligence is different than most computers while the computer can solve problems true artificial intelligence can think for itself learning on its own and solving problems far beyond what its creator originally intended and what exactly can you use your fancy new AI for well if you're feeling generous you can use your AI to create a utopian society scientists believe truly super intelligent AI could put an end to all war eradicate disease and poverty create renewable energy sources and eliminate the need for human beings to even have jobs at all but that comes with the teeny tiny downside that a super intelligent AI just might spell the end of human life as we know it or at least that's a prominent geniuses Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk think musk himself said that AI is our biggest existential threat and more dangerous than nuclear weapons but a eyes weren't always so threatening in the early 60s IBM's Arthur Samuel developed a checkers program that could beat amateur players and even challenged the current world champion in 1965 MIT is Joseph Weizenbaum created iliza an AI that could have a basic conversation with humans through text input at the time Eliza was so revolutionary that some therapists were convinced they could use it on their patients but AI development didn't stop there in the modern age a eyes have become more powerful and more human-like than anyone could have ever imagined in May of 1997 IBM's deep blue pewter became the first artificial intelligence to defeat a world chess champion deep-blue had the computational power to crunch 200 million moves in one second IBM followed that up with Watson a new AI that could not only play jeopardy but consistently beat human competition in 2011 it defeated former champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings Watson's brain consisted of 16 terabytes of memory and around 2,800 processor cores and took up an entire room researchers at Queen Mary University of London have created an AI that can create its own magic tricks the AI was given outlines of how popular magic tricks work and with that Babbitt was able to construct entirely new tricks in 2014 an AI named eugene goostman passed the Turing test the program who pretended to be a 13 year old boy from the Ukraine like you do who spoke English as a second language successfully convinced 33% of the judges it was human so now that you know where we're at with AI currently how can you make an artificial intelligence of your very own first off you need to learn how to program while programming language lisp was popular in the early years at a I currently scientists use all sorts of languages such as C and C++ beyond that you'll need to get up-to-date on all the latest fields of AI research there's neural network the study of how the human brain works there's also neural image recognition speech processing decision tree learning and a slew of others that require decades of study in advanced degrees hey nobody said this stuff was easy but let's be honest you don't have the time or the energy to do all that but you're not out of luck you can contribute to other people's AI development projects one such project is headed by Vicarious FPC a company that looks to leaf related human brain computer code essentially creating a person that exists on a computer if that interests you you're not alone in 2014 Elon Musk Mark Zuckerberg and Ashton Kutcher joined together to invest 40 million dollars in the company I know what's what's that guy doing in that threesome man get out of your Musk Google has been developing Google brain a neural network of over 16,000 computers that has the ability to learn how to recognize some photographs and while a computer that can learn might sound scary don't start panicking quite yet Google brain required hundreds of thousands of cat photos and still it's not better at recognizing cats than a small child there's also mi t--'s Moses project which looks to help a eyes understand language in a more natural way you can easily contribute by uploading text documents and rating its understanding of the text now you're ready to go with your super intelligent AI but keep in mind that AIS are capable of some really creepy stuff PhD student Michael cook Craven AI named Angelina that's capable of creating video games that's cool the game AI created is super weird though involving navigating amazed surrounded by giant human statues all while creepy ambient music plays according to the AI the game is about a disgruntled child the founder researchers at Google have created an AI designed to work as online technical support however when they decided to ask the AI about the meaning of life the AI freaked out he said I don't have ethics and berated the researchers for not having children or believing in God look what scientists at the University of Tennessee created a supercomputer named Nautilus that actually might be capable of predicting the future for real scientists fed AI millions of news articles from 1945 onward and asked it to make predictions of future events one such prediction was the exact location of Osama bin Laden of course this experiment was done well after bin Laden's capture but scientists are now looking into what else AI can predict and look at that we're at the conclusion you've got your super intelligent AI ready to take mankind into the future let's just hope it doesn't go rogue you know that would suck so like when you're designing it maybe uh maybe make sure there's an off switch and trick it into thinking that that off switch is like for robot candy this this has been epic ow - I'm sorry hey thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video don't just hit the like button here check out our friends over at wisecrack wisecrack makes videos that dive into the deeper meaning behind your favorite movies TV shows and video games they're super smart man so check out wisecrack bribe and tell them on me sent you
Channel: AWE me
Views: 1,115,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ai, technology, robots, artificial intelligence bomb, science, turing test, robot overlords, when will robots, artificial general intelligence, face recognition, c-technology, how to, epic how to, awe me
Id: NQMffbdx86k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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