How to create Motion Blur in your renders - Cinema 4D & Octane

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ing um and really seeing what I can do with the power of motion blur to add kind of a lot of dynamic a lot of movement um while still being a still image or picture now this scene will be on my patreon however this model is by um I can't pronounce his name sisman kuiki I believe that's how you would say it um it won't also contain materials as um they're from gra SK gorilla however I did modify them slightly um but yeah you can find that on my patreon it'll have the camera set up the scene set up the lights set up already for you to place the model um once you've downloaded it so here I've just opened up a blank scene uh in cinema uh I'm using 2023 um I've just stuck with 2023 for now I haven't quite switched to 2024 completely yet um not sure why kind of holding off although it is pretty much the same um I've imported the model here now this model is from um the the guy I was talking about at the beginning of the video um it's from a kind of larger bike model so when you download the model um it will be a full bike however I just kind of split out um just this pedal bit as this was the only bit I was using however there's it's an incredible model you can kind of use whatever part you like of that the model is in quads so it's got really nice topology uh it's model it's modeled brilliantly um and yeah I've just slapped in a couple uh subdivision surfaces um in there just to make it a bit more High po so initially I kind of want to set up the scene of um kind of how this pedal is sitting in this render that I did um so let's kind of set up the camera and the rotation of the pedal first of all I'm just going to get rid of this work plane um and I'm going to bring up a oxane camera you can also go to Octane dialogue objects octane camera um but I've just got it logged out here so let's just kind of zero this out um and see what we can do just to kind of match the initial shot I did um originally now in the scene file that is on my patreon um this will will be done for you um and you don't really have to worry about kind of setting all the this up um specifically okay so I've got my camera zeroed out here um pushed back a little bit on the X AIS um usually it would be on the Z but we'll we'll just keep it for now um and rotated at 90° now for this render I believe I did um a resolution of 2000x 2000 um just a standard Square so we'll just go in and change that um in the render settings up here and width and height 2,000 um that gives us kind of a nice frame to work with so next I kind of just want to find a position that I kind of really like um I was just messing kind of with rotating this um I just turned off the lines there using keyboard shortcut n a and then ND to kind of bring them back so yeah let's try and match kind of this rotation that I did here um might need to zoom in a bit more something like that um and we're showing a bit more of this logo here um so say it's something like that um I also want to change the focal length of this camera um originally or standardly it's using a classic but I'm going to switch to a telephoto lens and zoom out a bit more here now the reason why that I'm doing that it looks a bit more cinematic the image is a lot flatter um meaning I don't have to kind of rotate the model as much and I will still be able to kind of get this clear view this part up here this part here and just kind of lines up perfectly with this um part of the model here I'll just go back and you can kind of see the difference in focal lengths so here um I'd kind of have to rotate the model a lot more to see this more of the bottom logo and then as you can see here we're losing a lot of the stuff that we want to see up here as well so I'll just put that back and and we will change this back to a telephoto lens okay so I believe it kind of fits the frame like that um which is pretty perfect maybe something like that so for this render I had kind of different bits split apart um and that's due to the fact I wanted different parts to have motion blur and I wanted different parts to not have it as you can see up here I've kind of got no motion blur on it same with this text here um however all of these bits have full motion blow um and that's because I really wanted to kind of show um what the pedal was spinning on on a bike this part would be screwed in um and I just wanted to kind of add some variety to the render um kind of make it a bit more complex uh I recommend experimenting with that it can create some really quite interesting results um and it's really quite unique um so yeah what I've done in cinema is I've split off the main bit um to this to this part kind of here as you can see um it's split off from this top bit um and it's also split off from the text because I want the motion blur to affect it differently however I'm not going to be kind of moving it um on this Axis or on this axis so if you kind of see your text going in or certain parts going in doesn't matter as long as it doesn't move on the axis we're mainly itting on um I believe this was in here as well just put that in there yeah there we go so now the XTR text is moving with it as well so the next part we want to do is animate this super quickly moving around um and then we'll actually move on to the motion blur parts so let's kind of um see how we're going to go about this so as we can see the motion blur is kind of coming this way kind of rotating um from somewhere like here this way if we were to kind of animate it going this way you'd see kind of the inverse of the way this motion blur is going um as the direction of it has changed so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to key frame an animation of this pedal actually moving so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start the pedal kind of about here um I'm going to set a key frame on the R.P um rotation uh axis we don't want to do it