Master Sword Stylized Textures! Substance Painter Tips and Tricks

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laughs hello everyone and welcome to another video in this channel my camera is completely out of focus and completely wrong let's fix this real quick rip there we we go Hi how are you guys doing sorry that I've been missing for the past couple days uh there's been a couple of personal things that have been um or I had to take care of this past week but we're back and we're back with a Saturday video and today we're actually going to be working on something really really really cool as you guys know uh Lane of Zelda tears of the kingdom was released last week was it last week yeah it was last Friday right and um I asked is my assistant to do this one right here and we're we're gonna have a small little challenge here I'm gonna see if we can texture this in the sort of like style of breath of the well so it's gonna be like flat stylized effect and the challenge is we're gonna try two textures without actually doing any sort of material we're only going to be using Color now I'm just gonna adjust a couple things here before we go there if you can see the straps right there are not perfectly aligned so you can just play a little bit there I mean it's not again the end of the world so we're just gonna grab the whole sword right here it already has to be so we're gonna go jump straight into texturing and we're gonna export this selection to our assets folder so let's go real quick here to next to live and we're gonna go to yeah that's the one we go to assets and let's create a new folder called master it's worth there we go sir we're going to jump straight into subsidence painter file whoop new file and we're going to create a new element right here 2K is fine I think 2K should be more than enough let's go for our Master Sword right here I've been playing the game I haven't been able to play for a long time I've probably played like three or four hours it's really good guys if you guys have the switch you definitely should do it or should get it let's do a 2K bake right here uh we don't have a high poly but even though we don't have a high poly that doesn't mean that we can't do a big because we can access things such as a curvature the ambient Evolution and stuff like that so as you can see this immediately is going to make the whole master sword look a lot better let me jump real quick here and let's look for the master sword to see how it looks in regards to Colors so it's got this like purple color and of course the metal so the challenge here is we're actually not going to be using Metals so instead of doing this with a metal that should give us the sort of like metallic look we're gonna fake this out we're gonna build this with only color so I'm going to press the letter c to jump to the base color of the object and we're going to be working everything in this layer right here I'm going to use the fade layers have some basic things to work with and let's start with the metal so if we take a look at the metal you're going to see that it has this sort of like blue hue to it so I'm going to add another field layer I am going to go to the options here and I'm gonna remove all of the color information and we're only going to be working with this or like blue like light color right there of course we're gonna um group this I'm gonna call this blade and we're gonna add a black mask that's only going to be affecting the blade right here let me just see yeah even the little things right there there we go so as you can see all of the blade parts of the of the sword will have this sort of effect now um this is actually a technique that's just quite a bit in concept art I'm not a concept artist but I know that this is what they call the flat portion of the process where they create well the flat colors first and then they go over and start adding the lights and the Shadows so now we're going to use a a bluish color for like the hilt something like this a little more bluish there we go Ctrl G black mask it's gonna be all of these pieces right here this guy right here the inner pommel and this guy right here perfect just make sure that we have on both sides cool we're gonna do another folder here and this is going to be a yellow color by the way I've also been working on the next course the next course is going to be we're going to be going back to basics um that's going to be a fun one I've been I've been doing a lot of very cool exercises for you guys and I think I think you guys are gonna like there we go and then finally we got the sort of like green colors so let's add another few layer another group and the reason why I'm adding groups is because I want to have control over the elements inside of the groups individually there we go is that the proper green I think it's a little bit too green I'm gonna desaturate it a little bit more there we go so as you can see we've already have something that looks that looks okay it's not bad it's not perfect it's not bad from um from a color perspective like if we're doing some sort of like a stylized effect this could work now let's start with the Shadows I think the Shadows are probably the one of the most important things and this Shadows are something that's going to affect everything so I'm gonna add a black mask here at the very top so that it affects everything and we're gonna go for a dark color now you can see here on the game The Shadow is never like perfectly like dark so we're gonna go for a a deep dark blue color but we're never gonna go to all the way to the to the bottom now we're going to add a black mask and in this black mask we're gonna add a generator and we're gonna add a dirt generator which as you guys know will give uh we'll we'll create dirt pretty much everywhere like what we have right here look at that that already looks quite quite nice but we definitely want to improve this so one of the things that I don't like about the dirt generator is the fact that it has this thing called the Crunch and for like General dirt is fine but for what we're doing here we really don't want so we're going to bring the crunch all the way down and then I'm