Create a Lathe Chuck Assembly for ESPRIT simulation - Kitagawa BR08

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this freeze digital twin is a game-changer to feed optimized programs to your machine in this tutorial we will show you how to build a lathe chuck body and jaw models to take your programming to the next level identify program changes upstream of the machine so let's get started so the first thing that we want to check out is whether or not the solid model is positioned and oriented correctly so this is Kitagawa Chuck this is their B r08 that you can download from their website so if you want to follow along you can go to the Kitagawa website and grab this one this one is the B ro 8 underscore o C so we first want to orient this so we notice that the face of the chuck is oriented along X we want that to be along Z and while I'm doing this I'm just going to set my zero point to where this would mount so these are the these are the mounting screws so I'm going to pick this back face here and when I do that I'm gonna make sure just to highlight that face and you know when you start a spree you can do that but you can also switch your filter so that you can basically click away here on the knot on one of these icons but in in the square but where it says bodies and then you can pick face and that way only faces will be picked so you you know you don't you don't have to do as much highlight mode stuff so what you could do is pick pick you know this melting face and what we're gonna do here is come to the home ribbon and come over here to the aligned commands and I'm gonna pick a line z and you'll notice that the align Z command will align that face so that it's normal to the z axis but we want the opposite result so what we want to do is activate this command by hope and while we're holding the shift key so we're going to go ahead and hold shift and pick a line Z and we see that the z axis is now normal but going in toward the face that we selected and that looks pretty good so the other thing here so you can basically use that command either way but we want the z axis coming off of the machine basically into the the lathe Chuck so looking at the jaws in my head I like to have one of the jaws aligned along the X so we can see here that looking at this I'm just going to assume that this is aligned along the Y so I want to rotate this about the z axis here I want to basically do this and rotate this you know so that it's 90 minus 90 degrees even with the x axis so I'm going to just hit control a on my keyboard or you can hit right-click select all and then I'm gonna right click again and say copy and I'm gonna say rotate and what can I say move minus 90 and using the origin is fine so once you hit Enter the solid assembly for the Chuck will rotate and you should have this jaw here even with the x axis okay so now let's take a look at the solid itself now that we've oriented and positioned everything the way that we want I can see here that if I need to turn my selection filter off so I'm just going to turn on the bodies so now I can pick faces or bodies and I see that we've got some individual solids here which is good we want to have these jaws separate I've seen some where they're all in one so you have to do some CAD work so we see that the screws the you know all this stuff for the jaw assembly is separate which is good and then the truck body the chuck body looks like everything is in one which you know what this this is a B ro8 and a further website you know you've got that center bore which allows bar stock to slide through so I could see that they have this component that bolts onto the back you know what we're gonna we're gonna want to do a little bit of CAD work with this so okay what do we want to do next so what I'm gonna do here is go to F 4 and F 4 gives me the view that is the lathe view and I'm gonna come here and create a new layer called jaws or jaw whatever so what I want to do now is basically turn off now I'm gonna actually I'm gonna go back to the f4 view here and what I'm gonna do is just kind of window in on these front jaws and then I'm gonna come to the properties and I'm gonna turn this to the jaw layer and when I do that we're gonna turn this off and we now have these three base units for the jaw assembly here in addition to the truck body that's visible these I don't really need anymore so I'm just gonna delete them get rid of those two and actually let's do this and we don't need any of this stuff either because basically we're gonna make a jaw assembly that will automatically be loaded onto the truck jaw okay one other consideration is going to be the positioning of the jaw itself so we want this jaw to be in the open position so when I look in the manual for this chuck body you know they say that this T slot not here it should not protrude in operation beyond you know this face here so what we're gonna do is just highlight this chuck body and hit ctrl W on the keyboard and remember this is already aligned along X I could just right click copy translate and about X I'm just gonna say let's say 0.6 and that moves this Chuck by this job assembly so that it's slightly beyond which you know when when you have material in here in the esprit simulation that jaws are just going to automatically close up to the diameter of your workpiece so once we've positioned that then we're good to go I'd like to always like to