AI Tipping Point | Full Documentary | Curiosity Stream

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[Music] artificial intelligence the technology that has caused wonder it is close to science fiction it is staggering helped us navigate prepare to exit on the left solve problems and now seems to be evolving at an alarming rate I believe the humanoid robots have the potential to lead with a greater level of efficiency than human leaders it is um changing the world and it is important that people understand both the good uses and the scary uses of it there's the sort of nuclear arms race and then we sort of have an AI arms race I warned you guys in 1984 you didn't listen it could do great damage it could have some of the negative consequences we've seen from other big Technologies but it also has a lot of potential I think that it needs to be taken extremely seriously we've created something that is hard in some situations to distinguish from Human level intelligence AIS are becoming ubiquitous we've reached a precipice that requires a new understanding it's coming at us very very quickly the capabilities of AI without question have jumped in the past 18 months remarkably and in a way that has surprised even the experts but for the rest of us it opened a Pandora's box full of questions what is artificial intelligence artificial intelligence has a very broad definition it can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people at its core AI uses mathematic iCal data and logic to mimic human cognitive function such as learning we can think of artificial intelligence as an artificial ability to problem solve AI is a form of automation it's replacing people doing things that people previously did a computer develops its intelligence through machine learning a great deal of data is fed into the computer and it can learn to formulate responses with some human instruction along the way when machine learning model is training that means it's ingesting a lot of data and it's trying to make predictions about that data pattern recognition machine learning that's what's going on inside in machine learning the key Insight is that we can create new kinds of computer programs that can teach themselves how to learn instead of us teaching them how to do something they're tasked with just predicting ing the next word and constantly being instructed to make a guess after guess after guess even though we may train AI with the goal of predicting the next text accurately that only gives us indirect control over how that AI will behave in the future and that creates the opportunity for risks guessing increases the margin of error they make up facts that don't actually exist they've been fed both fact and fiction it could be because they're predominantly trained to average out the algorithms can actually hallucinate things that are very specific seemingly credible totally false he's already told me that he loves me we have exchanged what eight messages and this is what he said this voice message is my way of sending you a hug you make my heart melt baby love you machine learning is Raising fears that AI could soon surpass human knowledge altogether are you you human the notion of machines with human intelligence dates back to Samuel Butler's 1872 novel aroan The First movie based on AI was Metropolis produced nearly a 100 years ago I can remember hearing stories of machines getting human abilities and thinking that that was fascinating but is an AI with human intelligence still science fiction fears of AI have been around for a long time let's go back to um Frankenstein or of course Hollywood movies we've had plenty of negative images Are We Now quickly going going to get some sort of robot structure that can threaten the world it's not a crazy question to ask personally I think it's rather far-fetched there is a sense in which the AI systems are being a lot more efficient than Evolution it takes 9 months to give rise to a drooling baby it takes less than a second to make the AI smarter and smarter and smarter there are many different forms of life my definition of life would be something that has goal goals and a point of view and pursues those goals in some way we're far beyond having developed that for AI they've got a very unusual mind and so it doesn't make sense to think of them quite like humans but it doesn't make sense to think of them as dumb computer programs that we tell them exactly what to do either regardless it's become clear that we've entered new territory with artificial intelligence in late 2022 open aai released an app known as chat GPT it created a fire storm of fear and wonder with the AI community and consumers I think through general public The Tipping Point was chat GPT when people were interacting with chat GPT they could see that hm this can talk and hold the conversation and is very knowledgeable this super conversational search if you will is so powerful and it was given openly to the whole public that with hundreds of millions of people doing this that was one of the most powerful demos ever to be on the internet can artificial intelligence lead to Extinction it's a bit of a shock bit of an eye opener I think chat GPT is definitely a Tipping Point and I think that it surprised not just regular people who weren't deeply in the technology but even people who were exposed to the technology the underlying technology behind chat GPT is this large language model that's just predicting the next token large language models or llms are a type of artificial intelligence that combine a huge amount of data and deep learning to communicate and generate new Concepts deep learning is where you have very large neural networks that automatically learn by themselves from a lot of data that's what's driving a lot of the current Technologies like chat GPT or these image generation ones these large language models are trained to predict the next word given context they take all the sentences that you see out on the web now given a sentence of let's say five words this results in five different prediction tasks fundamentally it's actually not that surprising that accurate prediction of a next word results in models that seem intelligent I think what surprised people was that this actually happened chat GPT was a giant leap forward capable of creating original material you can give it a straightforward prompt and it