Importing excel data into ArcMap

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in this video we're going to go through the process of how to bring in excel data like this data we just happen to be working with with the birdstrikes into arcmap so to go from just tabular data into spatial data and so after last time we did this function using the countif guy and we ended up with birdstrikes to our okay this is bird strike count and then we'll just call this state if you're going to be bringing data into something like arcmap you don't want to have any sort of strange strange what's the word I'm looking for like semicolons or back slashes or anything so before this is abbreviation with a semicolon I just sort of change that to be a state and since this worksheet that I've got is part of you know there's a bunch of data in here and so on just for trying to be clean and I'm actually going to delete well I'll just I'll just copy over the ones that I care about I'm going to copy these I'm going to bring them into a new make a new file here just so everything is sort of on the up-and-up let's paste in values so now there's no equation or anything in here there's just 63 the number and this is sort of the state abbreviation and I'm going to save this guy save it in so this isn't a you can save us wherever you're working um for my purposes I'm doing this for a class so this is going to be in this class 2-a is earth okay so this is um I'm just going to call this bird strike counts because I went through the count process fantastic and then I'm actually I'm going to just go ahead and shut that guy down I'm gonna minimize this one now we're in arcmap and i've brought in this layer USA states if i look at the attribute table here i've got information about the sub region the state name the state name again and then some kind of an abbreviation and the fact that this abbreviation column matches one of the columns in my Excel spreadsheet is very important because this acts as the link right so when I bring in that Excel spreadsheet and I want it to be associated with this the shapefile right these these states here I need some kind of a key indicator to link those data together in this case this al in my shapefile will be the link that I can link to the AL and my Excel spreadsheet and then I can sort of incorporate the birdstrike data which is what I really want to want to plot so this is what we're going to do so when we add in excel data it's slightly different than just what we sort of added in data before so we're going to add data and actually I think I can just sort of add it straight up so we move this guy back over here we're going to add the data and where was I working this is this is birdstrike counts and sheet 1 there should just be one sheet in here ok so it's here we brought it in its but I'm not seeing anything and I'm not seeing anything because I haven't been able to connect these two guys together and so this is where we use something called joins and relates so again to get to here I did a right-click on the name of the shapefiles interested in I went down to joins and relates and I'm going to join these guys I want to join the data in this layer or standalone table based on some kind of common attribute so we're joining so what do you want to join to this layer I want to join attributes from a table ok so choose the field in this layer the join will be based on it'll be based on abbreviation ok choose the table to join well there's only one table here it says a sheet one guy and then the name so let's do it based on the state let's keep all records let's validate hopefully is going to work okay so we've got green checkmarks and we say 50 or 51 worked that's because we don't have District of Columbia but I think I either had birdstrike data for District of Columbia or vice versa so we're looking pretty good so then we just say ok and now if I do a right click on this UA USA states name and I say open attribute table ah interesting so now right associated with here I've got this new column added on in fact I've got two columns added on the state and this one and this state from the Excel spreadsheet it was the match for this column over here because we had that match we were able to successfully bring in the bird strike count data so now I wanted to I can do a right-click on this guy properties and then we can go to quantities and I can I can draw quantities using color to show values I'm going to use the bird strike count I don't really care for this color scheme here I want to do something a little bit different I want to have something like what's a good one something like this and then I'm going to apply this guy let's say okay and wallah right now we can see that these states which are very bright red had the highest bird strike counts associated with them and that's understandable California Texas or big states lots of people and Alaska even though it's huge not so many people not so much air traffic and so a lower number of bird strikes so that's just sort of a basic intro about how to take that excel data and bring it in and add it to your existing data and then being able to create a map colored in this case by bird strike count incidence
Channel: Ryan Perroy
Views: 218,999
Rating: 4.8847928 out of 5
Id: YNjZaiJOj5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 12 2015
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