Power BI Data Storytelling Training [Full Course]

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foreign [Music] welcome to this month's lunch with the Nerds we're talking data storytelling today I'm Allison Gonzalez I'm Microsoft certified trainer here at pragmatic works I'm also joined with one of my fellow trainers Angelica she is going to be helping me out in the chat today so you can see who's going to be responding to all of your questions also our marketing team is going to be in there too so look forward to having an amazing session with all of you with so many people in there I always love seeing where everyone is at it's always so fun for that so make sure if you've got questions as we go through today hopefully keep them on topic but put those in the chat and Angelica can help you out over there she'll even push them over to me if we have time to get into them all right so let's get started everyone so again my name is Allison Gonzalez I'm Microsoft's trainer here at pragmatic works of over a decade of experience training and doing managing for tech companies I've got a four-year-old kiddo at home four and a half as she loves to remind people every time she is asked and also I have a fine art degree it's kind of weird in the data world but I actually went to school for a degree in painting and illustration what you do with it I I don't know but give me a ton of experience in the art world when I graduated though I learned a few different coding languages to build my own portfolio site and then build a bunch of sites for other people before becoming a professional web designer at a company for a few years I then moved into management of the design team and got to review sites every day for my team provide feedback and also gather tons of inspiration for them stay on top of trends then I moved in Hydra for the copywriting team got to do the same thing for them and then moved into training so this is why this is one of my favorite classes to who teach it's really a compilation of all the topics I love design good narration and of course some good data so I'm also over on LinkedIn and there's my email address so if you have any questions later on about other courses we offer or anything else don't hesitate to reach out over there all right so this is what we are going to cover we only have an hour and a half today and I could talk about this literally all day and I have but we're keeping it short we're keeping to an hour and a half so a nice lunchtime session for you all so we're going to be talking really about the theory and practice of Storytelling we're starting it off kind of just going into the basics to see how your brain works how and why storytelling is important with your data so we're gonna talk about the need for it what is it we're gonna go over the data storytelling life cycle we're then going to go into this tools for data storytelling that are built into Power bi and how you can really adjust your power bi reports to fit this narration that we're going to discuss and finally we're going to build an example together now I have a lot of it pre-built for you the class files are linked in the chat for you so if you want to follow along with me on that build you are more than welcome to also since is Live on YouTube if you miss anything just go back and you can re-watch and replay it as much as you want also this whole live event will also be saved as a video on our Channel and it's also going to be on our on-demand learning platform that's free for Life content so if you're looking for this later you're joining but you don't know if you can stay for the whole time on our YouTube channel over here on that live section you can go right over here and you can re-watch this session as well as all of our other live sessions we have doing every month either an hour and a half or a full three hours so tons and tons of content over there plus just on that video tab all of our regular 10 20 minute videos are there if you've got little chunks of time to digest that all right let's get into it everyone so first off we're gonna talk about why is storytelling important so if you are a big reader or if you're a book lover like me um even a movie lover you know that when you consume a good story that has a solid plot throughout it causes you to feel a certain way and that is purposeful on the part of the writer and the director because they have crafted this process they've crafted this so that way they want you to come to this conclusion that they've predetermined whether you love the characters or you're meant to hate something or whatever it is they specifically drawn you there that whole time and that is what we need to do with our storytelling and our narration for our reports now how does this really apply for data storytelling well companies are storing more and more data than ever before and we need to figure out how can we utilize that and set ourselves apart we set ourselves apart by telling a story with our data storytelling allows us to clarify the message that we're telling about out our company or about our team in the organization so a reason one why storytelling is important is that story stories have always been these very effective tools to transmit Human Experience those that have data analysis are just a relatively recent versions of them but storytelling really is one of the oldest forms of both teaching and entertainment it's the way history was traditionally recorded it's how values were passed out so families neighborhoods Bond it our brain is built for telling and listening to stories fun fact when we hear stories it releases dopamine into our system that places emotion behind the data which makes it easier to remember another neat thing about our brain is that when we are listening to a story our brain tends to turn the story into our own ideas and experiences so I want you all to think have you ever heard a story you weren't a part of it someone's just telling you a story of something that happened to them but they're doing such a good job with that story and narration that you can picture yourself there that's what makes stories so effective now another reason is that good stories are better at compelling change with analytics your goal is normally to change how someone makes a decision or takes an action you're attempting to persuade Inspire trust and Lead change with that unfortunately though no matter how impressive your analysis is or how high quality that data could be you're not going to compel any change unless the stakeholders for your work understand what you have done now this could require a visual story or a narrative one but it does require a story now if you're like that totally makes sense why are we not doing this more now well you need to remember that a lot of times those that are great at analytics not always but sometimes can struggle with telling stories everyone has their own strengths and areas of expertise and in a large company you will have teams like everyone's pretty siled so you're gonna have teams handling the data and then you'll have your copywriting teams and I've worked with both of those been on both of those teams and there is vastly different communication Styles there it's because of how your brain works and the way you normally communicate so those with an analytic mindset 100 can become great storytellers just might take some practice be a little bit out of your comfort zone the first few times another reason unfortunately is those that um are analysts a lot of times they might think that storytelling is not really the best use of their time that they are indulging in this practice and that they should be doing some quantitative analysis processes instead unfortunately though if you cannot explain your findings or what the data is saying in a way that others can understand which is the crucial part here your data essentially is useless so unless you can communicate what is happening and get people to agree with you what really was the point with your process there so let's talk what is data storytelling so first off digital storytelling this is more of the generic term for telling stories with technology that can present an idea or an outcome while data storytelling is more of the art of converting numbers into narratives this means that many reports might look or smell like data stories because they have numbers and they have charts but while all data stories are reports not all reports are data stories so let's talk now about the data storytelling life cycle what is that whole process how do we get into it what are the steps for this so first off you start with the purpose you move into the narrative gather your Data Insights put them into visuals and then finally wrap things up with a call to action so let's talk about each of these sections just a little bit more to explain them first off our purpose so this is the first step in the data story of telling life cycle and you need to think what is the outcome you want to achieve because we really design backwards we start with our end goal in mind we pick one major point and stick to it so you when you come up and you're tasked with creating a report you're like okay this is a goal this is what I need to achieve this is what I want people to believe to discover to find out to use this for whatever that purpose is we're going to work backward from there so we always have to find what the audience means to learn from this use it for do with it what is your purpose that's the key step for this purpose next up is our narrative so once you have a purpose our next step is our narrative and your responsibility is to distill those Data Insights into this single Focus narrative that guides your