put things a little bit further than than the normal range now as free will if you have a workpiece that can't be positioned in your existing jaw because there's not enough stroke or something you know it will it will let you know so it's up to you on how accurate you want to place that so but let's go ahead and continue so let's do a couple things first so I'm gonna turn my jaw layer off again and we'll go back to activate so double click on default make sure default is active and what I want to do here is I want to get rid of this center portion so that if we had bar stock sliding through you know we don't have any chance for a collision in the esprit simulation so what I'm gonna do here is pick this I'm gonna go down here to select filter and I'm just gonna basically click on the box and enable everything so I'm gonna pick this edge and I'm gonna right-click and say copy and we're gonna say smash and make sure your wireframe is checked and then what I want to do with this arc is I'm gonna come up here to geometry keep and I'm gonna hold my shift key down so you want to hold shift down and that is going to basically unbound your your arc into a full circle okay so once I've done that you could go ahead and hit the Escape key get out of that command and then pick your circle if you're still active in one of these modes it shouldn't affect geometry but if you're not able to pick your circle just make sure that you don't have any geometry filters selected so what we're gonna do here now is pick this solid so we want to see right here it said on mine it's a solid model number 11 okay so comma 11 so we want to remember that so I'm gonna pick this circle and I'm gonna come to modeling and go to extrude and where we see we're gonna go the opposite direction we're gonna go inward and I'm just gonna make this a big old number like 5 and we could see it goes through the whole thing and I'm gonna say the active solid is body 11 and here I'm gonna say cut set to yes I'm gonna say okay and if I look down the center now there's no obstructions for the bar so that's going in and out no problem shouldn't have any collisions when I'm executing machining on the machine you know doing a bar poll or something like that so okay what else do we want to do me personally I'm going to do some coloring right here so if you want to skip this and you don't care you can skip ahead but at this point I'm gonna change a few faces so I'm gonna come down here and just to make the highlight mode a little bit easier I'm gonna pick those to go to copy come to attribute and pick blue I'm gonna pick the K right-click go to copy go to attribute pick white and then I want to pick all these little faces that define the Kitagawa logo for the for the word and I'm gonna grab these here at the top for the VRA make sure that you're holding ctrl the entire time that you do this so that you're adding to the group you can add any face or remove any face from a group by holding ctrl right click copy I'm gonna say black and just to make it look a little bit nicer so at this point now we want to define our jaws so we have this base unit and the reason that I have this is I want to use that to define my jaw axis so these are gonna move and I needed to define a position where the jaw is located and where it will be loaded so I want it to appear on top of this base unit okay and I want this ever I want the whole jaw sembly to appear in this slot so that it's gonna you know move along the x-axis because if you recall we made this even with the x-axis and you know fit on my bar diameter so right here what I'm gonna do is maybe pick the center of the the chamfer bar here as my location point so this is already oriented along X in the direction of the axis as it slides along the X so I'm gonna come here to the home and I'm gonna go to translate workplane I'm gonna activate the command and then I'm gonna rotate a little bit sideways here so we can see make sure that you pick this outer this outer one not the inner one the outer one I guess it doesn't really matter but you know you could pick whatever you want you could pick this point or the Sun you know you could do whatever you want but I'm gonna pick this and come here to make a new work plane and call this J a underscore one okay so this is a jaw adapter number one basically J a underscore one really quick - I want to get this dimension from the center here to my z-axis it'll be clear a little bit later why I'm gonna just go ahead and pick this dimension here and now I have this segment that gives me this length which is 2.10 109 so now what I want to do is take this jaw axis and duplicate that at 120 and 240 degrees so to do this we can go back to the home come over here to the rotate command so we want to rotate a work plane and down here at the left it says select a line of rotation and we're gonna pick our z axis and then it down here it says what's the angle of rotation we're gonna put in one two zero four 120 and hit enter and now we see that that work plane is located at the next jaw and you can see that the U axis where the local x axis is parallel to that slot so we're gonna come here and just do a J a underscore - and then we're gonna do this again and here you could just hit enter three times line of rotation LZ 120 and it moves it to this next position and I'm gonna say add another one underscore three and now we have J a one and ja3 to define