Create an Active Directory lab using VMWare and Windows Server 2016

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in this video are going to set up a lab using VMware Workstation 15 player and Windows Server 2016 as our server and we're going to set up two of those and we're going to set up one Windows 10 client and join it to the new domain we'll create so let's start by clicking on create a new virtual machine we're going to create three of these and we're going to use the ISO files that we have that we've downloaded from Microsoft so you can see there's the 2016 and then we also have an ISO of Windows 10 so let's click on the Installer disc image ISO and we'll browse to our desktop there's our is OS and we'll do our Windows server first and we'll put in our key we'll decide what version of Windows in this case we're going to go with the standard version and we'll put in our password and you can put in whatever password you want but I'm going to use password with a capital P and a zero which does meet the minimum requirements and we'll click Next and we'll give the machine name I'm going to call this DCO one it's going to be our first domain controller and we can also put in the location if we want to choose a different location I'm going to go ahead and click browse and in this particular case I'll choose the C Drive create a new folder and we'll just go ahead and call this VMs there we go next and now we want to give it a size I'll just leave it at the default 60 gigabytes but you can do whatever it is that you want it really only needs 32 gigs for the minimum but just to be on the safe side you can go bigger if you have the space you can also split the files into multiple files or you can keep the virtual disk as a single file which I'm going to do in this case it's a little bit easier to find that way and move it if you need to click Next I don't need to customize any hardware and we'll go ahead and click finish and then the VM will automatically start and we can see it's starting hit any key to boot from and it's gonna go into our setup screen and we'll go ahead and go through all the motions of creating our first domain controller go ahead and click the middle button and we can expand it for the entire screen size so it can scroll down a little bit so that way we can make sure we can get to all of the buttons to click Next now we can see that Windows is installing and when it's all done we'll get our login screen and from there we can log into Windows and get started with our Active Directory setup our DCO one has completed installation that's booting up for the first time let's go ahead and create our second and also going to be a debate controller and we'll call this one D co2 or domain controller number two and we'll browse to our location once again and we'll click OK you do get a warning about having two VMs in the same location you can create another folder if you want just to split those up let's go ahead and click continue choose the default and once again and we'll store the virtual disks as a single file click Next and finish and the installation will begin as soon as it boots up now you can do multiple installations at the same time if you have the hardware to support it in this case we're using raid 5 15,000 rpm drives or you could also get good speed out of an SSD drive as well anyway we're successful getting our domain controller up and running but we have yet to configure anything on that so we'll go ahead and work on that DCO 2 is still in the setup phase make sure you pick the standard version with the desktop experience when you are prompted otherwise you'll end up getting a command prompt instead of a desktop which is what you would expect now we'll go back and we'll get our Windows 10 installation going we'll just double click on our VMware once again and click to create a new virtual machine and this time we're going to choose Windows 10 instead of our 2016 ISO file there we go next we put in the same password once again which is just password with a capital P and a zero just for our lab environment and we'll paste in our key and choose next we'll give our name client a 1 or client 1 whatever is you want to call it and we'll browse once again to our ISO file or our VM folder I should say and then we'll go ahead and choose that as our location click OK next and we'll choose the default size again using a single file and that all looks good we can see the default memory is two gigs click finish and I'll show you how to expand the memory and the processors after we finish getting the installations done we are in our server manager on DCL 1 let's go ahead and click on add roles and features and we'll get a new wizard that pops up that allows us to install our Active Directory components so let's go ahead and click Next and let's take a look and stop right here we see right now that our Windows server name is not what we want it to be so even though we call the DCO one in vmware we did not rename it in Windows we also want to change the IP address as well because this is the IP address given to us automatically using the DHCP server built in so let's go ahead and cancel this and let's go set up our TCP IP addresses I'll right click go to open network and sharing center and we'll go in and change our IP information click the change adapter settings and we'll right-click go to properties and we'll change our TCP IP for settings double click and this particular case we're going to go with a 192 168 0 address and we'll choose the default Class C subnet mask and for our DNS we're going to put the same address because it's going to be a DNS server now we're not going to put in the default gateway because this is just a lab setup so we do not need to go out to the internet if you need to get any files from the internet you can do it from the host and copy and paste it into the lab so let's go ahead and click OK click OK and now our computer has the right IP address so what we want to do next is we want to go in and change the name of the computer itself so we'll put in control panel and we'll change that to large icons makes a little bit easier and we'll go down to where it says system this is all alphabetical so it should be pretty easy to find and we'll click on change settings and then we'll click Change and we'll call this vco1 and then we're going to need to restart the computer so I'm going to click OK and we'll click OK here close but instead of restarting what we're going to do is we're going to shut the computer down and we're going to add in some resources let's go ahead and shut down the only way to make some