audience to the desired conclusion so your data story should be this coherent consistent Story from beginning to end weave through so we're just talking about you know movies and books having a plot line so we want to make sure that as we are coming up with our narrative that's essentially our plot that's what we're writing all the way through now I know I've sat through movies or read books where halfway through even happening here there's like no plot like there's no like nothing makes sense here and I'll just stop watching I just won't care about what happens and that's not what we want happening with our report narrative we want to keep this going all the way through we have to think what's our purpose how can I grab everyone's hands pull them along with me and distill this information to them the first step for that is to know your audience so when you're doing that you have to think am I talking to c-level Executives am I talking to peers am I talking to programmers or business users what is my end user who is going to be listening to this because when we start talking we get into our introduction where we need to kind of really hook our audience from the get-go how do we hook them how to know who they are we have to know how they think how they talk how much they understand that way we are able to deliver this information in a way that is going to be effective for them we also need to have that narration to support our visuals now we want to make sure that when we are creating our reports and with this report design that we are not putting so much text on there that it is overwhelming and just giving people too many things to look at no real spot for their eye to focus so as we look at our report later on we're going to talk about how you can concentrate on you know maybe you don't need your X and Y axis labels maybe some places data labels are really essential other places they just lead to clutter so we talk about focusing our report in on the essentials there but of course keeping that narration the whole time through next up we also want to keep it simple not dumbing it down but keep it simple sometimes I've sat through things where it just something like someone grabbed every complicated term they could ever say just to appear like they actually knew what they were doing and in fact if you ask them a simple question they really couldn't explain that so the more simple that you were able to keep your narration keeping it in terminology again knowing your audience keeping that terminology in and working for whether it is someone that is programming very into the data knows this program or some of them might just have a very high level understanding of what you're doing so making sure that as you're going through keep it simple don't over complicate just for the sake of over complicated don't use big terms there and if you do make sure you explain that and of course make it memorable then when you want to think right now try to remember any report any presentation that you have sat through in the past month or even the past year do you actually even remember any and if you do why what stood out to you is there any way that you could actually take that and apply it to what you are doing how do they stand out so we want to make our report our dashboard our story odds are it's not going to be the only one that's heard if we're doing like a quarterly presentation probably other departments are also presenting other people are also presenting and so if we're just sandwiched in a few other things how is ours going to stand out how is everyone going to remember to take the action that we want them to take when they walk out of that room in 20 minutes an hour later then of course craft our story so into that narrative that data story should be coherent it needs to be this consistent Story from beginning to end I think you are weaving that plot all the way through next we move on to our data now this is generally where a ton of people will just start when they are building their report really skipping over the purpose and the narrative because like oh I have to build this report about X Y and Z I'm gonna go get my data and just build the report but this is a step where finally once you know what you really want to present on how you're going to be talking about that this is where you are going to bring your data in we're going to be specifically talking power bi here that's where you're going to bring your data in take it into Power query clean it up eliminate anything that is confusing that could spark more questions that either you don't really want to get into or you might not be prepared to answer then of course verify verify verify those results so you're going to need to know that data pretty much inside and out and be prepared for questions never ever ever ever ever assume or make up an answer if you don't know it now I'll also show you how you essentially like combine some data into your report so if you're presenting and you know you're going to have to answer some questions at the end and you're going to have a lot of data specific related questions you don't have to bring up like an Excel sheet or another report just to have that data which is how you can essentially hide that data in to your report so you'll have it there you can smoothly transfer over and answer some questions about that also remember with your data not all not all Data Insights that you find are going to support your story I want to make the data tell what you want the course don't manipulate it into being incorrect or wrong but a lot of times a ton of extra data that's not bad it's just not related to what you're doing eliminate all of that confusion really hone that narrative to being specific too many insights could crash your story next we take it in two visuals so we're gonna go over some visual best practices as we're building this and also we're going to talk about some data storytelling Tools in power bi so first tip that I have for you on a visual front and just report design in general is plan it out now there you can do this on an actual whiteboard if you've got a notepad hand you can just draw it out you can even do this on a PowerPoint so I just block out where you're like I'll have a chart here I'll have this table here I'll have some buttons here plan out that design and also think through if I click on this am I going to get a cross filter or a cross highlight over here what what's going to happen what's going to look like if I hit this if I hit that if I move things around this is one of the top tips for my web designer just plan it out it's going to be so much faster even if it's just scribbles on a whiteboard or a piece of paper you put the thought into it before you had to put a visual there put the data into the visual format all of that I want to find out well I don't love how this works and then have to redo it and spend 20 more minutes on something you could have spent you know two minutes just a little bit of planning in advance and other design tip I have for you less is more now if you're looking at this image it there is nowhere for your eye to just kind of start because it's so busy normally I'm like looking at this thing right here and then I might bounce over to the background that's going to take me this little swirling Vortex over here and then I just get into the background I don't even read the text or the importance I'm just looking at how insane everything is so really make careful conscious choices of what to include both with your narrative and of course your report design on your page but I have faith in you I know none of yours are gonna look this crazy all right here are the power bi features we're going to be spending the rest of our time talking about and if these are used correctly they can really enhance your report and Aid in that data storytelling so we're going to be implementing these throughout class and those are going to be a drill through Page a custom tool tip we're gonna be talking custom visuals in power bi we're also going to be doing a ton of bookmarks and using our selection pane for that and we're gonna put a spotlight on so if any of these are new to you stay tuned we're going to be putting these in for our report now let's talk about this a little bit more for a drill through it's kind of where you can like hide your data this is an additional page that you add in so you're really going from one report page to another more detailed page so if I have a report that has like a map and I want to see that at a more specific level it's like a state level or a city level you are able to really easily set this up so it will filter as you go through whatever element you set in and I'm going to go through the process with you all in a bit to set up a drill through Page whatever element that you're putting in that allows you essentially that's like the password to get over to the other page and will retain essentially the filter of whatever data you clicked on that is now going to filter down that drill through page for you we also have Custom Tool tips so normally a tooltip is a tiny little box that shows up over your visual that has whatever data points are in there helpful useful yes interesting no it's not really eye-catching so if you are building out a report you can always make your own tool tip so you can have visuals on visuals if you're like oh it'll be a little too distracting to have this visual in here multiple ways or multiple times on the same page different kinds it just be too busy you can instead put that as a tool tip so instead of just looking at a year view I can have a tool to pop up with the month view as well to just give you additional data points while also