all three jaw adapters now what I want to do is define in case maybe I want to load like an intermediate fixture on this Chuck so I'm gonna do that let's go ahead and pick that so we're gonna come here to let's go back to the XYZ first so I'm gonna do that and then I'm gonna come to the center of the face so I'm gonna come back to translate activate and then kind of coming to the side here we want to pick that center point you can see this is the one that defines the face so as I move my mouse make sure that you pick that that's center point there I guess you could always move this stuff in the esprit interface when you're setting up your simulation anyway so it's not a huge deal if you would pick the wrong one but let's make this an FA underscore one which is a fixture adapter underscore one and we're gonna do this translate one more time and I'm gonna do zero zero and say like five inches and I'm gonna basically define this as a workpiece adapter so I'm gonna do another workplane this is w a underscore one so workpiece adapter is gonna allow me to put my part you know in the simulation and it will be positioned at that point so why so far in front of the face of the Chuck well you'll see basically when you typically most people set their part at like a like a g54 at the face and then the part extends backward so what would happen if you placed it here as your whole part would be here then I'd have to move it forward and then maybe move it back so this gives me a little bit of room here that if the part is shorter than five inches I could probably do a alignment mating on that no problem without having to move it once so here we go we're gonna make the jaws so before we do anything at this point I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna put this on the jaw so I'm gonna come here and we're gonna highlight this solid model here okay so we're gonna make sure that that solid is highlighted and I'm gonna come here and place this on the jaw layer all right so once we do that it should if you have it visible it won't disappear I had mine turned off so we basically have created the G DML for the Chuck body and we're gonna go ahead and save this out so if this is your first one you might want to save the Esprit file so you might want to come here and go file save as and I'm gonna come here to my fixtures Kitagawa and I'm just gonna say file save this as B ro8 underscore Oh C and that way I save my work and if I made a mistake I don't have to go and do all those things again but now what I'm gonna do is highlight the Chuck body if the geometry doesn't matter it's not going to be saved as part of the GD ml but this is my fixture body for the Chuck so I don't want to have any jaw stuff highlighted with it so when you highlight something it's going and save a GD ml it's only gonna save what you have highlighted so we want to take this particular component and come here and say file and say save as and we're gonna say fixture file and here I've already made it so we'll just resave this and we've saved the truck body now just really quick here you know I'm not super familiar with these Chuck's so I'm not sure if this bore should include this or this should be removed as well so you know depending on what the real component looks like it's likely that this interior area here with these three screws that might need to be you know might need to keep model that away also I don't know but anyway we can pick this here and look at the solids tab and this is going to tell us that this is a 2.6 inch diameter bar so like a 2.5 diameter bar can fit through here so maybe maybe that's correct okay so now we want to do the jaws so we want to come back to ja1 and this is going to be where we want the jaw to appear so naturally this is going to be the point that we want to define the jaw at at X Y Z zero okay so we've saved out the file we've saved out the gdl what I'm gonna do here is basically delete this I don't need that anymore I don't need this either I'm just gonna delete that I'm gonna come to jaw turn that back on okay and this zero point add J is where I want my X Y Z zero so the easiest way to do this is to just do a move origin to this point okay so we're at J a 1 so we can see where this is at so I'm gonna come here to a clearer view because you know we're picking inside all this and going to clear makes it more visible I can more easily see my highlight mode so what we want to do now is move our origin point to this point and that will snap our jaw to that busy so now what I'm gonna do here is just get rid of all this I'm just gonna highlight each one and hit the Delete key and we're basically left with our default you know g17 g 18 G 19 planes or you know zxy yzx and looking at this this is positioned you know we didn't by moving the origin point it just basically snapped the zero point to where we want alright so we have this segment here and the reason I wanted this segment is because the end of this segment defines where the turning center axis of the machine is so at this point I have an Esprit file that I'm gonna come here and go file save as and I'm gonna call this BR o 8o c ja which i saved already just gonna save over that so I'm saving the JA file separately so now like you know if I wanted to come in here and make you know you want to cut down this JA you know you could come in here and say oh you know I'm gonna have I'm gonna have a 1 inch