create and edit shape-files with arcmap

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welcome everyone to this new lesson in remote sensing techniques but today it's more or less about the geographic information systems also known as a keys and in this lesson we will learn how to create shape files or vector data using ArcGIS and also how to edit attributes than that and make some kind of adjustments in the in the presentation in arcmap then we will do old therefore we will start with that I'll come up mobile here so we will create a new map with an unknown time bed and as you can see there's no geo reference information or no projection defined here because there you can see there are the unknown units therefore we will first of all need projection for the for the layer and due to the fact that we are interested more or less in meters instead of degrees we should use some kind of a metric projection system and this can be found using in UTM coordinate system Polson which is based on the WGS ellipsoid and due to the fact that we are in Morocco and this is this special you are this is a certain UTM zone we have to choose that one and this is a UTM zone 29 nor you'll add this and as you can see you now we have the font projection for our data we will add if a real reference term geological map and we will use that one as you can see here is it and it is it is it has a different system so looking into the properties you can see here in the source that the harm system we have referenced it war or is GCS which is which is given the unit of degrees and its reprojected on the fly in Hawk now that's a big advantage of it so we we are we don't have to calculate anymore and I'll just close the tool box to get better overview and also um yeah you leave it like that maybe there you can see there are some geological units also break lines and the geological structure you have some line features here some polygonal features like this like this area see and what we will do now is we will cheat on each of these units and we'll give them an attribute therefore we will surely need the catalog so we will open the catalog you can see it here normally it's something like that I thought our catalog it's an own unit in the in the ArcGIS environment and we will concentrate on the folder we are working in so it's more or less seminar and vector data and using the right-click we can create a new file someone asked me why to create a new file and not new data and save it as a new file let me explain like this like you're writing an article and you're your opening route and you will say fruit without typing anything you're just creating the data and you will add the information afterwards so we are creating some kind of a container where information is stored into so we will create a new shapefile there's the name of vector data in our chairs on the name will be units and due to the fact that we interested in the area or where are the areas of special geological units and geological structures we have to store that as a polygon and so we have the polygon and now we are saying which is or what is the special reference of that file it should be the same as we can see there so it should be UTM which is a protected one wgs84 northern hemisphere and we will go to the zone number 29 M so we have selected that we'll just press ok and as you can see you have a tiny summary summary of the projection so we will use this one you everything else blind or unchecked create that and as you can see we have now the unit's stopped SHP SHP this is a shapefile and we can go into the folder and as you can see here this in this catalog is creating the shapefile and he is concerning all the other info or other parts of the shape file which is the SH X for the shape file itself the projection information and the DBF file and in the DB f all the attributes are stored but we will come to that in the later part so we are now having the on the shape form which is polygonal and we will just click and drop and give that into our working environment so as you can see here we can also zoom to the layer but as you might might not we have digitize anything so we haven't stored any information so there is no extent of that shape form the extent or the the the recent extent was only shown by the extent of the UTM zone so everywhere we can store that so we're going to do detailed so we have some geological units as you can see here some of these OS unit I don't know what it is so you can check in the in the reference of the map here and search for that but we are not interested in the moment so we go back into detail and we would like to digitize this area so therefore we need an editor and for the editor let's check where is so there is no editor available here just click right and choose the editor it could look it will look a little bit different using ArcGIS 9.3 but you probably will find out what to type in so normally in our chairs 99.3 you will have the the units to create features and you have to check whether there it is the correct side file but we will go ahead with that um 10 through version of odd map so we will have in here the units and we will create a polygon that is fine and you can see here there is an added tool but you cannot end it a nice name because we haven't created anything and there is a sketch tool and we are now interested in a straight segment in ArcGIS not the three this is probably a pen what looks like a pen so check the pan and afterwards you can go ahead you see the different type of cursor and you can just click each vertex of the of the rasta set you can see that you can also have a little information about the extent of the polygon due to this shape it is creating so we will just go ahead and make the trap one quite good-looking it's a little bit difficult because of this grayish preview of the polygon because they have to check the the area sees and we are nearly finished finished a sound this is our first color bone and it is stopped nearly perfectly if you would like to edit some things you can just edit or check that edit tools double click on it and you can see each vertex and you can also click on the vertex and change the vertex so you can just create like this but it's it's up so you will need to recreate this one so there's also some some in some where you would like to put it you will put it here so and now it's stored so we have created our first polygon and we will just cover the basic basics in the moments and we will set the edit and you should save each at it so we will go ahead and say okay we would like to digitize maybe this and this as well no no well let me digitize this one and this one because I have to yeah I would like to show you some things so I'm just reading now this unit and this unit so we are nearly finished so there we go now click save edits click stop editing and everything was working fine so we are now looking in the attribute tables open attribute table this is information stored under DBF file so if you are opening the DBF file in excel or in calc from OpenOffice you will probably see that same information so you have some some information there is a shape and an ID and an MIT there file is something like feature identifier may be called like this and what we will do now is we will create two the two new attributes are for that shape form so we will first go ahead and click on this one and say at field in ArcGIS 9.3 it is more or less the options button in the lower right corner so click on options and you will find the same so add a field we will now add a field which is called unit name and this is probably more that's the name of the geological structure so it's tax time and the length of 50 is way too much so we just use this short annotation and it's 10 should be more or less enough for that reason so as you can see here you have the unit name and we will now create another