not really cluttering up your main view that's a put probably with the tool tip three for maybe four small ones is kind of the max you can put on there but you can put some extra information in there that can give additional detail to that report while not being distracting custom visuals of course now you are able to get these third-party designed visuals from appsource and these have I think there's like almost 500 Now new ones get added every single month and so when you are looking at these are some things you need to consider first off is it power bi certified which means the power bi team has looked at this visual made sure that it is safe secure and that it works in every instance of power bi also some are free and some have paid components so you gotta consider those two things whenever you are looking at downloading and getting those power bi visuals also a lot of companies I'll learn you now do prevent you from downloading any uncertified ones I fully support that there's plenty of certified ones that work that way you know hey if something goes wrong I don't have to check the visual and my data it's just going to be probably something with my data that I've got to adjust then we are going to be adding in bookmarks and now a bookmark captures really the current configuration of a page so if you think literally a bookmark you're putting it into a book you can come back later to that bookmark and there you are right at the page essentially a bookmark in power bi really does the same thing so you can filter your page down have your visuals however you want them to be you click that add bookmark button and it's going to capture there it's like essentially a live action screenshot it's going to capture where you're at you're then able to link that bookmark to a button and then whenever you click on that button boom everything gets filtered to that specific view bookmarks are a lifesaver when you are delivering a presentation and you have some complicated filtering that needs to take place to get your data where you need it to go to also just building reports for future use to make it really easy for that end user to navigate through especially if they might not be a very native or skilled power bi user making it really easy and obvious for them that way they can just click buttons to get where they need to now in connection with your bookmarks you're going to be using your selection pane because just like when you are working in like PowerPoint and you're thinking all right this is going to sit in front of this or this is going to be behind here like send to the fronts in the back with your selection pane you are easily able to move things around so if you have anything layered you can make sure that the top layer is what you want on top you can also show and hide visuals there so if you're taking a bookmark with some things hidden some things shown you can easily control that in your selection pane we're also going to be putting a spotlight on a visual nail spotlights are pretty fun they're really nice and they're incredibly easy to set so people don't realize the easy process really the main things with the spotlight is to get it to work long term you want it to be linked to a button because really as soon as you click out of your Spotlight it's gone so you want to link that Spotlight to a bookmark and then have that bookmark on a button you can click to then show that really easily time and time again so once you have all of your visuals done remember we've created our purpose we've set our narrative that we're going to be consistent with all the way through we've brought our data in cleaned it up made sure that we're really focused on just the essentials that are going to back up our Point our purpose whatever we want to do with this report put them in two visuals make sure our Pages aren't busy we are going to use a bookmark to create this really easy process for delivery and then finally we get to our call to action this is where we end things up we have two you know after we've finished we don't just want to sit down and be like okay thank you for your time we want them to take an action so this action ties into our purpose that we came up with at the very beginning so we need to think how do we want them to take action so the purpose of this report was successful so we have to give them instructions not like we're not going to give them the credit to get there on their own but we don't want them to like well you know what let's think about this instead we don't want them to like go off on a rabbit trail of something different so we should always provide one clear consistent view for them all the way through right so once we got a purpose we've got that narrative through we've got our data put it into some great visuals on our page think of that call to action that is our data storytelling life cycle that we're going to run through every single time that we have a new report now we're going to hop in and we are going to do a video game scenario here and that's a report we're going to build but what a run through that for you first you can see how all of those elements are applied to this report now before that I do have a good question in the um chat that I see and Robert asked what are some just good design tools for creating layouts instead of a whiteboard so really a question Robert so if you're just doing kind of whiteboarding thinking out like layouts from scratch there and you don't want to use a whiteboard there's a lot of really good like websites and even apps out there for whiteboarding now if you're thinking more of just some report layouts there's also lots of really good links for good structures now I'm actually doing a series of report design here on our YouTube channel I think a new one went out today but I'm going through the entire process here in each video building out reports and I'm going to be doing that all year long and a few of those are going to be talking about report structure that's I don't want you have to wait for those videos there's lots of good Links of other ones out there talking about report structure if you go to powerbi.com in this service there's also some good report examples that you can look out and mimic and there's even some downloads out there as well where you can kind of think of you know based on the type of your report where you want to put some buttons and graph some different things out there so that is a really good thing to look out I'd start at the power bi service or with Microsoft's own resources and then kind of look from there and of course subscribe to our YouTube channel and I'll be having some videos out about that in the next few weeks and months all about report structure as well yeah all right so let's go ahead and now and we are going to pull over this example now I'm going to deliver this example to you and I want you to all kind of think right now that you are a whole bunch of investors and I am working for a video game company and so my video game company is coming to you all my investors and I'm presenting this data to you so we looked up all this video game data so that we can kind of relate to that and show you how you know we'll make a lot of money for you with our video games if you invest in us all right so all right investors put your little investor hats on all right are you guys ready so we here at pragmatic Works games have created a platform for family friendly games that could bring everyone together we've developed this report showcasing market research about games and specifically games that help bring families together so the first thing that we noticed when we looked at this data is that the overall quality is lower this is a user rating score then games in the past and when we're talking about quality we don't mean technology because Graphics are significantly better now what we're talking about is the user score and how users actually enjoyed the game so if we are looking at everyone and everyone 10 plus because that is the uh genre and demographic that we want to Market to Within These two categories we can see that the Nintendo console has done the best overall so Nintendo has led the market in the genre we want to focus on so we look at ratings we can see we have this nice Spike over here in 2008 for total games Revenue in the millions this is telling us that there is a lot of opportunity for Revenue in the genre we want to be in specifically that everyone and everyone 10 plus now looking specifically at the Wii console which is Nintendo we can see that they are leading the market even though they're not continue to make games for it and Insider that the most popular ones for Wii are action sports racing and driving so we want to build games that are compatible for Nintendo we also want to focus on games that fall into the action sports and racing genres now speaking of those three genres we can see that user ratings are falling across the board this doesn't mean that the desire for those games isn't there it's just that again those current games are not meaning the standards that users desire so we have partnered with some big box stores and put together surveys to see if the market research matches what people are saying and we can see that we have most of those surveys for the everyone group in that 25 to 50 year range we can see that action an adventure are the most popular especially in that category so all of the data and information that we gathered all points to the same thing customers want games that are in the family category but they're disappointed in that overall quality of games currently available Graphics are great but that storytelling has fallen off dramatically so we here at pragmatic Works