going to play a little bit with the dirt amount to give this a little bit more dirt something like that now as you guys know me when I texture I don't like to have a layer on top just like like this I always like to blend them so I'm going to use overlay to blend them a little bit as you can see we're going to get some richer richer colors right there we can also use a soft light for instance I think soft light looks even better look at that that way we don't over saturate the colors here on the sword and we get a really really nice effect now I'm going to show you the trick that's going to give us a sort of like hand painted style and I'm gonna be adding a filter and we're going to be adding something called a blur slope the blur slope is as you can see right here a really nice like fractal way to break up the the shadows as you can see it gives us pretty much what we're looking for right like this sort of like hand painted stylized stroke effect now we can make this really really really Intense or we can make it really really really low I'm gonna go like roughly around there but one of the things that I definitely want to do is I want to divide this a couple more times so the fractals are going to be a little bit smaller because I do want to modify that blur slope but I want I don't want this to to be like overwhelming for the whole thing so yeah there we go that's looking quite nice I would say of course we can do here and we can go to the intensity and just lower it a little bit so that's not as intense now keep in mind that when we have the material turn on we're still going to have something if you want to see this on the material mode without actually seeing that the glossiness that we're getting here my advice is to create a new layer and create just a roughness layer and bring this roughness all the way to the top that way we can still see a little bit of the of the light affecting the object but we're not going to be seeing all of the elements that we normally see so yeah that's not bad getting a nice result right here so this is just like the beginning of the the creation of this sort of like hand painted texture let's go now to the blade itself you can see that we already have pretty much what we want in regards to the blade at least on the on the like sharp edge but I would like to darken this part a little bit more so I'm going to go all the way to the blade I'm going to create a new layer it's only going to be a color layer and we're going to sample the same blue color which is going to darken it maybe saturated just a tiny bit something like that we're gonna black mask this and then we're gonna go to face mouth and we're going to select the faces of the element which is that one right there and all of this right here by the way my assistant they said yes he did an excellent job with the modeling because as you can see here by having the proper model we can very very quickly select all of the parts that we need for our uh sword right here and this is looking quite quite nice so yeah that's uh that's pretty much it now I do want to add a little bit of texture to this area so one thing that we can do here is we can add another filter actually to um to this color right here so first of all we will need to add a secondary color so I'm going to add a secondary color here I'm just literally just going to duplicate this and make it a little bit darker and then on the fill layer I'm going to add something like a fill and let's look for some claps just to add some noise to the whole thing there we go I'm definitely going to bring the contrast up and I'm going to tile this a little bit more there we go we're going to multiply this against the whole thing so as you can see there's kind of like blurs out or it makes a messy sort of effect so the on the whole thing right now what we can do is we can also add another filter here and add this blur slope and look at that it changes to Overlay or again soft light I think it's going to work a little bit better in this case just play a little bit with the intensity as you can see that gives us a very very nice texture all over the metal that's going to make our whole sword look well a little bit more interesting right so yeah that's a that's a good thing right there I think now let's add some highlights right because of course let's say a a metal sword so it should have some some highlights or like scratches and stuff like that so I'm gonna add another few layer here and we're gonna remove everything we're just gonna keep this white color add a black mask and we're going to add a generator we're going to add the metal edgeware in this case which is going to give us this very very nice effect now I'm also going to remove the crunch because I want a really clean generator right here in this one I like to set to linear Dutch by the way if all of those things that I'm mentioning are a little bit too like complicated or you've never heard about generators and stuff like that make sure to check skillshare because we have available or we have substance courses available there as well hey guys Abraham here I just wanted to remind you guys that we upload all of our courses to skillshare skillshare is this amazing site where you can access a ton of different content to learn improve and grow as an artist we have all of our courses available to watch and learn from right now in skillshare you can check the description down here and skillshare is offering one free month trial to their premium membership with this membership you're going to be able to access all of her courses and watch and learn all of the amazing things that we cover with all of the softwares so what are you waiting for check skillshare down here below there we go so one thing I'm going to do is I'm actually going to go to the original color I'm just going to lower it a little bit because I feel like it's it's becoming a little bit too too blurry now we might even be able to to remove this layer I'm not sure go to this mask I want to see how it looks with the whole yeah as you can see I'm adding the whole thing so we can get this interesting like fractal texture all over the sword now uh on the metal Edge whereas