Create an EASY growth animation in Cinema 4D (NO PLUGINS)

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yo yo so in this simple tutorial I'm going to show you how to create this super easy and quick setup to getting this nice growing simulation and effect inside a Cinema 4D requires no plugins no specific renderer such as like octane or redshift you don't need any of that simple effectors and basically a cloner and a Vertex map animation you know pretty much there if we go back in back into the animation here I'll let this play through we can see as as the plants are growing they're having this nice rotation effect coming up I guess pointing towards the uh the designated light as well as this nice scaling effect almost given the illusion that it's growing on as well as some nice kind of like turbulence we have in here and you can also see slightly as they grow they rotate around just adding some nice small details which always kind of gives a nicer end result and the performance is still there obviously when it's simulating it's going to be a little bit slower as well as depending on the the polygon density of the object you're trying to clone and your I guess your computer specs but I'm running a 3090 and a horizon 9 um and I have about 20 000 clones here and it's performing pretty well but yeah without further Ado let's get right into it so I've just bought the log into a new scene here and when doing this I recommend having a fairly high density mesh so I got this from qixel um quicksil mega scans and I just remeshed it as Crystal typically doesn't come with too high density meshes so we want to get a nice smooth vertex map and a nice smooth growing animation so a higher density object to have that happening on is genuinely a generally a lot better and then I've just imported a few kind of leaves and flowers that you can see kind of around here and I've got multiple I guess um of different ones that we can choose from an ad so let's let's go ahead and make this vertex map animation now there's multiple ways you can go about this you can you know use different kind of grow parameters but I had a few issues with that and I've honestly got lazy and couldn't be bothered so I just ended up animating a spherical field so let's go to select set vertex where you can just put it on 100. so the whole thing is white now we want to go to the vertex map tag go to use Fields delete this freeze however you know you can you can play with this mode here grow um in the in the freeze kind of effector but I'm actually just going to get a spherical field let's just make this smaller for now put it up here and then go back to the vertex map basic and then invert um and pretty much all we're going to do is just animate this spherical field going from this small point to something like this and now you can see the high density mesh we're getting this nice fall off from uh White to red red being where the Clones are going to be and white and yellow being where they're not going to be so kind of from this point to this point is the fall off between those two kind of colors so let's go to frame zero and add a keyframe um of it and kind of not touchy at all no red at all um let's get actually make it this morning just in case go to here set keyframe on let's just say five and then let's go to frame 150 and let's just bump this up until pretty much the whole log is covered something like that um so now we have this nice animation I guess um after that we we're gonna add we're going to want to add some I guess variation to this and you can go way deeper into kind of how you want the growing to kind of happen you can use different effects within the within the fields tab you know you've got a bunch here um you want to bunch here all kind of used to I guess develop make more complex growing animations or just vertex animations and in general um but I just added a simple uh Shader field I believe I added a Shader field um yeah I did the Shader field and then I changed that to add and Shader noise I just made this around 30. and then I just lowered the opacity bunch somebody guys are here and just put that on I don't know like 10 15 something like that um and that you know we get some nice breakups here um depending on the object you're cloning just gives a more natural look I guess and you can play with this but I'm just going to keep it simple give you the basic kind of idea and parameters on how you want to do this cool off that we want to get a clone object object and we're going to want to drag all the objects we want cloned into the cloner and I can actually just drag this into that null cool so let me just go to here grid we want to change it to object and we want to bring in our scatter or in this case the log so let's just bring that in off that we want to change the instance mode from instance to multi-instance uh uh pretty much everything we want to do there apart from up to count to around twenty thousand in my case anyway it kind of depends on the scale of both the scatter object and I guess whatever you're cloning um do keep in mind though this can get pretty intense um depending on the polygon density of your cloning mesh um but here you know it's not too bad for me I can still move around pretty smoothly um kind of in the viewport however when it's animating it will get a bit slower cool so after that I'm going to bring in a random graph effector I'm going to go to parameter and I'm just going to turn off position um and you know if you want to I'll direct this then we're going to want to go to cloner effectors you know art director in real time I guess just bring the random effector into the Clone effectors so it is affected you know if I go to position you can see what happens you know it goes crazy