games are looking for investors that also want to be involved in a game system that's focused on entertaining but also bringing families together so we make high quality games that are replayable for years and years to come before you leave here today we want a commitment from you you're going to join us in this journey and invest in our vision so is everyone sold everyone's about to like start this should I go get like an LLC for this get the trademark on this I don't think it probably would be a good idea do I know anything about video game delivery no do I really play them any video games also no but I still think it will be a good idea for someone out there to capitalize on so if you've joined me on investing this is the report that we are going to be creating together good question someone asked is this a report or a dashboard and that is a very good question lots of discussion about that in the power bi world so in power bi you make if you want something to be interactive where if you are clicking on things and you want action to happen that is a report if you want a a dashboard in power bi terminology you know differs from a lot of other data elements out there a dashboard is a high level overview so if you do if I wanted a dashboard off of this so I just wanted to like track these metrics I would be able to pin visuals from my report to a dashboard but again if I clicked on anything I wouldn't have enter any interactivity I wouldn't have any cross filters cross highlights going on instead it would take me directly back to the report that the visual is coming from so in power bi anytime you see anything that is moving interacting that's report high level overview that is going to be a dashboard for you all right so let's go ahead now and we are going to jump over in to power bi so let me get this one knocked off and then make sure I'm gonna share my power bi with you all now if you want to follow along with me the link for the class files is in the chat so again if you want to do this with me 100 go for it I have that same starting file in there that you will be able to use now if you just want to watch awesome again totally fine you can download those files re-watch this video later on it's going to be saved on our YouTube page so you will be able to follow along if you'd rather to have it there or you can just easily pause me can you can pause me now too if you need to all right let me now make sure that I'm going to stick up my power bi for you all to follow along I know Angelica bargaining team is helping drop those links in the chat for everyone all right so also quick reminder with those files it is a zipped file so you will need to unzip that or extract that to use the data inside so here we go here is our power bi desktop report because all the elements I already have this pretty much built out but we're going to be adding all of our special storytelling features to this because I'll have a ton of time this whole entire site so if you want to see more of the behind the scenes build of this on our on-demand learning platform you can take this whole class I can I could talk about this topic all day long but you can see in here we go into a lot more time a lot more depth of all of the elements of the setup of every little bit of things going into that so this is on or on demand learning platform I'm gonna have a link for you guys later on um at the end to sign up for that as well all right so let's take a look we've got all of our data over here we've got tons of tables all video game related here got some buttons set up these are all these are images it's also in your class files you can refer to them so a logo up here I have a button over here and then I have a page name on each of the pages also on my ratings page and on my console page I have a custom visual now this custom visual right here is the chiclet slicer now the chiclet slicer is a free Power bi certified custom visual this actually created and designed by Microsoft so it's one of their own quotes or party ones that is in appsource brought that one in now I like using a chiclet slicer because it allows you to really easily have images I know the slicer now also is letting you do images I haven't played around with that too much for that um but the checklist slicer for most organizations should be allowed because again is power bi certified and it is totally free to download but it's very easy to if you have any links it's really all that this works off of is just an image link a report internally where I pulled pictures from our website of everyone's faces so as long as there is a URL for that image you can put it in your power bi chocolate slicer very very easily all right and that I also used on my ratings page so we can have these rating images and I also have it on the console page so that way I can see all of these console logos here as well so a lot of the time when we're building reports from we're thinking we want to keep this simple we want to make sure that okay when we're putting this in we don't have over usage of words over usage of text I want to really make sure that if we need to have it it's there but it's not a great way to do that when you're looking at a report always get a second set of eyes on your report always make sure when they're looking at it that they can see what is going on what are the metrics do you need X and y-axis labels on there you know if it's 1995 2000 2005 gonna bet 99 of people is gonna be like that's the years there you go take that text out eliminate you know having an extra like year label sitting down here of course if you're dealing with metrics that you have no idea what is going on and it's not specified in the name then you want to be a little bit more careful and sure that you are properly labeling things but always get a second set of eyes when you're done your report and here is our survey page now I have two additional Pages here aside from our just regular reports this first page this is going to be our drill through page so after I presented my whole pitch for video games at the end what if anyone had questions what if they wanted to go into more detail about something well this way I can have an entire table of data here I can easily go to it I'm going to show you how we can link this page so that way from our other Pages we are able to go there and then also whatever we went through on that's going to be now applied as a filter for this page so let's talk about this I added this page in just as a regular page click the plus sign add a regular page put whatever visuals on this page that are going to explain in more detail whatever you are looking at for your topic and I also want to point out you can have as many drill through pages on your report as you would like so if you have a few different topics you want to have a few different drill through pages specifically about those you definitely can do that now for this one to actually make it a drill through page where I'm able to go from another page to this page what we need to do is here in our visualization pane this very last field here is ADD drill through Fields here now what I need to do is I need to grab some data from over here some piece of data and I'm going to drop it into this field as soon as I do that over here in the corner I'm going to get a little arrow button and what that will do is once you have you know published this data out to present it that will serve as a link back to whatever page you were on before you came to this drill through specific gauge because you see I don't really have any other navigation or anything around this page so let's make this drill through Page and then we're going to test it out and see how it works all right so for this drill through page what I want to make sure that I have set up on here is I want to make sure that wherever I'm originating wherever I'm starting from wherever I'm going to essentially have my question be like hmm I want to know more about X Y and Z I need to see what data was used in that visual because again that data is going to serve as like the password to get to this data so let's say I'm going to come in from this visual down here on my main first page my industry summary page I can see what I have used over here so I have this release year data I have a total games measure and I also have an average user score measure what I'm going to do is I'm going to get this total games measure and I'm going to use that as essentially the password to get to my drill through page so I'm going to go back over to that c game detail my drill through Page and then here in this drill through field right here I'm going to grab it it's living in my happy measure table up here drag it in here we're going to see our arrow and then we'll test it so in my magic table I'm going to go ahead I'm going to grab that total games measure and when you do make sure you're dragging it and dropping it into the drill through field so you don't want to drop it into your regular visual field that would create a visual we want to put it into that specific drill through field as you can see grab that total games measure not the revenue one just total games and added it in and as soon as I added it in I got a little arrow right here as my back button so let's test this out really fast and then we're going to come back and modify that button so we can actually see it so on my industry summary page remember I'm going to use this one and really honestly anywhere that has a total games measure I could come through on there now how a draw through works is if you want to hover over your data in your tooltip you're gonna see if you have the ability to do a drill through so if you're ever like getting a new