you can see it's a little bit too intense right so we're going to use the trick that I normally use for my textures where we add something like another clouds noise really increase the contrast here a little bit with the balance and then multiply this so that we only have metal which were on a couple of areas not everywhere and then of course we're gonna lower this a little bit too to keep it a little bit more you know normal I'm gonna go here I'm gonna add another field layer and I'm gonna look for a scratches so there's some scratches here that we can use such as this one right here that one's a little bit too ugly let's try uh this one no this one there we go that looks a lot better and we can play a little we can of course we're gonna do an Overland on an overlay sorry in multiplayer as well I think said they're both uh pass through there we go we're going to use the pass through multiply should do the trick if it's not doing the trick I'm just gonna like literally duplicate this layer add another black mask and let's set the field layer right here there we go so we can have separate controls for each of them we can do that right there and as you can see we get this very very cool looking effect I'm gonna go to my overlay here I'm gonna darken the Shadows a little bit more uh so we get the you know that that extra little uh touch there on the textures now for this guys right here uh we can do a similar trick like we can we can try and um paint some of the elements but I actually want to do a little bit more like hand painted approach so I'm gonna add I'm gonna duplicate this layer it's going to be a lighter layer you can add a black mask and then I'm gonna turn on symmetry I'm gonna manually paint I don't have my weight come right now I'm gonna manually paint like the highlights that I would expect to see on this areas right here okay so if I expect to see a little bit of a highlight a couple of areas I'm just going to paint it around I have to do the same thing on the other side we go this is a very hacky way to do it by the way of course more precise ways to do it actually here we're gonna do I will get it a little bit differently let's go a little lighter it's supposed to be a highlight and then we're going to apply the filter and we're going to apply the blur slope there we go you can change this to like 100 or like 10. play a little bit with the intensity there changes to a linear Dodge so that it adds on top of the color and then again we can play around with the intensity of the whole thing as you can see we get that very very nice highlight one of the big advantages about working with um what's it worth uh with working with hand painted textures is that if we were to use this on a game you would only need one map we don't need normal map we don't need roughness we don't need any gluten everything is baked in into the texture as you can see right here and we can get some really really cool effects let's add a metal edgeware to the whole like area right here so black mask generator and we're going to add a metal edgeware there we go and for this one in particular I actually want to use another generator that's called a light generator and what the light generator will do is it will only affect certain areas more than others and by doing this I can multiply this light generator and have the metal edgeware be affected only like on the top part of the pump as you can see right here so this lower Iris are not going to be affected as much we're actually going to change this to linear Dodge as well and we're going to minimize the intensity a little bit too do not have too much effects cool that looks good cloth real quick for the cloth I actually I don't remember if you can see the threads of this thing right there but I would imagine maybe just a little bit so I'm going to use this fabric suit on top here and I'm just going to remove everything except for the color and we're gonna overlay the color and then we're gonna increase the tiling to get a little bit of texture right there and of course we can like Smooth this out so that we just get a very very faint texture of cloth going around the the Palmer right there and then we're gonna go to the gold layer this one right here and the gold we really want this to shine a little bit more you can see it's one of the like the important parts of the of the whole thing so I'm going to duplicate this layer again and then this layer we're gonna go for like a really bright yellow black mask I'm not going to use symmetry you can see here it's like the opposite colors or the opposite like rhomboids that we get so this one right here and this one right here is kind of like reflecting the environment that's what we're trying to to do here and then we're gonna have like a line right here and another line like right there then like if this side of the sword is painted like we would expect this to see if we painted as well and then like maybe like a little bit of a gland in this area as you can see that's gonna start selling the idea of for reflection like a painted reflection again we can make this even better if we spend more time on that but I just want to show you a couple of Tricks here that work really really nicely and we're gonna go here triangle strangle and we're going to hit this border right here and this water right here then we hit this line right here of course we're going to use a filter blur slope there we go look at that make this linear Dodge of course so that we can really punch the colors as you can see right there we're going to change this to 10. and play a little bit with the with the blur there so it's not as intense and bring this down we don't want to make this super super shiny there we go as you can see we got a really really nice effect here now we're not done we're almost done where we're not done yet with this uh like hand painted approach for the for the element first of all I'll definitely like to add a little bit of highlight to the cloth as well so I'm going to duplicate this layer we're going to be using a lighter color black mask and we need to see where the light is coming from right so the light is coming from the top then we would