Create AI Tileable Textures!

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foreign and welcome to today's video now I'm gonna be very honest with you I'm pretty sure this is going to be a controversial video but um I think this is a technique that's really cool and it could potentially be a Time Saver for a lot of people doing environment work so let's get to it this is what we're going to be looking at today we're gonna be or I'm going to be teaching you the process to generate this kind of tileable textures that you can use for like General decoration in your games or in your like commercials or whatever thing you want to do now the reason why this video is going to be a little bit controversial is because we're going to be using Ai and I know I know AI has been on the like conversation for almost a year now I think and um at first we were like nah nothing's gonna happen and now we're seeing the things that AI can create and we're like well where are the jobs gonna be going like is this something that we need to worry about and as I've mentioned before it's not so much a problem of what we are gonna have to worry about it it's more of a problem of how are we gonna use it as a tool to keep ourselves irrelevant right so I think the worst thing that you can do is try to like put yourself in a situation where you think AI is not gonna happen or it's not going to do anything to you you need to understand what's going on with the industry and see how this can be well again utilize asset tool so uh we're going to be using me Journey give me just one second there we go so me Journey as you guys know is this uh pay service it's actually like ten dollars a month or something like that and you get access to prompts right so you can do your own prompts and as you can see here I was doing some tests for tileable textures now the interesting thing about this uh particular um software is that it gives you really really interesting results now I'm gonna be the first to tell you guys that even though the results look really nice they're just like I wouldn't say garbage right but from a design perspective they're just noise the the AI thing that we have right here it really doesn't understand the things it just understands like the general noise so it's not a designer and this does not replace a designer that's going to be like manually doing this sort of things to generate something that looks a little bit more interesting however I still think that it generates results that look relatively okay so for instance I gave the prompt a Mayan floor ruins and then in mid-journey we use this little Flags to to tell it to make the tileable so in this case we created this shape right here and again as you can see it's just abstract art and it does look a little bit like a Mayan thing but it's just abstract right now why is this useful well and when you're doing a a game or when you're doing a vig environment one of the things that becomes really really complicated is to fill this environment with a lot of information and of course we could go into cbrush and design our own pattern our own symbols do a lot of research about the context and the gerund but that would take weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks of work right so we can spend like two months doing a perfectly tileable texture that properly portrays the Mayan culture or in this case if we just need a fast like tileable texture like this one right here we can just go into um what's the word into mid journey and generate this I'm going to give you another example remember how we always talk about alphas and how um we we need to create our own Alphas I can look for damaged worth texture black and white just like that it's not going to be even tall I'm just going to call this a damage a wood texture black and white and what we're going to get is as soon as this thing finishes the the processing is we're going to get some options that we could potentially transform into alphas and this is where the second part of this comes into play but before we move forward to the second part I just want to remind you guys that we have all of our courses available through skillshare hey guys Abraham here I just wanted to remind you guys that we upload all of our courses to skillshare skillshare is this amazing site where you can access a ton of different content to learn improve and grow as an artist we have all of our courses available to watch and learn from right now in skillshare you can check the description down here and skillshare is offering one free month trial to their premium membership with this membership you're going to be able to access all of our courses and watch and learn all of the amazing things that we cover with all of the softwares so what are you waiting for check skillshare down here below there we go so yeah even though AI is a huge thing here in our world especially in the art world that doesn't mean that you don't need to learn all of the basic skills because someone that only knows how to do prompts and AI it's not going to be able to generate um like all of the information that they might need there we go so look at this for instance from all of this guys I think the ones that are most useful are this too and this is something that we could eventually go outside find a tree take a photo bring it back and just do it but we can use something called this AI thing to generate all of these images for us and it does make our lives so much easier and the cool thing about this is no one else in the world has this exact same images so that means that if I convert these images into Alphas so that I can use them in my projects I'm going to have a unique sort of Advantage because it's going to be a very like it's a new image right it's been generated and again I don't think using AI in this particular way is hurting our industry I think it's a way to to utilize this as a tool you let me know in the comments and again I'm open for for discussion I know this is a very hot topic right now but um well that's that's what it is so once you have your image I'm gonna open a new project I'm going to say create new I'm using 3D sampler and 3D sampler is the tool that we're going to be using to generate our high level texture so the way this works is actually very very simple to just open 3D sampler just go over here and we select the image as you can see this is the Mayan ruins image that I have right here and we're going to use AI again this is something and this is what I find a little bit funny about AI we've been using AI a lot it's just that AI has now come like really or has like Advanced really really far and we're seeing it do things that we didn't thought were possible right so if you've been using unfold 3D for instance for the last couple of years when you're in your UVS that's sort of like AI it's automatic automatization of a process that would take us a long time to do and we're doing it nowadays if you've been using Siri measure to clean up some of your geometries that's