report you haven't really seen and you're hovering over data you can always see if that drill through element is added in and then future people using it would also know oh there's a drill through I can learn more about this now to get to your drill through you will want to right click so you can see if I do a right click here that will then give me this drill through Page and the same when we publish this out and look at this in the service so I can click on this see game details and I'll be very important to note whatever I name this page that is going to be what your drill through name is so make sure when you're are doing that that you are naming it something that's one easier for people to understand and also like okay for them to see so I'm going to click on that c game details and boom I am now over on that drill through page then I can see over here the filters that have been applied so I clicked on a date bar that was a year so I filtered this down specifically to the year 2009. so all of my data here is now filtered down to 2009 so however I came in that is what's going to now filter this page so drill through pages really great way to essentially hide that extra data in there but also give you a more detailed view now let's go ahead and modify this button because again we want it to stand out make it really easy for users to navigate through so I'm just going to drag that a little bit bigger then over here notice that your visualization pane became your format pane so you can see you've got lots of button options and general options as well inside of my style section in the format got a lot of that folded in here I am able to adjust the color so in this icon section here in the button and again I have this visual selected I can change this line color the thickness of it if I want it to stand out more I'm just going to make mine White and leave it at that and then of course play around here see what that does you can also like adjust transparency all that good stuff lots of options for editing in here you can see that it's action is set to back so whatever page I came from when I hit this button it's going to take me right back there all right so that is a drill through page again any other visual that is also using that total games measure like this one here I would also be able to go through drill through and see this page now this time it is filtered down to Sony generation five so again pick your data that's your password going through my next page that I have is a tool tip page but before we do that there's one little thing that we really should do for drill through pages or any kind of like bonus things and that's hide it navigate to this page of the report just a table it wouldn't be very exciting as just a regular page I only want them to come through as a drill through page so I want to make sure that I am hiding this page again right click on that c game detail page and then you can go ahead and hide it that way when we publish this out it's not going to show up in our navigation really the only way to get there is to do that right click on our data right let's go ahead now and go over to our report page tool tip and this is going to be our Custom Tool tip page you're like why is that visual just crammed over there in the corner well let's think about tool tips for a second and even right here there's my tool tip it's a little box that shows just the data specific to whatever I'm hovering over but if we're making a report we want to make this really interactive provide a lot of features we can make a custom tool tip so now instead when I hover over certain elements instead of having a little box pop up I could have a custom tooltip again you can also make just like multiple drill through pages you can make multiple Custom Tool tips now just like a tool tip we are going to make sure that we need to do a few things or just like our drill through rather we have to do a few steps to get this to work and Tool tips require a few more steps and drill through pages so first off I want you to go over to your paintbrush your formatting and we're going to look at our page information so in that paintbrush and our page information there is a very important button that you need to turn on to make as a tooltip because again this is just another normal page I just clicked add a page put a visual on it it's just a regular page to actually make that you need to set that to turn it into a tooltip once you can see it turned off it's a regular page turn it on it's a tool tip now first time you do this it flip mine back and forth a few times but the first time that you do this normally the action that will happen automatically now they adjusted it sometime last year and it's awesome it is automatically going to change your page size from a giant page like right now this is a full size page I don't want to hover over data and then have another full size page pop up I want this to be smaller just like good normal tooltip is so now with standard is when you turn this on your type is immediately going to change to tooltip now if you're on an older version of power bi you still might need to manually do this a good reason to try to get an upgraded version but as soon as you turn this on you will either want to it will either do it on its own or you can just go to that canvas settings section and turn that to a tool tip you can see as soon as I turned it to a tool tip and it's now much smaller so this is going to be the actual size of the tooltip as it pops in and whenever I hover over data so now that we've set it as a tool tip we allowed it to be used and we set the page site as a tooltip back over in my formatting here now we'll remember was a drill through Section on our other page it's now a tool tip section so just like with the drill through for the tooltip I have to essentially provide a password so what data when I'm hovering over it do I want this to show up that's what we have to figure out so over on my ratings page I have all of this data and this data is at a year level if I'm really curious hey like what happened right here what in 2009 was so popular well I can now look at this at a month level instead so I can see if I'm looking at this visual that I pulled the release year from my games table so what I am going to do is I am going to get the release year from my month so I can see if I have or I need to use a release year rather because I want to show the month on my tool tip page this is showing the month but my password is going to be the year so if you have kind of the same element in two places I'm Gonna Keep it clear of like okay I'm showing this element but my password is this other element that I'm going to hover over so on my games table I can see I have my release hierarchy right here we used the year in our other visual so we want to use the year as simply our password in this tooltip field right here so I'm gonna grab the year and I'm going to drop that in my tool tip field I can see I could specify this filter it if I wanted to but now let's go ahead like or drill through and test it so back over on my ratings page now when I hover over my data point there we go we've got our now custom tooltip here that is showing me for the year I'm hovering on what does it look like all of the months all of the way through last step for our tooltip just like for our drill through page I don't want someone navigating to this little baby page all on its own instead I want to hide this so that way it is not visible for just regular navigation so again right click on that page and click hide see the little crossed eye over there and know that it is set and good to go all right next what we're going to set up on our report are all of our bookmarks now bookmarks are such a lifesaver when you are presenting a report because odds are you're going to need to filter some things you're going to need to click around to different things the easier you can make that for yourself the smoother your presentation could go I know so many people hate public speaking it's nerve-wracking but the easier you can make the process the easier you can make the technical things for yourself the better it's going to go the more comfortable you will be so bookmarks are great for presenting they also make it so easy for if you're creating a report for end users to access especially ones that aren't really comfortable in power bi so again a bookmark essentially I can filter this to whatever I want to show and then whatever way I have it filtered I can set the bookmark link it to a button and then boom I click the button drops me right back here so incredibly helpful so let's go through the process of building them can seem intimidating at first but it is pretty streamlined once you get the hang of it now when we go we are going to be adding in two panes we're going to add in our bookmark Pane and our selection paint again remember this is your pain section over here on the right and I'm saying pain like a window pane so to start your pain section right here so when you add these in our screen's going to get a little bit small because we're getting a lot of things added in here so you can always kind of expand or collapse these sections if you need some more space but I'm going to go ahead and add in my bookmark and my selection pane here now your selection pane this is going to show you all of the visuals that are on that page all of the elements that you are able to either show or hide and you can you know easily move these around if I had things layered I could decide what would be on top what would be on bottom just like you could in a PowerPoint all right so with this we're not always going to need our selection pane for every single