expect to see like a highlight doing this sort of like a round thing around the cloth a little bit over here and we're just gonna add a generator uh sorry a filter and now the filter slope let's make this a little bit more intense because I want to have a more intense effect right there linear Dodge linear Dodge and we bring this down there we go so you can see we got a really really nice effect now what we're going to do is we're going to go back to like the general layers we already have a general layer here for the shadow which is really helping but I want to add a little bit of a general layer for the light and for the yeah for the light mainly uh so we're gonna add another layer here this is going to be a warm like layer like this kind of the black mask and we're gonna go for a generator and we're going to do a light generator and this light generator I kind of want to have like a side view effect of the light like this as you can see it's only going to be affecting in this case let's go for the for the right build there we go something like that and to this we're going to add the filter we're going to add a deep blur slope so as you can see this light is hitting the right side of the of the sword this is not something that we would use for a game to be honest because it would make everything a little bit too uh dirty like the light even if the the sword moves around the light will always be painted on the same side which is not exactly what we might want but we when we do this in Julian launcher change this into linear Dodge we can get something really really interesting and kind of like a dust I'm gonna bring this below the shadow so the shadow is affecting the light a little bit more and you can see it really brings the the whole piece like up a little bit more one thing we could do though if we do want to use it like a little bit more intensely like this is we could bring it to the to the oh my God I'm getting back to my sneezes now uh we can bring it to the top and then if we go to the light we can invert the position of this thing so it is hitting on the other side of the of the sword and that way it's going to look like it's being lit by both sides so more like a global illumination sort of thing uh I think this this could work a little bit better so as you can see we're getting the the illumination from both sides and I do want to bring a little bit of extra Shadow because even though we do have Shadow I want to like punch the shadow a little bit more so we're going to punch it in two ways first of all I'm gonna do an ambient occlusion pass so it's going to be just like straight like black color I'm going to add a black mask and I'm going to add a fill layer and if we sample or we go for our ambient occlusion element right here we're going to have a mask however the mask is inverted so we need to flip it by adding another levels right here and by inverting this and now we can play around with the ambient occlusion as you can see we can get a really really cool effect we can punch or remove these levels around to get more or less effect if we want to and then of course we're going to add another filter this is going to be our blur slope filter and we're going to change this to like an overlay or something it's going to be a really low layer this is going to be good if we want to like just darken everything up a little bit more just an extra pass right there and finally I'm going to add another layer this is going to be a dark purple layer because I do want to level the color in this Shadow and we're going to use a gradient map so I'm going to use a another generator and we're going to use something called a position this one right here so as you can see this is coming from the top I actually want to flip it so I'm going to flip it so that's coming from the bottom and I'm going to be using this to add a sort like a magic effect actually another thing of it it would be cool if we add like the sort of like magic there we go let's do this sort of like magic effect on the on the tip of the sword we're going to add a filter and let's do a blur slope again to create a little bit of filter on this mask and then I'm gonna actually I'm gonna add a paint layer here I'm gonna use a a dirt brush to paint out so that we only have it on the on the blade itself let's multiply there we go and then we should have the blur slope here there we go and we're going to change this to a linear Dodge nice that looks really cool let's go back to the paint I'm just gonna like remove a little bit of effect here and there we can play with the light there we go and that's it with this my friends as you can see this is the this is the channel That that the like the fuse Channel as you can see there's no other information we're in the base color Channel and look how nice the sword looks so we could have a game where there's absolutely no light this is what League of Legends does something similar to what they do and uh and we will have amazing looking textures thanks to this process of hand painted effects so yeah that's it guys I was feeling inspired about the the line of Celtics I wanted to do something cool and show you a couple of tools some of you might not know about the blur slope which is a really really handy one to give this sort of like effects it's like fractal elements into our sword and uh yeah as you can see this is looking quite quite nice so if you like the video please let me know in the comments let me know also what other kinds of topics you want me to cover I'm trying really hard to see if we can have a live stream tomorrow Sunday but if not I promise you I will see you back on Monday for our weekly uh live stream okay the links to our Discord are down here the links to the arch support Nexus to the portfolio reviews like all of our stuff is down here in the description and again if you want to support the channel make sure to like share and subscribe and I'll be seeing you back on the next one
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 7,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: bad8IPoxNhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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