Cinema 4D Pyro Madness

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[Music] what's up guys my name is Luke and welcome back to motion design so sorry I missed last week uh it's just been a bit hectic with work but I finally got some time to do a tutorial and I thought I'd do it on pyro see so I haven't actually been able to mess around with pyro I mean it's been out for like what a year and this is the first time I'm touching it I can't say I'm an expert yet it's just kind of being me messing around with the settings in pyro and just kind of seeing what happens this is the thing that I'm going to teach you guys here today it kind of came about by accident I was just throwing messing around with things and I accidentally came across something I was like oh this looks super cool and I thought I'd do a story on it um I do feel like I need to shout out someone though all there is this guy called uh helmet spr go support him he did this really cool render which is very similar to what we're going to be doing today um yeah wasn't intentional but I found it after the fact and so yeah check him out out this really cool work I guess he got to it first but yeah and then if you want a little bit more of an inp tutorial I'll check out the school of motion um tutorial here they helped me a lot if it wasn't for them I would not have figured out how to make the smoke actual geometry so yeah if you want a little bit more of an in-depth tutorial go check out them uh but yeah so what we're going to be doing today let me show you the project file it is a pretty cool project file um yeah if you guys are interested in the project file it will be up on my patreon I was I don't know if you guys have ever used takes before maybe I'm just you know I've been living under a rock or something but takes is a game changer um so yeah I've created these five different uh kind of like looks to it we got this one which is more dramatic we got this look over here which is like gloss which is really cool we got this one over here where it's like gold and you'll see that we have these like gold highlights on all the crevices it looks really cool especially in motion uh we got this one over here which is just this like metallic pink which is quite nice we got this one I don't know this one's very mediocre I just like the actual texturing of it I just don't like the background I think it's very nice ex the weakest out of all of them and then we got this one which I think is my favorite uh which is more of this like kind of like fabcy feel to it it's yeah I think it's pretty cool so yeah if you guys are interested in the project file there will be up on patreon and all five these looks will be here and they're all procedurally generated so yeah you can apply this to other stuff and you'll get a similar result but yeah without any further to let's get into tutorial cool so let's close this down for now I'm going to be using the skull from bridge if you guys want to follow along exactly download it or use something else or just use one of these other skulls but you can get some pretty cool results and then it's still different to mind uh let's go and bring this out we don't need that let's go and grab a human over here here I'm just going to rotate the skull face this way just because the C 4D default light kind of comes from this direction and just not when messing with the smoke it'll help us see better let's go and increase the scale over here something like that I think should be fine and then let's just rotate it down let's just bring it back a little bit so it's more in the center something like that I think that's perfect so we got our skull over here and let's go right click simulations and pyro now we Press Play We Got a Cool Fire simulation which is cool but you know we're not really trying to make fire over here we're kind of trying to create I don't know Smoky blobs um but yeah you can kind of see originally when we press play that it's only showing up in certain bits we can fix this just by turning up the object Fidelity we can also have it uh be a little bit Clos to the actual object by turning down our surface thickness let's set that to about three and let's go press play and now look we have a much better simulation like that but now we have smoke rising up which is not really what we want let's go command D let's go and turn off our gravity you'll also notice that there's a bunch of like movement in the mid in the Smoke we don't want that uh the reason that that's happening is because we in this extra forces over here let turn all of these off and make sure you click down this turbulence and also turn this off and now when you press play it appears which is perfect so another thing that's quite important might as well just turn these off cuz we're not really going to be working with combustion is this dissipation uh so the dissipation from what I understand I can't say I fully understand all the pirate stuff yet this is just being from messing around is that this patient is kind of with the smoke and as the smoke goes it disappears over time we don't want it to disappear over time we kind of want it to stay forever so we going to turn all of these to zero cool let's go back into our tag and let's go to temperature I turn that off and now we should have smoke that's appearing on our skull over here cool at the moment the boxels are pretty big so let's go command here again and let's turn this St up two for now uh I'm going to keep it at two for this tutorial but yeah when it comes to like the rendering stage maybe turn it down to one you get a little bit more I mean like let me like we to go one now you'll see that exactly it's saying that's a heavy scene but uh it'll look better so you know do that if you want to but I think for now I'm just going to keep it like this cool so we don't need it to be emitting all the time so let's go to around frame five set a key frame and let's go here and turn that off so now it's only going to emit smoke for the first five sec I mean five frames and then it's going to stop cool so now we got that which is perfect let's go and grab a sphere set this to about 20 let's right click go simulations glider and let's increase on timel and let's press play and now look at that how cool is that yeah when I initially made this I sat here for like 20 minutes just hitting this round uh let's turn off our original geometry so you can actually see the deformation of our object over here I mean the fact that we can do this in real time is kind of crazy like this new Cinema 4D simulation engine whether it's like K or pyro or now rigid body it's incredible uh I don't know if in cinema 40 2024 it's changed much I haven't been able to update yet since I'm working on a bunch of projects and I don't want to risk upgrading yet and then help things not work so yeah when it's done then I'll mess with the rigid bodies and all that stuff but yeah there might be cool and new things with pyro but yeah this is the basics of this let's go and add some geometry onto this so let's just press play for now let's just get some movement into our scene so that should be cool let's go over here and let's add a pyro measure I mean volume measure onto our object let's set this to one so you'll notice that nothing's happening all we need to do is turn on our density over here and look at that we have geomet tree that's super cool so you can do it where you know you add it into a uh volume Boulder um set this to like two so we actually have like that original Geo cuz then you can add in like you know a smooth over here if you want to do that but I felt like you get I got better results just by doing it this way uh and just by increasing the boxal size you can get a little bit more decreasing the boxal size sorry you can get a little bit more detail tail with this and now we can continue pressing playe and continue messing around with us I mean look at that how cool is this yeah it's kind of crazy how powerful