of these changes as the computer itself has to be shut down so our DCO 1 has been shut down let's go ahead and highlight DCO 1 and from here we're going to go to the settings and make some changes so I'll right click on it choose settings so here we see that we're using 2 gigabytes of RAM or using 2 processors and we have the hard drive so this really isn't enough to make our virtual machines run very well so if we go down to our task manager on our host we can see what kind of resources we have by clicking on performance and in this particular case we click on CPU we can see we have 12 cores now this is because it's a xeon processor you might be using an i5 or an i7 or something similar to that so you may not see quite as many as 12 cores but that's ok we also have under memory of 39 gigs you really need at least 8 gigs to make this lab or but you'd be much better off with at least 16 so let's go ahead and close that now so knowing that we've got our memory set to two gigs I'm gonna go ahead and change this to around six gigs because we've got it so we'll go ahead and do that and let's go ahead and change our processors from two and we'll go ahead and go to four so now we'll go much faster now if you have any kind of instability you may need to go in and check some of these various different boxes but you can do a little bit of research on your own if you do have your VMware crash on you to decide which boxes to check so I'm not going to get into that for this particular video but let's just go ahead click OK and just make sure that you're aware of that option we'll go ahead and click the play the power button our on button for DC l1 and we'll get that back up again and get our active directory installed so when it comes back up we're gonna go and click on this little control-alt-delete in order to get our login screen to come up put in our password and we'll login you can see things are running much more quickly now compared to what they were now we've added more RAM and more processors to the mix so in order to get our smooth Mouse working and keyboard and everything like that we've got to put in our guest additions so we're going to go down to the from player one at the top left click on manage and put in our virtual machine and from here we'll click on options let's go to where it says VMware tools and let's make sure that we have this set to update automatically and we'll go ahead and click OK on that so that way the tools go ahead and get installed whenever it's ready let's click on add roles and features and this is the area that we are in before but we could not proceed because our IP address setting and our name wasn't correct go ahead and click Next now we'll choose the default role based and click Next and now this is looking the way we want it to be it's DCO 1 as well as our correct IP address next let's go ahead and choose to install the Active Directory domain services and choose to add the features and we'll click Next yeah we don't need any features additional to that this time next and install and this usually takes anywhere from 30 seconds to you know five or ten minutes depending on the speed of the host computer that you're running on and the installation is complete we'll go ahead and click close and now we see this little triangle at the top we'll click on that and we'll choose to promote this server to be a domain controller so that'll pop up we'll get a new wizard and we're gonna click to add a new forest so we'll just call this widget LLC internal and click Next we can see that the forest and domain are both going to be at 2016 because the 2016 server and we'll leave the default boxes check that you see there and we're going to put in our password just in case Active Directory breaks we need this directory services restore mode in order to get into Windows if Active Directory does have a problem in the future go ahead and click Next just ignore that warning at the top not to worry about that that always happens during installation and it's going to create the default NetBIOS domain name which is just going to be the shortened version of our domain name we created earlier our fully qualified domain name we created earlier and we'll click Next and we'll choose the defaults that we see here and we'll click Next and then as long as we don't get any red stop errors all other messages are fine we'll go ahead and click the install button at the bottom and all those look good we'll go ahead and click install and it usually takes a few minutes to get this installed and it will automatically restart when it's done we're in DC o2 let's go ahead while we're waiting for DC o1 to do its thing and we'll go in and change the IP address of D co2 and will also change the name in the exact same way that we did DCA one but we're going to give this a different IP address so this one has to be something different than the original one that we did now we're going to point the DMS back to our D CL one server because we're going to need that to make our Active Directory installation go correct all right we'll click OK there now we'll go to control panel rename our computer to D co2 so we'll change this to large icons go down to system and we'll change that to D co2 we're also going to shut this down and add the same amount of resources that we did for D Co one and we're going to also allow the VMware tools to be installed upped and updated as well so let's go ahead and go to manage virtual machine settings options VMware tools and will update automatically and now we'll shut down at this point when you restart if you get the option to download and install VMware tools just go ahead and download and install and when it's all done the server will boot up dc1 has booted back up now you can see the difference between the old login and the new one we now see the domain name backslash administrator instead of just administrator so we want to make sure that we go ahead and login that way and which is going to be the default way the local administrators now disappeared because this is now a domain controller if we go up to tools in server manager which opens up by default we'll just go ahead and click on Active Directory users and computers and we should be able to see that our Active Directory domain is up and running which it is where it is we see our widget LLC and we see all of our default folders and containers now we've switched over to DCO to where we're going to add this as a secondary domain controller so we click on add roles and features and the procedure is going to be a little bit different we'll go ahead and click Next and make sure that