um so let's go to rotation change this to 360 um so we get some nice kind of different rotations on these uh plants as well as change this to 10 and 10 just so we can get some nice I guess leaning uh more naturally on the actual Branch itself let's go to scale as well to add some more variation uniform and absolute and just change that to 0.2 super subtle effects but now we get some here I guess you can see the difference just get some nicer variation you know these flowers popping out a bit more making it look a lot more natural cool um so with this one we we're actually not going to use the vertex map in the fields operation um we don't need it for this one as it's not being animated um however let's bring in the next effector which will be a plane effector let's just call this grow so this is going to be our main effector that is going to be driving that growing animation um let's just change it so that and then this is all good um let's just drag the um grow kind of plain effector into the effectors tab in the Clone object and then again it's got absolutely nuts so let's just turn position off let's go to scale and then uniform and absolute and then just change this to minus one and as you can see everything's pretty much disappeared now when you set the scale to -1 it's basically telling Cinema 4D let's make all the objects pretty much disappear and then as that vertex map uh kind of this the red parts of the vertex map come out and animate it we're gonna it's gonna come up to its original state which we set to before so if I turn this off you know it's gonna throughout the animation it's gonna go from a size of zero all the way up to kind of this size here so let's just go back to that um make sure this is here and that's pretty much all there um however now we're gonna go to fields and this is what's going to drive that growing animation we're going to drag vertex map into here now you can already see the effect of it effect that we're having we're having that growing effect already happening and we're already you know that far in um you know so well I guess the tutorial but the effect in general and that's how easy it really is to kind of get there um however we want to spice it up a bit add a bit more um you know variation animation to this you know this scale is well and good but it's it's all about the details at the end of the day so let's bring in another plane effect we're in and let's call this rotation uh let's go to parameter turn off position and I keep forgetting but go to cloner effectors and at the rotation cool after that we're going to go to rotation here so we do not need scale uh it's changed out to 120 and then mighty uh perfect so basically this is going to add some nice rotation animation as the plants are growing as well um so in that case if we want it to be animated just like the grow we're gonna want to use the vertex map again as well so let's just grab the vertex map and put it into the fields of the rotation so now it should also have a nice rotation effect as it comes on yeah yeah look at that so you get a nice Spin and you get it kind of folding up as well obviously you can play with this however you like um so I can see in this animation here we've got this kind of going on uh we can see how they're kind of all facing um and I guess in the odd Direction I believe the way to go about this is just to go to here and change the trend one of the transform values on um I think it's the RP axis you want to just want to change that to minus 90. um and you can see the kind of the difference it's had so like that see a lot of this kind of grass is uh playing in a weird kind of normal on a weird normal axis um or kind of I guess following the surface we just want to change that to -90 so everything is um I guess pointing out of its um of the normals I guess I think that's how it works I'm not too sure but just so it's pointing in the right direction so we've got some really nice growth in here yeah look at that nice you know you can get some really nice macro shots in here uh macro micro um shots in there really nice um so that is pretty much the whole uh effect there um however when these are kind of I guess got born or grown they just sit there it's not very nice to I guess look at so we're just going to add some basic turbulence but not in the way that we usually do now if you want to add some extra realism and I guess effect to this you can bring in a random effector which I have here and kind of just put rotation on and add a subtle uh kind of angle change I did 20 20 and 20. added a basic Shader field with a really basic noise didn't change anything there um grab the random effects are go to cloner effectors and make sure the wind is in there and now we should get a really nice kind of subtle wind yeah let me just go back [Music] see how all these plants are just moving very slightly now in the final render it might just be a few pixels it just adds a bit more realism to everything um you know these have just shot out they're not going to just insert these sit still there's gonna be a bit of turbulence going on um but yeah that is pretty much the effect um as I said this didn't really you didn't need any I guess additional plugins or renderers to do this um but yeah other than that how you guys learned something and enjoyed uh be sure to subscribe um and you can get the project file of this on my patreon um and you can see the final render on my Twitter which will all be linked down below other than that I hope you guys enjoyed and learned something I'll see you guys in the next one thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: H Loshak
Views: 53,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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