page but we will have it open for some where we will need to add additional elements and hide them for different views so I'm going to close my info right now just kind of collapse it so that way it's still here but that way I have a little bit more room to work with on the screen this is when it's good to have a giant monitor to work off of showing off my laptop just because it shows better dimensions for you all but 100 if you got a big screen you're working with a lot of pains it'll make it easier so with our report with our whole purpose of adding buttons in to make our report easier to deliver and keep that narration we need to think of okay on this page what am I emphasizing I'm talking about everyone and everyone 10 plus then everyone everyone 10 plus when I'm like oh look over here Nintendo is what is standing out so what we are going to do is we are going to filter this to this view we're going to add a little circle icon in that's going to highlight those then we're going to link that to this button and that is going to be one of our bookmarks because that is going to let us easily click this little video game Icon and get this very specific filtered View so it's gonna be the first one we are going to set so to add that in go over to your insert ribbon up at the top go to your shapes and we're going to add in an oval so I'm going to go to shapes and I'm going to go add in that oval now I'm going to put in the specific sizes for this you can just eyeball it if you want to but I'm going to go in and I'm gonna go into my rotation and I'm going to set all to 199. because I already kind of put out what is gonna be the best angle for it so again if you want to just kind of eyeball it great I'm going to set mine specifically though again if we go too fast you skip any steps don't forget you can pause this and go back and re-watch any of these sections next up I'm going to go over into my general properties and I'm going to adjust my height I'm going to make that [Music] 127 and I'm gonna make my width 201 boom now I'm also going to move is position on the page so if you're a little bit OCD like me you like things to be Pixel Perfect your properties size and position are going to be some of your favorite sections because you're really able to control exactly where on your page so if you really want things to line up Time and Time Again page after page property section good one to go into also I want to go over back again to my style section because I am going to bump my fill all the way down I'm gonna go like 90 because I want to kind of emphasize that it's a little bit different but not block it out and I'm also going to bump up my border so I'm gonna change this border from one pixel I'm gonna bump that up to let's go six so that way it really stands out well also let's see if we can also want to Gonna Keep it those colors so it should be set and ready to go there now I'm gonna know I'm happy with this view I have it filtered everyone everyone 10 plus I'm showing Nintendo in my little circle right there now all I have to do is Click add here in my bookmark Pane and that's going to add a little bookmark right here and then anytime I click on it it's going to take me right back here so we click add and boom there we go we got bookmark one no that's a terrible theme because I guarantee you you set a few bookmarks you're gonna get forget what is one what's two what is three so a hundred percent change that name as soon as you make it so you know what one is what I'm just gonna call it Circle View make it simple and easy like naming remarks is the battle half the time so now if I test this out let's just click on anything else on here now when I click on this circle view button boom takes me right there so I know it is working now that I have the circle one I also want to set one up for my home page and this is my home pages industry summary page and I'm going to link this back to my button and we talk more about this in the full class but you need to think of what is the conditioned behavior of your audience when they are looking at a computer and normally most people when you are looking at any website you've been conditioned to expect the logo to link back to the home page I don't know when we started doing that many many years ago but now most people you go on a website immediately if you have to go back to the home page you just buy default click on that logo so we can mimic that behavior because that's what a lot of people expect and we can link our home view back to this button so anytime I want to deliver the report I want to go back to the home page talk about some other things that will easily serve as that link so we are going to do two things first off we are going to link this bookmark to this project so I want to link my circle view button to my controller and then we are going to hide this and create a new home view to link here so first for this view to link this bookmark to our button let's go ahead and select it so make sure you have your video game Icon selected and anytime we're using shapes images icons anything like that your visualization pane is always going to turn into your format pane so here at the bottom of my format pane I see this action button and we just need to turn this on and tell it what type of action so I'm going to say this one's to be a bookmark and then what bookmark do I want the circle view so we set our action to on we set the type to bookmark and what do we want we want the circle view bookmark so now when I click on this icon it should take me right back to this view so let me kind of mess things up a little bit there now again to follow any link when you're in your builder in your power bi desktop it is a control click just like if you're writing an email you put a link in and you want to test that link make sure it's the right link you have to do a control click to follow it same exact Behavior here in the desktop so we're gonna do a control click on this icon and yep it is working it's good to go all right let's open up our selection pane now and I'm going to go ahead and hide this shape kind of get this back to normal view I'm going to de-filter everything making sure that really this default view first view is what I'm seeing and I'm going to go ahead and add in a bookmark this is just going to be my industry summary page view so we're going to click add again rename it like because forget which one's which I'm going to name it industry summary now I can just click back and forth between these two bookmarks and they're working and doing good so let's go ahead now and Link our industry summary to our logo so click the logo your visualization pane turns to your format pane we'll turn that action on and set it to bookmark and the bookmark this time is going to be industry summary so now if I do a control click we'll go to this one first that's working control click that one's working now it's important to note notice we hot hid that shape anything that you don't want to be there if it exists on that page you're going to have to hide it otherwise it will show up so if I modify add other elements in here later on and I don't want them in this view I'm gonna have to go back hide it and then I can always go and update a bookmark to get it where I need to be all right let's go ahead now that these first two are done and set our bookmarks for the rest of the page because what I want to do next is get all of those bookmarks into this nice side navigation that always can be really easy just click click click through now I have this report set up with a lot of things on my top and on my left as kind of more of the navigation elements of my report and again that is conditioned behavior of what generally people are expecting and what they're used to after being on the web for over decades now so let's go ahead now and in our ratings page I want to make sure that I have everyone and everyone 10 plus selected in my Chiclet slicer because this is controlling what I'm seeing here and making sure I can see this Spike that I want to talk about right here in 2009 so again if you don't have them filtered you can always click right on them and see that go now let's go ahead and all we have to do is Click add here in our bookmark pane so I'm going to go ahead and click add we will name this one ratings and again I can click back through my bookmarks there's my circle view there's my home page view here's my ratings View super simple moving over to consoles and for this one this is what I want my first view to be because I want you to see the Wii first and then we're going to talk about in we what is most popular there and then we're going to dive into those so this is a view I want to see again this is with my Chiclet slicer showing all those images that are just pulled from web URLs let's go ahead and hit add and we'll call this one consoles I can just verify it always Ever every time I make one I always want to test it just to make sure that it is pulling the right thing and it's just set up exactly how I want better to do it now while you're on the top and it's in your head then you know 20 bookmarks later and you have to kind of go back and figure things out so consoles is working now we go over to genres now this is where we get to put a spotlight on because I want the evidence the focus really to be on this Visual and I want you really looking at this downward Trend here we've got the data if we need to have it but I want that in the background I want all eyes on here so to do that we're going to just look at that more option that ellipses button anytime you see that more option that ellipses button those three dots there that's Microsoft's Universal more things are here so I'm