workpiece so we can you know pick you know whatever we want to do radius of 0.5 or radius 1 for a 2 inch diameter workpiece and then you can extrude and cut away so that your jaw so we can save out multiple jaws I don't have to wonder where that center point is anymore but basically we we've positioned our jaw and there's certainly nothing else that we need to do at this point we're just going to come over here and say file save as come over here to JA file we want to make a broa to OC jaw and I already did this I'll just file save over that and now we have our truck body in our jaw and we're ready to use them in a spree simulation you know for a part that you want to do and we'll look at the part setup here I just whip this together under the stock we have an outside diameter of one inch let's say on something that we're going to machine we would come to the machine setup and let's just load in a hospice and we see the machine here so we'll zoom in and I'll come to basically we want to load a fixture first so we want to first bring in that chuck body that we created so we're gonna go to the Kitagawa here and be our oh wait there we go and we see that that is brought in and now we're gonna come to jaws so this is highlighted we're gonna come to jaws and we're gonna grab the basic jaw that we made which was the one that was supplied with the solid from the website so we can see here that that functions no problem so we're gonna come and set maybe under machine setup you can on the on the the Chuck body itself since we created that FA position F a fixture adapter underscore one we can have the workpiece add it to this as well so let's go ahead and do that and you know depending on what you want to do you can pick the the let's say the the face of the Chuck and the face of the backside of the stock holding the control key you want to pick the two so that they're both highlighted and then do the alignment meeting and it will snap the part back up against the Chuck body so you can see that that is there let's so we can see we can see the part now when I was talking about before with the JA stuff is you can do that cut extrude so I went ahead and did that with several different circle diameters so that we can see what that looks like so here we want to come to the machine setup and double click on the jaws and we'll change the jaw so this is a one inch diameter I believe I already forgot but we're gonna pick the 1 inch diameter and I'm gonna say okay and you'll see that the Chuck jaw solids have changed so now what I'm gonna do is say okay and on the workpiece side I'm gonna kick this back out so this is what I meant is originally you would have to do this so now if I had just done this the first time my workpiece would already be out here I'm gonna pick one of these faces here and then holding the control key we're gonna we're gonna zoom out and rotate and I'm gonna zoom in and pick that back face so I have you know with the control key I have this face and this face selected and then I can come here to snap that to that back face and now you can see beautiful the one-inch diameter bar stock fits right on the 1 inch turned jaws so if you have some soft jaws or you know I just used the jaw solid that was provided with the Kitagawa you know the serrated jaw here but if you were using a different job or whatever you just want to make sure that that's positioned correctly and now you could use that in the simulation so as an example here I brought in a part and we're just gonna bring this in and start the simulation and we can see that the part everything is working fine we're gonna scroll down here to the OD milling and when I start the simulation we see our tool come in and you can see here that with the clamping unit and the holder the live milling holder that we are very close to that chuck ja so we want to make sure that we don't have any issues at the machine because once this program is created and sent to the machine and we discover that issue at the machine we're going to have editing and everything is going to be delayed the machine will be sitting and waiting for the program and additionally now we can see all that all these links are green which means that they're collision-free but even though that this is checking that holder we might have another issue so here we see this tool is coming down to mill this OD area but you can see the positioning of our Chuck jaw is causing a collision between this clamping unit here this you know live holder and our Chuck jaw so even though we're using this tool here I know that I need a longer tool so that this is going to be you know not in the way or maybe I need to change the configuration of my turret to move the this holder somewhere else so that this one is not in this position when I'm doing this milling so again having this information this accurate digital twin upstream of the machine allows me to send a more confident more proven program to the machine tool so hopefully the new digital twin capabilities in a spring will allow you guys to make more parts
Views: 1,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc, cad, cam, gcode, milling, turning, programming, simulation, machine, mill, kitagawa, br08, chuck, lathe, body, jaw, 3-jaw, moveable, moving, clamp, id, od, main, spindle, gdml, esprit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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