these things are getting the fact that you can kind of do this like almost real time it's so cool cool so now what you can do is we want to record our movements up here so there's a few ways you can go about this me you can go and manually key frame your collider over here to do different things to create the kind of look that you're going for you could do with a spline and then do a line spline but I felt like I got the best results just by doing what I'm doing now of just messing around with our collider body over here so if you want to record this we can do that pretty easily uh there's this thing called cappuccino so let's go all the way back to frame zero and let's search for cap is a cap cup um yeah cappuccino and what this does does is that this just records your mouse movements it is super useful and yeah so all you need to do is press Start real time nothing will happen until we make a move and now it's recording I mean you can see the key frames that are being set so now you can go in here and kind of create the look that you're going for so I don't really have anything in mind I'm just going to randomly move the mouse around to get something that I think looks cool it's more down in this direction and it may be like cool so that does happen sometimes I think what happens is that uh after a certain amount of time it kind of crashes and then it stops but I think for us this is perfect and I'm going press play again all of that will kind of stay and now look we can replay the animation this isn't cached uh but the actual key frames are all there uh so yeah let's go and just do a little Basics on texturing with this cool so with this uh I would recommend actually going into a power output over here and actually going and caching the scene they can be pretty big I think when I initially cached it it was around like 15 GB so yeah the caches can be pretty big but it makes playback uh a lot easier and HS with textur because then you can like jump to different frames to actually see what things look like so I'm not going to go too in depth with the texturing uh seeing as though I provided a bunch of Textures in the project file on patreon but I'll show you guys just the basics of um how I created a cool look and then you guys can create some cool looks too so let's go and just add a d like for now just going to have all white let's go create red shift material and let's apply this to our measure over here uh just a quick thing you don't have to do it with the measure I mean you can do it with smoke I think all you need to do then is just go and add a volume and then apply this onto our par volume over here and something should show that's see let's go presets pyro density and then there we go and now we can bring these and clamp these volume I mean these um this ramp over here and you can get smoke but you know I don't really want smoke cuz you know everyone does smoke so I wanted to do something a little bit different uh but yeah cool so in our material over here we're going to create that white one that I showed you where it's white and has these kind of like gold highlights just cuz I thought that was a pretty cool one and yeah let's go and let's search for a material blender let's put this in here and just put that over there and let's go and make this one white and make this one kind of like gold like that and let's turn up the metalness CU metalness I mean uh gold is metallic cool so now what we want to do is we only want the gold to show up on the low edges over here so we can do that with a cature node let's drop that into our material blender and now you can already see that it is showing up in little Parts but we want it to be a little bit better so let's increase the radius that one B Sol it was a decrease in the radius one0 one and increase in the radius actually well done if we keep that as normal we can add run put this ramp over here let's just clamp down these values cool as so now you can see what's happening is that we're getting these nice gold highlights only on the places where there's curves another way that you can do this uh depending on the look that you're going for is that we can search for a Fel so Fel over here let's go and put that into our material color now instead of this being on all the curves you can see what's going to happen is that it's going to only happen on all the outsides of it which could give you a cooler look uh same thing you have to grav the ramp drop the ramp in here we could clamp these values and now let me like that now you can see it's happening on all the outsides of it I kind of preferred this uh look over here I just wanted to show you guys both looks uh so that you guys can try different looks and kind of create something that you like uh at the moment this is cool but we can make it cooler let's go let's make this a little bit darker of gold uh it's metallic let's turn the metallic all the way up that is cool we want something that is reflective and then let's go with our original white material here let's go and search for a Maxon noise and a bump node let's take noise pipe it into oh that is cool I did not mean to do that that is very cool that is very unintentional I like that a lot okay well now I need to go and experiment with this cuz that is that is so cool okay before I get distracted I'll do that later let's bump that into the bump map and let's create a more of like a stone own type of material just find a noise that we like actually I think this is perfect let's just go to input make this two5 sorry so it's we have a little bit more thumb to it and now you can see that we're getting these really nice bumps over there let's go and make this roughness increase the roughness over here kind of so that we have like these two opposing forces like kind of this like kind of like Rocky bumpy type of material and then we got our gold material over here and so yeah that's kind of the basics of how it go about texturing something like that um obviously you guys can go and be a little bit more in depth but I just want to show you guys the basics of how to texture something like this uh yeah if you guys are interested in the project file I'll have that up on patreon and in the project file you know we got I showed it earlier but show it again seems that I think it's cool we got another one in here which Al I mean all of these procedural which I thought was really cool just creating these like really I don't know cool different looks just by mesing around with different materials um I think yeah so this over here is kind of how what I just showed you how to make material wise is kind of what I ended up doing you can see over here that it's pretty much the exact same setup of just a bump that's going into our material over here and then I've got this gold plugged in up here and then again I've just got my curvature node that's only looking at all the curves and it's really night works nicely with this because uh unfortunately I couldn't figure out a way to make it smooth but you'll notice that when you press play we get all these kind of like bumps I mean you can kind of tell where all the voxel are you can you can see every individual voxel so with texturing it like this I was kind of able to avoid that I can probably figure out how to make the smooth if you guys know how to make it smooth uh yeah let me know in the comments and I'm sure there's other people who would be interested so yeah put down in the comments but yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial if you did please consider like and subscribing and yeah again PR files up on patreon but hopefully I'll see you guys next week I hope you have a wonderful week [Music] peace he
Channel: Motion And Design
Views: 27,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, 2024, pyro, smoke, simulation, redshift, houdini, blender, c4d, tutorial
Id: 29N9dNhf2Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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