gonna go down here and I'm going to turn this Spotlight on now it's important to note if I turn the spotlight on and I click anywhere else on the page it turns the spotlight off so that's why you always have to use your Spotlight in hand hand in hand with a bookmark so I'm going to go ahead turn that Spotlight on everything else will fade into the background and we're going to click add to get a new bookmark and I'm just going to call this one genres so now we can test it out if I click off to it there's my table I can look at the data talk about a bit more but again if I click that genres back to Spotlight mode so find a bookmark that I need is on my survey results page and here on my survey results page we're really talking about and we're going to go through the process so I don't need to pre-filter anything down I'm just going to take a bookmark for this page as a whole so I'm going to click add and I am going to just name this one survey results now we have all of the bookmarks set that we are going to need so I have this first off Circle view that gets me this one I have that industry summary and I'll see really if when I'm going through my bookmarks I always like to keep them in order so industry summaries first you default View Circle view is is more specified View so you can always drag and drop to get those where you need them then we have our ratings page consoles page genre page and then also our survey result page now that we have these here it is time to put our navigation in now I am going to go ahead and put that navigation in just on my home page then I'm going to copy and paste it over because I just want to link this I want to set this up one time I don't want to have to set it up a bunch so I'm going to copy and paste so you can see we have the logo here we linked it over here already but I've got the logo already on every page so now you've got two choices and this is why it's always good to plan things out because then I'm very much assembly line when I'm building I want to do all the same things all at the same times I want to be as like condensed a process as possible so if you have the same element on multiple places set it up all exactly the way you need it one time and then copy and paste it over because now I'm gonna have to go and do my action go and set this bookmark every single time to Industry summary on every single page not the worst thing ever because it's only a five page report but always a good thing to consider is how can I do this in the most efficient way possible so instead of Designing I always when I design my reports I will go I will find my color palette I will create my theme I will create my backgrounds then I will apply that theme apply that background and then duplicate the every single page that needs essay background so I don't have to apply the background every single time the more times your build reports the more times you get used to that the more you're able to really consolidate those actions and save yourself time so we've got our logo linked on all those pages we don't want to have to do that every time for a navigation so we're going to build our navigation Once on This industry summary page and then we will just copy and paste it onto our other pages now to build your navigation power bi I'm going to say November of 21. they came out with these different Navigator options previously we would have had to make a separate button for every single thing we wanted and then we'd have to copy and paste all of those buttons every single page it was kind of a little bit clunky so this has been a really good update and it's worked really well in the past year plus that it's been out so we're gonna go ahead and go with this bookmark Navigator and let's go see how we can modify that so you can see when it pops in it's always going to be top left when it goes in and there we go not exactly what we're looking for so let's go ahead and modify this so I'm gonna go ahead you can see in your shape section you can always change the shape and there's tons out there maybe hearts are going to work for your report and with this one just gonna stick with a rectangle I'm also able to rotate this around so the entire thing just the shape or just the text you can modify good ones in there in your style section this is where we're going to do some work here in this dial section this is where I can decide how each of these buttons are going to look also what I want to do before I do that let's get these instead of it being horizontal where it's stretched out I want them stacked on top of each other so they can easily sit in that part that I made for them and in this background I just made this background in PowerPoint I go through that whole process in our odl class if you want to watch it so right here in Grid layout this is where I'm going to be able to change it from horizontal to 2 over here vertical setup so I'm going to pick vertical and there we go and let's just kind of smush this over into the shape we wanted right here so let's hop back up to our style and when you are adjusting any kind of navigation buttons you have four states to consider our first date is our default this everything right now is in the default State we are just merely I'm going to shrink this over so you can see it a bit better we're staring at it nothing's happening it's just sitting here that's your default State your next one is your hover so anytime my mouse is moving over it that is your hover State then there's press I really don't change my press State a lot because it's like it's just so quick it's literally the second you click on it before it goes to the final one which is selected so if I click on one of these elements so again control click and select it I can see that this right here is the selected state so this is the selected State and all of these are in the default state so if I want to change the default State this is what I've got up right now so we'll do our default State first then we'll look at hover press and select it so first up we can change our text size so we can make this larger 10 is pretty small so I'm going to go ahead let's bump this up to 15. that way we can see that easier notice as I'm changing this again it's only changing the default it is not changing the selected I'm gonna have to change that one separately so I have the default date selected I am also to fit more of the Vibes of kind of my dark mode video game background here I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to change my fonts color to white we're going to lose it for a second essentially but I'm gonna go ahead and in my fill I'm just going to move this to a hundred percent transparent and I'm doing that because I want to keep my border and My Shadow and all the things that can kind of get a little wonky if you turn your fill off so I'm moving my transparency to 100 we're able to see our text now and then in my border I'm going to change my color I'm gonna go with Let's Go theme color four for the Border and I'm going with the one pixel width and then I am also let's turn on our glow make this a little Tron electric Vibes here so with the glow that color this bright one works for me for this glow right here so that is good all of these that I don't have selected kind of the default state are looking good let's go ahead now and I'm going to change the state to the hover State now you can see when I go to the hover state if I'm going over this hover State it's retained all of my settings that I just changed from the default state which is really nice it's just less changes that you will have to make and so with this hover state I'm going to change my font color though because right now it's white same color I'm hovering you don't see anything so I'm going to change the hover over to this lighter blue so now I'm gonna hover I can see which one and where my mouse is at jumping on up to your press state that is literally the very second when you click it I rarely will ever set this I'm good with this staying white again if you wanted to flash a different color for a second you can change it but it is not really necessary finally though let's address our selected sedate which was that top one here you can see when I change some of the things for my default State like the background that also affected the selected one but my text is still really tiny so I want all of my texts to be the same size so I'm going to bump that selected up to 15. so now the selected one which we had industry summary selected matches but I gotta change the font color because I need that to actually show which one I've got selected so I'm going to change this one to Let's Go theme color three here make that one stand out a bit more now with these I can also decide I'm going to want to go and bold this and I also want to bold my default as well so that way those are just a little bit more substantial anytime you have text elements you want to make sure that the text isn't getting confused for anything else everything stands on its own and is easily identifiable I'm not confused for anything else so making this just a little bit Bolder kind of lets you stand out show us more navigation more of your settings rather than kind of part of a visual now there is one other problem that we have with this navigation and that I am also showing my industry summary page which I already have linked here and I have the circle view which I have linked here I don't want these two in my navigation so I need to get those out of my navigation and I'm going to do this here first in my bookmark Pane and then I'm going to do it in my Navi my bookmark navigation so first off here in my bookmark pane what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the