it's not exactly AI right but it's automatization processes that allows us as artists to save time in things that were very time consuming so in this case for instance um someone under the comments asked me hey could we do like the old fashion way of going into Photoshop getting the color creating the roughness creating the metallic you don't need to do that anymore you don't need to go layer by layer creating this stuff you can just use something like this which is a substance assembler to look at this create a tileable texture with proper height information with proper normal information with good roughness information in this case there's no metallic information we got our height information and we got our ambient occlusion so again you don't need to do this manually now and is that a good thing is that a bad thing ah I'm not sure to be honest I'm not sure I'm I'm in that position where I'm not really sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing for artists what I do know is that it makes our lives a lot easier so if you know how to utilize it I do think it could be beneficial or beneficial for us again let me know in the comments I know it's going to be hopefully it's not going to be as rough as I think it's going to be but uh yeah there we go so as you can see here the only thing I need to know is uh go over here to the share option and Export this as our materials as you can see I've already done them over here I got all my maps uh ready and exported and in this particular example I'm using substance or substance I'm using marmosa too to get this done so by default when we create a new material the new material does not know that it wants to be displaced so we can connect things such as the Albedo map there we go we can connect the normal map for instance in this case the normal map looks a little bit weird we might need to flip it so that it looks uh correct there we go and then we can do the roughness over here there we go we can go down here to the occlusion by the way if you've never used marmoset it's a great great software we do have the complete guide to marmoset 4 available as well and I'm going to drop this um ambient occlusion down here that's going to give me just a little bit of extra extra depth now the big one the big uh the big thing is all the way up here the texture options and the cool thing is this is a tileable texture so if I need to make this pattern like really really really small as you can see I can tile it right here and thanks to the fact that we created a tileable texture all the way coming from um what's the word from a mid journey in this case you can use daily you can use stable division a lot of different softwares but thanks to that we're able to get this uh right here I'm going to rotate this for 90 degrees so that's like straight I think it was like rotated weirdly and then now the only thing I need to do is I need to tell it to displace this thing because right now as you can see if we go really close to it it's very flat still looks really good like if this was a texture on a game this would still look very very nice um I was inspired by doing this or rinse thanks to like tears of the Kingdom you know Zelda I know they didn't do it with artificial intelligence at least I I don't think they did but they have this very like weird patterns all in the ruins and stuff and they don't make a lot of sense from it I mean they make sense from the design perspective what I mean is it's just like noise that you get on your on your stuff so technically you could do that kind of stuff with this as long as you can control the prompt a little bit more in this case I just threw in a very quick and fast prompt but there are ways in which you can like modify them or or use them to generate more specific effects so to tile this or two to actually displays this thing here on the on the software and make it actually like uh generating more volume and more Shadows first of all we need to go here to displacement and we need to tell it to use high displacement now it's expecting a height map which we already have here on our elements is this hide information right here but before we do that on the plane itself we need to go to the plane shape and or the plane right here and we need to change the subdivision to in this case I'm using p n triangles you can use a lot of them I like using PN triangles because it gives a a nice sort of smooth uh it's very good for like like tessellation and stuff uh I as you can see I'm using subdivide and I am subdividing this 100 times so it's a lot of triangles you can see here we have two million triangles but we need that many triangles so that when we drop in the height information right here you're gonna see that this actually pushes the elements look at that so technically we could export this like use nanite or something like that inside the front real and we could get a really really nice effect of course in this case I'm gonna lower the scale a little bit more to generate something that looks a little bit softer on our effect so yeah that's that's pretty much it guys that's the that's the quick demo right here and I've been doing some research online and there's people like important people doing this or following this process where they use uh AI generated images to generate the textures and then use those textures instead of things like substance designer substance painter again uh substance sampler as I just showed you and uh well yeah you can start creating your own world or your own like a whole set of textures and materials with very very cool generated images so that's it my friends short video today hopefully you like this quick tutorial again let me know in the comments what you think I know it's a divisive topic I know there's people with very very strong feelings one side or the other uh but hopefully you guys can see the advantage of creating an image so so fast it's just just simple planes a simple cylinders for instance there's something right here I'm using this Cliff we can also increase the scale for instance as you can see the one thing that we're gonna need for this particular cylinders is we're going to need to increase the subdivisions quite a bit you can see on this one this one has a little bit more subdivisions that's because of the of the UVS but as you can see we can generate a lot of textures that would be very very complicated to do or very time consuming to do traditionally so hope you like this video my friends make sure to leave a like share and subscribe it really helps the channel and we're going to be back in the next couple of days with more 3D content make sure to join our Discord as well if you want to talk and share some of your stuff and that's pretty much it for today I'll see you back on the next one bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 7,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: vKlFrDBf0qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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