our domain controller name and IP address is correct which it is and we'll go ahead and click on the Active Directory domain services just like we did last time and we'll click Next and we'll just keep clicking next until we get to the installation which it is right there and we'll let it install and then we'll get on to the promotion process and we see the installation is complete we'll click close now we want to go to the triangle at the top click on promote this server to be a domain controller just like we did last time but here's where the procedure gets to be a little different so we're going to choose the added domain controller to an existing forest option instead of adding a new forest well click on select for the domain it'll prompt us for our username and password alright now take a look where it says domain it says DCO - we don't want DCO - for our domain that's the name of the computer not the name of the domain so we're gonna put in widget LLC backslash for our domain there we go click OK and now we should see our force but sometimes this does not work sometimes we end up getting it encountered a problem so let's go ahead and do a little troubleshooting we'll click cancel we're going to go down to a command prompt we'll right click on our start button go to command prompt sometimes your option will be PowerShell just depends on what your host is right now let's make sure that we can ping VCO 1 and we can so that means that our network settings for VMware are fine now let's go ahead and see if we can ping VCO 1 by name make sure we put in the entire fully qualified domain name and we can now let's make sure we can ping just the domain itself and we can so this is perfect this means this should work just fine so let's go ahead maybe it's just a timing thing let's go ahead and click the where it says domain and manually type in widget LLC internal and we'll click Next now we see here that our the wizard cannot access a list of domains the error is the username and password is incorrect so if you want you can go ahead and click on change and re-enter widget LLC backslash administrator as well as the password let's go ahead and click Next and see if we can get past the screen even without it and we did so that means that everything was fine it turned out to be just a timing issue now if yours does not work even after that one of the things I'll recommend is you right-click on this little network icon in the lower-right section go to open network and sharing center and you can just temporarily disable IP version 6 so we'll right click go to properties and we'll go to IP version 6 and we'll just uncheck it now I don't recommend you do this on DCL one just do it on DCO two and that's because sometimes the IP version 6 gets ahead of the IP version 4 and we didn't actually set up IP version 6 so it went to its default configuration so sometimes that can cause a problem so that is another way you can troubleshoot that you can also do that on the client as well if you can't join your client to the domain so let's go ahead and put in password and after you successfully join the server and the workstation into the domain you can re-enable IP 6 at that point well go ahead and ignore the delegation error that happens every time just like it did on DCO 1 we'll click Next we'll choose any domain controller because we only have the one choose all the defaults click Next and then we'll go ahead and click install once we get that option looks good let's go ahead and click install and once again when it's done it will go ahead and restart so we don't need to stick around to watch this and we can go ahead and start working on our client we'll also go in and make sure that our VMware tools are set to update automatically and once we shut down the computer we can also go ahead and add more memory and more processors you see the memory does allow you to add it while it's running but what I found is it causes a lot of instability so I don't recommend you do it while it's running and when we're done we'll just go ahead and click OK we're in the VMware settings and we're going to go in to client l1 settings and we're going to do a similar thing that we did with the servers except for we don't need six gigs we could just easily get away with four or approximately four and then we'll go to processors and we could either stay at two or go to four we've got a lot of different processor options let's go ahead and click OK I'm gonna leave this one at two and it's not going to be doing a whole lot and we'll go ahead boot back up and we'll set the IP address and we'll join this to the domain let's go ahead and login and we'll go down and we'll set our network IP address just like we did in previous versions now if you don't see when you click on the network and sharing Center the options that you want to see you may end up going to the Start menu and clicking on settings just depends on what version of Windows 10 you get and you can click on network and internet and from here you can still click on network and sharing center to get to the same place so let's go ahead and click on change adapter settings and we'll go to properties and we'll once again go to tcp/ip 4 and this time we put in a dot 3 address and we've done again don't need to go out to the Internet and we'll put dot 1 for DC l1 so we can join it to the domain and if you do have trouble joining it to the domain once again we can disable IP version 6 just by unchecking that box and click okay all right so now we're back and let's go ahead and choose control panel once again and we'll choose by large icons and we'll scroll down to where it says system now in this particular case we can go ahead and change the name of the computer and join it to the domain all at one time we don't have to change the name restart come back and join it like we did with our domain controllers so let's go to the computer name we'll call this client oh 1 or whatever it is you would like to call it and we're gonna join it to the widget LLC that internal domain which we set up on those two domain controllers go ahead and click OK and we're getting prompted to login now we can see here our domain is widget LLC that internal so we don't have to put in widget LLC in the user name if we don't want to but we certainly can it's already gonna try to log into the domain and when it's done we should see welcome to the domain we do go ahead and click OK and we can click OK again and sometimes you do get the changing primary domain DNS error this is a perfectly normal error you can go ahead and click OK you can ignore it when it reboots it