Create a Small Business SharePoint Intranet

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hi I'm Peter Kallstrom of Kallstrom dot-com business solutions in this demonstration I'll show you how to do a small intranet for a small bicycle company here which I'll call the contoso bicycles and this is an exercise which I sometimes do with the students in my classes so I'm going to show you the answer to that as you see we have the goal of creating a small SharePoint Internet and I'm going to start with the blank site collection and this company has three departments sales production and support they each have their own area and we're talking about areas in SharePoint terms that of course means sites so I'm going to start in weather this part the point number two here and I'm going to create three new sites the sales the production and the support so here I am an accounts from demo site and I'm going to start by changing the name of that site and I'll do that under site settings here title description on the logo I'm just going to change that to comto so bicycle and then I'll go ahead and save that and there we go we have the contoso bicycles now I'm going to create the sub-sites I'm going to start by creating one sub-site I'll do that by going into site contents and not adding an app in this case but instead I'm going to add a sub site new sub site there so I'm going to start by creating the sales site that's going to be a team site too and I'm going to use the top link bar from the parent site to create them now I could go on and create the other sub sites also the one for production and one for support but instead I'm going to finish sales and use that as a template for the other two that will save me some time now I have two sites one called contoso bicycles which is the root site of my site collection and another sub site called sales which is for the sales department now in these sub sites I want to be able to share documents and that we already have I also want to be able to share as we see appointments tasks and photos so I'm going to go ahead and create some apps for that too and I'm going to do that under site contents again I'm going to add an app for appointments and the app for appointment is of course the calendar app so I'm going to search for that and I'm gonna call that appointments create documents were already done so now we can share appointments and documents I'm going to go ahead and make sure that we can see this appointments link in the quick launch also so I'm going to go into settings for that one calendar settings here I'm going to make sure that it's in the navigation here in the quick launch navigation should display this list on the Quick Launch Save and then I'm going to go into site contents again and add another app for tasks and that's once already right here so I don't need to search for that one tasks there we have the tasks and again I'm going to go in and change the settings so that they show up on the quick launch and finally I'll create the app for sharing pictures I'm going to add an app again picture library so I'm going to going to create a picture library app and add that I'm going to call that photos create and then I'm going to change that so that that shows up on the quick launch also so that concludes that step now we have three Department I'm sorry we have one Department the sales one is done we have documents we have appointments we have tasks and we have photos so the entire step two is done as the apartments collaborate a lot over the boundaries the whole internet you share a common navigation as we see we already have that we have the common top navigation here where we have contoso bicycles and sail so they share the same navigation next step is to have a link to into the navigation pedaling comm you should open a new in a new window let's wait on that one we have done so far it's rather good but let's do the final step there later each department area should have contained three pages progress problems and plans let's do that first and now I'm gonna go ahead and create new pages I will do that on the sales site and one of the ways to do that is to just modify the page here I can go ahead and remove this get started and then I'm going to go in and edit edit the page and then I'm going to add three new pages one way to do that is using the wiki linking so I'm going to do progress problems and plans I'm gonna save that and now when I click on these links three new pages will be created progress and I'm doing the same for problems and finally the same thing for plans now we have on the sales site we have three pages linked from the home page called progress problems and plans beautiful so that is done each department should have its own theme I'm going to wait with that one too and then I'm going to choose a youtube video so basically we've done all the common stuff now so the next step for me is to save this by the this sale site as a template I can do that from the site settings save site as a template this will of course now be in a department site and I'm going to include the content because I want those three pages to be there too so I'm going to click OK save then the site templates will become available when I create new websites you can see up here that it's working on it observe - that's completed successfully beautiful so now I can go into contoso bicycles and create the other two sub sites I can do that here under site contents create new sub sites and then I can go into the custom now and use the Department sites which I created production I'm going to use the same top link bar so that we have the common navigation now you see the production site has been created with the same three pages and I'm going to go back to the root site and create a new sub site again under site contents new sub site and this will be the support site and again I'll use the custom template that I made the one called apartment site and I'm going to use the same top link bar again to get a common navigation among the three sub sites there we go now we have one route side and three sub sites and now of course on each and every one of these I'm going to go in and change the theme we're here let's change the look under look and feel here are some of the themes I'm going to just going to select one the bright and colorful one here I'm going to try that one out make sure to select the Seattle site layout otherwise you won't get a quick launch navigation and then I'm going to keep that there you go now I have the nice well at least distinct theme of the support site the production site has its own theme so then I would do that again same thing I'm not going to go through that each department should have its own theme we've done with that and now here's there should be a link in the navigation to pedaling calm that's somewhat tricky to do you need to enable a feature called publishing infrastructure let me first show you why these features needed here is the common navigation here I can add a new link here by clicking on edit links and I can add a link here by clicking this plus sign here at a link as you see this is very limited it can basically I just have the text to display on the address but there's no open in new window here so that doesn't take us all away but if you have the foundation version of SharePoint 2013 that's all you have but if you have the server version or the enterprise version then you can enable publishing infrastructure feature so I'm going to go into the site settings make sure to do that when I'm at the root of the site collection here I'm going to go into site collection features and enable the feature called SharePoint Server publishing infrastructure that gives me much more control over the navigation now that's active and I can go into the settings here site settings now I'll go into the navigation this link was actually not there before and that's there thanks to the publishing infrastructure that I just enabled I'll go into navigation here and as you see now I can create a new link I'm near here add a link and there we have a lot more options so now I can go to pedaling and there I can select to open that in a new window and now when I save this okay I have a new link that opens in a new window yeah so then step number three is done the only thing we have left to do now is to choose a YouTube video and insert it into the first page of the sales department so I'm going to go ahead and do that too and I'm going to go to the sales department and modify the page again and here I'll insert a video embed and here the code that I'm going to embed is going to be from YouTube so I'll go open YouTube in a new window so I have a direct link there to the Kallstrom comm YouTube channel now I'm going to just take one of these videos and embed them into my SharePoint site let's have the one for SharePoint document tagger I'm just going to click that click that link here and then I'm going to embed that and I'm going to make sure to use HTTP since my SharePoint site is using HTTP as you see I need to have the youtube link with HTTPS too then I'm going to just copy that high frame link and then paste that in there and it's actually previewing my video and there we go insert that it snap it and it looks beautiful and now I've saved that and I've inserted a video on the sales side that concludes all the steps in this exercise thank you for watching this demonstration
Views: 494,471
Rating: 4.8404908 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint intranet, SharePoint 2013, tutorial, demo, small business intranet, SharePoint 2013 tutorial, team site, build team site, video
Id: 0ihvjb7KR-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2013
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