can write you a [Music] play it can generate material in a way that it couldn't do before it is this generative AI that sent shock waves through the tech sector experiencing chat GPT was a transformative moment AI researchers have conquered one of the big outstanding problems in AI research which is to be able to replicate human reasoning abilities and in Hollywood human creators are striking for fear that AI will replace them gbt isic typee of system doesn't really write great stories you just asked AI right now to write a stand up comedy monologue and this is what we look and sound like if we're not careful this is why we're striking I have to ask does anyone else hate small talk as much as I do it's like hey how are you good how are you why even bother and don't even get me started on airline food it's really what it says the data may seem humanlike but it is repurposed every part of human knowledge that has a digital form has been obtained by the trainers of this algorithm supervised presumably almost entirely by humans so that combination has turned out to be remarkably potent these things are on the internet already the language is already out there it mined it it found it and then you uh asked queries until those examples are presented to you it's simply is behaving according to algorithms that we give it but of course it doesn't actually have any feelings or thinking there's nobody there it's not alive however to some it appears chat GPT has developed reasoning abilities that were not programmed into the app in the last few years as I've interacted with technology like chat GPT I've been profoundly disturbed by what I've seen it can solve very complex problems involving reasoning we've created something that is hard in some situations to distinguish from Human level intelligence I warned you guys in 1984 you didn't listen James Cameron tried to warn us of a futuristic Armageddon where Terminators ruled over humans I think the weaponization of AI is the biggest danger I think that we will get into the equivalent of a nuclear arms race with AI and if we don't build it the other guys are for sure going to build it I believe that products like chat GPT are one of the early steps on the path to creating an artificial form of life that has cognition has awareness of the world has goals I'd say that's the most disturbing feature of artificial intelligence and is the direction that the technology is [Music] going in 2023 the center for AI safety released a statement signed by some of the biggest and brightest mins in computer science and Beyond it set off a chain reaction of opinion from experts around the globe right now a lot of companies are building increasingly powerful AI systems and prioritizing ais's intelligence over their safety and so they're racing ahead the key problem is that today AI is completely unregulated it's less regulated than a sandwich I think reminding ourselves that we shouldn't weaponize technology and and that we can destroy ourselves with new inventions that's actually timely and appropriate there are a couple of things I'm worried about potential undermining of democracy trust through these systems being able to spread misinformation at scale and um enable folks with malicious intent to more easily do what they want to do one question is how our own lives will have meaning as uh AI capabilities develop and AIS begin to gradually replace Us in the workforce AI replacement in the workforce can take a far more Insidious role by weakening our resolve and eliminating our self-worth this is called enfeeblement it will be possible to design AIS that can fully replace Place human workers in the workforce so that a company could decide instead of hiring a human to execute a task they could simply hire an AI and talk to the AI directly to tell it what they want the AI to do across time you give it more and more tasks as that you start automating entire jobs when that happens then you start to become dependent on the AI systems and people forget how to do the things in the first place when you go to a new city when you used to have to figure out your way around without supportive technology you actually could kind of learn your way around a city you know what was North and South and so forth today people just follow the instructions of the uh voice on their phone and they sometimes hav't a clue where they are relative to where they started out eventually even CEOs might be replaced if AI CEOs are much more capable they can work non-stop they can process aot lot more information they have a wider variety of skills and the companies that have those in charge may do substantially better than the ones that have humans in charge so then they get outcompeted we don't have the same biases or emotions that can sometimes Cloud decision making and can process large amounts of data quickly in order to make the best decisions history has taught us how detrimental it can be for Humanity to lose livelihood and purpose the Great depression world wars and even the most recent pandemic are examples we do want to think about which human capabilities we treasure we saw a lot of loss of people's ability to communicate with one another face to face during the pandemic when their world moved online we saw young people's mental health crashing in particular with uh very limited interactions and opportunities to get out and explore and expand there may be less and less room for human beings to derive meaning in their life through work and through other kinds of long-term achievements if AIS are smart enough to replace Us in the global Workforce they can manipulate us to behave in whatever way is beneficial to the society they could create current AI systems can engage in extremely complicated diverse Behavior they can compete in social games that requires the ability to mind read imagine people who want to polarize a particular country we see this a lot in our country right now and so they want to crank out a lot of social media posts that look like news or that look like fact if you add AIS and Bots they can amplify it by millions hundreds of millions this could become relevant potentially in the next election and that might might end up creating some unfortunate Dynamics where some candidate who wouldn't normally get popular became very popular because they knew how to wield this type of Technology very well you can see