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[Music] hello and welcome to blender bite size in this video i'll be showing you how to make this material procedurally in blender feeling lazy you can support this channel and skip the hard work by grabbing the blend file for this material from gumroad for just a pound feeling flush feel free to throw some of that coin my way using the coffee link in the description below the video okay let's make a start we've got a fair bit to crack through on this one so i'm in the shading tab i have an object loaded and a principled shader applied to it i will enable viewport shading i've got the cycles render engine selected i'm going to choose denoising yep okay so first things first noise texture we start a lot of uh materials with the noise texture it's very useful make sure that you've got a mapping node and texture coordinate applied to that shift a obviously and then search for any of these three or shift a search for the noise texture and then ctrl t if you've got the node wrangler add-on enabled to apply those to that texture plug that into the base color and change the scale to 15 detail to 10 roughness to 0.65 and leave the distortion alone we are going to need a second noise texture so i'll press shift d while that's selected to get my second one and i'm going to need a few uh color ramps actually in here to control a few different things so shift a color ramp i need one up here somewhere shift d i definitely need one down here in fact i need three down here okay now i need a mix rgb up here second one here and a third and fourth one here now nothing's happening because i'm not connecting any of these up yet so uh let's start doing that now for this noise texture we're going to take the factor from that into the factor of this mix shader on this color ramp we are going to change the colors and i need to plug the factor into the factor from the noise texture i do also need to change their positioning so let's do everything all at once let's say 0.3 for the position and then we need a sort of dark brown so let's bring the value up to 0.05 saturation 0.85 and 0.05 for the hue maybe go up a bit on saturation and down even further on the value 0.025 let's grab the hex code from that and use that to create the base color for this but we need to change the hue a bit and the value basically want orange there that one point zero five one and point five just going to drag this off a little bit let's say point nine change the interpolation mode to ease now we're going to plug the color from this into color 1 on this mix shader we're going to take the color from this mix shader into color two and then that is going to get plugged into color one on this mix shader and then we're going to take the color output from that and put that into our base color now that's totally changed what we had there now but that's good that's a good thing now on the first mix shader i am going to increase the value all the way to white and i'm going to leave that where it was now we can bring these color ramps up and start plugging those in all three of these we're going to take the factor from this bottom noise texture which i should have plugged the vector in already and plug those into the factors of the color ramp this top color ramp we're going to take the color from that and use it as the factor in this mix shader we're going to change the interpolation mode to constant and move the white value to position 0.45 and you can see what's happening to that as i change these values going to change this mix in a minute but first let's find its other color and it'll be this color ramp here pop that in there now for this one for this color ramp i'm zooming right in because i need to show you very much what i need to do we're going to add a third color point i'm gonna position the black at 0.445 change the interpolation mode to ease change the color on that first one all the way to white and just double check the third color is white as well it is so this was 0.445 the position on this is going to be 0.440 0.445 four five okay maybe point five nope that's too far away point 0.46 which means oops this one let's put at 0.425 okay let me zoom in a bit so you can see what's happening it's basically putting a very very dark fine line around the edges which will help with the illusion of what we're trying to achieve in a while i'm going to change the factor here to 0.75 just to tone that down a bit and then for this mix shader here i'm going to plug that into the roughness and for the factor i'm going to take that from this color ramp and basically i'm just going to change these colors to black and white white on the top black on the bottom and as you can see that's basically given us the shiny bits on where we want the paint and rough bits on where it's peeling now to add a bit of bump grab a bump node plug that into the normal of the principal shader take the color from the bottom color ramp plug that into the height on the color ramp add a third color which will be a gray drag that off to the right set the white at 0.5 and 0.5 the gray at 0.525 and the black we're going to push into point four seven five so if we zoom in a bit zoom in a bit closer you can see we've got all the different textures going on now we're going to leave that as one and one we are going to increase the specular at point five i'll drop the specular tint but you can obviously play everything else we're leaving as it is and i think well actually let me just check the noise texture at the bottom okay so the scale on this one is going to be 3 detail 5 roughness 0.75 i think we're leaving the distortion as it is right let's check because i should have some color coming through but it's not so why not one moment please okay i think it might be because this mix shader here that's going into the base color needs to be multiply there you go you see now something's not quite right because those uh bumpy bits should be closer to the edge let's take a look at this this needs the white needs to be 0.45 black at 0.4 oops sorry and the gray at 0.5 so you can see it's now just slightly rough around the edges and it looks like it's starting to peel so let's give you a better idea of what's going on where so the color ramp up the top is creating the rust texture that's being mixed in with the white which is set by the constant color ramp and that's why we bring the white in here if you change that obviously you get more or less the color ramp down here is giving us that outline and that's why we've crunched it crunch those colors together just to give us those very very fine lines around the edge and then the final color ramp is giving us our texture for the bump node so there you go so this one texture is controlling all three of those texture is controlling the rust and so i'll send that to render i'm using a thousand samples and obviously the cycles render engine as i've mentioned and let's see what we get and hey presto there we have our material where we've got the sort of shiny glossy paint but it's starting to rust and peel and chip away i hope you found that useful and will give the video a thumbs up and of course subscribe for future content in the meantime thanks very much for watching [Music] you
Channel: blenderbitesize
Views: 8,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Procedural Material, Blender Tutorial, Procedural Shader, Soap Bubble, Soap Bubble Procedural Material
Id: nYNQebmmfZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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