field this is the area and square kilometers though this is more less a float value just leave it like that so I don't have to differentiate between precision and scale so we will use it so we can create area square kilometers in a moment but definitely just have to start the editing session again you cannot add a field in an editing session so you have to start it again so we will create unit name and we first have to check what is the name of the unit so this is the OS unit we will create here and say this is OS and this was DM - s TM minus s copy-paste there we go and we will create or we do to the fact that we are using s environment and we always have the area information or the the the geographical information behind our data we can calculate the area quite quickly because um yeah he's known where the vortexes are and he can differentiate between and he can use triangulation to calculate this error so we will right click on area and you can check the calculate geometry button here and of course we will we are interested in the area we will use the coordinate system of the data source and the units is measured in square kilometers just click OK and there you have the square kilometers so first unit the bigger one has 32 square kilometers second one nearly 1 kilometer squared on nearly 4 square kilometers so this is information we have in the moment this is quite basic cell create a sheet a shapefile add it add a field add information to the field that will go a little bit further because we are maybe interested in the differentiation because yeah as you can see here the colors are all the same and therefore group just at the editing session yeah I would like to save that it double click on units and you can see here the symbology so we are now changing symbology of the features then due to the fact that we are differentiating of geological units you will click on categories and you will have unique values and just one field the field is a value field and the Z unit name and we have checked this nothing happens because you have to add all values so we click on add all values go ahead just click OK and now you can see you have this information against this information you will have you'll find the OS and DMS name of the unit in the attribute table so go ahead and you can also check the the color scheme here you can go with matte yellow added symbol just add another line filled symbol or mark a full symbol like this one and yeah we will yeah as you can see there are a lot of possibilities maybe just go at with the lines angle angle of 20 degrees great on so this is the differentiation and so you have you can create quite difficult and quite impressive signatures for for your map which you can therefore print in the end so as you can see here you can easily create a map from that but now we have to rethink some things over because what is about this feature see as you can see you have a polygon there's a so-called yeah I don't have the correct English strength translation for that but in Germany we called it an island polygons because they are just islands in other polygons so now we will concentrate on this one how to create a quite proper topology on that features so we go ahead once again additive start editing we will create a new feature with this tool and nope just click on as you can see you can also use the Bezier function and all the complete function and everything like that but we will just use this basic tool now in the moment so this was the source of bad one so we are finished now and as you can see we have covered the island polygons so I'm checking this yes you can see there are covered oil and polygons what we would now do is we will create new ones so go ahead I will make this Hollow and just with an outline color which is more than thread to see it quite properly so we are now having the big one we will create a new one inside it and we will now choose clip and as you can see you have the outer line and the inner line we will just go ahead and make this a second time so we create a new feature you once again go on editor say clip and preserve so now looking on to this one there you have the bigger one and the smaller ones inside this is this is one major step towards good on digitizing the features the second step is the so-called snapping function because we are interested in quite good topology you don't want to have overlapping regions or underfitting regions like regions where no geological structures defined the fact that the map is probably made properly net properly made and you have on every area you have an information about the structures beyond that so we will go ahead and we will try to digitize this one and as you can see I'm going into detail now so as you can see here you have these vertex s and you're you're interested in creating vertexes directly on that other vertex s so therefore you will need the snapping function you can see there's the snipping tool bar and the options on just open the snapping toolbar there you go and you can say you snapping to create vertex on each other in up Chasa 9.3 you also have the editor snapping and please check edit sketches and also the feature you would like to snap to these are the both things you have to keep in mind so we will now go ahead say units create a new one and you can see here I'm getting closer to let's go through this vertex and he's snapping the pointer through the vertex so you can also see units add no I don't want to create a new vertex on that edge just on this vertex yeah on this one this one and he's following the line if you are if you are making it probably so properly and so if I add the swarm now there's a vertex in between as you can see you have to work really concentrated and that you won't miss any anything so there we go but I think we have been a little bit too far yeah maybe so you go ahead you when you live finished so now we have created a good topology because they're directly connected to each other and there are no missing parts in between and there's no of overlapping region so yeah this is this is more or less what you will do with the with the tools you can also make selections on that I will show you that once so you can use this one and you can select the tributes like let me say I will use the unit name and we will create only a subset from OS so it's the same as OS and it will apply that so you can see just this one is selected we will create an all function here so this is all unit name is the same as DMS apply only three of them are selected so these are some basics basic things you can create with that you can add different kind of fields also hyper text formats formats and so on you can label these features like right click label features and then you will have the the attribute given in that one name and shown on the screen so therefore but we definitely also have to check the properties once again because you have to identify the text string which is used so it's formal as the unit name and so you can see this is now OS DMS and so on so these are some tasks you can do by creating shape odds please use that information transfer that information into creating maybe some line shape faults and always think about your vertex is because nothing sucks more than creating a vector data without keeping mind that you will need vertex s afterwards because of some kind of computation things and so on because each vertex has has a different coordinate you can do a lot of crazy things where that coordinates and further applications so so thank you very much for watching and have a good day good night
Channel: Digital Geography
Views: 171,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shp, shape-file, how-to, tutorial, GIS, arcgis, arcmap, arccatalog, remote sensing
Id: or-rw4mAqGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2011
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