four that I do want in the navigation in their own group so I'm going to put them essentially in their own little folder and then that group is what I'm going to link in this bookmark section for the navigation so to put this into a group sometimes it's a bit funky you kind of have to click on one and then right click on the next one and then once you do that you're going to have this group button so always pick the first one and then kind of right click on the second one and hit group and it's okay if it bumps you to that bookmark knocks you to another page that's totally fine we'll move back to our home page in a second now to move the other ones up all I can do is just drag and drop now it's important to note when you do that whatever order it is right here that's going to be your order over here so I want to make sure that instead it's following the right order so I have ratings first then I want to have consoles then genres then survey results so you may need to re kind of configure that so you can see they're living here they're in their own group but this still hasn't changed this still shows everything because I need to do that additional step where I change this actual navigation bookmark from being all of the bookmarks to just being the group that I just made again you can also name this if I could want it I could name this my navigation group it doesn't really matter the only purpose of the name is just if you had multiple groups keeping those names clear so I'm going to change this to group one and as soon as I do that boom I've only got four on here and they are all linked now a lot of times when you are in the desktop sometimes like you can see it ratings is selected but we're not on our ratings Page by default it looks a little bit funky but when you publish the service normally that kind of resolves itself and it's fine but what I want to do now is put this on every other page that needs navigation so ratings console genre and Survey results let's go ahead copy this so you can just make sure it's selected do a control C and then go over your page fingers cross say copied and we'll do a control V and there we go it's there all of our links are working we don't have to re-link anything we can just go ahead control V paste our way to getting this all set up and get that final one in there as well so you can see with our report remember that narration that we have all the way through we're coming in and we're looking at everyone and everyone 10 plus and then specifically we're like oh we want to highlight Nintendo over here so it's our Circle view then we go over to our ratings page and on our ratings page we talked about how everyone and everyone at 10 plus we have this big spike over here so there's lots of money to be made we go to the consoles and this is where we're focusing specifically on we we're like Nintendo's the top one we want to focus on WE and inside of we action sports racing and driving are the top categories there so then we move into those genres we're only looking at action racing driving and sports you can see that downward Trend that's where our focus is because of that Spotlight we wanted I could dive more into the data and then we talk about our survey results for everyone specifically looking at that big group 25 to 50 that's normally like the parents that would be buying these and we can see action adventure are still those top ones and then we can click that logo to always take us back to kind of wrap up our narration so once your report is all set up good to go exactly how you wanted that is of course when you can take it publish it out to the power bi service now how I presented this was in an app so in my workspace for this I simply created an app that would be a bit more streamlined to present in the app and all I would have is kind of my app navigation at the top in power bi versus all of my standard kind of PSI navigation that you see in the service so really again streamlines cleans up what you are showing and viewing now another way again all of your links you click on that is all visible all of your pages you could go to all of that is going to work here's what the spotlight looks like when it's published out to the service where you don't have kind of really the selected box around it but it is working in here another way that you are able to present this is if you instead especially if you have like other things to talk about aside from just this report data another great thing to do is to put this report in to a PowerPoint visual so to do that it's incredibly easy back in to my power bi I'm going to go over to that workspace for this one I'm going to go to the report and now on that report you can see we have our hidden Pages would show up over once we go into edit we would see our hidden Pages if we needed to modify our tooltip or anything like that but if I want to share this in a PowerPoint and essentially embed this report in a PowerPoint it's a great way to present again if you have other data you can always click this PowerPoint embed live data and you would copy this and then there is an add-on that you can put in to PowerPoint and it is I will say some organizations do not have it but if you just search for Power bi you are going to be able to paste that link in now what is a really nice is that they just updated this a few days ago this added so I also if I wanted to I could just share a particular visual so maybe I show my whole report but I really want to talk really specifically about just one visual maybe six some images on my PowerPoint page or like other text about it then I would be able to now just export this one I could just share this one visual so you're able to share the entire report all the filters the buttons everything that you have set up is going to work or you can even be more specific and just share particular visuals as well and don't worry all of the data is stored securely in the power bi service so if I sent this PowerPoint to someone and they did they would have to like log in to see the data they'd have to make sure that whoever they are whoever was sent to they had workspace access to actually see this report data so lots of different ways you are able to bring that about Hope a lot of you are kind of really excited to build your next report so you quote someone at the chat a few questions that everyone's been answering those a lot but yes this is recorded you can re-watch this go back pause it it is going to be on our both our YouTube channel so if you go over to our pragmatics works YouTube channel on our live tab you can go back and re-watch this one as many times as you would like also all of our other videos live over here but on our live you can go back see this one all of the other ones that we've delivered you can also see this class both the full version of this class is on our odl system and then the this quick one their little lunch with the nurse that you did and hopefully learned a ton in will also live here so either place you can consume this in whatever one works best for you all right I do also have a link for you all I know they just dropped that link in the chat but I also I also if you want to skip clicking typing anything like that you can go ahead and let me actually share that and share this slide with you all right y'all any quick data storytelling questions we got one minute left to go if anyone's got a question and then I'll have this up for you if you want to scan that to get our monthly access to our odl system this again gives you access to all of our full classes so we have a bunch of free ones free for Life ones on there all of our live YouTubes live on there for free all I do essentially is sign up get your username on there that just saves your place wherever you're at but you don't have to pay anything for the free content then it's only 55 bucks a month for all of our full so if you want the full long deal where you can talk all day data storytelling with me you can sign up for that one over there all right how do you see a good question in the chat so power bi comes with navigation is it necessary to have the bookmark navigation on the report itself fantastic question so if you are delivering your report and you don't have anything filtered you really could just go through and be like here's the stuff on this page we're talking about click to the next page in your standard navigation but as soon as you filter anything that is when I would start adding in bookmarks just to make it easier for yourself as you are presenting that all right you all that is time and we keep you from the rest of your day but thank you so much for joining us again our next one we have these every month our next one I think is going to be on the 13th of next month and that is going to be around power automate and that's gonna be a full three hours on there so if you're one of our pragmatic Works Die Hard fans which we appreciate y'all you want to know more about power automate definitely come back next month for that live three hour training are y'all thank you so much for joining and we will see you all next time and also hopefully on our odl and in our YouTube videos we put out two to three every single week so we'll see you there happy learning
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 22,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi, power bi tutorial, data storytelling, data storytelling with power bi, learn power bi, power bi for beginners, business intelligence, pragmatic works, allison gonzalez
Id: SvVucB-oISo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 23sec (5543 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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