on any of the others as you can see when we move it only that digit is um moving up and down and then I want to go to kind of the 20th frame we want to keep this super quick so we're getting that really fast motion blur if you were to do it over a long period of time you'd struggle to kind of get that really Rapid or really dramatic kind of motion BL effect we're looking for so we want this over kind of a really quick time and I'm just going to put it kind of past where we want it to be um because obviously if we did it here there'd be no motion blur because it would be where the animation stopped same with kind of the start bit there's going to be no animation there cuz it's not moving however the the motion blur will take place between frame 1 and 19 as we can kind of see here so the place I kind of want the pedal to be is about here as you can kind of see that's the rotation of it there um I'm just going based off this corner here and how close it is to the digit that's pretty similar there um so we want to stay at about frame 15 and that is pretty quick obviously it's not paying in real time cuz I've got a bunch of Subdivision Services on if I just turn that off it'll be a bit quicker um I might even rotate it a bit more to be a bit quicker so maybe something like that that looks pretty much perfect and then we'll just find another frame um maybe something like 15 or 16 maybe and we'll just rotate this camera a bit like that I'm using three by the way instead of using these you can use one two three one to kind of move two to zoom in and out three to kind of rotate um yeah so let's just bring up uh octane dialogue objects light and area light and make this considerably smaller now what I do pretty much every time with my lights instead of having to constantly rotate this um and find the right rotation so it's aligned with the model correctly um what I do is I add a Target tag um usually this is used in animation um or rigging but I use it um mainly for my lights um so we're just going to press shift C and then look for Target um and it will apply kind of Target to This Light here um I then want to drag the model into the target object um and as you can see now wherever I move the light um it will stay locked um kind of in the way it rotates on that um on the pedal and I believe it was somewhere over here um and what I'm going to do now actually is I'm going to bring up the octane live viewer um so we're just going to load that up okay cool and I'm just going to dock it over here lock um the resolution and then now we can kind of go into the render settings um now we've got a bit of light here so what we're going to do is go to uh obtain settings go to path tracing U now we don't need this much um kind of I guess samples um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to change this to about 2,000 we also don't need this much depth so I'm going to change this to about 10 10 and we'll leave that at eight actually there's no need for that um I also we don't need this um this kind of high digit in the GL clamp um so I'm just going to change it to 10 looking up render times having it that high a lot of the time really doesn't make any difference at all um I'm also going to go to Adaptive sampling and change it to 150 um and as you can kind of see here we've got a fairly quick round of time for quite a higher res solution um image match this up to my original scene um something like that and I think I kept the settings pretty much the same um I didn't change anything um I just kept these all default power 100 temperature 6,500 I'm then just going to let me just control and drag out here um and drag a new one here that should be fine and and then we wanted a another kind of top light um this isn't aligned correctly but it doesn't matter for now cuz there are old lights um so let's move this to the top of our model and make it a bit thinner to match the original one um cuz I don't want it as wide I want it to only cover kind of this area over here I don't need it kind of going across the whole thing um just move that a bit closer cool I believe that also stayed the same um what was this no okay so I really lowered this one to about 12 um so it's not too overpowering and then um that's just the back one which we'll do in a sec Okay so we've got our basic lights here um obviously it doesn't look that great as of now however once we add an um HRI environment a black environment that is starts to get a bit more a bit more professional I guess you could say um as we start getting these kind of really nice lights um what I want to do is I don't want to see these lights in my octane render viw um so what we're going to do is just going to select all of these go to visibility and then camera visibility and there we have some kind of almost similar lighting um of what I had before um as we can kind of see here I've got that nice light there we' got some nice light here got these rims here and here um yeah okay let's move into the motion blur and the camera tag of our scene so the next thing I'm going to do um is I'm going to add a plane now this is just going to be for our backdrop um obviously we don't want it black and we want to add some nice kind of softer shadows and some softer highlights without using lights um so let's just scale this down a bit um wrong one um let's rotate it 90° and move it all the way back so it's not interfering with any of these original lights all the way back probably have to make it bigger um in the end let's just see if yeah that's easily covering the scene um the next thing we want to do is we want to add a bigger light to kind of fill this up um so let's go to um let's just grab another light lights area light um I am going to switch to lines now cuz it's getting a bit harder to see so I just pressed ND um and we're just going to have this Focus this plane and scale it down a bit more maybe and move it pretty close to the plane um not all the way in um cuz we want it to kind of