will update that DNS information and I will restart after the restart I will click the control up delete button and we're gonna click on let's go ahead and scroll down so you can see it other user so instead of logging in locally we're gonna log in to the domain so I put in a widget LLC backslash administrator because there is still a local administrator account on this particular computer and we'll log in and we see it's going through all the different setup phases we'll just let that finish depending on the version that you're using if you get the prompt to log in with a Microsoft login choose to join the computer to the domain option instead and then it'll allow you to log in as a local user and you can create a local user as an administrator you can call it anything that you want and then you'll login it now this is the Enterprise version it doesn't do that but the professional version does so once again just choose the join this computer to a domain option create any username you want and it will automatically be an administrator once you join it to the domain you can log in as we just did to the widget LLC that internal domain as the administrator so let's right click on our start button choose command prompt or PowerShell whichever one it says let's make sure that we can ping DC oh one in DC oh - there's DC l1 that's coming right up and now let's ping DC o2 also looking good now let's make sure that we can connect see the file shares on DC l1 so we'll just open up the file explorer choose backslash backslash that's the universal naming convention option and choose DC oh one make sure you memorize unc universal naming convention you'll be using that a lot in your career we'll hit enter and there it is we see our two domain controller folders that are automatically created when we promote a server to be a domain controller so as long as you see those that that means two things it means DC o1 is successfully a domain controller but it also means that you can connect from the client into the domain controller itself so let's switch back as we wrap this up to Active Directory users and computers and let's go to where it says computers and we look at that we see client o1 so we know that we were successful in joining that to the domain click on domain controllers and look at that we see D Co 1 and D CO 2 so those domain controllers are successfully added into Active Directory as well we're going to want to do one more thing and that is we're going to want to import some objects from a CSV file into our active directory so you can drag and drop copy and paste or use the shared folder option in vmware in order to get the all good file from your hosts into your virtual machine now we've created this CSV CSV file ourselves so in order for you to get one of these you'll need to look up some directions on how to do that if you don't already have a way to get a CSV file that has a lot of different objects in it all right so what we're going to do is we're going to move this CSV file into our C Drive but you can put it anywhere you want it's just it makes it easier to do the import if we do it this way so there's our Allgood csv file and now we're going to want to run a command so we'll just go ahead and log in to a command prompt as administrator and we're going to go ahead and go back to our C Drive so we'll do a CD back slash and now we're at the root of our C Drive now we'll type csvde along with some switches and we'll choose the - i - k - f c colon backslash all the dot CSV you don't even need the C colon backslash because you're actually in the root of the drive so what looks good put that in in case you didn't put that in the root hit enter and we should see that all of our files have been added in now if you get an error it's possible that you spelled widget LLC that internal incorrectly so the CSV file doesn't match your active directory and if that's the case then that would be a different issue so let's go ahead and click on Tools Active Directory users and computers and we should see a whole lot more stuff in here now and there it is we see all these new organizational units such as Human Resources information technology all these different things so one of the things you're going to notice when you click on this is any of the objects that we imported it has a little down arrow next to it so we can easily fix that to enable it now you can't choose a group when you do this groups are not included because by default they're enabled but you can choose all of the users and computers all at once by holding down the first one then the shift key and then the last one I'll right-click and we'll choose to enable account and now they're all enabled and you can go through each one of the different organizational units and do the same thing let's go ahead and sort by type let's choose this first group here again do not choose the security groups because they won't work and right click and choose an able account so for instance if you accidentally choose these security groups along with the users you right click you don't see the option to enable or disable that's because you added the security groups into your selection so go through each one of these until you get through all these different ones and enable all of them and then you'll be able to start using them as well so again don't select the security groups and we'll choose enable and then all of your groups will be and your all of your users and your computers will be enabled at that point so that's how you can set up a lab an Active Directory lab using VMware Player or workstation they actually combine the names for this particular free one and again this we're not using this commercially we're just using this for learning tools only and once you have this set up you can do all different kinds of experiments using the different tools adding the different roles and features and really learning how Active Directory works along with its workstations
Channel: Robert McMillen
Views: 45,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows Server 2016, windows 10, windows server, windows server 2012, r2, windows 2016, microsoft server 2016, server 2016, microsoft server, microsoft server 2012, windows 2016 server, wins server, windows server standard, hyper v server 2016, latest windows server, how to, vmware, player, workstation, how to install windows server 2016, windows server 2016 basics, windows server 2016 features, windows server 2016 install, windows server 2016 tutorial
Id: 1O0smx7F2yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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