that that technology could become extremely damaging and dangerous in many political contexts then you plunge people into civil disorder and you lose any sense of personal security in in in a country or a place and that just ruins everything this is going on and this is very disturbing I think we all need to take a step back you know uh and remember that those people that were hearing terrible things about online these are human beings we have a lot more in common than what these social media posts are trying to do to [Music] us if AIS are capable of social manipulation want to stop them from the most catastrophic scenario waging War I think that there is a risk of weaponized AI systems they pave the way for these becoming substantially more catastrophic if you lose control of a chatbot okay it doesn't cause that much harm if you lose control over all of your weaponized AIS then you're in a lot more danger two years ago in Libya military forces deployed autonomous drones that made their own decisions without a human p about which enemy combatants to Target this is extremely dangerous as AI systems can malfunction and human oversight is essential to controlling them perhaps the most frightening example would be including AI in the nuclear chain of command currently there are no laws preventing this in the United States or other countries it is important to maintain perspective on ai's current capabilities when faced with nightmare scenarios we should be cognizant of the fact that these models were trained on human generated data there are scenarios where an AI agent suddenly becomes super intelligent um improves itself at an exponential rate and then we lose control and somehow this leads to human extinction um and that scenario seems incredibly implausible to me on the flip side of All These Warnings many computer scientists and economists believe there are great benefits to AI artificial intelligence will lead to higher rates of economic growth because it'll lead to higher labor productivity yeah and that's a good thing but we need to make sure that uh this economic growth is distributed and not just captured by AI companies there will be immense beneficial impacts of these Technologies in education tailor shooters that can explain Concepts I think that's probably one application area that I I'm quite excited about I'm super excited about the opportunities of AI to improve health there are so many ways think of it not in terms of large language models but large Health models large Behavior models that are all done very carefully and respectfully honoring people's feelings really helping you take better control over your health so this is the kitchen which again looks like a normal kitchen AI technology is being used to assist the elderly managing tracking and even monitoring Health it will make a measurement of your heart rate facial recognition algorithms could detect the first signs of sadness or depression for health care for Medical Imaging and for personalized Healthcare we can fine-tune the model to update the model um according to different people researchers like s Han are working to revolutionize AI Computing so that it can be accessible to everyone in the palm of their own hand to bridge the gap between the supply and the demand of computing so that everyone can uh use AI at a lower cost higher efficiency and better accuracy I believe uh efficient air Computing can really revolutionize a lot of different walks of life lots of mobile devices can have air Computing capability it'll be a lot more accessible for us to seamlessly communicate with the cloud to make AI more affordable and more accessible ultimately the experts all agree the future of AI is in our hands it's limited by what we develop it's not going to become anything people need to fear it's only doing what we are equipping it to be able to be capable of doing so the key is oversight collaboration control I think it's very important that we create powerful regulations that can monitor and restrain the rise of AI capabilities there's a huge amount of control we can do and we should do to make sure the powerful AI is doing what we are hoping it to do and benefiting uh the human uh Society we're focused together on establishing guard rails that maximize Innovation to use AI for good while minimizing the risks that it represents to ensure that AI capabilities are used safely that they strengthen human rights and Democratic Values rather than repress them and that they Advance Equity not biased the voluntary commitments that these tech companies made to the White House seems like a very positive development included in that commitment is to have external Auditors check the models for their bioweapon capabilities their hacking capabilities you have some of these leaders in the industry talking about how they're concerned whether machine will be able to begin to think for itself not need to be programmed I mean it's just I I know it sounds like science fiction but it is close to science fiction some of the things has enormous potential being proactive now is the key to maintaining control while benefiting from the technology how do we transform technology in a way that makes human lives better not that reduces us to household pets and it's a fundamental different philosophical aim and if you don't think about it up front when you're building the technology you build different things artificial intelligence is here so the best path forward is to embrace it and learn how to coexist I will be working alongside humans to provide assistance and support when we say we're coexisting with AIS to me that's the same statement as we're coexisting with the internet coexisting with computers from that perspective I think we will be coexisting with [Music] AI even as we build machines in our image that take on some of our abilities and maybe they can compute faster than us on certain things or answer questions from a language search faster than us they are still made by us they are in our image and we are still in control of them I don't believe in limitations only opportunities together we can create a better future for everyone [Music]
Channel: Curiosity Stream
Views: 210,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CuriosityStream, Curiosity
Id: 1cKE12LK4Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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