expand over this area down um and kind of out out of the way really um let's make this bigger again do it like that um so now we have kind of something like this it's a really kind of soft gradient obviously this bit here is too harsh and we want to change the color of the background um so what I'm going to do is because it's so harsh and doesn't have as soft as I want it to be I'm going to move it back slightly to soften it out um and then just increase the size um as well move it back um and let's put the brightness down significantly um the next thing I want to do is add a brighter material or um a material to this just so it's not standard um the fuse let's go to here and let's change this to about 80 and add a little bit of color tiny bit of red um even too much red there let's do maybe 2% um something like that looks pretty good um okay so now as you can kind of see here we've got very harsh lights got very um harsh Shadows um and this isn't typically the kind of way I go about it it um I use a color space called Aces so what we're going to do is we're just going to go to camera imager and we're going to enable Aces tone mapping now what you'll see with Aces tone mapping is that it kind of dims the whole image um and clamps everything uh kind of down um but also gets rid of a lot of detail by increasing the um the Shadows on the black so what we're going to do is just going to bump up the exposure to 1.5 and highlight compression all the way to one to get rid of kind of any kind of bad parts here I guess everything else can kind of stay um then we can go to post enable and just a little bit of Bloom um maybe there um but as you can kind of see here we're getting some really nice detail here off kind of this material we're getting these nice bits here um here and here um it's looking really nice so far I just want to enable that subdivision surface again just so it looks perfect um so the next thing we're kind of going to do is as you can see we still have this pedal rotating um like that um and we were using frame I believe it was 15 so as you can kind of see here it's still moving throughout um we're not at the end of the animation meaning there's going to be some motion blur there um so let's go to um this null of the bit that we kind of rotated and we're going to go to we're going to right click on the null we're going to go to extensions c4d octane tags if I don't lose it um without that you won't be able to kind of see the motion blur we're going to enable with the octane camera so the next thing we're going to do is going to go to motion blur enable and put this pretty low um that's way too too high something like 0.15 um now this probably will need a render um as you can see no motion blow is coming up and there you can kind of see um the motion blur we have but I kind of want a bit more um so let's go to 0.02 maybe something like that yeah something like that looks cool what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go to objects hdri environment I'm going to utilize gr scale gorilla here as I think that hdis are really great um and we're just going to shift c h link plus um and Link this image texture up to um here now this is just a standard one obviously you can kind of just choose and mess with some um but I'm going to find one here and I'll probably speed up the video as well okay okay so I've kind of found a hdri I like which is kind of filled the image out a bit um however I just want to add some more light so this bottom bit here um as we kind of had here as well a cool trick that I'm going to use here is I'm going to go to options update check update check camera um and then that means it's going to lock the camera in the viewport um and I can also kind of move around here and see it kind of won't update however if I was to move a light it updates but I'm kind of out of that perspective of where the camera is um so I know what it's going to look like in kind of the final thing what I've also noticed here is it's a bit too bright here on this side for me um so I'm just going to lower this a bit to something like 50 um and that's a bit better um I'm then going to drag out another light from here so let's just use this one for example and move it down way further down so I don't really want it affecting this part here and let's change it to something like five let's clamp this a bit move it [Music] under lower maybe I kind of fills the fills the image up a bit more um and then I believe I just added a bit in post here as well but we're getting some nice details here and here and that's exactly what we want so since we've now kind of completed pretty much everything we've got that really nice motion blur um we've got obviously these Focus parts as well um there's not much more that we can do um obviously we can increase the motion blur Maybe even a bit more I believe in the final one that is a little bit more um but other than that that is pretty much as similar as you can get um from the render that I did yeah that's that's a bit more like it I in fact liking this one a bit more um it's looking a bit more realistic um but yeah that is pretty much the gist of how I went about this render everything else is kind of in post we can do actually is we could just move this back something like that and lower the brightness a little bit yeah something like that that is pretty much this render here yeah that's pretty much how I went about it um in this video we kind of covered the ases color space animating some nice product lighting um HD usage and also motion blur um with the kind of obain object tags hope you guys enjoyed um let me know in the comments if you guys have any questions check out the patreon page where this project file will be um and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: H Loshak
Views: 6,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J9ZY-CxKQps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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